BB Bold 9700 :: Phone Blank Screen Red Light Flashing
Jan 6, 2010
I recently upgraded to a bold through Orange (UK Network Provider), phone has been great so far, I have had it for a week. However, I made a call and came back to my phone to find a blank screen and the red light flashing/staying constant intermittently. The phone does not turn on, I have tried taking battery out, sim out, memory card out, attaching it to my computer (which it does not recognize as it needs to be on) charging it etc. I have tried that alt, cap and del reset mechanism too.
Orange told me I will have to send it off this week, but does anyone know any quick fix to turn it on? I have all my contacts on there, stupidly I did not back it up.
i have may bold 9000 for awhile now but all of a sudden it does not turn on any more. screen blank and the LED light flashing four times. i cannot wipe the phone because i cannot access my bold via the USB port. i'm geting frustrated and i dont know what to do.
i have a torch 9800 .....after putting the battery in it boots up gives me the att screen then operates for 5-15 minutes then goes black screen with the led flashing red. how can i solve this issue to operate device
so my led light keeps flashing even after i open up and reply to a bbm convo, it's happened on my curve 8900, bold 9000 and now my 9700, and it's only with bbm convo's. in order to get rid of the light i have to mark convo as unread then open it and it will go away, im sick of doing this, any insight?
I am having issues with my red indicator light flashing, I have no new messages,e-mails or texts. Was wondering way this keeps flashing and is there a way to turn it off.
I have a Blackberry Bold 9700, and this problem only just began today. After updating the Blackberry App World software and rebooting the device, the red light began flashing as soon as the phone turned back on even though there were no new notifications, and no updates required. I tried switching a few things on and off, but it had no affect. So I performed a battery pull and it solved the problem...until I received an email on my device, and the light would not turn off after I read the email.
I have the new bold 9700, and I pulled the battery to reset the bb because it wasn't deleting pictures. The pictures were fixed but the LED light that flashes when there's an alert won't stop flashing. It flashes red several times then stops for a minute or two then flashes again. Does anyone know how to fix this so it will stop flashing? I've tried to pull the battery again and even just reset the phone but it won't stop its driving me insane!
Last night while using my bb bold 9700,it just went off,came back on and then my bbm(messenger) was deleted,so i tried updating the OS which turned out to be a failure,unplugging my bb from my laptop minutes later it went off and the red light was blinking twice,charged it all night and symptoms still persist.
Unfortunately my BB9900 past away. Black screen, Red light flashy and all the same symptoms in previous other posts. I have tried:
- Batt pull - Chargin with Power cable and/or USB cable and pull the batt in / out - Installing software - Resetting with BBSAK and JL CMDer
All without any result. Only thing is: When I pull the battery and connect it with my PC, after 30s/60s I see a battery (with a red cross) in the screen. I have tried now to install the software trough "c:program filescommon files esearch in motionapploaderloader.exe" /nojvm but no luck. Is it possible to connect with other software? Where can we download software to Flash the Rom and are their any ROMS available? My guess is a software failure in the ROM.
Have problem with my K850i, it's hang when I press menu and next step. Keypad light up but screen blank, already reflash 3 times but same result. Is my LCD broken?
I have updated the OS version 6 today and still have the problem -- White screen -- it happens very often lately and the phone has been used for year and half.
So i came off my phone 1am & everything was cool, during the night i noticed it seemed to be booting up as if it had been battery pulled. When i got up it was still doing this but the progress bar gets a quarter of the way then the screen goes blank & it starts again. It has now been about 8 hours & its STILL doing this. Whats going on & how can i get my phone working again?
I've just gotten a Bold 9700 and noticed that even though I have the option to sync the profile pictures of my friends with my contacts profiles on the phone, the pictures for my phone contacts remain blank. The Facebook profiles are linked to my contacts and sometimes will show the Facebook profile picture but after a while the picture reverts to a blank icon again. I've also unselected the option to sync and re-enabled the option to update Blackberry contacts with my Facebook contacts to try and force the pictures to update but no success.
I was thinking that it might also be because of a conflict wiyth other apps trying to update the contact pictures seeing as I originally imported all my contatcs from my Gmail account but I am unable to figure out which other apps, if any, are updating contact pics and thereby turn them off.
