BB Bold 9700 :: App To Access Your Hotmail Account?
Mar 28, 2010
I'm about to get a 9700 soon and I have a question When you use Hotmail with this phoneIs there an App that you use to access your hotmail account? Or do yo navigate to hotmail through a web browser and send emails that way? please let me know.
I cannot add my hotmail account to my new BB phone. I tried a Gmail account and it works fine, I just get an error "The application has encountered and error and cannot continue" for my hotmail account. I have contacted T-Mobile and they tried to help me, however they told me, after few tires, that BB does not support Hotmail accounts.
I have just received my new bold 9700 handset. I have set up both my gmail and Hotmail accounts.Unfortunately, I can't seem to receive any mails from my hotmail on my handset even though they do arrive on my hotmail. This is not the case with gmail, which seems to work fine and push the emails to my handset as soon as they arrive. Can any one please help me out here?
i want to know if there is a way to access the folders in my hotmail account on my blackberry device? i have made rules that send specific emails to specific folders on my account and cant see the emails that go to those folders on my blackberry.
My hotmail email account does not allow me to always chose access point, its provides a list of known points and if its not available it does not give choice of another. Whereas my ntlworld account (pop account) allows me to set default access point as "always ask".
I have a Bold 9700.I am unable to access my work Outlook Account.I have followed the BlackBerry Internet Service site guidance and manually entered the information related to the outlook account and still I can not get access.Am I missing some kind of software that will allow be to access outlook accounts?
I cannot add my hotmail account to my new BB phone. I tried a Gmail account and it works fine, I just get an error "The application has encountered and error and cannot continue" for my hotmail account. I have contacted T-Mobile and they tried to help me, however they told me, after few tires, that BB does not support Hotmail accounts.
We set up our Blackberrys on an Enterprise server and now I can't add my Hotmail account to my phone. I get the error "Email setup application is temporarily unavailable". It has been thsi way for months, is this coming from our BES servier? Anyone been able to add another email account using a BES server?
I cant seem to set up my emails on the phone it wants me to activate my enterprise account, I dont know what this is, all I want to do is set up my hotmail account with the phone but there is not an option to do this.
Some time ago I received a notification stating that I needed to verify my password to continue receive emails from my Hotmail account. The instruction stated that I needed to launch the Setup Wizard and click on the Email Accounts icon and then select the "Internet mail Account" icon to verify my password. I follow the instructions but, when I click on the "Internet mail Account" icon nothing happens and my only available option is "return to Setup".
I havemy hotmail set up on it however its not instant. It can take up to 20mins for a message to come through. My wife's is instant and so are a few others who use hotmail on their bolds. Can i anyway get this issue resolved? I'm having to use gmail as a secondary email account just so that I get instant replies when I need them.
I've been playing with my new Bold and am getting the hang of things, got most of my stuff on it and preferences sorted, I feel like the menus are endless though and will take a while to figure out all the shortcuts! But I'm loving it!My question is about my hotmail account. When I send messages from the BB they do not appear in my outlook 07 and vice versa, is there a way to make it do this?I would also like to get all of my old message from outlook (pre BB) onto the BB for reference, is this possible?
I've been wondering why my hotmail shortcut is just the usual envelope-with-small-globe one, because my friend's 9700 has the envelope-with-small-orange-envelope for her hotmail emails. Anyone know how to fix this? I'm running on 9700/
I too am having email issues with my 9700. I have 3 accounts that run off the hotmail server, yet I can NOT get my phone to sync up with the server to delete my messages from the inbox and the phone. I even tried going back to my 8320 and the messages were deleted off the hotmail server. I'm so frustrated with the 9700 not working. Any one know how to fix this issue!
