BB Bold :: Email Notifier Won't Go Away - Constantly Showing One Message
Jul 14, 2012
Is there a way to clear the email notifier? It shows I have 1 email all the time even when all messages have been checked. I checked text and both email accounts and it always shows 1 email on the upper bar. Is there some way to reset it? It will still show more when I get other emails but if I get 2 it shows 3.
Odd glitch on the 9700. It's one thing that drives me nuts because the OS interface is placing an SMS notifier saying I have a new one, I see that I have one new message, I hover over the SMS icon on the home screen and it has a prefix (1). I deleted ALL sms msgs and it's still telling me I have one. What do I do? This happened after I did a backup and restore. Maybe because I had an unread SMS before restoring data from my old 8330?
I've had two Blackberry, but I'm new to the community. I traded my Pearl for the Curve 8330 a couple of days ago. The new message icon is constantly showing up. It started with three, then four, and now six. I have read several forums and have tried pulling my battery several times. I have even deleted my e-mail account and set it up again. I have gone into all my folders to see if there is a message hiding somewhere. I can't find anything. Has anyone else had this problem? Aside from doing a factory restore and/or calling Verizon does anyone have any suggestions on how I can reset the counter? By the way, my carrier is Verizon!
I tried sending a picture via text message. This didn't work and I got the message "Message cannot be sent" with that red frowny face. So I deleted the message from the conversation.The problem is, that this deleted message now seems to be stuck somewhere: when I go to the overview of conversations, the one I tried sending the picture now always has that red frowny face next to it, even though since then I was sending normal messages succerssfully. Also that sad frowny face sometimes comes up as a notification. I click on "clear", so it disappears, but then after a while it will come back.
I already cleares the cache for the "Messaging" and restarted the phone, but it's still there. Do you know how I can get rid of the red frowny face?
I had a curve previously, loved it. I wanted a touch screen, and got this phone. No problems the first week but now I am constantly getting a message saying application memory low, asking me to delete the one application (facebook) that I have installed on my phone. I have a 4gb memory card and everything is stored to that not the phone. so when i click no, it deletes my texts which is very inconvenient seeing as how I do alot of my work from my phone via text with my boss. it deletes my texts even if i only have 10 on my phone... it deletes the messages and leaves the blank message box. How to keep it from deleting my texts I changed the setting to keep the messages forever but it still deletes them. I am ready to throw my phone out the window!
On my Torch screen there is a message icon that tells me when I have a new text message and how many I have... Until recently, when I read the message(s) the icon would clear. Now it doesnt clear, even if I delete the message after reading. My little icon current has "54" next to it and is growing daily... What can I do? Oh, I am with ATT and just downloaded the current Blackberry update, but to no avail...
I have a BB Torch 9800 and I'm having some trouble with a message notifier on the top of the front screen that don't get off anyway.It's like a notifier from an e-mail or a text message, but is some icon with a white envelope and a bb symbol. I looked for every app and can't find where it came from.
I have checked thru all the folders and saved messages folders and I can't find the message anywhere. When I get a new email or SMS/MMS text messages it says I have the number plus 1, but I can't find the message or get rid of the icon. I have looked in all the Instant messaging folders and still can't find the message.
I've got a new Blackberry Torch 9800 that was issued to me by my company. Needless to say it has my company email account on it and I've also just added my personal email account to it as well. In the 3 weeks since I first got the phone I've had only the corporate email account active and have thus become dependent on the New Message notifier icon at the top of the home screen.
When I see 1 or more new messages I no longer have any idea if it is a work email or a personal one. Any way to change the notifier icon for my personal email account so at a glance I can see how many items I have for either account. I know I could just turn off the notifier function for the personal account which would remove it from that notification area, but I'd really prefer not to do that, I just want some ability to tell the two apart at a glance.
My phone is displaying that I have 1 unread email message but when I go to my email folder, there are none in there. I've checked all my other folders and there are no new messages.
I have been trying to figure this out and its driving me crazy. There is a notifier, 2 overlapping squares with green dots and obviously with the red round notifier bubble accompanying it, on the left side of my home screen.I have tried opening every single application but with no avail.I just bought my blackberry 2 days ago and still a novice at it.
I just got the s2, and i have 4 email accounts (2 work, 1 hotmail, 1 gmail). I have them configured and working, but they are all under the standard mail app (white envelop with blue @). When I get a new message, this icon will show how many unread messages there are. But, it shows for all of my accounts. I'm trying to have separate apps/icons for each email address that'll show some type of "unread messages" notification on the icon itself. Came from a blackberry and i had 4 individual accounts setup, each would have a red star if there was an unread msg in that account. I tried the hotmail and the gmail apps but they don't seem to show anything like this either.
All my friends have been telling me that when they receive a message from me (sent as a text message), my email address shows up at the top of the page instead of the name they put in their contact list.
My SMS text database size Is 17718/9513 and I keep getting a notification saying that it Is too full, even though my device memory has 200834280 Bytes of Free memory.
BOLD 9700, T-Mobile. I have current OS. I am receiving the above message when I try to reply to an email. Yesterday---I didn't have this problem. I go to email set up & my email addresses are there. When I am in message options, and choose Email Settings--- there isn't ANYTHING there.
I turned my phone on and it comes up with a white screen with the above message. I have tried taking the battery out but just comes back up with that message. When I try and connect my handset to desktop manager it states that it can't find device. I have tried to reset following instructions on here for the apploader but it wont work and comes up with the following ' The Blackberry Desktop software does not have blackberry device software for the device that you have connected to the computer'.
My Bold is showing a white screen with no error message. Looks like LCD failure. Tried reloading software but did no difference. Started showing white display randomly, and comming back to normal. Now is permanent.Still is under 1 year manufacturer warranty. How can I get RIM to provide support under warranty. Who should I contact or call.?
I'm a relatively new Smartphone user and am still getting used to my 8530 Curve. Over the last couple of days whenever I go to do anything on my phone (check facebook, check email, switch to another application, etc) I get this little black clock in the middle of my screen and it's like everything freezes for a few seconds. What is this and what does it mean?
when I have disconnected battery and changed screen, now the screen is just black and the phone just double vibrates constantly when plugged into charger. sk basically screen is like dead, I tried old screen back in and same, but if was v damaged anyway with green screen and lines. But now just get black screen. iTunes recognises if and allowed me to restore but again same problem. Don't know whether to try another new screen.
I have a 16 gig iphone 4 and its been laggy and slow lately as well its been closing apps on me. I always close my apps and everything i also have a system log app that is showing constant errors. CPU Usage Average 45 Percent.
In Yahoo, I have about 30 subfolders under INBOX, and rules establlished to drive the incoming emails to specific folders. When an email comes in that is routed to a subfolder, Yahoo enboldens the subfolder as expected, howeverr the email does not show on my BB. It is unlikely that I will be opening "folders" on my BB every 30 minutes to check all of the subfolders for new email.