BB Curve :: Trackpad And A/Lock Key Malfunction On 8530?

Nov 17, 2011

For some reason, the A/Lock key and trackpad on my Curve 8530 are acting weird. It's as if I accidentally touched some series of keys that has now cause those two things to malfunction.The A/lock key isn't working at all. So I literally cannot type the letter A. As for the trackpad, it works fine on the home screen, but when I go into Menu, the trackpad will not scroll to the various applications/folders unless I hold the shift key while I scroll. If I pull up an application like Facebook, the scroll key doesn't work at all. But if I go into my email, I am able to scroll through the list of message and can scroll within individual messages themselves.I thought that if I completely wiped my BB and went back to factory settings that might restore things, but since my A key doesn't work, I can't type the word "blackberry" in order to confirm the wipe.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8530 Trackpad Finish Coming Off?

Sep 10, 2010

Any other 8530 users having an issue with the trackpad finish coming right off?It looks like there is a plastic film on the trackpad to begin with. It appears it's just flaking right off. It's about 80% gone right now.

Trackpad is working fine. Haven't been able to find much info on this..

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BB Bold 9700 :: Trackpad Super Malfunction

Aug 6, 2010

I've had my Black Berry Bold 9700 for a little over a month. During the first couple weeks, I didn't notice that my track pad didn't click. When I realized this I just ignored it because it didn't seem like such a big deal. Well fast forward a couple weeks to today, my phone's track pad has been double clicking with one press. Not only that the clicks have been getting worse and worse. Sometimes I don't have to press anything and it will click automatically. Within the past couple hours of this, it has gotten so bad my phone sent 13 of the same picture under 10 seconds. I took the initiative and took it a part to see whats going on, but nothing I noticed was the cause. Upon reassembling it, and starting it back up the problem is still there, and still getting worse. Ive had my phone for over a month so the warranty has expired. I also don't have insurance to replace the entire phone.

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BB Bold :: Hang Up Call, Keyboard & Trackpad Malfunction

Oct 12, 2011

I have a BlackBerry 9700. Yesterday the keyboard became really weird. It strted pressing u even if i was pressing something else. Also if i pressed q,e or some other letters it would close the text message I was writing. Also if i pressed spacebar, it would keep going till i pressed something else (same with backspace). the buttons either side of the trackpad (back, menu, ring, hang up buttons) keep flashing , like blinking on and off and the trackpad isnt working amazingly. whenever there is call keep on rejecting. This all happened in one day

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RIM :: Curve 8530 Trackpad Not Working Along With Letter Key?

Mar 4, 2012

The letter key "L" will not work when pressed, and seems like there is some sort of delay with that letter. Sometimes when it is pressed, it does compute the letter but multiple time and with about a 5 second delay. Most of the time it won't work at all.Now, the trackpad also does not work right. It will scroll up ,down,left, and right at home screen, but will not do any of that in the BB menu or apps like Facebook. I can use it properly in the viewing of scent calls and viewing of recent texts. But once I open a text I cannot scroll again.There is a way around all that, if I hold down the alt key I can scroll again, but of course my letter al is not working.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Trackpad Not Working Online

Feb 18, 2010

I've had the Curve 8530 for a few weeks now. Up until yesterday the trackpad was working correctly. The problem I am now having is that when I press the trackpad to open a link online nothing happens. I have to open the menu and click on Open Link. The trackpad works correctly in all other places except opening a link online. Is there a trackpad setting that I may have turned off by mistake?

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BB Curve :: Cannot Turn On 8530 - Trackpad And All Buttons Frozen

Jun 26, 2011

I went to check my phone last night and I couldn't get it to turn on. The only way is to take the battery out and put it back in. Then the home screen pops up with Unlock, Emergency and Cancel screen like normal (because I have a password) but then the track pad and none of the buttons work so I am stuck on that page with no way to get out. I've tried plugging it in to the charger and I've tried plugging it in to my desktop manager but seems to work?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: BB Curve 8530 - Keyboard Lock Update

Jul 16, 2010

I just downloaded the new OS when I plugged my phone to the computer... it sounded like a good idea to upgrade everything but I do not like how the UNlock function is only through the mute button now. I mean, if I wanted to just lock/unlock my phone that way with the push of only one button, I could use the standby (mute) button and press on it again to unlock it before. I really liked the previous version where you had to take the extra step of pushing two buttons (A and Send) to unlock it. Because I unlock my phone by accident a lot when it's in my purse and I reach for something and accidentally press the top button (mute button). Any ideas if Blackberry is planning on a new OS version soon that would restore the old locking/unlocking system? I do not necessarily want to downgrade to a previous OS version but I might have to as the "easy" one-button only unlocking option is not working for me.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Trackpad Stopped Working - Update OS To Fix?