Blackberry contacts linked to a LinkedIn profile show their LinkedIn profile pics correctly though and other than that I only have BB Messenger, GTalk, Windows Live Messenger and Facebook that are linked to my Blackberry contacts.Any ideas on how I can get my contacts' pictures to sync correctly with Facebook?
I was recently received a brand new Bold 9700 from an aunt in Canada and I had only been using it in the UK for 3 weeks when the screen suddenly went completely white.I can still receive calls, and I can hear bbms and emails arriving but I can't see anything at all. I've have tried the battery pull many times but it still remains the same. I've been told that RIM usually offers a year's warranty on new products but because it was bought in Canada, none of the networks here in the UK are willing to take it in for repair.
So I've had my bold 9700 for around 4 months, and today it randomly stopped working. Every time I take the battery out and put it back in it begins to load up the blackberry screen, but gets maybe a 1/4 of the way before flashing white and going completely blank. Then the light turns solid red for a moment and it begins the process again...
I just bought my onyx around a month ago and it has been happening like 4 times already. I had to take out the batter everytime this happens. Anyway to fix this?
I have a bell blackberry bold 9700 unlocked. My provider is with rogers and I have purchased this phone about 5 months ago. About 2 - 3 times a day my bb 9700 screen will blank out and go completely white. I would have to do a battery pull and then my bb will restart and everything will be fine. I have wiped my phone, downgrade the software and upgrade it again. Still nothing is resolved with it blanking out 2 - 3 times a day.
I've just tried to update my BBerry to v5.0 via a USB cable connected to my laptop. This was because when synching to my laptop, the device manager software indicated updates available. I've previously upgraded to v5.0 no problem.However, during the update, a very aptly named "fatal error" occurred. my Bberry is now UNUSABLE! The LED is flashing red (twice, then pause, repeatedly).I've removed the battery - to no avail!
So I bought my AT&T Bold 9700 last month when it first came out, and have had no troubles with it so far. I've tried searching for a thread like this but haven't found any.My 9700 just randomly "rebooted" this morning, where the screen goes black and the red led light turns on for a couple of seconds. This has happened to me before on my old 9000, where after it would then start up again. Nearing the time when I replaced it, it would do it quite frequently (and to think it just started getting really bad AFTER the 1 year warranty on it expired!). So back to the 9700, the progress bar that comes up when you're starting up the device would then come up, and sometimes load for about half an inch, sometimes only up to an eighth, before the whole thing would start again - the screen would turn black, the red led turns on, and the progress bar would come up again.I pulling the battery out for a few minutes and putting it back in but its still doing it. I then pulled it out for about an hour and its still doing it again.
I have a Blackberry Tour 9630 for Sprint and I plugged it into my iMac last night to charge via USB and it was perfectly fine the whole time.When i woke up in the morn (the comp also went to sleep all night long) the phone screen was blank (black) and the red LED light was solid with no blinking. I unplugged the phone and the screen stayed blank and the light stayed on. I pressed the power button on the phone and the screen showed the little clock with rotating hands (like it was processing something) and then it went blank again and the LED light came back on.It did this 3 times before i took the battery out.I left the battery out for about 25mins and when i put it back in nothing happened at all. I pressed the power button and still nothing. The only thing that happens is when i plug it back in the comp, the solid red LED light comes back on - but still nothing on the screen.Has anyone experienced this or have any ideas for me? Did i fry the battery by leaving it plugged into a dormant comp?
Today my touch screen on my bb torch 9800 wouldnt work, I did a battery pull and now my phone wont switch back on. the screen is black and there is a red flashing light.
i have only had my blackberry for a few months, i tried installing an update last night and it said it needed to reboot, i clicked ok and now i have a black screen with a red flashing light, i have put the phone on charge, it won't turn on or connect to the computor
i have a bb curve 9300 and its randomly stopped working. The screen wont turn on and it just black, but when i turn it on the red lights comes on and the keypad light, so the phone is clearly on. I thought it was a problem with the actual screen so i got new one and got it put it instead of the old one. this did not fix the problem and the screen still will not turn on.
i just got the galaxy s6 edge i noticed i keep getting the flashing blue LED light when my screen is off even though i am not received any text, emails or any notification on my phone. it just keeps flashing. how do i turn this off? I have gone into settings>sounds and notifications> led indicator and turned it off but it still flashes.