BB Bold :: Accessing Email Settings: Says The User Name Is Invalid
Dec 27, 2011
I have two email accounts associated with my Blackberry Bold. Both worked fine. I then stopped receiving emails to one. When I try to check that settings are right, i cannot because when I enter username and password I get a message: " The user name is invalid. A user name must be at least 4 characters". My user names is about 20 characters long.
on my BB Bold 9650 ,While trying to change email addresses or add a new address, it asks for user name and password and I can't get past that message. I've used every user name and password combination I own and nothing gets me into the email settings mode.
I have recently had to change my e-mail account passwords. Now in order to change them on my blackberry I am asked to do the following when I go to the set up:
File Path : Setup - Email Accounts Existing Users If you want to access your email settings or you changed your device, log in User Name: Password:
I have 3 e-mail accounts going to this phone and each has a new password. I do not know what my user name is, I set it up 2 years do I retreive my username? when I click on "forgot password" it says the password has been sent to my phone, but I never receive it.
if i create a new email account on the 5230 and enter my mail address which looks similiar like this one the mail wizard says that it is invalid. what's wrong here? I updated the phone two days ago. Please do not post any personal information such as email addresses or IMEIs in the public forums. You can send a PM to a user that asks for it.
1. When I try to reset an email account thru setup and inetrnet email, i get msg that user name is invalid. username must be at least 4 characters, mine is clearly more than this length.2. related problem on another email acocount. DOes not allow me to reply or forward with this msg: no message services configured, u will only be able to save draft.
I have changed my email password on my gmail account using the web browser on my desktop. But I am having difficulty accessing the email settings on my Torch so that I can tap in the new password. I go to "Set up" and then have the choice of "Internet mail account" or "Enterprise account". I click on the first one and get a page entitled "existing users". I then have to tap in my user name and password. I assume this refers to my blackberry username and password. But when I tap the info in and press "continue" I get a message saying "The user name is invalid. A user name must be at least 4 characters". My user name is my gmail address which includes 16 letters before
In email settings appears next to an address: Invalid account check.The password and username are correct and the account is existing, how come I can not validate with the Blackberry Curve 8520?The operator is sitomobilevodafone from vodafone but I can not verify the account, I have to do with the device?
At first glance, upgrading from .681 to .822 didn't appear to do too much; save for performance boosts, the OS remained largely the same as would be expected.. well, except for completely changing how the keyboard lock function operates and not providing settings for users to revert back to its prior logistics. Lock Function Prior to .822: Setting your left soft key as lock, you could lock your phone from anywhere within the OS, showing a "locked" home screen (without actually going to it). To unlock after screen shuts off, you could press any key (as far as I remember) and it would bring up the "locked home screen", from there you would press A (or *) + Send to unlock.Lock Function in .822: Using the left soft key to lock, screen immediately shuts off going into lock mode without any screen feedback. To unlock after screen shuts off, you have to press only the "Power/End" key to bring up the "locked home screen" and then press the "mute" key.
Ah, so one key instead of two, just like the iPhone and many other smart phones; this must mean .822's method is better, right? Nope, and here's why.Reasons pre-.822 method is superior:On locking the phone, you received feedback that the phone was locked (nice), but more than that, the time was displayed, which is frequently absent depending on the application you're using (why it's not always displayed up top, I won't even begin to fathom).Being able to press any key or at least main function keys such as the soft keys and other function keys like the trackball to bring up the "locked home screen" mean quicker and easier access to the time as well as being able to unlock the phone.The mute key is flush with top casing of the phone, which makes it the absolute most difficult key I have ever encountered on any phone, and I don't have large fingers by any means.
Even if the mute key were easy to press, it's in a location that's more difficult to get to when holding normally compared to the keypad, which means even though pre-.822 you had to press two buttons, those two buttons where very close to each other and on top of that, close to your left thumb when holding the phone naturally.Why RIM felt the need to completely revamp the keyboard lock function in such a small update when the prior method had been in use for years while also not providing a way for users to revert to prior functionality, especially considering its user base, is completely beyond me.Based on this and other usability and user experience failures within the Blackberry OS, my recommendation would be to fire and replace the whole Usability/UX team, but well, that precludes actually having one to begin with.
I have been trying to set up my email to my blackberry curve 8530 however it wont allow me and tells me my user name in blank or invalid. it was set up on my last blackberry but wont transfer through to this one. As far am i am aware my email address in my user name but still wont take even when i have tried on the actual website from my lap top.
I have been sending and receiving emails from on my Blackberry curve 8520, but 24 hrs ago this all stopped and now when I try to send an email I get the message saying: ' invalid user account' what does this mean and how do I rectify it?
I have an email account on my Blackberry bold but I cannot access it. I tried to re-set it and I get the message "Invalid email address or password. Verify your email address and password. If the error persists, contact" - this problem started after I updated my Blackberry software. I have verified my address and password, I can access it from any computer. I have an icon for the email account, but it does not receive emails/it is empty/won't send or receive messages.
