Nokia :: N97 - Maps Giving Wrong Directions / Not Reliable
Feb 14, 2010
I have a couple of problems with this version.
1. On a stretch of about 48 Km of mostly highways MAPS more or less gets lost and give me completely wrong directions, like "turn left" on the highway (not in the UK!). GPS signal is strong and even an external Bluetooth with better sensors does no help. It happens always at the same spots.
2. On some longer trips MAPS did hang for a couple a minutes, usually at crucial moments.
3. During this 48 km trip, which I know very well, I use MAPS mainly for traffic announcements, it gives me directions that are far from optimal, not for shortest route nor for the fastest. The routes in version 2 where correct.
4. It is impossible to keep the Bluetooth link with my Nokia CK-1W car kit up longer that 5 minutes. Usually It disconnected after a minute or 3.
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Dec 2, 2014
I went on a long trip. Ever since, the maps is giving me the same directions (from my house to my destination). No matter what I put in the "Start" or "end" spaces, it always gives me directions to and from the same points. It will show my current location. iPhone 4s--8.1.1
iPhone 4S, iOS 8.1.1
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Jun 7, 2012
My iPhone 4s maps app is giving wrong directions.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
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Dec 31, 2011
I use Maps on my Torch to get directions, but it's no good when driving because I have to keep referring to the screen. I know the phone is capable of speech. Can I make it speak directions out loud please?
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Jun 27, 2012
Siri, I ask where to fish and it gives me a list of seafood restraunts in my area, what am I doing wrong?
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May 13, 2015
I have searched for Galaxy S6 GPS problems in google, and I have noticed that some owners experience a lot of signal loss/searching in their phones. What I have found annoying in my case is that whenever the GPS signal is lost, Google Maps puts me in a wrong location that I have not been to for a while. I have lived in that location before, but I have since moved and no longer stay there. I have purchased the phone after moving.
After a bit of experimenting I came to the conclusion that the building I currently live in blocks the GPS signal, since whenever I am in the balcony/near a window I get a signal and I'm put in the correct location in Google Maps. As soon as the signal is lost, Maps automatically puts me in that old location. This has also effected Google Now where I'm given incorrect travel times, but not my weather location (set on current).
I have set 'Home' to my new location, I have also tried deleting my location history from google, tried a few GPS fixing apps, reinstalling Maps, and also installing other map applications like Here and Waze, which behave the same way and give me the same old location as my current.
At first I thought it could be a GPS hardware defect in the galaxy, but I turned on my old HTC One (M8) and it acted and behaved in the same way putting me in my old location. So it seems to me there's something in the Android OS perhaps since Here and Waze act in the same way. I also tested with the Maps app on iPhone 6 and it gave the correct location although not 100% accurately. So is there anyway I can make Maps at least remember my last location before signal loss?
It is also absurd that my laptop can pinpoint my correct location while connected on Wifi while my phone with GPS, wifi and cell network cannot, which in conclusion seems like an android bug or something with location history in my google account which as I said already tried deleting the whole history.
Also note that the GPS and Maps work perfectly fine whenever I'm outside the building and I have location discovery on GPS, Wifi and cell network.
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Apr 17, 2012
when i on my gps on Bold 9930 and enter maps, it finds my location. But if i click on find a location, get directions or favourites there is no response. Those features was working fine before. Please what may cause this problem and what can be the solution??
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Apr 9, 2010
I have a N97. I am new to Ovi maps 3.0.3. My question is how come when i open the map, the position is wrong. I live in chicago, but the map is showing up Washington, Dc. area.
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Aug 28, 2010
I recently bought Nokia 5800XM and I have small problem. When I try to use Ovi maps and select My location it points me out to some place in London. First of all I thought its a problem with the GPS so I installed Google maps to check. The result was - Google maps application properly found my exact location(Sofia, Bulgaria, even the street was correct).Then I tried to remove all the maps and voice guidance files from my phone and installed ONLY the Bulgaria map and Bulgarian voice guidance file. However when I selected "My location" the GB(London) map was downloaded and the again I was pointed to some random location in London...
