BB Curve 8900 :: TMobile Curve Shows 6 Unread Emails At Top Of Screen

Jun 5, 2010

For the last two weeks my curve is showing I have 6 unread email messages yet I have none.I searched the forum and it's not call logging as I had that turned off.Anybody have an idea what's causing this? I have double checked all my email accounts all to know avail.

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BB Curve 8900 :: Unidentified New / Unread Icon In The Home Screen

Feb 14, 2010

There's this notification icon in my screen and it looks something like this image I uploaded (that'll be the one right next to the unread message envelope icon). Can someone tell me what that is and how I could retrieve (and eventually get rid of) it?

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BB Curve 8900 :: Tmobile Through Work Lg Louts From Sprint

Feb 16, 2010

I recently acquired a curve 8900 (Tmobile) through work. I currently have an LG Lotus from Sprint, with all of my contacts in it. It's in the neighborhood of 500 or so, so I obviously don't want to transfer them by hand individually. What is my best bet to get them from my lotus to my new blackberry? I normally have it done at the store, but I didn't know if they would be cooperative in doing that since it's two different carriers.

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BB Curve 8900 :: Message Notfication Ikon-but No Msgs Unread

Feb 26, 2010

I have a text/email notification ikon displaying but I checked my messages and emails and all of them r read. So I dnt know why its showing I have a new message when there's nothing there. I scrolled through all my messages! I tried doing a battery pull and that didn't work either !! Any suggestions?

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BB Curve :: Keep My Yahoo PC Emails Marked As Unread?

Apr 11, 2011

When my emails push through to my BB, they are automatically marked as unread in my yahoo account on my PC even when they have not been read anywhere...not on my PC or on my BB. How can I keep my emails marked as "unread" on my PC until they have truly been read?

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BB Curve 8300 :: Replied To Emails Showing As Unread

Jan 19, 2010

My work Blackberry 8330, using Lotus Notes for email, will take an email I respond to, and within a minute or so of responding to that original email, the original email reverts to "unread" status. This happens every time. It is not "New, Unread", only "Unread". Emails replied to on my PC do not have the same effect on my Blackberry. Is this a setting issue or just one of those things we have to live with?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Email Icon Does Not Show Unread Emails

Jun 14, 2010

I have searched around and found many problems faced regarding the email icon showing unread emails but in actual fact there are none. My problem however is the opposite of that - there are unread emails but it is not indicating as such.

This is specifically for Gmail as all my other email accounts are showing unread emails just fine. It is a minor issue but it does get on my nerves trying to figure this out.

Recent activities include upgrading OS to OS5 and changing telco, doubt if these are the cause of it. I have tried deleting and creating the email account and battery pull to no avail.

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BB Curve 8900 :: Doesnt Charge Past 2 Bars Shows In Charging

May 17, 2010

I have a 8900 and it does not charge past 2 bars it shows it chargin but doesn't move past 2 bars I wiped hanheld deleted all apps and a tmobile rep had send me a "updated" O.S through email to reinstall which was the same sh*t I had by the way and I did it and still won't charge past 2 bars anyone have this problem I was told it was a phone issue and not battery but I don't want to buy another battyer till I get a reasonable answer what you guys think anyone have this happen?

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BB Curve 8900 :: Emails Sent To Device As Type Them?

Jan 19, 2010

As of recently, whenever I'm typing an email on my computer - emails will be sent to my BB as I type... so I get about 10-30 messages per email I type! It's getting so annoying!

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BB Curve 8900 :: No Reply Option On Old Emails

Feb 8, 2010

I am looking for some help with one of our customer's phones. They have a Blackberry 8900 on T-Mobile and are unable to reply to certain emails. Recently, their email accounts were reset, due to a configuration error on T-Mobile's end. When we set her email accounts back up, her old emails are stored on the device in the messages folder but she is unable to reply to anything prior to the accounts getting messed up. New emails sent to her device are not a problem, those reply just fine and she is able to forward the old messages, just not reply to them.

