i just lost my 9900 and the chances that it was stolen are unlikely since i feel like it is somewhere around my dorm or dorm building. is there anyway that the gps on my phone can track its location? and how can i do that?
i had updated my bold 9900 resently as the software was not complete.i had also kept a backup i found photos, video and all but i can't locate my contact information it is horrifing what do i do?
When I try to reply to an email message on the new Bold 9900, I can't locate the Send button. All I can find is Save Draft. Is this a software glitch in the new OS or am I missing something obvious?
My Bold 9900 loses power and can not get recharged, I tried to remove battery also reset unfortunately not working. I got this phone a couple of months ago.
I updated from 7.0 to 7.1 and just noticed that a number of my calendar entries are missing.I'm not entirely sure when this happened.I don't think it happened at the time of updating to the new OS but it's possible.I received an "out of application memory" error message a week ago and have read that people have encountered a loss of data with such an error.I did a backup of my data on May 17th before upgrading to 7.1 calendar entries = 800, today calendar entries = 369.Since I use my device on a BES all entries associated with the BES account appear to be intact but I've lost all other entries.When I went to restore the calendar entries only from the backup it is greyed out indicating that these are "read only data types and cannot be restored" when selecting "Select Data to Restore/Select device data and settings" as opposed to "All device data and settings".Unsure how to proceed - clearly the data is present in the backup based on the entry value do I need to do a full restore and rollback to 7.0? in order to recover the calendar entries??
i lost my phone last night and wonder if i can track it somehow to see where it is....i dont have the apps used for this so i dont know if there is another way
I got my 9900 in October, 2011. Sometimes when I use it, the pointer always points the upside of the page even though I choose the bottom option. and it totally loses control.
I have been using an N900 for more than a month now and I had an iph0ne 2g before. Yesterday, I was trying to locate a place (London) using Ovi maps and I got completely lost. I never had such a problem before with google maps which pinpoint my location much more precisely (using EDGE) than Ovi maps using GPS. It might be that I am just dumb but has anyone had the same experience? how can I make Ovi maps more precise? using 3g instead of GPS?Many thanks for your time reading this and your reply if any.
I am using a blackberry for the first time.Device GPS cannot locate, I called up my service provider it says that the blackberry maps are not supported download google maps, which I did. But apparently even google maps can't locate me. I have put the location on in the options. Still nothing works.
My Blackberry Bold 9900 is not turning on.Details: A battery pull has not fixed my problem.I tried using another 9900 battery, however it did not work.My battery does not work on other 9900 devices.There are no signs of moisture, nor has there been contact with water.The LED light doesn't show, nor does anything on the screen.
where to locate the WLAN MAC address for a BOLD 9650. I have tried entering every number I can find on my phone into my LinkSys router, and none seem to work. Only way to connect to my home network is to disable MAC Addressing.
i plugged my bold into the pc via usb and when i took it out some files were missing i was able to locate them as they were in a hidden folder when i try and unmark it from being hidden it stays grey and
I have a blackberry bold 9700 and drive a mini cooper. The Bluetooth has worked flawlessly until this weekend when my contacts list stopped being shown on the car's Bluetooth device. I deleted the device and re paired it but I still get a message saying "unable to locate objects push server. The Bluetooth still works in the car but I can't access my phone book as shown on my device.
I have 3 mail accounts connected to my bb. Originally all posted to one folder messages folder in the message 'center' where all the sms etc go into (middle of the screen icon at the top) i am not sure what has started to happen but suddenly i then had 2 messages folders and now i have 3. They all go to the same place and sometimes contain the same message which just appears in all 3.
I think this started when i started configuring the sync of the deletion of the folders "folder reconciliation". how i can delete these additional folders as they are just a nuicense they mean very little as mail is randomly flowing into them.
