My phone is a Blackberry Curve 8900. OS v5.0.0.681 (Platform Everything about the phone works fine except the camera function which just shows a dark screen when I attempt to use it. I have tried removing and replacing the battery whilst powered up, but this does not work. Is there any way I may be able to fix this or is the camera function just broken?
The Iplayer from the BBC works well on the bold but it will not work with the curve (apparently not compatable) this I cannot understand - Does anyone know how to make it work on the Curve
I have a 8900 but as from last week it started playing up,firstly the screen used to go blank at certain time,i purchased a new battery but does not seem to work,when i power it up it initalises fine then the light goes off,when i connect via the data cable i can see everything ok on screen but the keypad seems to have locked,have tried updating the software and deleting 3rd partyprogrammes that have been downloaded to the devise,any other suggestions?
My Curve 8900 is less than 6 months old, and suddenly the keyboad will not work, so I cannot make/receive calls, and although the trackball works, it will not "click" to unlock it. Seems to be an intermittent fault. As I own the Blackberry (it is not bought through a service provider), I tried to contact Blackberry customer services UK, who seem to be reluctant to deal with consumers. My service provder, O2 were much more helpful. How can I get a replacement/repair under warranty, or fix the problem?
So I got my first BB 6 months ago! I loved it I babied it! I never had a phone do so much keep me so entertained. Keep me so up to date with everything> I left the G1 for the BB and it was still much better I could contact friends I could not any other way with the BBIM. Then one day she died in her track ball! So I had to replace her. That was 2 months into the love affair I was having with the BB.
So I got the replace meant and it was harder than anything to tell her by. I could tell my wife by with ease but not her. I loved her! She was my best friend my companion I never left her behind! So many bars so many experiences SO MUCH TROUBLE ELIMINATED. But she had to go, Like a horse with a broke leg she was worthless!
So on to my second one not so much babying as I still thought of her predecessor. She could never be HER! I however gave here a chance! and we grew a bond unlike no other.
we were inseparable every where together only a handful of hungover days did I forget to bring her with me to work. I m,ade up for that many a time!
She finally committed suicide of the track ball as well. Following her predecessor. So I had to replace her again but this time I had new knowledge of how to use her while I waited. I also had a callous numbness to her loss from my first marriage to a BB! So I was not hurt or lonely!
So as I awaited my replacement BB Curve 8900. I did not care as soon as it arrived she was done she was gone to the wayside! I hope you can be refurbished but I can never trust you ever!
My new mistress arrived I opened her fondled her and loaded her with all I had! Only to find out I had been burned. She did not work for data. or incoming calls. She was a teasing *****! So back to my previous mistress! With no track ball while I fight for a free upgrade due to have gone through 3 BB 8900 in 6 months WTF
My Curve 8900 is less than 6 months old, and suddenly the keyboad will not work, so I cannot make/receive calls, and although the trackball works, it will not "click" to unlock it. Seems to be an intermittent fault. As I own the Blackberry (it is not bought through a service provider), I tried to contact Blackberry customer services UK, who seem to be reluctant to deal with consumers.
I'm having problem with my Curve 8900, I bought my phone maybe 3 months ago and it works great with no problems!
yeterday, I had to change my SIM card, after I replaced it and put the battary back again, the FlashLight goes on! and I can't turn it off! I tried to go to camera settings and change flash to OFF and the same in Video Camera with no luck..!
also, I tried to wipe the handheld from (Security Options) with no luck.when I turn the phone off the flash is ON, and when I take off the battary and plug the phone to the AC, it boots normally WITHOUT flash, as soon as I put the battary the flash works..!
Recently updated to V5.0.0.461 (Platform issue is when attempting to use my camera in the video format, I get "Failed to start recording"..I AM able to take pictures just fine. I have plenty of available memory as I have a 4 gig card with roughly 155 MB used. Obviously memory isnt the issue.
I havent seen any posts that state this issue or anything close as of yet. (Unless I missed it of course)My provider is TMobile - But the Software was from another provider. Overall, the phone has run fine on the Software, a few things here and there but I have worked through them.
I received my Blackberry yesterday and still getting used to it after using an iphone for 18 months. However, I still have 1 small problem......
I have set up the important calls under a profile which only my girlfriend can call when I am on nights. However, whatever I do, the phone never rings, even when I have set up important calls only.
I recently acquired a curve 8900 (Tmobile) through work. I currently have an LG Lotus from Sprint, with all of my contacts in it. It's in the neighborhood of 500 or so, so I obviously don't want to transfer them by hand individually. What is my best bet to get them from my lotus to my new blackberry? I normally have it done at the store, but I didn't know if they would be cooperative in doing that since it's two different carriers.
I have the 8900 and my carrier is Tata Docomo. None of the keys and the trackball are working, This includes the mute key on top of the phone, the lock key, the side push button keys , . . all keys are not working. And neither is the trackball.I flashed the OS, as in reinstalled the OS, 5.0.090 (Platform 4.0.023) but that didnt solve the problem.