Feb 11, 2010

After doing a few battery pulls its still not working.I've done some searching now for about an hour and comming up empty handed. I have a friend with an 8520 Curve from I-Wireless. After a couple days of using it his trackpad stopped. Now to me from reading it seem that most problems lie with the 8520 series and also seems that its a software issue as a batt pull will fix it for abit. Will updating to os 5.0 beta fix this problem or does the problem lie elsewhere?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Letter A Wont Work / Trackpad Unresponsive

Aug 26, 2010

hi just recently, the letter "a" on my 8520 wont respond and sometimes my trackpad will freeze on me. and if i leave any of my keys untouched for more than 20 seconds i would have to press down on a key to get a response from the phone. im running a .681 but ive only heard good things from it. any suggestions/ideas to whats causing the problem ?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Lock / Unlock Key On Curve 8530

May 27, 2010

When i want to lock my Blackberry curve 8530 i just press the A key. But when i want to unlock, the message shows up to press the MUTE botton. I have a plastic case on it, so everytime I go to press the Mute buton, I have to take the case off. Now my fiance has the same exact phone, and when he wants to unlock, the message says to press the A key with the send/call key.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Want To Lock Phone Using Password Lock

Jul 6, 2010

When I use the shortcut lock, my phone locks the keypad, but instead i want it to be the password lock. I used my dad's phone and tried his shortcut lock and it works on his phone. what do i do to lock my phone using the password lock?

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BB Curve :: Lock The Keyboard On 8530?

Dec 30, 2011

How do I lock the keyboard on my blackberry curve 8530

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: What To Put On Your Lock Screen

Aug 16, 2010

Just out of curiosity, what do you put on your lock screen? I currently have my name and my husband's phone number, since putting my own number on there would be pointless. So, what do you have on yours?

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BB Curve :: Enable A Password Lock On The 8530?

Jan 30, 2012

Ive been trying to enable a password lock on my blackberry and the device says its enabled, but even after resetting my phone it doesn't lock.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Keyboard Lock Errors

Jun 15, 2010

I went to advanced options and updated my wireless and now when i lock my phone i have to unlock by hitting mute.does anyone know how i can get my old lock feature back ( * + send)

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Keyboard Lock Missing

Mar 22, 2010

Downloaded OS 5.0.508 and now lock icon is missing. I can hold the A button and put it in what seems to be sleep mode, but my name and info does not show up on the home screen anymore. And you now push the mute button to unlock the keyboard. These are the only changes I have noticed. I liked the other way better.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Lock Function Missing

Mar 28, 2010

I know that the lock icon is missing after the new upgrade and you have to push the A* then mute to unlock or set a password and the lock icon will reappear and then one has to enter a password to unlock phone.i get it but i hate it.i like the old way of being able to lock the phone and unlocking.can anyone tell me how to downgrade to old software or find an easy solution for driving me nuts.also my calendar has created a double entry for all of my current appointments.i really hate the new upgrade.thought it was going to be better but haven't seen it yet.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Lock Icon Is No Where To Be Found

Jul 10, 2010

I just updated my 8530 software (I have sprint) and after the update the lock icon is no where to be found.I didn't remove or delete it to my knowledge and now can find it anywhere.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Putting My Phone On Lock?

Aug 11, 2010

so i just upgraded my 8520 OS to 5. i went to lock the phone, and it didn't lock in the way that i was used to. the phone when to sleep instead of locking. is there a way to revert the lock feature back to the way it was, or is this how it locks with OS 5?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: What Happened To Keyboard Lock/

Mar 29, 2010

After I upgraded my 8530 to the new OS last week (pushed down by Big Red), my Keyboard Lock function disappeared! I can't find ANYWHERE where I can lock my keyboard now! What gives?

