So I got my first BB 6 months ago! I loved it I babied it! I never had a phone do so much keep me so entertained. Keep me so up to date with everything> I left the G1 for the BB and it was still much better I could contact friends I could not any other way with the BBIM. Then one day she died in her track ball! So I had to replace her. That was 2 months into the love affair I was having with the BB.
So I got the replace meant and it was harder than anything to tell her by. I could tell my wife by with ease but not her. I loved her! She was my best friend my companion I never left her behind! So many bars so many experiences SO MUCH TROUBLE ELIMINATED. But she had to go, Like a horse with a broke leg she was worthless!
So on to my second one not so much babying as I still thought of her predecessor. She could never be HER! I however gave here a chance! and we grew a bond unlike no other.
we were inseparable every where together only a handful of hungover days did I forget to bring her with me to work. I m,ade up for that many a time!
She finally committed suicide of the track ball as well. Following her predecessor. So I had to replace her again but this time I had new knowledge of how to use her while I waited. I also had a callous numbness to her loss from my first marriage to a BB! So I was not hurt or lonely!
So as I awaited my replacement BB Curve 8900. I did not care as soon as it arrived she was done she was gone to the wayside! I hope you can be refurbished but I can never trust you ever!
My new mistress arrived I opened her fondled her and loaded her with all I had! Only to find out I had been burned. She did not work for data. or incoming calls. She was a teasing *****! So back to my previous mistress! With no track ball while I fight for a free upgrade due to have gone through 3 BB 8900 in 6 months WTF
I have the 8900 and my carrier is Tata Docomo. None of the keys and the trackball are working, This includes the mute key on top of the phone, the lock key, the side push button keys , . . all keys are not working. And neither is the trackball.I flashed the OS, as in reinstalled the OS, 5.0.090 (Platform 4.0.023) but that didnt solve the problem.
I've also plugged out the media card, to avoid any conflicts.Have done hard resets of course, but thats not helped either.Except for the keys not functioning, the phone is otherwise functioning, I can recieve calls, which I of course cant pick up. I am being able to use it as a modem and connect to the internet using Desktop Manager. The Desktp manager is detecting the phone, too.
The Desktop manager version I am using is of the 252.5 M device space available, I have 131.0 M free.
what is the difference between 8900 trackball and 9000 trackball.and what if i have installed 9000 trackball in my 8900.In fact 9000 trackball is bit smother and crispier,can i use it on 8900
i've just upgraded my 8900 from 4.6 version to 5.0 os version, all programs are running good but i find one small problem for the keypad lock on the top left side of the unit, it doesn't work?
My trackball and keypad are frozen if there is no SIM in the device. However, they start working when I put a SIM into my 8900. I run os 822 and don't have any problems otherwise. Though this isn't a show stopper, I was wondering as to why this happens.
So I installed an Invisible Shield on my 8900 yesterday and I turned it on a few minutes ago to find that the trackball isn't working well anymore.The phone works fine, it didn't have any water damage. However to be able to use the trackball I have to press down while spinning it.Also it feels kinda smooth, like it offers no resistance when spinning.Any solutions? What can I do? If i take in to T-Mobile can they give me a new trackball? (Phone was purchased March 08.)
I'm having trackball problem with my 8900, Its trackball moves freely but the cursor doesn't moves at all. I have tried all known issues like 'hard restart &wipeout handheld" but it doesn't help at all.
Yesterday morning I left my phone In the bathroom whilst having a shower,unfortunately I thnink the phone got water inside the keys and stopped working since. I still receive messages and pings, but can't seen to acess the unlocking stage of my phone and can't pick up the calls, I have constantly rebooted and taken the battery out so many times and got the same outcome. Does anybody know what I should try, it had been a day, I heard the rice trick works but I'm not sure
My trackball always freezes if i activate the cellular network (vodafone)..without sim card the trackball is fully operative.i already updated the software via blackberry desktop software update and checked if the phone is really unlocked.
My BB Curve 8900 trackball will navigate all directions and even make the click noise, but it won't select anything. I am thinking of taking the trackball out and cleaning out the gold plate under the trackball.
I have a Curve 8900 which I love but recently the trackball has stopped working. I can't get to my email, bbm, text, browser, etc needless to say it's extremely frustrating, I have cleaned the trackball with alcohol and it seemed to work in the beginning but it doesn't work now. Is there a way to use the keyboard to get to the icons such as email without using the trackball.
I thought somewhere on this forum I saw something on this forum about this trackball but I don't remember how I found it. I apologize in advanced if this is a question that was asked before, but is there a light behind the trackball for this phone? I'm thinking of maybe changing the trackball color.