My phone software is updated to 50.0.005 and my Ovi Maps version is 3.04(updated today). Only Assisted GPS and Integrated GPS are enabled in App>Location>Positioning>Positioning Methods. I use the WAP services(HSDPA) provided by my operator(Mtel BG) to connect to internet.Is this some kind of hardware problem(in other words should I return my phone to the vendor) ? Or Ovi Maps are still in beta(or alpha) stage and can't be used for proper navigation ?
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Jun 19, 2012
For some reason all of a sudden, my WP, Bing Maps, Facebook, has been showing my urrently location in Ohio, when I am in So Cal. However, when using Nokia Maps, it displays my location correctly.I have rebooted my phone, turned on and off location, but it still located me incorrectly. This is day 2 of this issue.
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Apr 23, 2012
Every time I try to get directionsk somewhere it tells me a 3 hour trip will take me 3 days and gives me every side road along the highways.
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Mar 14, 2014
How do I send directions from Google Maps on my computer to my nexus 5?
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Jun 29, 2012
Is it possible to change the color or intensity of the color of the directions in the Maps app on an iPhone 4S?
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Feb 18, 2010
I bought a Nokia N95 8GB very recently in Jan'10. I bought it with so much of confidence that I'm making a worthy purchase. But my happiness didn't last long:Last weekend, the display stopped working for apparently no reason. When I took it to the service center, they told me that the LCD display is cracked and had to be replaced.
They also told me that this is not covered by warranty. Under normal circumstances, I would have agreed to this. But in this case, I had never once dropped the phone down or put it under any heavy weight to cause the display to crack as it appears (the phone is in fact free of any scratch or dent). In fact, I have been continuously using the phone with the pouch that was given with the phone. Moreover, its been just a month since I bought it.
What is most concerning is the kind of responses and info. that I got to hear from the person at the Nokia service centre:
1) He hinted that this is an outdated, discontinued model.
2) The phone sales should have stopped nearly 8 months ago. He was surprised that I bought just last month.
3) He hinted that its a failure model that Nokia might now be offloading in the market for cheaper price (vendors buy this model, strip the brand and sell it at far lower prices).
The way he went about the whole affair was 'Oh, this issue? OK, I know about this. But its a display breakage. I don't care and I will charge as per the book. I'm sorry that you bought this phone.'I was completely taken aback by such attitude and information. I was made to feel that I have been somehow duped to buy this model.
This was also confirmed when the vendor from whom I bought the phone showed surprise that I could have bought this phone last month. Because the model is no longer sold in the store. It's only available in the vendor's website at nearly 50% discount.I'm shocked that a phone that I bought so recently as one month back, would not work. What's more shocking is the kind of replies that I have hear from the Nokia Service Center itself.
I have tried seeking some valid, relevant answers from the Nokia customer care centre as well as from the AskNokia forum. What I have been receiving so far are standard template-based emails and responses. Such responses don't seem to be taking cognizance of what's being told in their own service centers.
My questions are:
1) Was I wrong in selecting this model? Is it a model that has such troubles as hinted by the service centre?
2) Why would the LCD display crack like this without any physical damage done to them? I have seen phones which have been dropped quite often and still work well without such damages.
3) Given the sentiment about this model, what is the guarantee that if I change the display, it will not crack again for unknown reasons?
4) Which is the right redress forum in Nokia which can provide a more sensible, relevant reply?
I'm sorry that my first post in Nokia had to be of such a bad experience - I was a consistent user of Sony Ericcsson mobile phones. Though I didn't have any major complaints with their handsets, I really liked the N95 8GB and made a switch to Nokia.It's needless to say that this experience has left a bitter taste.
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Apr 1, 2010
I really want to get this phone on a 24-month long contract but I have done some research on the web and it seems that this faults with this phone are very common.I dunno if all phones have common faults associated with them, or if the Nokia 5530 has more common faults than usual. Also, are there any known-faults and are they easily fixed? I was wondering what the reputation for this phone is here on this forum.
