BB Bold :: 9700 Shows White Blank Screen With Text "app Error 104"?
Jul 12, 2011
My Blackberry Bold 9700 shows white blank screen with text "app error 104". Most of the time, it happens after restarting my phone or sometimes it just pops out
I was recently received a brand new Bold 9700 from an aunt in Canada and I had only been using it in the UK for 3 weeks when the screen suddenly went completely white.I can still receive calls, and I can hear bbms and emails arriving but I can't see anything at all. I've have tried the battery pull many times but it still remains the same. I've been told that RIM usually offers a year's warranty on new products but because it was bought in Canada, none of the networks here in the UK are willing to take it in for repair.
I have a bell blackberry bold 9700 unlocked. My provider is with rogers and I have purchased this phone about 5 months ago. About 2 - 3 times a day my bb 9700 screen will blank out and go completely white. I would have to do a battery pull and then my bb will restart and everything will be fine. I have wiped my phone, downgrade the software and upgrade it again. Still nothing is resolved with it blanking out 2 - 3 times a day.
About a week ago, my iPhone 5S started acting very strange. Whenever I go into my "Messages" app, it either shows up as a blank white page or shows previous messages but the screen freezes on the page. Sometimes I am able to text but then it starts freezing again. I am unable to call anyone. My battery is drastically draining. My phone just decides to freeze randomly and will turn off by itself. When double clicking the home button to "close" apps, my phone freezes. I have tried to update to the new IOS 8.1.2, but whenever I choose the "agree" option, my phone doesn't do anything.
I am a relatively new crackberry user. My phone was working fine when I went to bed. I woke up to a white screen with text that said "JVM Error 517" and the word Reset underneath it. I have tried battery pulls but get the same message. When I plug into desktop mgr, It recognizes the phone but can never connect. I have only had it for about 65 days.
My brand new phone goes into a white screen and locks up.T-Mobile said to reload the OS .330. Is that the fix?I did a back up and can reload the OS.When I go to restore my data, (after three times) about half way through, the BB loses connection to laptop.I get error "could not establish connection to device". BB reboots, and I still have no data.
Also, through all this, I was getting JVM Error 529.I kept pulling out the battery.
Question: Why the white screen of death? Why is my back up not restoring? Should I start over again? Is there a way to do a clean install and not install over the existing OS?
My blackberry has gone to a blank white screen with the words 'app error 205' on the screen. Every time I try to reset my phone it all just repeats. I've got so much information on here. Also, even when I plug it in my computer it doesn't change anything.
Last week, I was just playing games on my blackberry, then that white screen appeared.I've changed the screen. But still there is a white screen. Just blank. My phone just appeared normally on Blackberry Desktop as usual. Then, I did the reset to factory, and wiped it. But now, my bb doesn't appear on Blackberry Desktop.
A couple of days ago my phone started showing a blank white screen at non-specific intervals. The problem has become worse and I can't seem to view my screen properly. The phone itself is working fine (I am still receiving calls, texts and emails) but the screen won't show anything.I have repeatedly tried to reboot it by removing the battery but that hasn't fixed the issue.
months ago my new BB 9780 showed a white screen up when i ended a phone call. my device working properly right now without any problem even it goes to lock mode and when i press the lock button it's goes on again. the main problem is that sceen is just white white and white. i have tried to disassemble the device for 2 times and screen works great for minustes each time i assembled it back, but the problem begins in a while and screen goes white again.
enclosed that there is no one who knows about fixing BB in my country! and as you see from my bad english i'm not living in a blackberry-supported country
My BB bold 9780 screen turns white and stripes blank.Can't make and receive calls.The whole home page turns blank.I did the basic things like:Remove the battery and SIM card.Wipe off my device. Nothing works.
I am having the same issue as covered in lots of threads before. when i try to turn my phone on (pluged in to the wall charger) it just shows the red led for about 10 seconds and switched to white screen with battery thunder bolt symbol in the middle for abotu 10 seconds and then it repeats over and over again. but my phone does something ive never seen talked abotu on here.
When my red led is on the phone is making this weird noise. kinda sounds like fan comin from the phone. and itll only make the noise on the second time around. any suggestion on the noise and what i can do???? i have gotten a new battery, tried the battery pull, and ive waited 2 days and tried again no luck.
I have updated the OS version 6 today and still have the problem -- White screen -- it happens very often lately and the phone has been used for year and half.
So i came off my phone 1am & everything was cool, during the night i noticed it seemed to be booting up as if it had been battery pulled. When i got up it was still doing this but the progress bar gets a quarter of the way then the screen goes blank & it starts again. It has now been about 8 hours & its STILL doing this. Whats going on & how can i get my phone working again?
So I've had my bold 9700 for around 4 months, and today it randomly stopped working. Every time I take the battery out and put it back in it begins to load up the blackberry screen, but gets maybe a 1/4 of the way before flashing white and going completely blank. Then the light turns solid red for a moment and it begins the process again...
I just bought my onyx around a month ago and it has been happening like 4 times already. I had to take out the batter everytime this happens. Anyway to fix this?
I recently upgraded to a bold through Orange (UK Network Provider), phone has been great so far, I have had it for a week. However, I made a call and came back to my phone to find a blank screen and the red light flashing/staying constant intermittently. The phone does not turn on, I have tried taking battery out, sim out, memory card out, attaching it to my computer (which it does not recognize as it needs to be on) charging it etc. I have tried that alt, cap and del reset mechanism too.
Orange told me I will have to send it off this week, but does anyone know any quick fix to turn it on? I have all my contacts on there, stupidly I did not back it up.
I am using a Bold 9700 since May 2010 and i have been facing problem of the screen going white. I can receive calls, but since i cannot see anything on the screen, i cannot use the phone.
For the past two mornings, I have been getting a white screen saying app error 603. A simple reset would fix the device but I do not understand why this error keeps reoccurring and what is the cause of it?
my phone's screen randomly turns white or turns purple then white while using the screen and problem started like 2 days ago. And i can fix the problem by locking and unlocking the screen a few times and it goes back to normal but then like 5 minutes later it turns white again . Btw i tried reloading the os on my phone again it didnt fix the problem but i havent tried downgrading my os to os5 (now ive got os6). I dont know what happed is the something wrong with the software or with my lcd screen?
I was using my BB Bold 9700, just texting then all of a sudden my screen started to mess up. I tried a battery pull, then all of a sudden all i get is a black and white screen (white lines on the right side of my screen)
I am facing a whie screen on BB Bold 9000 bought in 2009 ( software version updated ) and when I boot the machine it comes with above error message -" JVM Error 517"unable to access my BB?
I'm using BB Bold 9780 and I've got this App 606 Error written on a white screen.I'm aware its a Java exception and checked for updates for BB device software. But they say there are none for my device. Tried a hard reset many a times.
My blackberry bold 9700 screen keeps going white continuously, then today it went completly white for the whole day, i tried to plug it in and it comes up with a battery with a red line through it!
and it won't go away. the phone still works, as I am able to receive and send calls. I can press buttons and see changes on the screen, but all i get are vertical lines. Sometimes when I hit the phone a few times and press the lock button, it would go back to normal, but then it will return. Is the LCD display broken? I've opened the BB to see if it was loose, it is not. I've taken battery out and re-inserted to no avail.
While using my bold 9900, a white screen popped up saying JVM error 520 and a continue button under it. After pressing continue the mobile returned to last view and froze. I had to restart it by battery pull.