I'm having problem with my Curve 8900, I bought my phone maybe 3 months ago and it works great with no problems!
yeterday, I had to change my SIM card, after I replaced it and put the battary back again, the FlashLight goes on! and I can't turn it off! I tried to go to camera settings and change flash to OFF and the same in Video Camera with no luck..!
also, I tried to wipe the handheld from (Security Options) with no luck.when I turn the phone off the flash is ON, and when I take off the battary and plug the phone to the AC, it boots normally WITHOUT flash, as soon as I put the battary the flash works..!
I bought my unlocked iPhone 4S in Maryland in January. I have been using the phone in India since the past couple of months and now my camera hardware doesn't work for no fault of my own (apparently it's due to humidity). Apple Support India will not repair a phone that's not bought in India, and I won't be returning to the US for another few months. What should I do?
P.S. Paid $650 instead of $200 so I could use this phone anywhere in the world but what they didn't tell me that I couldn't fix it anywhere in the world (were something to go wrong.)
Got my Legend a few weeks ago & loving mostly it so far. Having searched the manual I have failed to locate instructions on.how to turn the flashlight on.
browsing the forums trying to find a solution to my problem but can't seem to find one. The blackberry was left not charging all night and battery has now drained. The red light will come on then the battery symbol with lightning bolt appers. I've tried different chargers, no result. I've tried a different battery and phone would still no turn on. I've put the my battery in another curve 8900 an it seemed to charge ok but still will not work in my phone. So I'm guessing it's a phone fault and not the battery?
Had to update my Z5 yesterday, never like updates always seem to mess something up. This time it is the flash, the light comes on randomly.and cannot be.turned off without a restart. Once happens can not use camera or flashlight both say it is already in use or error and to close before trying but there is no app open. As far as I know only have the two that use it, it is a pain as runs battery down fast, gets hot and if is in jacket not going to know for long time.
.flashlight and front camera will not come on reverse camera will still work but front camera shows black screen. tried a reset on phone and still nothing
Info: iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1.2, tried a reset on phone
Am I the only one experiencing problems with ok Google while my phone is locked? Google simply will not open and carry out commands from a locked screen. It refuses to set timers and it won't even turn on the flashlight. I have selected personal options in settings and I also have 5.1.1. I was hoping the update would fix the issue.
My phone is a Blackberry Curve 8900. OS v5.0.0.681 (Platform Everything about the phone works fine except the camera function which just shows a dark screen when I attempt to use it. I have tried removing and replacing the battery whilst powered up, but this does not work. Is there any way I may be able to fix this or is the camera function just broken?
I can not turn on my blackberry 8900 curve and can not charge it. I use USB cable for charging. When BB conect with the computer the red light is turn on and that`s it! I try to do the same thing with other computer and again the red light turn on, after that display battery, but only for 2 seconds and the BBturn off.
I had a perfectly working Curve 8900 (18 months old, not dropped, not been wet, protective case etc). One week after I cancel my care agreement, the wifi won't turn on. Similar thing happened a week after I cancelled it last time.
right i was out and my bb had full battery then i got it out of my pocket and i was off i tryed turning it back on and nothing was happening i went home and pluged it in my laptop and the red light came on and the sreen with a battery symbol with lightning going through it and i left it for about 20 mins tryed to turn it on and nothing happendasoon and when i unplug it it go's off
I just updated to lollipop on my european moto x 2014 and then I tried the flashlight toggle, and it was working just fine. However after using the flashlight the camera doesnt work anymore. I just get a error message. Camera has unfortunately stopped. I have even flashed the stock kitkat firmware and it still wasnt working..
Does not work rear camera and a flashlight on the iPhone 5. This front facing camera oabotaet, and when you switch on the back of the screen turns black and the iPhone is not responding. First refused camera, and two days later stopped working flashlight; now its icon in the control pale.
Info: iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.2, This iPhone replaced under warranty
I Just bought a Storm 2 Odin 9550.But on the first hour using the odin, suddenly The Flashlight turned on. I have tried to turn it off, but it is still turning on until now.
Recently updated to V5.0.0.461 (Platform issue is when attempting to use my camera in the video format, I get "Failed to start recording"..I AM able to take pictures just fine. I have plenty of available memory as I have a 4 gig card with roughly 155 MB used. Obviously memory isnt the issue.
I havent seen any posts that state this issue or anything close as of yet. (Unless I missed it of course)My provider is TMobile - But the Software was from another provider. Overall, the phone has run fine on the Software, a few things here and there but I have worked through them.
I have a curve 8900 that won't turn of suddenly after I got the battery out and then put it back.The red light is flashing and the screen is black. It is also can not connect to the BB Desktop. When I tried to update the phone to be able to connect it the update is stick when it is trying to initialize the phone.
Yesterday my Blackberry shut itself off randomly. So straight away i put it on charge, but after about 10 mins nothing came up, only a solid red light indicator in the top right corner of the phone. I have tried EVERYTHING i can find online and nothing seems to be working :'( it only shows red light when on and off charge, my computer wont detect the device and when connected to the pc the solid red light shows up.. but then goes off after about 10 mins!
I want to know if there is a flashlight app that can use the LED light of the rear camera of the Fire XT. I've tried almost all the apps that show up at the Market but no one seems to work with it.I also need to know if there is possible to make videocalls using the Fire XT front camera. I've tried Skype and others but they can't handle/find the camera.
I have a LG G3 phone and this just started happening. Is there a way to turn this off in my settings? My daughter was playing with my phone so she might have done something to it.
I'm a newbie at Crackberry, but reading and learning since i got my BB, but got my account today because i really need help. Since a few days i have some strange problems with my BB Curve 8900;
- E Key is broken - Alt Key is only functioning when using it in single use (so not possible anymore to hold the ALT key and type the symbols at the same time). - Right Convenience key is not starting the camera anymore. I don't think its broken, because when my BB is asleep, and when i start pushing the right convenience key the screen does light up.
I tried a battery pull, but it doesn't solved my problems. I don't have any warranty anymore. So anyone with solutions, does a upgrade of the OS maybe works?
I'm not sure if this happened after my upgrade to .592, but when I hang up after a call or close the camera, I hear the country song "Your Man". It is so weird. I have my profile as Vibrate, event sounds off, even turned it to silent, it still plays.
When I turn off my phone at nights (the "Turn Power Off" button), I leave it in the charger next to my bed. After this the greenish yellowish LED light starts blinking to tell me its charging. I absolutely hate that light and can't stand it. I'm not talking about the green coverage indicator light, which is different. Is there any way to turn this off completely?