I purchases 8900 in Feb 2010 and from past 10 - 15 days my trackball is not working properly. It is only working in Horizontally. When i move trackball vertically it moves but the cursor does not move it and is stationed at one place only. Can you please help or can some one help me in giving the details of the service center in Delhi, India.
sorry guys i know this has been covered but i recently dropped my phone running and the top lock key seemed to be affected (point of impact) so i was having to apply alot of pressure to lock i ordered a new chrome bezel and top cover (lock and mute button)took it apart and put back together.
issue im having is that at times the trackball seems to be loosing contact in the back (inside). so it will work at times then it just stops i can make a selection by clicking the track ball but any vertical or horizontal movement doesnt register. IF i apply pressure to the back of the battery door and push up behind the track ball it seems to work.
So i took it apart and tried to make sure nothing was in between the trackball and what it touches. didnt seem to be. but the issue still there i tried to retighten the screws but i dont want to strip them so im wondering what my options are. i really dont want a refurbed phone but i may have to order one idk.
On my blackberry, when i press the trackball, the pound key and number key show up on my dial number screen and all i want to do is click on one of my applications ive tried taking the battery in and out and
Hello everyone, i have a serious problem with updating my OS. am currently using the 4.6v and i want to update it to v5.0 but every time i try to update it from desktop manager it seems that it cant find the files to update it, it just show the old version4.6 and i tried download the update from many websites and it still doesn't want to show it on the Desktop manager. And when i tried the application loader it says the i have the latest software and its still v4.6
so here's my problem. i went over to a friends house today for a barbecue, and when i got there i sent a text so i know everything was working fine. a few hours later i get home and notice that the screen on my Curve is black, and i knew something was up because i know it was fully charged before i left the house earlier. hit the buttons and nothing. so i do a battery pull and it reboots fine, then the screen goes black after 30 seconds and then hit the buttons and nothing. when i hook a mini usb cable up to the port, the screen comes back on for the usual 30 seconds, then goes black like the other times. when i connected it via the cable and the screen lit up, i noticed that the trackball scrolls fine left and right, but pushing the trackball does nothing.the phone is about a year and a half old, through Verizon. i have no problem with getting a new phone, but i don't want to loose the 150 or so contacts i have on the phone. i don't have Google Sync installed on the phone, and i'm guessing that it's too late to back anything up now on my end. when i connect it to my PC, i can access the usually Media folders and Slacker, but nothing else. if i take it into a local VZW store, would they be able to back up my address book the exact way it is now, since the phone powers on and the USB port works fine?i'm going to remove the shell tonight and see if i notice anything.
I upgraded my Verizon Curve 8330 to a Tour and now my trackball is acting up. I'm thinking of changing the trackballs since I never had a problem with the Curve. Are they all the same size or has anyone had problems trying this. I'm not worried about taking it apart or the warranty, but would like to see if this was successful for anyone else first.
my backlight timeout is set for 30 seconds. when i am watching a song or anything on media player, backlight doesn’t go off after 30 seconds, which is obviously normal.
however when i am watching a video on Internet using bolt browser, the screen goes black after 30 seconds. it should not!
I have a problem with my BB . Now when i try to turn on the phone the boot up screen/timer appears on screen but does not boot the OS. The timer continues spinning forever.
Yesterday I did a back up on my BB and after finished when I sync the BB it said that I required a software update which I did, Release now, my BB doesn't recognize any SIM that I try to use in my BB, I lost all the data which is okay as I have a bakup and I can get it back but I cannot get my SIM working, it says all the time, insert SIM card even thought it is already inserted
The Iplayer from the BBC works well on the bold but it will not work with the curve (apparently not compatable) this I cannot understand - Does anyone know how to make it work on the Curve
I have a 8900 but as from last week it started playing up,firstly the screen used to go blank at certain time,i purchased a new battery but does not seem to work,when i power it up it initalises fine then the light goes off,when i connect via the data cable i can see everything ok on screen but the keypad seems to have locked,have tried updating the software and deleting 3rd partyprogrammes that have been downloaded to the devise,any other suggestions?
My Curve 8900 is less than 6 months old, and suddenly the keyboad will not work, so I cannot make/receive calls, and although the trackball works, it will not "click" to unlock it. Seems to be an intermittent fault. As I own the Blackberry (it is not bought through a service provider), I tried to contact Blackberry customer services UK, who seem to be reluctant to deal with consumers. My service provder, O2 were much more helpful. How can I get a replacement/repair under warranty, or fix the problem?