BB Bold 9700 :: No Email Icon / Unable To Read Messages

Jan 29, 2010

I've enjoyed my BlackBerry for about a month now, no problems! However, I no longer see the email message folder. 42 unread messages that I am unable to access.

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BB Bold 9700 :: How To Read Korean Text Messages?

Aug 13, 2010

well i have os .743 the east asia one.i could read korean website and emails and i can send text messages in korean too but when i receive the text messages in korean i cant read it it's just blank or it has question marks.

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Bold :: Read Text Messages On Blackberry 9700?

Nov 6, 2011

I'm a newbie to the blackberry and I'm having troubles reading my text messages. When I click on the message icon, to check my text messages it says *no messages*. I've tried the message icon>menu>view folder>SMS inbox method buts its just such a hassle. Is there any way to make it more convenient?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Gmail Messages Not Automatically Marked Read

Jan 30, 2010

I am having tough times trying to figure it out why Gmail messages are not automatically marked as read it on my Blackberry after I read them on my computer at the Google Webmail page. I have just read 5 emails on Google web page and they are still appearing as unread it on my Blackberry. My wife has the iPhone, and it immediately marked messages as read it as well. Do I need to set any specific setting?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Messenger Symbol On Main - No Messages Read Or Unread

Sep 7, 2010

ive got the blue " new blackberry messenger" symol on the top of my phone but i have no pending messages to read - i have deleted all messages, chats etc - the only thing i have done is deleted a contact and ignored them - i tried unignoring all and its still there! have taken the battery out etc but im about to throw it across the room now!

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BB Bold 9700 :: How To Change Yahoo Email Icon Back To Stock Icon?

Feb 24, 2010

I don't know if this is the right forum for this, but I woke this morning to see my Yahoo email icon back on my home screen. Has anyone else gotten it back? And lastly, how do I change it back to a stock BB icon?

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BB Bold 9700 :: New SMS Icon Same As New Email Icon?

Jul 25, 2010

When I get a new SMS, it is the same as a new e-mail icon. However, this is not supposed to be so... SMS's are supposed to be a slanted envelop. I never had this problem with my old curve 8320. I've also had this icon issue since I got my phone several months ago. The icons remain the same no matter which OS version I use. I am on T-mobile.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Unable To Send Text Messages / Opened Received Messages

Jul 24, 2010

Just recently I have had some problems sending normal text messages..The problem is when I want to send a text I go to my contacts and try to send a sms message, but instead of opening up a conversation window I get taken straight to my recieved messages... I havent had a problem replying to messages after people have texted me, its iniating the converstation thats not working.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Message Icon But No Messages

Aug 6, 2010

I"ve had my bold 9700 for one month. The first 3 weeks were fine, all of a sudden, I keep getting the message icons at the top of the screen, but there are NO messages. I've deleted all messages, texts, phone calls etc., icon is still there. AT&T, nor the blackberry store seems to have a solution. I don't want to have to pull my battery every time this happens (multiple times per day).

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BB Bold 9700 :: Mail Icon On With No Messages

May 23, 2010

Mail icon showing with no messages. Tried battery pull but no results.Tried deleting mailbox but icon remains.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Blue Phone Icon Next To Unopened Messages

May 15, 2010

I just got a new BB 9700 and I'm pretty good when it comes to Blackberries. But I have no idea what this blue icon is. I thought that it had somethin to do with missed calls but now I don't quite think so.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Whenever Receive Bbm Message / Don't Get Little Red Star On Messages Icon

Feb 25, 2010

whenever i recieve a bbm message i dont get the little red star on the messages icon anymore, im not 100% sure if i did in the first place but it would be odd if i didnt!? emails its the same case i believe (not 100% sure on that one though)i use the imagining mmmooo theme that is in the top 25 free list... does this have an affect upon this?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Icon Can't Find Description Of Appearing 2 Messages

Apr 10, 2010

purchased a Bold 9700 on Vodafone and have found 2 little things that are bugging me because I can't find out what one of them is, or why the other happens!

1) I have a strange icon that I can't find a description of appearing next to 2 messages. It looked like a little phone symbol. It appears next to 2 of my conversations, in my SMS/MMS inbox and on he Blackberry Messenger inbox (as the conversations are via the PIN service). I have other conversations in my Blackberry Messenger inbox that appear with a little bubble with the blackberry logo inside, and messages in my SMS/MMS inbox that appear with the normal white speech bubble at the side. However, no matter what I do, these 2 conversations remain with the little Phone symbol next to them.....

-------------------------- <----------- That tiny gap will highlight, and when I click it, it opens into the chat
Contact screen for one of my contacts?! If I send another message, it then
Message appears like normal again with the rest of the messages!

Carrier: Vodafone
Model & OS: Bold 9700, v5.0.0.545 (

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BB Bold 9700 :: Why No New Email Icon After I Set Up The Email?

Jun 11, 2010

Why no new email icon after I set up the email? I've got 4 email accounts, but only 3 of them have icons. If I change to another Theme (background on the screen), all the email accounts icon will appear. I am currently using the default Theme which is missing 1 email icon.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Orange Envelop On Email Icon?

Jun 22, 2010

Okay this icon just appear 20 minutes ago and I don't know what it is (Orange envelop on email icon)

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BB Bold 9700 :: Unidentified Email Clock Icon?

