I've got a BB Bold 9900 through my work phone on AT&T and the phone was working just fine all night didn't have a problem with it, I plugged it into my charger went to bed now all of a sudden I can't get the phone to turn on and the red light keeps coming on and turning back off.
My Blackberry Bold 9900 is not turning on.Details: A battery pull has not fixed my problem.I tried using another 9900 battery, however it did not work.My battery does not work on other 9900 devices.There are no signs of moisture, nor has there been contact with water.The LED light doesn't show, nor does anything on the screen.
I bought my bold 9900 yesterday it have some problem with wifi connect..when turn off WIFI connected ---> my phone turn off..I try up Os ( Bell ins. ) for it but no have change Bold 9900 : vendor 331.
Plugged in my Blackberry Bold 9900, via wall charge, and It will not turn on. The phone had died, and I had let it charge for several hours. Took out the battery for a hard reset, and still nothing happens*Red light still blinks, but the screen will not do ANYTHING
my BB Bold 9900 won't turn on. Loads to a white screen saying "AppError 200" i click to reset, then it just loads the same screen again, over and over. I've tried updating the software using the desktop manager but it says i have 0.0mb worth of space on my phone so i can;t update when i know for a fact that there is an absolute ton of space free.
I have had the phone for about 6 months - T-Mobile. I recently updated the software and noticed the touch track ball was not working. I pulled the battery and now it will not boot up and has blinking red light.
My phone was working fine and then earlier today it turned off on its own, and it wouldnt turn back on with the power button. First try on batter pull, the BB loading screen flashes but the loading bar only reaches 50%, and stays that way. I removed the battery two more times and nothing has changed. My phone is only 3 mos old and is running on OS 7, got at least 2gbs memory free.
my BB 9900 was battery drained and when i charge it i forgot to pull the charger. the effect was i can't turn it on redlight blinks and i also can't update it.
jsut recieved my Bold 9900 today and I was just restarting it to complete the software installations and now it goes through the sequence of starting up but once it has laoded the screen turns white and it restarts again and again.
My blackberry bold turned off after being charged one day and won't turn on. i tried taking the battery out and plugging it in, but it refuses to turn on or even show any light on the screen. when its plugged in and charged, the red lights blinks for a few seconds about every other minute.
I just recently got a blackberry bold 9900 just nearly 2 weeks ago, I took my battery out of my exams and put it back it, my phone turned back on but then I had another exam so I took the battery back out, after I put my battery back in aand now it wont turn on, ive tried other batterys and it till dont work. I have also tried charging it and plugging it into the software on my laptop.
Can't turn Bluetooth off. Normally do this when it doesn't connect with my Nissan Navara & then turn it back on & its done the trick. Been trying all day to turn Bluetooth off,unticked Bluetooth under manage connections but but a circle is just going round & round at the side of the On symbol.
I see that a lot of people have had trouble with their 9900s not turning on or charging. I've tried connecting the phone to the computer and it will not recognize it, the instructions for making a device recognized is not working either. There was no water damage.
I charged my phone overnight, and when I woke up it would not turn on at all. I tried resetting it by removing the battery but that did not work, and I charged the phone for a little bit more but it still won't turn on. I even connected it to blackberry desktop software, but the computer won't even acknowledge that my device is connected.
Last night my battery was practically dead so I turned off my phone and charged it overnight. When i woke up this morning it would not turn on. I have a completely black screen with a red light slowly flashing.
I have done battery pull and attempted to reload the applications as per someone else's suggestiong *when i press finish at the last step and it begins to download JVM and system software and completes that and a check mark appears next to it but when it goes to the next step which is "Wait for device initilization" it doesnt complete the reconnecting to JVM part and an error pops up reading "Application Loader was unable to connect with your device. Please re-connect your device, enter the password, if required, and retry" no matter how many times i try this it doesnt work.
I am at a loss of what to do. I've had the blackberry since early november and this happened once before and the battery pull solved it.