When I go into setup on my Bold 9700 mand I click on Email Account I get through to "select the type of email account" and when I try to select "Internet Mail Account" it kicks me back to the Setup menu.
I've recently purchased a used 9900 and have gotten stumped on the following problem. The previous owner's emails are still coming into the general messages inbox.
Since I've gotten the device, I've done a full security wipe (multiple times), upgraded the OS to (1333) and have gone through the service books without any success.
I've contacted the seller, who has in turn contacted Rogers Wireless to remove BIS service from his account (he switched to iphone) however, the messages from 2 of his internet based email accounts (Gmail & Yahoo) continue to be pushed to the 9900.
I've wiped the device (on-baord and via pc), I've re-entered by BBID, I've even attempted to access Rogers BIS activation page however, when I request the password to be resent, it send a blank field in the email.
I am not able to setup my email. Because I forget user id. When I write the user id that I remember its keep tell me user id blank please enter user id. How to reset user id?
Only after the action did i remember that i had my bank details on their in the blackberry app store. i went round to delete the info and it wasnt simple. after reading the forums and seeing how to erase the info i am concerned about the message underneath the erase option which states you will not be able to email etc. from this device again.Does this mean until she creates a new blackberry ID for herself ?
One of the reasons the speakers sounded good was the global settings for sound environments and EQ for headphone jack and speakers. Makes no sense for an update that makes the sound less on this device. PowerAmp has EQ settings, but this does not work for other apps or videos. Not having the global settings is a negative.
The settings for some reason are now located in the Play Music app. It is the same settings and appears to still be global. If it were linked to the Play Music app, I should not be able to mess with settings when the Play Music app is disabled, but I can. I created a shortcut to the Audio Effects with QuickShortcut (handy app!).
Audio Effects are accessible with the QuickShortcut app, so no need for the Play Music app.
I'd like to have control over the Emergency Broadcasts that come through my phone. Where do I find these settings at? I can't find where it is to save my life.
Which folder is being accessed for ringtones. I know how to get to the point of changing the tone: Menu > Settings > Sound but the list of available ringtones is super short considering how many I have on my SD card. There are several basic AT&T/Motorola tones and then a couple of random ones of mine, but I'm not even sure how those made the list. I set one of the tones/files on my SD card for my "default" ringtone many months ago, but it's not coming up now on the aforementioned list.
I even created a new folder on my SD card called Ringtones (because I had a bunch of random folders on there... Music, Tones, Audio, Sounds), but there is absolutely no way -- as far as I can see -- that I can use/access ANY of them for setting as a ringtone, default or otherwise. When I go into the Sound Settings, as previously mentioned, the list is not using the Ringtones folder from my SD card. Do I need to move tones from the SD card to the phone in order to use them? If so, then how or to where.
On iPhone 4s, how do I prevent personal email accounts (yahoo, gmail) from accessing my work email contact list? I want to keep my work contact list private.
I just recently upgraded to Android version 5.1.1.It appears, although I am not sure that that is the reason, that I can't get mobile data anymore. WiFi works just fine.If I go to APN settings I get above message - Access point name settings are not available for this user.
I've looked around on the net but have not been able to find a solution to this problem.Using an N8 (on Nokia Belle), the WLAN settings does not seem to provide any place to specify the username and password for a proxy based network (Note:this is not the pre-shared key for the WLAN, but the username and password asked by the proxy server). When the browser is used, it prompts for the username and password and then works. However other applications cannot connect to this network as they seemingly lack this feature and the phone does not make this globally available.Nokia Configuration Tool (NCT) 6.3 seems to allow placement of username and password values. When configuration is transferred back to phone, NCT shows successfully configured, but this does not seem to be the case when the settings are used by the phone.
After opening email settings, choosing internet email account etc. a list of 3 of my emails I already registered appears, but none of them can send or recieve emails. They appear as disactivated, I must key my password and click verify or activiate, but suddenly appears: Sorry, unable to continue the session, please log in again. Blackberry Internet Service.....NO HELP Taking off the battery for more than 5min. hose settings don't even give you the option to delete or create a new account!
But for now,I have a basic inquiry.i use aol email(accessed using tmobile web n walk) and need to access music i receive to work on .when i receive a mail over 5mb,i do not have the option to open or save it?why is this(even my old c902 had no limit as such)?also an attachment accessed via my laptop measured at say for instance,4.5mb(a fairly normal music file size) will be increased by 20% or so in size when accessing it via the X10?why?this is pushing most of the files over this 5mb limit(if there is indeed a limit)Would setting up a different email account make any difference or how i view/access my mail?are there any other settings i could change?ive contacted SE and they see no reason for it not to work 'in theory' but havnt actually guided me to any solution.
I recently upgaded to BB OS 6.0 and was able to get my email configured, but I needed to make some changes to the configuration and when I go to Setup>Email Accounts nothing happens. I hit the enter button and I click with the trackpad, but it never goes into the setup.