I am Italian and I bought a new blackberry 9790 about four mounths ago. The telephone has a problem, sometimes speaker doesn't work and I can't listen the call, if I switch to the hands-free speaker it works, but in normal use with speaker it doesn't work, After any days the phone works fine, with random frequency. I updated the software with the last 7.1 os version but the problem remains. I read in many forums that many users has the same problem, so it is not possible to buy a phone for 499 euro and to have this kind of problem! I can't find any RIM telephone number here in Italy to have a support for this problem. The telephone has about four months, it is new, and it is in perfect condition,
My Bold 9790 ear speaker has recently stopped working. At first it was not working of just the odd phone call but since a couple of days ago it seems to happen with every single phone call. If I answer the phone or make a call there is absolute silence from the ear speaker although the person on the other end of the phone can hear me. Therefore, in order to hold a conversation on the phone I have to either activate loudspeaker or use the headset.
Device info Your carrier: o2 OS version
Apps and free space File free before and after a battery remove/replace: 207916925 bytes free Did a battery pull fix your issue? No Apps installed and their version:
I bought bold 9790 four months back during June'12. When i make a call, handset speaker is not working and i am not able to listen to the caller when it is in handset mode. When i opt for speaker mode, i can listen to the caller. Is there any option which would've got changed by mistake OR is it speaker related problem.
I'''ve just bought a bb bold 9790, apparently there should be BIS included in the bb. On the right top corner where all the connection icons are, there is a 3G then bb icon, however when I go to service status, it is shown that BIS is not connected. Do I need to buy add-ons from the mobile network by myself?
Well I got a black berry bold 9790 about a month ago; however, the touch screen stops responding and doesn't work again until I switch the phone off and remove the battery, it doesn't work even I reboot the phone without removing the battery.
My touch screen suddenly stops working. It will not start working again unless I take the batt out.. this only works for a short while however. Many people seems to be having the same problem, my phone is only a few months old and has not been dropped.
out of a sudden..my bold 9790 switch itself off...then when i tried to switch it on again, it won't start..i've tried charging the battery and few attempts to switch it on by pressing the power button, it just would not start...then i tried to connect it to my Pc usinf blackberry desktop, i would not detect.
i have BB9900 but i facing a problem with the speaker for example : when call any one the other side hear noise like this water voice and i check with many phones the same problem so i want to know that proplem HW OR SW
I just put made my first call with the BB. The speakerphone works fine, but the smaller speaker that goes against the ear doesn't work. It does work on my wife's 9000 (bought at the same time from the same place). I've tried the increasing the volume button on the side. My profile is set to normal. I've tried going into the phone application and making sure mute was off, and default volume set to 75%.It does work normally when I put headphones in during a call.Any suggestions, or is it defective?
Do not know how this happened, no damage to the phone at all, all of a sudden anything that plays of the speakerphone is not working, ie) music, alerts, ringtones.. NOTHING. Not even speakerphone during calls.The handset speaker works perfectly fine. I went thru allmy options, looked at all the sound profiles, nothing is working. Videos aren't playing sounds either. But if played through the handset or earphones it works....
I have had my blackberry bold 9900 for about 6 months now. IN the last 2 months i will go to call someone and the phone is silent(No ringing or voice from the other person). So i started pushing keys on my phone to see if i could hear that and i have come to notice that if i hit "#" all of the sudden it starts ringing or the persons voice is there on the other end. They can hear me the whole time but I cannot hear them. When it starts doing this silent thing I am able to hit the # key for about the 1st 2 phone calls then it does not work what so ever. The other person can hear me but I can hear nothing. I then have to take my battery out and restart my phone and it will work for a few hours or maybe a day but then does the same thing again.
I'm having a problem with the earphone that came with the BB Bold 9900 that I bought a couple of weeks ago. I didn't use the earphone until now because I wanted to try if it has a mic and to try it if it works when I call someone. When I tried to test it by playing music in my media, only the left speaker was working. My beats earphone works tho, I even plugged the blackberry earphones on my laptop to make sure if its the phone's problem or the earphones' problem and its the same thing. Only the left side was working. Its so new and I didn't even used it till now.