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Apr 25, 2010
I've been deciding lately on whether or not I want to make the final push to the N900, but can't fully decide.I've been looking particularly for phones that are able to run on the T-Mobile's USA 3G network, 1700, yet at the same time have a slide out qwerty keyboard. After months of deciding and debating, I still can't fully decide on where I'd like to be exactly as I've gotten so many mixed reviews from both sides, in terms of user experience.
For example, some of the flaws I hear for the N900 are - it's mainly built as an internet tablet, not a phone, so don't expect to be able to rely on it fully. I don't know how stable the N900 is as of right now, but I'm hoping to hear good things about it. Part of the biggest gripe to which I have with my current phone, is that being touch screen only, it locks up or lags occasionally when I want to make a phone call or send a text message - and that's something I'm hoping dearly, dearly to avoid when I purchase a new phone. As for apps and things similar, I don't expect much and I don't need much as well. Having used an Android/Apple phone in the past, I didn't find myself downloading apps constantly. Instead, I found myself deleting them more, being content with the few that I had.
Another thing that I've heard about the N900 is that there is no portrait mode, yet from everyone that I've talked to, they've said that it's most likely something that's going to be on the way. That's something that I'm a bit curious to as well, since I have not gotten any real, definitive answers that can firmly state that this is true. Everything that I've heard so far only sounds like it's the conclusion of the typical rumor and speculation.
To sum it all up, by purchasing the N900 I'm hoping to experience a stable OS, which means stable phone capabilities along with internet browsing. I've been eyeing the Nexus One for quite a while now considering it's 1GHz Snapdragon processor, but the issues with the bottom screen buttons and lack of physical keypads have kept me on the edge. I do understand that Nokia also has a new phone coming out sometime soon which is suppose to redesign the way Symbian is, so my options are open. What I'd like to know from you N900 users, however, is do you think the N900 lives up to the standards? Or should I just wait and look elsewhere?
For those that believe that I should be looking for a "real" phone instead; my current phone that runs Android was designed to do so, yet I find myself browsing the web, etc., more than I do making phone calls. I'd like to elaborate more within this area, but forgive me as it's late right now and the detail are slipping my mind. I'd be more than happy to provide more tomorrow morning.
i appreciate all the time and honest feedback you contribute to this, and forgive me if I sound a bit demanding or others as it is 4AM where I am now, and I am trying to put all my thoughts down, straight to the point. I am choosing to write this now because I am in dire need of a new phone soon, since the one that I have right now is purely and currently unreliable in terms of making phone calls performance wise (lag, long delays, etc.) .Anything else you would like to add in terms of what you think may help benefit me in a decision will also be gladly appreciated.
Previously owned phones: N73, N81, N82, N95, E71
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Jun 22, 2010
I've just installed Ovi maps 3.01 on my N95 device, and downloaded maps for my country. But when I turn on the maps application, all the roads are placed in total wrong places. Some leads over water and through forests, and nothing seem to be right. I get my location on the right spot of the map, but the roads are chaotic.Any clues what could be wrong? I've already tried to reinstall the map file.
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Jul 9, 2010
I'm trying to know everything about my brand new X6 and I got a problem with the GPS. Previously I got a TOM-TOM GPS and with it. I could find an address easily, but now When I want to go to an address I'm not able to get someone like:
I only found the search bar and Don't know how to introduce the exact country, city and address to look for.
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Jun 2, 2011
When I get maps to find me the arrow shows me facing west when I'm facing east.When I put it in landscape the east west is correct but the north south then messes up.
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Aug 22, 2014
I have a home automation system that uses my phone's location to identify if I am home. But the problem is when I start using my ps4 (and when it is standby). My phone thinks I am about a block away, it always returns to my actual location, but ever 10-20 minutes it jumps back to that wrong location. This issue only comes up when my PS4 is plugged in and on or in standby. This is causing the home system to think i went away for a couple of minutes, arming my home.Â
iPhone 4S, iOS 7.0.4
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Jul 27, 2015
I was using Google maps today and its showing my location 5 km from my home when I'm sitting at home! I've tried hi accuracy mode in the settings, wiped the cache, ininstalled maps. All without success. Even Google earth is reporting the wrong location. what I can do to resolve it? Factory reset? How good a job does the restore feature on the pc version of smart switch do at restoring the phone?