Sep 14, 2010

About 5% of the time when I send an email, ithe message does not get sent immediately but shows a clock icon where there would be a check mark if it had been sent. I don't find any documentation on what the clock icon is supposed to mean. Any message that exhibits the clock just sits and does not get sent until I manually select "Resend". On my old 8800, occasionally if the service could not be contacted or was busy a message would hang around until the service became available and it would be sent automatically. In the current case, no matter how long I wait (days) it never gets sent automatically.

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BB Bold :: Separate Icon For Email And Text Messages?

Aug 27, 2011

How do I program one icon for email and one for text messages? Right now I get everything on both icons.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Sent Messages In Email?

Apr 22, 2010

Added a email account (gmail) but it won't show sent messages.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Seperate Email Icon For One Specific Account

Jan 2, 2010

Just got my new Bold today. An upgrade from the old bold. On that one I had an email icon which was just for my BT emails and I used this rather than the messages one which included everything (aim, BBM, Emails). I don't see this icon on the new Bold. Is it not possible to have it anymore? I don't like having to wade though everything that goes into messages to get to my emails.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Unable To Receive Any SMS Messages

May 26, 2010

Carrier: T-Mobile

Device: Blackberry 9700

Issue: NOT able to receive any text messages. I can send messages and they are all being delivered. I pulled the battery and re-registered the host routing table. This happened last week, so they replaced the device and SIM in the store. Now it's happening again.Does anyone know what to do? I really don't want to call Tech Support.

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BB Bold :: 9700 - Unable To Send Messages?

May 3, 2012

tell me if Blackberry Messenger is down? I have been unable to send messages for the last 24 hours from my blackberry bold 9700.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Strange Email Folder Icon For My 2 Hotmail Accounts

Aug 23, 2010

Can anyone please explain why i have a new 'mini orange envelope' icon with a 'thin swirly line round it' at the bottom of my folder on my 2 x hotmail accounts folders? They used to just be plain envelopes icons. Has something happened that I should be aware of or is something saved? What is this new icon alerting me to? or is this just a creative upgrade?(I auto-upgraded my BB Desktop Software to recently, is this related?)I have always had a 'mini globe' icon at the bottom of my folder for my Gmail account. This has stayed the same. Does it perhaps represent a pop/hotmail account as opposed to a gmail-forwarded account?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Imap Duplicate Email Messages Ex7

Jun 17, 2010

One thing I notice with I don't get the imap duplicate email messages anymore. Has anyone else notice this?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Anyway To Download Or Archive Email Messages?

Mar 8, 2010

Is there a way to download or archive my email messages that are sent to my email address? I have all my other emails going to my outlook inbox but it is really frustrating that I cant figure out a way to archive my bb email messages.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Receiving Email Messages Twice Times

Feb 28, 2010

all the mails coming to the inbox, i am receiving one more copy of that email again either immediately or a few minutes later.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Delete Old EMail Address And Carrier Icon After Transferring Contact

Aug 1, 2010

I transferred contact data from my wife's BB9000 to my new BB9700 using BB desktop software 5.0. As a result in my new 9700 bold I got transferred old email account from original BB9000. I could Hide buy I could not delete it and every time I try to send email my BB9700 giving me option to use both new and old email address

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BB Bold 9700 :: AT&T Unable To Receive And Send Text Messages

Jul 14, 2010

So I just recently upgraded from the curve 8310 to the new bold 9700 on att literally two days ago and i love it! But one problem i'am having trouble with sending and receiving text messages. I have called att customer care numerous times and powered cycled my phone as many times as I can count but still nothing, I have also checked to see if the "service center" number is correct and it is, I still have no clue what it could be. When i send an sms text message and scroll up to the message it says "sent" and the date and time but i ask the recipient if he/she has received the text but still nothing.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Email Reconciling - If Open Messages App All Emails Are Still There

Apr 15, 2010

I just got a 9700 this past week and noticed something that is a little odd. I have two email accounts set up on my BB, one is gmail while the other is my university email.

My emails seem to be reconciling fine when I look in the address-specific folder (eg, go to blackberry main menu and then the mailboxes with the little globe at the bottom). However, if I open the Messages (one that has BBM stuff, both emails, etc) app, all my emails are still there! Is this normal?

Also, I don't seem to be receiving any emails from facebook on my BB. I get them if I open my email normally on my mac, but they're not being delivered to my BB. I do have the Facebook app installed... is this the cause? I get notifications fine for facebook, just not the emails.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Email Setup / Only Get Unified Messages Folder

Mar 10, 2010

I just bought my bold 9700 today and I can't seem to figure this problem out. I used the Setup Wizard to setup my Yahoo! email account, and at the end it said it had been successful and that an icon had been added to my Home Screen. However, I CAN'T FIND THIS ICON ANYWHERE.

I can only see my email messages in the unified Messages folder (along with BBM messages, facebook messages, ,etc., it's a mess), but I can't seem to have a folder ONLY for my Yahoo! email account. Please help me out, I've been at this for hours and have asked other friends for help but no one can figure this out.

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BB Bold 9700 :: BB Bold SMS Messages In Email

Feb 18, 2010

I am brand new to blackberry, just got a bold this week (9700). All of my text messages are going to my email inbox. Also I keep getting a text repeated (every 15 minutes yesterday) from a number I don't know, it's "0476000000" and it sends the message "n:m=3=1"

OS 5.0.330 platform


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BB Pearl :: Remove A Email Icon After All Emails Have Been Read?

May 24, 2011

How to remove a email icon after all emails have been read. I have this icon and even after I Reset the " Mark Prior opened" it still sits over the top. I have reset the phone in every one possible but it still there?

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