BB Bold :: Ball Rolls In All Directions But Down?
Oct 10, 2011was told that the ring does not come off. Have used cloth and rubbing alcohol to clean the ball...what next?
View 1 Replieswas told that the ring does not come off. Have used cloth and rubbing alcohol to clean the ball...what next?
View 1 RepliesRoller ball rolls fine but nothing scrolls on screen. It is stuck highlighting the email icon and won't go anywhere else. The ball rolls smooth, it doesn't feel like anything is stuck. I've pulled the battery and cleaned the track ball - still nothing. It's like there is no connectivity.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a BB bold 9000 and the roller ball doesnt work, i cant move it to the right.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI thought it would be a problem with the trackball, however, the trackball moves in all directions. The cursor and on-screen highlights do not. I am allowed to move in all directions on the screen except down. This hinders me from reading mails and moving to other applications/areas in order to even troubleshoot the problem myself. When i move the trackball left or right, the cursor moves left or right. When I move the trackball up, the cursor moves up. When I move the trackball down, the cursor moves UP! What could be the problem here. The thing just isn't working.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy track ball stopped working correctly and I was advised by my friendly T-Mobile store clerk to use rubbing alcohol on it. it worked!! I can now scroll up & to the right which I could not do..However, the two keys to the right of the track ball stopped working. "back key" and the hang up/power key. They dont do anything.. Also, when pushing the track ball in as to utiltize the "enter function" also does not work.
View 14 Replies View Relatedwhen i on my gps on Bold 9930 and enter maps, it finds my location. But if i click on find a location, get directions or favourites there is no response. Those features was working fine before. Please what may cause this problem and what can be the solution??
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use MyWi currently for usb tethering, once AT&T rolls out their tethering plan, will we still be able to use MyWi without AT&T knowing?Also, why do I need to reset my network settings all the time for my maps app to locate me correctly?
View 13 Replies View RelatedBionic since launch and recently noticed a problem. When I wake the phone up, the dark blue notification bar is blank across the top. No clock or 4g symbol or notifications. Then after a second or so it rolls over with all the information.It does not do it all the time and the period of time it takes to "roll over" varies as well. The phone is stock and I've never messed with root or roms or anything. I have also noticed sometimes that when the screen is off it blinks the green light. It does this sometimes when I don't have any emails or texts or anything.It seems that if I just checked it and know there is no notifications, but it blinks green, it will almost always do the blank notification thing when I turn the screen on. Anyone else ever have this issue? It is very irritating because I usually look right at the top left of the screen when I turn it on and not noticing the clock is gone,I think there is no notifications.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have had my bold 9000 since it was released and lately the scroll ball has been a pain it wont let me scroll down. I`ve cleaned it with alcohol also put the phone on its face on a flat surface rolled it around it that way. any other ideas?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've just installed Ovi maps 3.01 on my N95 device, and downloaded maps for my country. But when I turn on the maps application, all the roads are placed in total wrong places. Some leads over water and through forests, and nothing seem to be right. I get my location on the right spot of the map, but the roads are chaotic.Any clues what could be wrong? I've already tried to reinstall the map file.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to know everything about my brand new X6 and I got a problem with the GPS. Previously I got a TOM-TOM GPS and with it. I could find an address easily, but now When I want to go to an address I'm not able to get someone like:
I only found the search bar and Don't know how to introduce the exact country, city and address to look for.
I have an iphone 4S and while i'm using the map the screen goes dark in less than an minuet and i have to touch it to keep it light. How do keep it light while i'm using the map?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
My iPhone 4s maps app is giving wrong directions.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
I went on a long trip. Ever since, the maps is giving me the same directions (from my house to my destination). No matter what I put in the "Start" or "end" spaces, it always gives me directions to and from the same points. It will show my current location.� iPhone 4s--8.1.1
iPhone 4S, iOS 8.1.1
I really like Waze, but the output can only be heard through the S5 speaker, even though the phone / music is paired with my car's sound system. Hands free calling is fine through the car audio, in fact when I am in a call, the nav directions DO go to the car audio. BTW, this is not a new problem with Lollipop, as it was the same before the upgrade.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone else have this problem with the Maps app? If I map a location, then ask for directions to or from my "current location," the routes display immediately. But if I try to use any other location (for example, from my contacts), it displays a "Loading..." message and stalls. This happens even with a strong wi-fi connection. This is an iPhone 4S running iOS 5.1 with Verizon. My Maps app is using the standard view without traffic.
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good navigation app with voice directions?
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East and west are completely reversed, no matter how much I try to calibrate the phone. For example, if I'm facing north (which the compass recognizes) and turn to the right to face east, the compass actually turns to the left to point west...and vice versa. No problems whatsoever with north and south....just a 180degree reversal of east and west.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI use Maps on my Torch to get directions, but it's no good when driving because I have to keep referring to the screen. I know the phone is capable of speech. Can I make it speak directions out loud please?
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes the HDMI port go in both directions? Example, if I connect my Flip Cam to the xoom, via the HDMI cable, can I show my video on the xoom? Also, will I need any software to do this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI tell Siri to take me to a specific destination, and it does an excellent job but does not speak the directions.�
Thus I have to keep glancing at the screen.� Not a safe way to drive.�
iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1
My ball selects an item, but it doesn't click. I can scroll around, pick things, but I do not physically feel a click. It bugs the **** outta me.. what is the little clicking pad under it called so I can buy a new one? Or if someone can just provide a link that would be great.
View 10 Replies View Relatedthe roll ball selector on my Curve 9300 has stopped working. It clicks when pressed, but does not wake up the device.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe track ball on my BB Curve 8330 will scroll left and right but not up or down, which really limits my use of it. I tried taking out the battery, cleaning the ball with alcohol, turning it off and back on. The ball seems loose - not sticky.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've had my BlackBerry Pearl for 2 years and now the Trackball won't move left or right. I can only text, call and send emails but can't use the phone fully. Both T Moblie and (who I bought it off) can't help as the warrenty is over now. I am unhappy with this phone now. I got a Blackberry as it's one of the best phones, but not for me now. What can I do to fix it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAny have an idea why a roller ball would stop working and how to activate it again?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a couple of problems with this version.
1. On a stretch of about 48 Km of mostly highways MAPS more or less gets lost and give me completely wrong directions, like "turn left" on the highway (not in the UK!). GPS signal is strong and even an external Bluetooth with better sensors does no help. It happens always at the same spots.
2. On some longer trips MAPS did hang for a couple a minutes, usually at crucial moments.
3. During this 48 km trip, which I know very well, I use MAPS mainly for traffic announcements, it gives me directions that are far from optimal, not for shortest route nor for the fastest. The routes in version 2 where correct.
4. It is impossible to keep the Bluetooth link with my Nokia CK-1W car kit up longer that 5 minutes. Usually It disconnected after a minute or 3.
In the google map app, I saved a region (offline), however I noticed that the avenue names, driving diretions in street are not available. Is that correct?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just got my new4S two days ago, and I love it! But one of the problems is that Siri dosen't work for directions in Canada. I has just wondering when this will be fixed or how to fix it..
Thanks in advance!
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
When will Siri be able to give directions and list businesses in the UK ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedRecently my ball has not been clicking. I can push it in and select an item, but it does not give me a click feeling. Not sure what it is, but that bothers the **** out of me. I bought a new ball, put it in, but doesn't click still. I bought my phone off eBay in July when it came out, so I can not add insurance since it's been after 30 days obviously. What do I have to do, or buy to fix this? Also, when I opened it up, I noticed the little board where the clicking mechanism is can shift and you can move it around a tad bit.
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