We are facing the problem from the Audio speaker and earpiece not working while calling. I need to removed the battery and put it again so i can used it again for calling. And after few hours aim facing again that problem( audio). My phone 9900 running with the version.
I've a BIS account with my provider "Base" in Belgium. I'm currently travelling in Canada, and my emails and bbm as well as what's app were properly working with the wifi. I updated to OS 7,1 yesterday, and since then, I 'm not able to use BBm nor emails functions anymore.Only Whats app is working properly. The pictures display has also changed and is much less practical than it used to be. I've tried to restaure, to go back to my previous software, to boot and reboot many times...
I have downloaded the Opera Mini from Blackberry AppWorld for a Blackberry 9790. It was fine and working for a day or two, but now it would not launch, saying that it is "unable to connect. Please review your network settings". What am I supposed to do in this situation?
Does anyone have issues using their Bold 9790 outside, in the open air, when there is a breeze/wind blowing? Or even in the car if the air vents are blowing, even slightly? Whenever I am outside, even if there is hardly any wind, I am unable to send any kind of messages or scroll through menus, as the 'cursor' keeps going back up to the very top of the phone. So if I am trying to send a message, it scrolls right back to the oldest message. I have gone into the settings and made the sensitivity as low as it will go, but it makes no difference.
since i bought this phone in April, its always been giving me SOS mode except for when i orient the phone in a certain way, in certain spots of my room. Other that that, i can't go anywhere in the house, its just SOS. I bought the phone with WIND Mobile. Thinking it was WIND that had the problem, i unlocked the phone to try it with Fido. It's confirmed that it is NOT the wireless carrier that has the problem, its the actual phone itself.
I don't want to believe that I spent $400 to buy the phone and its nothing but an expensive paper weight.
I have had my 9790 for 3 months and about 2 weeks ago I updated the os to 7.1. After I did this I started to have this issue where it would start to reboot on its own, sometimes once a day, sometimes 5 or 6 times in a row and it would drain the battery. Also I noticed the battery level on the screen isn't reflective of what the battery level actually is, it would go from full to red in seconds. its really drive me crazy.
I would do a battery pull and it would be back to 80 or 85 percent. I bought a new genuine blackberry battery to see if that was the issue but still same problems. I wiped the device and re-installed the original os from desktop manager twice and the problem is still there, very frustrating, any one have the same issue and managed to fix it?
Three weeks ago I got my BB 9790 and I am very happy! Only thing is, it keeps rebooting (about 3 times a week) . I have changed phones 3 times now (within 8 days I get a new phone) but I have the same problem each time. Probably a software thing? Are there any others that have the same problem and maybe a solution?
I have had my 9790 for 11 months and about 1 month ago I updated the os to 7.1. After I did this I started to have this issue where it would start to reboot on its own, sometimes once a day, sometimes 5 or 6 times in a row and it would drain the battery. Also I noticed the battery level on the screen isn't reflective of what the battery level actually is, it would go from full to red in seconds. I would do a battery pull and it would be back to 80 or 85 percent. I bought a new genuine blackberry battery to see if that was the issue but still same problems. I wiped the device and re-installed the original os from desktop manager twice
The error message received I tried to update my Bold 9790 to OS7.1 using Blackberry Desktop Software for PC but all I get is:
"There was an error updating your software This BlackBerry® Device Software upgrade includes new features and significant enhancements to the BlackBerry® solution and, as such, is only available to users with an active BlackBerry subscription. To learn more about BlackBerry® service, [URL]..
how to fix the jvm 545 error. I tried to use the desktop manager to update the OS or reinstall, however, it does not give the option to reload the OS. The message only says: no update available and option to subscribe to new OS release.
There is no apploader as well. I am using the latest desktop software. Also i cannot connect with battery on as it always reboot due to the jvm 545 error.
I bought my unlock Blackberry Bold 9790 and I'm justing getting EDGE on T-mobile network. However, my friend have the same phone and its working on 3G. And when I serche for a network useing the Manual search it shows me just a 3G for AT&T (my house have a t mobile coverge 3G and 4G).
I have a strange issue. When I plug my phone with USB data cable to PC and select USB storage mode, after I unplug it, and safely remove hardware, The pohne battery starts overheating and draining very fast. It only happens then. If I plug it in charge only mode, everything is okay.