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BB Curve 8500 :: How To Put 8530 To Automatic Keypad Lock?

Feb 28, 2010

I cant seem to find, I want to know how to switch my phone to automatic keyboard lock so every time I put my phone in my pocket it wont call a random number.

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BB Curve 8500 :: Curve 8530 Won't Lock

Aug 21, 2010

I have my 8530 set to lock after 5 minutes. Once the five minutes is up, it will lock (allowing me to put in my password). However, when I press and hold the A key, a message comes up on the screen saying
"Keypad is locked. Press the Mute button to unlock". so all i have to do is press the mute button, the phone isn't actually password locked.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Auto Lock Feature Available On Phone?

Sep 5, 2010

Maybe I just can't find it on my 8530, but is there an auto lock feature on this blackberry? Sometimes I forget to and it would be nice if it didn't pocket dial anyone on accident.I know there's auto dimming of the screen, if it locked also when it did that, that would be awesome.

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BB Curve 8520 - 8530 :: Where Did Screen Lock Go - No Option - Dissapeared

Jun 22, 2010

I've had a blackberry for around a month or so, and i have the curve 8530. I had always assigned screen lock to the left side convenience button. I plugged it in to my computer to put music on and i believe i updated the phone. my screen lock button is gone. no option. it has dissapeared.

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BB Curve :: Trackpad Freezing After Trackpad Replaced?

Sep 28, 2011

I have a Curve 9300 with OS 6. I cannot return the device to the original retailer (out of warranty).This is kind of what happens.

1.)Trackpad stops scrolling after backlight switches back on. After waiting 10 seconds it works ok

2.) After an hour or so the trackpad stops scrolling entirely. The "push button" of trackpad still works though.

3.) I hard reset the device. Trackpad stops working entirely (doesnt scroll and pushing it as a button does not work either)

4.) I send phone in for repairs.

5.) If it works after "cleaning and reseating trackpad" my phone works fine for a few days. Then problem starts all over again.

6.)If cleaning does not work, they replace my trackpad. This usually works for a few weeks to a month. Then the problem starts all over again?I am getting sick of having the phone getting sent in for the trackpad to just be replaced again and again.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Short Cut For Key Board Lock / Using Left Side Convenience Key Button

May 27, 2010

Just updated my BB desk top manager with the update version 5.0..1. Now I am not able to use the left side convenience key button to lock the keyboard. Just curious to see if anyone else has had the problem and if so, how did you fix it.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: BB Curve 8530 Media Player Wont Play Videos

Jul 17, 2010

This is my second blackberry curve 8530 and they both have the same problem, they won't play videos. They use to but now when I go to like you tube, or, or even my video recordings it won't play it says an error has occurred media attempt failed. I use to restart my BB and that would help for a lil while now it doesn't work at all. How do I fix this?

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BB Curve :: Keyboard Has Suddenly Started To Malfunction, Some Letters Double Or Triple Up?

May 18, 2012

My Curve's keyboard has suddenly started to malfunction, some letters double or triple up. This is especially problomatic when typing in a password or texting. The keys also seem to have a slow response time. Especially the backspace button which i have to click multiple times to get to delete things. And it seems random for which letters it doubles up, but this problem has been happening for the past 4 days.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Curve 8530 After Update V5.0.0.734 Mail Isn't Showing

Jul 27, 2010

I updated my phone the other day with the v5.0.0.734 OS. It wiped out everything. I had to go back and restore my contacts, reload ringtones and apps, etc. Got everything back the way it was now.

I have three email accounts synced to it. All are active, Wi-fi on, network on. New mail isn't showing up on my handset, only from my gmail account, the hotmails aren't showing up. Used to be you could look in the folder for each email account and see what emails were there, then there was one folder that showed all of them. What am I missing?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Dropped Curve 8530 For Samsung Moment

May 5, 2010

OMG I got rid of my bb 8530 for a samsung moment and its x100000 better!
High points

Webkit browser

Lots of free apps


GREAT screen

Good UI


Funny keyboard

Deletes #'s if but in the wrong way

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