I had recently downloaded and installed the new os os from SK Telecom form the software download page of on blackberry site to my bold 9900. Upon doing that i was able to access the new mobile hot spot feature and even set it up for use after calling my service provider for the APN which is Lime Jamaica. I even tested it by using another phone which detected it. However sometime afterwards about 30 minutes to an hour later while listening to music my headset got pull out by mistake and upon putting it back in realized music wouldn't start playing back after pressing the side button. Unlocked the phone only to see the play icon highlighted in music player but nothing wouldn't register when clicked with trackpad or touch screen. plus got a message on the screen saying that device media player was busy, which continued for a while. Did a battery pull afterwards which fixed the problem. However a few hours later when i decided to show a friend the new feature and test it by connecting his phone, upon accessing the connections menu the mobile hot spot option was missing even in networks and connections. essentially it disappeared form the phone the only apps on the phone besides the default ones was wikitude and whatsapps. Even after a factory reset it didn't return. Did a clean wipe of the os and installed the os again upon which the hot spot option returned only to disappear again after about a few minutes at which time no extra apps was insatlled just the default ones. Have no idea whats causing this and whats worse the download has been removed from the Sk Telecom link.
i got a 9900, just got the BIS from Vodafone NZ, but here is the thing...i can send and receive txt and call, even use bb internet brower to surf internet but i can not use BIS, like facebook, twitter etc also push mail.checked with Voda NZ, they said my phone is regist under another provider therefore i can not use it in voda but it is new one, im the first owner.
I dont seem to be able to DL OS 7.1 for my bold 9900, I am based in South Africa and use Vodacom as my SP.I tried to update my software over the air this week but it tells me my software is up to date, yet my phone tells me that my software is version 7.0 Bundle 2406.
Is 7.1 not available in SA or over the Vodacom network?
I really want to upgrade as some of the features on 7.1 are what I am looking for.
I need advise my BB 9900 keeps restarting. It gives me the loading/starting up screen then the screen turns white and gives me a red light at the top then the whole process starts again.
I bought 9900 7 months ago and phone has 3 years warranty. After ı used phone 4 months, One night, before sleeping, I plugged it to charger and went to sleep.Morning my mobile was dead. I took out the battery and the reput it. only red indicator was blinking.
- I tried to reinstall BBOS 7 but phone was not connecting to desktop software. - I tried bbsak it also couldnt connect - I tried to install OS with application ( after deleting vendor.xml file) loader, but when it comes to middle it gives " JVM couldnt be loaded "
Then I putted it into its box and went to warranty service. Warranty service took it for a week. Then they called me and said, You have your phone dropped and thats why your phones "mainboard" and "processor" has been damaged. So, it will cost 50 dollars for fix.I said, I didint drop the phone and there isnt anything visually damaged on the phone(It is same as new phone), On the other hand phone has warranty, so why should ı pay 50 dollars? because you have dropped your phone and it makes it out of warranty.
Then I gave 50 dollars and waited for a week. while waiting I realized something. what kind of "mainboard and processor cost 50 dollars? Isnt it very cheap? even impossible.
anyway they called me and said that " we couldnt repair your phone and your phone is dead Now, I really dont know what to do, and dont want to live it like that. Somehow I have to access to blackberry or RIM and explain my situation.
BUT HOW? I live in Georgia, I am Turkish and there is no official blackberry service in this country, So What can I do ?
after updating my Bold 9900 tho Firmware 439 (I hope, it will work mith my BMW), I can´t power on the 9900 normally. It doesn´t react in any way, so I have to put out the battery and of course put it back . After that I can power on the device.
My Blackberry Bold 9900 is running OS 7.0 and i've tried updating it through the blackberry site and the blackberry desktop manager and both say I'm running the most up-to-date version. Is there anything I can do to update to OS7.1?
I've got a BB Bold 9900 through my work phone on AT&T and the phone was working just fine all night didn't have a problem with it, I plugged it into my charger went to bed now all of a sudden I can't get the phone to turn on and the red light keeps coming on and turning back off.
I purchased my 9900 the end of last month and got the goodies along with it. For some reason for the past couple days I keep losing my data services and i either have to reboot or cycle the mobile network connectivity.OS. 7.1.248