She is running the latest device software for the 8900, I believe 4.5, we have resent service books and spoken in depth with T-Mobile's technical care department. No one seems to know how we can get this corrected so she can reply to her old emails.

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BB Curve 8900 :: Not Receiving And Keeping Emails

Mar 27, 2010

I am having trouble receiving and keeping emails. BT yahoo is my main web mail address, although I now open everything in windows mail, but my blackberry is not receiving anything at the moment. This has been an on going problem and I don't know where the fault lies, sometimes I receive emails, but then they disappear once opened, or I don't receive them at all!

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BB Curve 8900 :: Receiving Emails As Texts

Apr 30, 2010

I recently replaced my 8900, and I'm not exactly sure what I did wrong. Before I moved all my email accounts over to the new phone, I apparently set up my Gmail account on the phone wrong. At any rate, I keep getting my Gmail messages via SMS message. It's driving me crazy! It shows the sender as "700."

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BB Curve 8900 :: Differentiate Notification Icon Between SMS & EMails

Mar 26, 2010

How do I differentiate the notification icon from a SMS/MMS and a eMail? Its not a huge issue but is a bit of a annoyance. I've seen it but cant figure it out. I'm running on O.S. 5...314.

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BB Curve 8900 :: Receiving Duplicate Emails From Gmail

Feb 5, 2010

I have recently had to reformat my 8900 and for some reason after setting up my gmail account i an receiving one copy of each email in my gmail folder and also recieving another copy of the same email in my messages folder. this means that i really am recieving 1 in the email folder and 2copies of the same email in the messages folder. i am using BIS and have tried deleting and re-adding the email account and also resending the service books. i tried looking around but couldn't see the same problem which makes me think it's something simple I'm missing. it's nothing to do with sent messages which i have no problems with.

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BB Curve 8900 :: Profile Makes Sound For Everything Except Emails

Jan 18, 2010

I've recently been getting problems with the profiles it makes a sound for everything except emails. I used to be able to fix this with a battery pull and it might work for maybe 2 or 3 hours but now its just reffusing to work at all I'm running 8900/

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BB Curve 8900 :: Cannot Receive Emails Or Pings After Upgraded OS

Aug 15, 2010

My friend has the new OS5 on his blackberry and he can receive pings and e-mails while on the phone...however, I recently upgraded to the OS5 and I cannot receive pings or e-mails while im on the phone...I have the blackberry curve 8900

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BB Curve 8900 :: Getting Same Emails Multiple Times And Not Syncing

May 21, 2010

Only now are they not syncing up with my computer view of my email account. I tried disabiling and reenabiling the settings with no luck. I also keep getting the same few emails multiple times- like 12 times, each with a half hour in between. I thought this was a security issue with my email account so I changed my password, but no such luck. I attempted to find a way to contact Gmail and Blackberry directly, thinking it might be a problem on their ends, but I failed at finding a way to communicate with a Gmail or a Blackberry rep directly.

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BB Curve 8900 :: Recently Updated BB / Not Receiving Emails

Aug 25, 2010

I just updated my BB and am now having email issues. It appears the update removed the "redirector" from my computer, so I am not receiving emails to my phone. Any help is greatly appreciated, as I can't find anything on the BB website to help.

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Nokia :: N900 How To Get Notified Of Emails - App That Shows On Main Menu Screen What New Emails Are In Box?

Mar 11, 2010

Been using the N900 for a few weeks now, replacing one of my superb E90s. So far, sort of so good, the major differences in the user interface are causing a few issues, but I sort of expected that!Does anyone have any answers to the following please?

1. Is there some way of being notified of my emails better? I have four accounts on my Nokia Messaging account, and I have to open each one and check each inbox individually. Pain in the neck; is there an app that shows on the main menu screen what new emails are in which box?

2. Can SMS be marked read? My N900 keeps reporting that I have so many new SMSs, but I have actually read them;

3. Why do all my contacts' birthdays come up twice in the calendar? That's just annoying - it looks as though the N900 is adding a birthday automatically;

4. Is there a setting to allow the system to change from portrait to landscape and back again? My device only seems to do this on a few applications - is this normal?