I have a blackberry bold 9900 and I stupidly put in the wrong password 10 times and now it wont connect to my MAC and wont turn on, I need help!! I need my phone, it has all of my personal and business needs on it!
It lights up the key pad and the alarm clock will go off but nothing at all will come up on the screen not a flicker how do I get this fixed or how much will it cost to fix?
device and status iformation , this is sayin my radio signal is off went i select the option key there is nothing there to tell me wat to do i only see switch application, copy a full menu ,the modle is rdy71uw .
I've putted my bb on charge at night and when I woke up I couldn't turn on my phone... but the red led light on the right top corner were still on..I tried to take of the battery 10 sec and put it back in, no success then I connected the phone without the battery and tried to turn it on, a battery icon appeared with an X on it,but still no success.I tried to press 3 times on the button wich turn on the phone, (recommended by my technical support provider to make a reset), it didn't worked either.I went on internet to try to find something to do, there are a lot of persons who has the same problem, but nobody seems to know how to get raid of it...
This is the 2nd blackberry iv had with this problem.. The phone ran out of charge so when I put it on charge and went to turn it on nothing happened. I removed the battery to reset it and now a red LCD light is flashing and the phone starts to turn on you know when you first turn it on and it says blackberry then the line starts to load it just keeps doing that! I can't go to my network provider at the moment because im in Australia!
My blackberry bold 9900 froze while it was charging, wasn't responding to the ctrl + alt + delete command so I took the battery out for it to restart and it wouldn't turn on neither would it flash the LED light. I've done everything from plugging in the wall charger to plugging in it into the computer nothing will work. No LED lights or anything.
Last night, my blackberry bold 9900 battery got so low it turned the radio off. I put it on charge over night and when I woke up this morning it will not turn on. The red light simply shows for about 20 seconds and that is it. I have tried pulling the battery but when I replace the battery it just shows the red light once again for about 20 seconds and the screen remains black.
The phone turned off one day and will not tunr back on. When you plug it into a charger the red LED light comes on, followed by 3 short flashes. It wont connect to any comupter. I have taken it to cell phone repair places and neither are able to do anything.
How do I turn ON the keypad click on a 9900. The Keytone box in Keyboard 'options' is checked! The 'audible roll' in trackpad sensitivity is also checked, but that dont work either.
I'm receiving the message:"RESTRICTED ACCESS You are not able to access this service because Content Control is in place." I need to turn this off but haven't found how to.
My BB Bold 9900 is 3 days old!!! It has just switched off and will not switch back on, its not the battery as I have even put a new second new battery in? What's wrong with the phone?
my blackberry bold 9900 wont charge and wont turn on. when i plug it into the wall a blank battery icon pops up and a red 'X'. i need someone to give me a way to try and make my phone work. this has happened in the past and my phone has worked after 3 hours.my phone has now been on charge for 18 hours and it still wont turn on. got a new battery and the same icon and red 'x' comes up still.
One of our users upgraded to the Blackberry Bold 9900 primarily because of the improved keyboard and weight. He is a longtime BB user most recently upgrading from an earlier Bold 9700 before that the 8800 series as well as earlier models. He does not like the touch screen and it is driving him crazy. I cannot find anything about turning it off. How can you disable the touch screen on it? I have seen posts on other sites requesting this, but have seen no solutions, other than adjusting the sensitivity.
my blackberry bold 9900 which I´ve had for about 3 months now doesn´t turn on, I´ve read stuff everywhere about bricked or nuked phones, but normally the red light is flashing I think.
I have had my Bold 9900 for less than 3 months and in the last week I have experienced the following issue: The screen stays lit up constantly, which is making the battery run out very quickly. When I press the lock button the screen turns off for about 5 seconds, then lights up again, and stays lit. I can't see anything in the Options menu that will fix it. As I say, the problem has only been occurring in the last week.