I've also plugged out the media card, to avoid any conflicts.Have done hard resets of course, but thats not helped either.Except for the keys not functioning, the phone is otherwise functioning, I can recieve calls, which I of course cant pick up. I am being able to use it as a modem and connect to the internet using Desktop Manager. The Desktp manager is detecting the phone, too.
The Desktop manager version I am using is of the 252.5 M device space available, I have 131.0 M free.
I'm a newbie at Crackberry, but reading and learning since i got my BB, but got my account today because i really need help. Since a few days i have some strange problems with my BB Curve 8900;
- E Key is broken - Alt Key is only functioning when using it in single use (so not possible anymore to hold the ALT key and type the symbols at the same time). - Right Convenience key is not starting the camera anymore. I don't think its broken, because when my BB is asleep, and when i start pushing the right convenience key the screen does light up.
I tried a battery pull, but it doesn't solved my problems. I don't have any warranty anymore. So anyone with solutions, does a upgrade of the OS maybe works?
I'm not sure if this happened after my upgrade to .592, but when I hang up after a call or close the camera, I hear the country song "Your Man". It is so weird. I have my profile as Vibrate, event sounds off, even turned it to silent, it still plays.
This week I left an employer to go to another one. I have not started with the new one yet. I have a personal BB Curve 8900 with work email and one personal email on it. This evening I got the email from the old employer IT dept that they had terminated the work email and BB BES service. Nearly simultaneously, I lost all my personal contacts (which were downloaded off my old flip phone when I got the BB, not from the employer), my personal email account, my calendar, and the memopad documents I had saved for the last 7 months. The phone also reset, removed my password, reset the ringtone, reset the bluetooth settings for my PLT510, and who knows what else. The only evidence that this was still my phone was that my pictures and .mp3s are still there. when an employer terminates blackberry service, is it possible for them to essentially wipe your blackberry clean without your knowledge or consent? If so, how can you set it so that doesn't happen again? If not, is it possible that it is just a huge, inconvenient coincidence, and my BB is experience a major technical difficulty?
I own a Curve 8900 and up till a few hours ago was absolutely delighted with it. On being prompted to upgrade the software in my device, I did so and am very disappointed now. The lock button on the top left of my phone no longer works neither does the button on the right. I have tried to recover the phone from the earlier backup but this has not helped either. I also found the BB site somewhat user unfriendly. Any advice anyone?
i've just upgraded my 8900 from 4.6 version to 5.0 os version, all programs are running good but i find one small problem for the keypad lock on the top left side of the unit, it doesn't work?
i just bought the phone off of a mate knowing the problems but my g1 tottally the only way i can make a call is threw a headset and also the ringtone speaker doesnt work so have to have my phone out all the time to see if i have a call/text :| when i open the camera i get "could not start the camera, close other applicaions and try oppening the camera again".
the lock and mute keys on top do not work atall and recently the volume key has stopped working. ive tried googling the problems but havent found much information on my problems. could it be the actual speaker. or the plastic midplate with the metal contacts on?im not too bothered about the camera and keys just the speakers soo i dont have to walk around with my phone in my hand with my headset in.
I took a 21 hr trip w/ no recharge. Battery completely drained. Since then...
-BB will not charge. -I have BB desk manager, have removed battery and replaced, purchased new battery, purchased new a/c cord. -charging does not work via USB to PC, USB to Auto, USB to A/C. any suggestions? -Unit has never been wet, nor dropped. -Carrier is T-Mobile
I had an 8310 and just bought an 8900 brand new off of eBay. I used the 8310's speakerphone A LOT for listening to music and loved it! I always took the back of the phone off too so that it wasn't coming through 2 little holes through the top. Is the sound quality and volume of the 8900 equal to or greater than the 8300 with its batter door off?
Just got myself a BB 8900, however it dosent seem to have any device memory, i have looked under memory in the options menu and it doesnt say anything about device memory and when i connect it to my PC i cannot find the phone on my computer unless i have a memory card pluged in,
hi. had 8900 for few months on orange uk with data plan. have been using email, internet and windows live and blackberry messenger all fine using either wi fi or mobile now all of a sudden its stop working and i cant use none. when i try to connect to internet i get a msg say this is a wi fi service please ensure your device has a wi fi connection , bb messenger wont send mgs or receive windows live jus says this service is not enabled for this handheld. ive contacted orange but they havnt helped they did say it could be a update of facebook causing problem?. have tried removing battery and restoring removed service books etc nothings fixed. can anyone help plz?
I recently purchased a blackberry 8900 and am trying to upgrade the software to the newest version (5.0 I assume). However whenever I check for updates via the blackberry site the desktop manger pops up and does not offer this upgrade. All it says it 4.6.1 (current) and the rest are downgrades, so I'm not quite sure what I need to do to get the new OS to even appear, much less download it and work.
i am unable to record videos, when ever i try to i get the error " failed to start recording". i can also play none of the videos and Internet videos doest work too.