BB Bold 9700 :: Refuses To Connect To My Wireless Network At Home
Mar 22, 2010
I've had my BB 9700 for just over a month now, without having any issues whatsoever with the handset, and recently my 9700 refuses to connect to my wireless network at home, it finds the network, acquires an IP address, and connection speed even displays the signal strength, but looking at the Wi-Fi diagnostics on the BB there seems to be a problem with the Infrastructure, it attempts to connect and continuously fails.
I have tried restarting the BB, and the router, this doesn't seem to solve the problem though.
Has anyone else had or heard of this issue before? And are there any solutions?
I am on T-Mobile and the BB is not unlocked or anything of that nature.
I just picked up an Omnia i910 and got the WiFi to connect to my wireless network at home just fine. However, I cannot do anything with it? What am I missing here? I can open Opera and can't go anywhere. I can open up IE and still can't browse anything. Anyone have a suggestion? The Omnia is definitely connected properly to my network on a Netgear router.
I have a new 5c iPhone but can not connect to my Wi-Fi Home Wireless Network as my new phone does not recognize my password. How can I change the password and move on?
I have had my BB Bold for one week. The battery fully ran out and now after recharging it keeps crashing. When it comes back on line it asks to be reconnected to the Wireless network but then crashes straight away. I've tried factory restore and software update but it hasn't helped.
For some unknown reason my Blackberry refuses to connect to my home Wifi. The Wireless AP is a Buffalo Nfinity B/G/N and I have several other devices connected, two Wireless N laptops and a Wireless G Ethernet bridge, no issues at all there.The phone sees the network, asks me for the passphrase and tries to connect, but then fails with "Unable to obtain IP address".MAC filtering isn't enabled and the AP is currently set to WPA2-PSK AES but changing that to other options seems to have no effect, same failure message on the Blackberry each time.
I'm using BB Bold 9700 Version Why is it when I put my BB in holster, my network will always get disconnected after a while? Sometime when I using half way will get disconnected. Do I need to do any setting to keep it connected.
Don't know if it's just me, but occasionally I'll get my Wi-Fi tab (in Action Center and Settings) reporting that networks are "available" but it can't connect to any. Even my own network to which I connect all the time.
I have discovered that after a Reboot everything is back to normal. Wi-Fi connects fine.
I seem to have isolated it to when you leave a premises still connected Wi-Fi and let it drop-off you get this behaviour.
But surely you shouldn't have to turn Wi-Fi off every time you leave a place!!!
I currently have the blackberry bold 9700 for tmobile.I can connect to my home network but i cant use apps such as the facebook app or the IM+ app or any social networking apps of that sort.Whenever i do try, it says you need a mobile carrier internet connection or a wifi connection. I have a white signal(showing im connected) to my home network but nothing will work.
I have a Bold 9700 on Orange network and Netgear WNR834B router. I'd like to get UMA working but haven't the first idea on how to configure the phone and/or the router.I have connected to Wi-Fi OK. However my 9700 Wi-Fi diagnostics for UMA report "ISP or wireless network error".
I have Bold 9700 with 6OS. The problem i am encountering is when i change my network mode to 3G my cell is not able to connect to the network while it did a few days back. it only works on the EDGE network, i have tried using my sim card in other phones where it connects to 3G easily but in my phone it doesnt even searches for availabe 3G networks.i have also tried re-installing my operating system of the cell but the problem still persists, cant able to get what to do. Also have tried contacting the service provider but they seem to be helpless because the sim has its 3G network in other phones.
i have a data plan and i'm able to browse to just about any website and use it. but watching a video on Internet doesn't work.i can go to Internet, see the video thumbnails, but when i wanna play one i always get this message "wireless network connection has been disconnected. please try again."
note that watching Internet videos works fine when i am on my home wifi router. the problem is when i am out using the 3g.btw my apn settings are correct: odd thing is that it worked a couple weeks ago. so what's the deal?
So on my s3 I was able to wireless print to my hp that is on my home network.
When I used to print I think there was a samsung print server and a google print server. I think the google one is what worked.
However on the s6 there is only a samsung one. I did download the hp print app from the play store. When I go to print something it shows my printer however nothing comes out or of it is supposed to I cancel it after five minutes. The printer is on line and does work with a lap top.
I recently received a BB Bold 9700 that has been unlocked and I can't seem to get it to connect to the Bell Network. We have a sim card activated and it just wont find the network. Any suggestions as what is wrong or a step that I might have missed?
My blackberry 9700 bold is acting strange, when i'm trying to start it - the blackberry icon and the 0-------100% loading 'list' shows, but its only load to like 10% and then it restarts its self and does the process all over.I've tryed to charge the battery, no luck.i've tryed to "update" through bb desktop software with and without battery, but no luck.I will try to buy a new battery this week
OK, this might sound like a silly Q, but when I connect my BB 9700 to my home broadband router via wi-fi, are all browsing data downloads automatically directed via the wi-fi, rather than via my carrier's network, or is there a setting somewhere that I need to change?
My iPhone 4s will not connect to my home wireless network. The phone recognizes the network, but after i put in the password, the grey loading circle just spins endlessly on my chosen network without connecting. I've tried restting the network setting, restting the router, and checking for updates.
I know there are some threads on here with an issue like this but check it out:Last week my iPhone 3G stopped connecting to my wireless network. Since then I have changed the WPA Key and even removed it completely so that there is no password and it still does not connect. I tried my wife's iPhone at the same time and that connected no problem - even on another network my iPhone refuses to connect to a wireless network. Do I need to get it replaced?
I am new to this blackberry smartphone and have brought a new BB curve 9300 with BSNL connection. I am unable to connect to my wireless network my phone displays my network but does not connect at all says " Failed to associate with the network". I have tried all possible way
When I connect other BB, I can see in the DM that there is a 6th icon called IP modem to connect as a wireless internet IP modem, but how come in my 9700 I can't do that?
Like many of you , I'm having WiFi connection problems with my new BB9700.When I am out of the house, I can see my BB finding local WiFI hotspots and I can connect to them immediately.However, when I get home, my BB doesn't connect to my WiFi, returning the following error message: Unable to Connect Reason: Failed to obtain an IP address I have downloaded the latest BB software (now running version, cold booted everything in sight (router, phone, coffee table and the cat) but still get the same error. My foot hurts, the cat isn't talking to me and I still cannot connect at home ! Of course my Carrier's connection works perfectly as does their outrageous fee structure... (They are 3G, or Hutchinson Telecom by another name.)My WiFi service provider (PCCW / Netvigator Hong Kong) has checked the setup of my system and reports that everything is working correctly. I can connect my PS3, my laptop, my Nokia E71 without any problem and the hotline guy can see when I connect each of them to the system.I have tried different combinations of switching the usual options on and off on the BB but still can't get a connection.
Does any know how to connect X10 WiFi with Adhoc Wireless network?!?! Is there a way to connect without rooting X10 and editing file wpa_supplicant.conf under /data/misc/wifi?
I have rooted my x10 (which is upgraded to 2.1 firmware) through z4root software but I am unable to edit wpa_supplicant.conf file?
I have a BOLD 9700 my trackpad refuses to work. I have tried rebooting, pressing the trackpad 5 times which all worked before but now its completely dead. How to remedy this or how to use my BB without the trackpad...