BB Bold :: 9900 Is Showing A White Screen Saying Error 102?
Jan 8, 2012
My blackberry bold 9900 is showing a white screen saying error 102 and it says reload software and when I restart it, the led turns red, so I am unable to restart it?
While using my bold 9900, a white screen popped up saying JVM error 520 and a continue button under it. After pressing continue the mobile returned to last view and froze. I had to restart it by battery pull.
I turned my phone on and it comes up with a white screen with the above message. I have tried taking the battery out but just comes back up with that message. When I try and connect my handset to desktop manager it states that it can't find device. I have tried to reset following instructions on here for the apploader but it wont work and comes up with the following ' The Blackberry Desktop software does not have blackberry device software for the device that you have connected to the computer'.
My Bold is showing a white screen with no error message. Looks like LCD failure. Tried reloading software but did no difference. Started showing white display randomly, and comming back to normal. Now is permanent.Still is under 1 year manufacturer warranty. How can I get RIM to provide support under warranty. Who should I contact or call.?
My phone has got a white screen with JVM Error 102 showing. I have tried rebooting, taking battery out and leaving etc but not worked. Apparently I can link up my phone using usb to laptop and do a fix but I am unsure how to go about this.
my blackberry it showing a white screen then it desplay the word saying app error 523 i tried several time to accept reset still it desplay the word uncought then it go back to the same point of white screen
My Curve 8520 wont turn on. After being asked to 'reboot' my phone, it will only go to a white screen and says 'App Error 200' There is a button to 'Reset' but when I click on it simply turns the phone off and when it comes on again it just returns to the white screen.
My bb 9900 is not opening. this happened when my phone's battery got drained completely and I tried charging it back. Since then it is showing error 102. how to counter the problem. As it is very urgent to keep my phone on. the guidlines to be followed to make by bb work again.
ive lost all screen info and now have only a white screen showing. tried to restore settings on BB site but could not remember key to unlock device and cannot find website to create a new one?
my bold 9780 keeps showing a white screen. i kept trying to reboot it but whenever the blackberry reboot screen came up it changed to a blank white screen and wouldnt move from there. i took it into a o2 shop & they said to update the software so i did that but still the white screen shows. although it doesnt show now when i am trying to reboot my phone it still shows it while im using my phone and i have to do a battery pull before it will leave the white screen. i can still recieve messages while the white screen is there but i cant see the screen to read them.
I received a call yesterday in the evening and the screen turned white. I tried removing the battery + pressed alt, right caps and del but still did not work. Also tried reloading the OS although it has the latest version of using application loader yesterday. It did not work either. But today morning I went to carphone warehouse, they tried to tweak it but in vain. They suggested it was a hardware problem and had to be sent to bb support (which takes 28 days!!) It was still showing a blank screen. When i reached home, surprisingl y the cell phone was fine (dun ask how). I restored the data which i had saved on the laptop. After a few min tried calling up a friend, and the cell went blank again. I just pressed alt, right caps and del n it seemed to be fine again. Tried calling up and problem still persists.
For the past two mornings, I have been getting a white screen saying app error 603. A simple reset would fix the device but I do not understand why this error keeps reoccurring and what is the cause of it?
I have just purchased a brand new Blackberry bold 9900 in march and the phone was fine until last week a horizontal line appeared across my screen just above my time and below my carrier. At first it came and went and now it's permanent and I don't know what to do?
I am facing a whie screen on BB Bold 9000 bought in 2009 ( software version updated ) and when I boot the machine it comes with above error message -" JVM Error 517"unable to access my BB?
I'm using BB Bold 9780 and I've got this App 606 Error written on a white screen.I'm aware its a Java exception and checked for updates for BB device software. But they say there are none for my device. Tried a hard reset many a times.
I am a relatively new crackberry user. My phone was working fine when I went to bed. I woke up to a white screen with text that said "JVM Error 517" and the word Reset underneath it. I have tried battery pulls but get the same message. When I plug into desktop mgr, It recognizes the phone but can never connect. I have only had it for about 65 days.
I have a bold 3 (9780), while browsing the internet my phone froze for a bit. I than managed to switch on and off. When it restarted I couldn't access applications on the menu. I than switched off again, when I restarted, the screen background appeared white, with a message saying app error 606 and with a small reset link below. I have clicked the reset many times but to no use. I even took out the battery a few times, but nothing has worked.
My brand new phone goes into a white screen and locks up.T-Mobile said to reload the OS .330. Is that the fix?I did a back up and can reload the OS.When I go to restore my data, (after three times) about half way through, the BB loses connection to laptop.I get error "could not establish connection to device". BB reboots, and I still have no data.
Also, through all this, I was getting JVM Error 529.I kept pulling out the battery.
Question: Why the white screen of death? Why is my back up not restoring? Should I start over again? Is there a way to do a clean install and not install over the existing OS?
My blackberry bold 9780 now has an error message on a white screen stating App Error 603: Reset. I have connected it to update and though it then turned on error messages then kept popping up whenever I attempted to open an application.
I have no idea what just happend to my blackberry bold!Out of no where it stops working!!! I turn it on and it goes to a white screen with little black letters that sayJVM Error 517 reset!!How can I fix it?
Yesterday my 9900 just stopped working and the screen came up with JVM error 545.I've tried using the BB desktop to reload following the instructions of BB knowledge base KB10144 and KB 20371.The device fails to connect to the PC and generates the following message: Application loader was unable to connect with your device. Please re-connect your device, enter password, if required, and click retry.The device just won't connect.
Like the title says I have the white battery red x 50% of the time on a battery pull. And the only way to fix is a finger flick against the volumn side of the phone, it is dumb but works. But I would like to not do this anymore. Any thoughts would be good. I am running 7.1 with virgin mobile in canada.
I had my IPhone in my shirt pocket. Took it out and all that shows up is a white screen. I can still answer calls if I slide my finger across the screen in the correct area, but I can not see anything but white. I am going to try the restore and forced restore but don't think it will work according to the Apple support guy.
I have a white screen with an error message stating `app error 523` tried everything including soft reset and hard reset + download from the blackberry site and still have the same problem?
My Blackberry Bold 9700 shows white blank screen with text "app error 104". Most of the time, it happens after restarting my phone or sometimes it just pops out
This morning my Blackberry Bold has a white screen saying "App Error 523 Reset" I have done a lot of google searches this morning regarding this and my biggest worry is that I have loads of pictures of my newborn baby on this phone that I never saved to sim, and I will be devastated to lose them.Is there ANY WAY at all that these pictures can be saved? At the moment the phone is just on a loop. It starts up, shows the main screen,comes up with an error, loads security software then goes to the white screen with the above message.Will just be so gutted to have lost the pictures. For some reason I could not get the pictures to save to the sim card, so only had them on the phone, and I could never find a way of downloading them from the phone to my computer either.