5. Skype - is there a way to see which contacts are on line, other than having to wade through the contact lists? I have over 2,000 contacts and it is pretty time consuming, if I am just looking for a chat with anyone about.

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BB Curve 8900 :: Receiving Blank Emails - Tried Master Reset

Apr 10, 2010

I reviewed the similar threads and haven't seen any resolutions...I am receiving blank emails on my blackberry (AT&T 8900) - it is sporadic and I can't seem to find a pattern to it. I use two email addresses, I pop them both to the 'berry as well as to outlook. The messages appear fine in outlook and are fine on webmail.

I have deleted and resent service books, I did a master reset - wiped the handheld. I am still getting the blank emails.I thought it might be an HTML issue, but I am getting some messages sent in html...

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IPhone :: 4 Shows Two Unread Text Messages But No Unread Messages?

May 17, 2012

My iphone is showing in the red badge two unread text messages but I have none. Ive tried turning off/on, exiting out of the app at the bottom on the screen (ya know when you make them wiggle) hard restart, and restoring from my itunes. Nothing is working...

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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BB Curve :: 8520 Shows White Screen?

Apr 22, 2012

My curve 8520 suddenly just shows a white screen, currently whenever I go to Facebook mobile site. Then I need to plug it into the charger and it reboots before anything works again.

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BB Curve :: 8520 Crashes A Lot And Shows A White Screen

Nov 9, 2012

I bought my bb in may. Now since a week ago it sometimes crashes the screen turns green and purple and it fades to white. I have to take out my battery and charge it without. Then when the sign of no battery shows I put it back in. When I reboot my bb without taking out the battery first it gets stuck in the process.

But the BB keeps on crashing, and the amount of crashes increase..

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BB Curve :: The Screen Goes Black And Shows A Red Light In The Top Corner

Apr 9, 2011

I took the battery out on my blackberry.The screen goes black and shows a red light in the top corner.When i turn it on it shows a white screen, with a black boxs in the centre that has a moving hand.Its been doing this for about ten hours, i've tried taking the battery out and sim but it hasnt helped.

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BB Curve 8900 :: Screen Keep Going White

Feb 6, 2010

my curve screen keeps going white after turning it on sum time it come on ok for about 10mins then it locksup and go white again will try any thing to sort it

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BB :: Curve 8900 Screen Keeps Going White

Sep 25, 2011

My curve 8900 keeps getting a blank white screen & I don't know why..It worked while being plugged in & after unplugging it, when the battery loses 1 bar it goes white again But I tried updating it last night (leaving it plugged in all night) & when I woke up the screen was blank & wouldn't work at all

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BB Curve :: Screen Goes Blank In 8900?

Mar 1, 2011

I purchased my blackberry 8900 in December 2010 in a small island. I went back to jamaica two weeks after it went completely blank (Screen whites out). When its blank I cant do anything with it even after several battery pulls. Sometimes when i pull the battery it loads up and then goes back blank.

In order for it to come up I have to connect the charger and the screen stays on. (lol.i thought this was suppose to be a mobile phone) It cant stay up with out the charger being connected.I have no warranty on the phone.

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BB Curve :: 8900 Screen Keep Going White?

Feb 6, 2010

my curve screen keeps going white after turning it on sum time it come on ok for about 10mins then it locksup and go white again will try any thing to sort it.

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BB Curve :: 8900 Just Went To A White Screen?

Sep 20, 2011

my 8900 just went to a white screen the other day and i cant do any thing with it. Iv tried to conect it to my pc to reload os but i cant get the phone to conect to the pc,

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BB Curve 83xx :: 8330 3G / Screen Only Shows Connected At 1XEV?

Mar 20, 2010

The back of my 8330 says it's 3G but the screen only shows me connected at 1XEV? Also what speeds up and down are others getting while tethered?

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BB Curve :: 8520 Shows A Constant White Screen When Switched On?

Sep 14, 2011

My curve 8520 shows a constant white screen when switched on every thing seems to be working i receive and make calls normal but the screen just remains white.

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