I am based in the UK and I am having problems setting up email on my blackberry bold 9700.I have 2 email accounts, both of which come up with 'username and/or password invalid'. My first and main account is with, my second account is with might be important to note that my password for both is the same, but I dont see this as an issue as it consits of only letters and numbers.Also, my girlfriend input her account and it worked fine. So why does it work for her and not me?! I have tried to get a account but for some reason only and are the only options for new email accounts here.This problem is also reflected in the Facebook application, whereas my girlfriend input her facebook username (which is her address) and it worked. When I input my Facebook username (my address) it says that this is invalid!It is sooo frustrating and as a new blackberry user I feel a bit out of my depth
I have a BB Bold 9700 and am using it access my Hotmail emails.he issue I have is that when I send email from my BB using my hotmail account, these sent emails do not show up in my send box in my Hotmail (accessed through the computer). Is there a fix for this
Got my BB curve 8025 at the weekend and have encounted afew things i didnt understand serched the net and found this site which as been a god send! I'm trying to set up email but atm its only giving me the option for setting up work email account with a BB enterprise server - I just want to set up a normal email account using my normal hotmail account but i cant get any further along as it asks for my enterprise activation password - which i obviously dont have?
Also - a few friend have gien me their pin so i can add them on BBM, i type the pin and it says contact pending but the person/s im trying to add get no notification that i'm trying to add them - we try it the other way with me giving them my pin and get the same result WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?
Can anyone please explain why i have a new 'mini orange envelope' icon with a 'thin swirly line round it' at the bottom of my folder on my 2 x hotmail accounts folders? They used to just be plain envelopes icons. Has something happened that I should be aware of or is something saved? What is this new icon alerting me to? or is this just a creative upgrade?(I auto-upgraded my BB Desktop Software to recently, is this related?)I have always had a 'mini globe' icon at the bottom of my folder for my Gmail account. This has stayed the same. Does it perhaps represent a pop/hotmail account as opposed to a gmail-forwarded account?
Attempted various browser settings options and still unable to access secure(https) websites... the message ""... Returned an error when attempting to fulfill your request... I have also attempted access through opera mini, here I manage to get to the https site however the login process fails. Appreciate your guidance in resolving this.. N.B. I had no such problems with my old Nokia E71 ... I was hoping my new BB 9700 is an upgrade...
I change my network from zain to wataniy but all my e mail not work when I try to log on to my old e mail I find my old 4 e mail id but when i try to enter the password to active my e mail give me error "sorry , unable to continue your session please log in again "i try so many times but its not work i call my new ISP he tell me its from the phone we cant do any thing i can't remove my old e mail or active them?
I have three email accounts that I was able to access on my Blackberry 9900. I am no longer receiving any of the email from those accounts. This situation has existed for 8-10 days. Any time I try to access my email settings to determine if they need a 'reset' I get a message that states; 'Connecting to email setting....'which continues for some time until it tells me that I do not have access to the server. I am also unable to to access facebook, linkedin and google, all because I 'cannot access the server at this time', or in the case of Google, 'The Google Search App cannot connect'.I have contacted my provider and they have reported that all is OK at this end. All I have is a 'smart phone' that is simply acting as a phone at the moment. Good for calls and contacts but nothing elseI changed my gmail account password on line from my home computer, but have not been able to change it on my blackberry. The other two email accounts have had no changes, but no email for days.
I recieved a Blackberry message stating I needed to enter my email password on the account which I have been using. I have followed the instruction by entering setup and clicking Email Accounts. On that screen it allows to me two options Internet Mail Account & Enterprise Account. However when I try and click the Internet Mail account nothing happens, it does not let me use this option. I have tried the Enterprise Account and it says "Status: initialzing service" but nothing is happening. (been like this for 30mins)
I can't access email account management options it gives me an error: "Unable to open email set-up application. Contact your wireless service provider.".The same problem happens when I try to go to Setup Email Accounts - Internet Mail Account the phone freezes or it returns to previous menu "Setup".Blackberry Bold 9780 Sim Free Software Version: 6.0 Bundle 2534 (v6.0.0.570.Platform - Last Version on Blackberry SiteThis is terrible I don't even can setup another email account or change settings from my default email account.
I changed my password on my gmail account and cannot access email account to get my blackberry to accept it. When I click on email account under set up it just shows a black clock for a second and it disappears.
I connected my Bold9780 to my PC and I was told there was a device upgrade and that it would take some time. I set it off and my computer crashed (power cut). At first all seemed ok, the upgrade seems to have been successfully installed. However I cannot send or receive emails now. I have tried to reconcile and nothing at all happens. If I try to access my email via settings I just get a message saying "Your device has a problem connecting to the internet" and I'm offered RETRY or CANCEL I've retried loads of times without success. The phone and texting work fine but I cannot access any apps either as it just says "server can not be found"