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Mar 2, 2011
East and west are completely reversed, no matter how much I try to calibrate the phone. For example, if I'm facing north (which the compass recognizes) and turn to the right to face east, the compass actually turns to the left to point west...and vice versa. No problems whatsoever with north and south....just a 180degree reversal of east and west.
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Jan 7, 2010
When I'm using my 6710 Navigator in the car for navigation & listening to the directions via the car stereo (Bluetooth connection). About the first 1/2 second of the directions are missing. For example instead of "Turn right" I just hear "Right". I can sort of make my way but its hard not hearing the beginning of all the guidance. If I listen via the phone's speaker the instructions are complete. I have a 2009 Hyundai Getz, so its not an old stereo & have installed the latest maps/software on the phone. My 6110 didn't have this problem.
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Apr 1, 2010
Since Nokia maps became free to use for driving with spoken directions, I've decided to use it again on my 5800 rather than another piece of Nav software that I had. Whilst it seems to work great, my only problem seems to be that it announces the directions over Bluetooth. As my phone is connected to my car via a built in Bluetooth kit (parrot), whenever I activate routing with spoken directions, the phone takes over the audio and mutes the stereo (with "PHONE" displayed on my factory head unit). The stereo is then muted for the whole journey or until I exit from Nokia maps. So it seems my only options are driving without music, or mute the 5800 and route without spoken directions ?
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Aug 16, 2014
I don't know what happened but Google maps and Google now think I am on the other side of the country. I am in Ohio and it is showing my location as in a neighborhood in Salt Lake city, Utah. I have turned location, WiFi and GPS on and off. Also I have turned the phone on and off. I am on T-Mobile and my other phones location is correct.
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Feb 27, 2010
Just got a new 5800 XpressMusic, and it works wonderfully, except for one problem - there's no form of alert for text messages, giving me no way to tell if I've received a message apart from actually going into my inbox and looking. I have a message tone and vibration set and still there's no notification, not even an icon at the top of the screen.
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Dec 15, 2011
One day when I work up I noticed that the 3 buttons and the shortcut key light wasn't on.And I tried hard reset, update to the latest version, but all didn't work.
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Feb 4, 2010
I have a N85 Navi which I bought less than a year ago. I updated this week the maps and the application (latest version)and added one voice for the navigation. After this update when I open the Maps and select Settings and Navigation (to change i.e. voice), Maps closes automatically without any error messages. I can open all the other settings sub-menus. Any ideas why this is happening? Do I have the to re-install the application, maps and voices?
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Apr 17, 2010
I am using Nokia Maps 3.03 on my E71 (language: German) plus Nokia Map Loader 3.0, but I am experiencing several problems: Nokia Maps goes online via Internet for a few seconds (which costs me) although I set it to my Wireless connection. How can I switch that off? Every time I load a new map (and voices) via Map Loader and then start the software on my E71, it tells me that the maps are out-dated and I need to delete them. But then I do not see any maps in the software, and also the load of the voice is gone.
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May 3, 2010
I have finally moved into the 21st Century and have had my 5800MX for about a month now.Type RM-356 Firmware Version
I have a problem with my Maps Application. Firstly I only have 9 icons on the Maps display page instead of the 10 that is shown on the Nokia website, I have found I do not have the Michelin guides........any ideas why?
I cannot download the Here and Now 2.0, it states that the Installation failed and have tried many times to reinstall it. Does this have anything to do with the missing Michelin Guide icon not being there?
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Jan 22, 2010
I updated today to Maps 3.01. (To be noted that Ovi Suite still considers there is a new version of Maps available and would download and install 3.01 again any times I click on update.) When starting Maps the load screen with progress bar appears, then I can see an "empty" map. No keys work. After a few seconds (around 10 or so) the phone restarts.I deleted Cities folder and the file QF, rebooted, reinstalled etc. nothing helps.
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