When I went to Europe a month ago, my blackberry was updating automatically and I didn't know about it, when it was time to pay my bill I noticed it was unexpectedly high. So now I want to know how to turn this off so that next time I go over seas I wont have to pay for roaming.
When I went to Europe a month ago, my blackberry was updating automatically and I didn't know about it, which made my bill go way up. So now I want to know how to turn this off so that next time I go over seas I wont have to pay for roaming.
I am writing this as I am the bill payer for my daughters Blackberry! She is going abroad soon and I understand that sometimes people have run up large data bills when abroad because their smartphone apdates aps without prompting. I just need to know, in case this might happen with my daughters phone (blackberry bold 9780) how do I prevent automatic updates of software on her phone while she is abroad?
In s6 setting when automatic check for updates is on. is it possible It will install the update without me knowing this? because apparently a update is available for the ram problem. When i contact samsung belgium they say that they don't know about a ram problem and an update from samsung. And when i check for firmware update ... nothing
I have just got the Samsung Galaxy s2 on contract with a 500MB data usage. I want to make sure I switch of any automatic updates or other stuff that runs in the background that might eat up my data usage and end up costing me a fortune over the mobile network. I've been caught like this with other phones and wanted to make sure I'm not again.
I've set up an automatic renewal weekly payment. The way I am supposed to cancel this is by moving the "automatic renewal" slide to off. but there is no such option on my iPhone?
My phone seems to remove purchased music from my library when space is running low.
Songs that I know I've downloaded show up with the little cloud icon thing and I have to download them again.
- I buy new music from iTunes
- It downloads on my phone
- I go do something else
- I want to listen to the music again
- I try to re download it
- I don't have space
The thing is way overzealous in its deletion.
This morning, I was listening to an album I had downloaded less than an hour before. I paused to watch a video in my photo library (less than a minute long).
I pressed play to resume the music. Music gone.
Later, I redownload the music. Right after it finished downloading, it alerts me that storage is almost full. Music gone.Â
I really want to turn this feature off. Music is one of the last things I would want to remove from my phone.
recently i brought nokia e63.and got proublem after insert my grameen phone SIM.After insert SIM,My device just show nokia loge and few some scound my device automatic trun off.and its happend every time when i try to powar on.its just only happend when i put my GP SIM.Other SIMs work perfectly on my device.
Tapping my way through "Go to all settings" > "Accounts" > "Google". I see my gmail account shown, and under that it says "Sync is OFF". Before the update to Jellybean I could find where to turn this on and off. Further tapping on my account name I get to a screen titled "Sync" at the top-left. The options icon gives me "Sync now" and "Remove account" options. The screen is filled with a list of Google things I can sync. Tapping any of those syncs that Google thing. But, none of them are configurable.
how to turn off the new Automatic Wifi Feature that was releases with ICS? I think it is great that the phone can turn on Wifi when you are close to it, but it would be real nice if you could set it to turn on only when near certain Wifi Networks, or even turn if off for that matter.
Short of waiting for the Auto Wifi menu to eventually pop up and ask how you want to use it, does anyone know where to actually go in the settings to do it when you want to and not when ICS decides to give you the pop up?
It is real frustrating since it does NOT shut itself off when you leave a Wifi Zone and there is no apparent way to set it to turn on only when near your Wifi zones which makes this feature more of an annoyance then a feature.
I recently updated my daughters iPhone 5C to IOS 8.1.1, but now the time and date is off. I 've tried to turn off "Set Automatic Time" based on cellular info, and set the time manually, but after a minute or so, the time is way off Again (as in several hours). Also it's to days behind now. Nothing happens when i switch the Automatic Time on Again.Â
I've tried to hardware reset the phone, reinstall the OS via PC, and change the time Zone, but nothing seems to Work.
Is there a ways to disable automatic application updates? If I uninstall updates from certain applications, I can get my phone's available space up to the limit that will allow me to actually USE my phone. But lately, lots of application updates are being pushed out, and many of these are on apps that I can't delete but don't use. These updates take up so much space that I continually get the Low on space message, and then I can't get emails, etc.--which is my primary purpose for having this phone.
Isn't there a way for me to turn off automatic updates so that apps only update upon my initiation?
I want to set up my 5800 to work in the car as a music/navigation/handsfree device. I created a Car profile with ring volumes and other stuff set up just the way I want it. However, I cannot make the screen not to timeout and turn off. Basically, the automatic screen lock is deactivated and shouldn't get into way. When I plug the aux cable into the phone I select the Music Stand accessory which is the only one that has a Screen control setting. It is set to On, from the default Automatic. However, the screen goes black anyway, but the buttons stay lit.
I am trying to remove the following message: -- BlackBerry® from Mobistar --- which appears at the end of any message I am sending from my BB. The setttings do not seem to give access to this function - or I missed it.
I have my new blackberry 9700 and i updated to Os at the moment i stars using, i restore my contacts using the wireless restore, it seen to be ok, i have all my contacts that i have on the old 9000 but when i go to sleep and i wake up some contacts are erase, when i talk to a contact the screen tell me to invite againt or erase them, but i never erase the contact from my list and the other persont neither erase me (its my best friend) always i need to re invite, it works al the day but at 2:30 AM to 3:00 AM the contact say to be erase...
i erase the bbm reinstall, deactive the wireless backup, reinstall the bbm and just add this 1 contact, erase the phone, reinstall the OS... the problem is on the blackberry servers that can not acept the contact and erase me over the air...
I just came back from a week in Spain and found a very expensive mobile phone bill. My Blackberry Bold had been automatically connecting to internet and downloading my email by phone in roaming mode. I had expected email was only active in a free wireless area but it seems this was not true, it also used phone calls to download mail.
How can I block that without doing something as brutal as removing the SIM card? Other kinds of phones have settings to do that but I haven't found these settings in Blackberry Bold.
For the past week or so I've been trying to configure the BeWeather app. I've tried numerous times and downloaded the most updated free version of the app. The problem is I go to preferences and set the update time to "every hour" but it never automatically updates the forecast. Does anyone know how I can sort it out? Do I need to buy the full version?
I have my new blackberry 9700 and i updated to Os at the moment i stars using, i restore my contacts using the wireless restore, it seen to be ok, i have all my contacts that i have on the old 9000 but when i go to sleep and i wake up some contacts are erase, when i talk to a contact the screen tell me to invite againt or erase them, but i never erase the contact from my list and the other persont neither erase me (its my best friend) always i need to re invite, it works al the day but at 2:30 AM to 3:00 AM the contact say to be erase. i erase the bbm reinstall, deactive the wireless backup, reinstall the bbm and just add this 1 contact, erase the phone, reinstall the OS. i dont know what to do now pls help me, i thing that the problem is on the blackberry servers that can not acept the contact and erase me over the air.
When i type a mail or forward a mail their is TO or CC, i write to a mail's first word but there is not auto search the mail id.my deatils are as follows :Black Berry modal 8520V5.0.0.592I am using yahoo, gmail and corporate enterprises account.Total 4 nos. of mail pushing on my handsetmy defalut messaging service mail is my corporate mail i.e.
My daughters both have 9300's One is running on 6.0 2949 the other 9300 will not let me upgrade from 5.0 1399. When I plug phone into PC and check for updates I get message saying no Blackberry updates