BB Bold 9000 :: OS 5.0 - Randomly Crash And Restart And Crash And Restart
Jan 6, 2010
I have had my Bold 9000 for about two months. I bought it unlocked and have been using it with T-mobile. When I first got it, i upgraded it to the latest leaked os 5.0. The thing is, I had problems with it. First it would just randomly crash and restart and crash and restart, continuously tell it just drained the battery out. Sometimes, on restarts, the standard Blackberry ringtones would not work, and sometimes they would. Sometimes when it would restart after crashing it would say, "net_app_something_ (52) isnt working and was canceled". I assumed it was a bad leak and tried several different version. (and this same occurred with each OS. I would install it on my pc, on my buddy's who has an unlocked Bold 9000 on t-mobile just like me. In the end I gave up and went back to 4.6. Yesterday i tried the new, official OS 5.0.It worked at first, but then when I install the newest BBM, it started crashing again, until the battery was gone. So now I have reinstalled it, kept the standard BBM that comes with the OS. and also deleted Quickpull. thinking it might have to do with it as well. On a last weird note. It seems only to crash in the evening. In the morning it is perfectly fine, however once it passes 4pm , the crashing beings, non if this occurs with 4.6.
Any ideas? My friend and I are both lost. Sorry for the wordy post, but it is really difficult to describe the retardedness of this situation.
my calls started to cut off while i was talking.videos (in Internet), started crashing. only fix was to reload the page again, and then watch from the place wher the video crashed, but it could crash again. it happens randomly as well, no time limit, sometime i can see a 10min video with no worries, but then next video cuts down in every 2min.some other installed applications started crashing.ram reports tell me that the usage is around150-160mb, so 150mb is still free.there's also plenty of space in the phone and memory card.
I have updated my nokia E75 to the latest software version 202.12.01 but it keeps restarting randomly,, so it can be a 5minutes period or even working for 3 hours but at the end it keeps restarting for no reason. i even tried to send it it to the repair shop, and all they can do is changing the cover ($40)even by sending the old software link.
I have had the Atrix for about two months now, and it seems to restart/reboot randomly, I thought I should check if anyone else has seen this? Should I take it back to the AT&T store and get a replacement or does anyone know the fix to this? Maybe the upcoming update will fix my issue...
OK so I have an LG g3 and had it for a few months it has started to turn itself off randomly, when trying to restart the phone it will not allow me too until I remove the battery and replace it again. The temperature to me is not that hot compared to when I had a Samsung s4.
I was trying to sync with my computer. I did not realize it would take so long and didn't check my battery. My phone ran out of electricity and stopped in middle of sync.All I get is ATT opening screen. I can't get it to reboot.I can't get desktop manager to open or reinstall.
I've been having issues with my bb, while bbming and listening to music via the media player, minutes and even sometimes seconds after putting a song on my BB freezes up and reboots itself. I searched the forums for the exact same issue and didn't come across a thread. If anyone has any ideas or possibly a link to the solution feel free to toss err in.
i have problem about my blackberry 9780..when i use my blackberry it blank,after that led turn to red and it restart by happen over and over..while it charge it doesnt happen...
y bold 9900 falls out every day. even if i don't use it. sometimes when i call. he just falls out, and needs to startup again, like when you remove the battery. i updated it , but keeps doing it.
under the home menu - media, there use to be several icons such as podcasts, pictures and videos under that tap. However, when i restart my blackberry, the icons under the media tap are gone and can only be found when i click on the media icon under all. is there any way which i can fix this?
Why my bold 9900 always restart when I'm in the middle downloading??Does someone help a solution or a answer to solve this??When I downloading then my bold 9900 suddenly restart after that the application last I download was look like I failed to download it.
So i was using my blackberry bold 9900 and i had to restart it. when i did this error :" uncaught exception: applicationregistry.getorwaitfor(0x3826bb0c1bc02022)owner died thread[thread-176647168,5]" appeared. I tried restarting my cellphone again, but the same error appeared. I have no idea what this is.
I am using a BlackBerry Bold 9780, with OS 6 bundle 2647. I am facing a problem that after sometime it gets restart. Sometimes it restarts and then back to normal but mostly it stucks in a restart loop (Red LED turns on as indication that phone is powering On. But it doesn't turn on and the process continues and LED keeps blinking). I tried to update OS version by using Desktop Manager Software, but still facing the same problem. And now i got no more updates for OS.
I am having this error for quite a while now and I always used to restart my phone by taking the battery out. I always get this error when I ran out of battery and restart the phone. Today I have restarted the phone 5 or 6 times but the Error is not going away: "Net_rim_bb_messaging error (146)".
I am facing 2 problems with my BB bold 9780 1. its showing media card error and not detecting content of media cardin mobile whereas its showing content when i connect it with the laptop. This problem is from last 7 - 10 days 2. Today, its getting restarted again and again. While starting, during software security verification, it gets switched off automatically and then restart.
My nokia N97 worked properly for over 4 months when it got a little slow. so I thought let's update it. I tried it with the software updater on the phone itself which didn't work. so I downloaded the software updater on this site. updated it, and now the C: memory is full. I can't use a thing about it and weirdly enough my computer doesn't find my phone. (I was still able to turn it on and enter the pin before it freezes) I went to the local phone repairguy. He tried to selftest it. And it said (translation from Dutch) "selftest phone failed. Take contact with the seller" and it stops there. What should I do. I live in Holland. (update's ain't possible)
It seem when I am in water polo between 10-2ish my phone has randomly crashed and gone to safemode I think every day.Is there something I can install so I can view the error log to see what is doing this to my phone?
Every time I try to take a picture vertical I take It and the camera app closes back to home screen, if I force the app to close then I use it like 3 times and it works couple times and it does that same process.
I get the standard crash pop up all the time with YouTube has had to close. Even if I have not used YouTube for days and restarted my phone in between. It doesn't harm anything but is annoying.
Is anyone else having an issue with Winterboard crashing and sending the iPhone into safe mode? It won't kick itself out of safe mode until I uninstall Winterboard. I have a 3GS that I jailbroke with PwnageTool on 3.1.3 and it's unlocked with ultrasn0w.Everything else is fine with the phone except for that.
i have an iphone 4s with a 5.1.1 software. i tried calling a friend who's using an iphone 4 with the same software version. while we are using facetime my iphone 4s turned off and restarted again. i dont have any problem with my wifi connection. i tried calling again using facetime and for just 1min same problem occurred. iphone4s turned off and restarted. i tried it 3x and still it has the same problem, then my iphone was so hot.
Info: iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, purchased in canada, used in the ph
I've just downloaded today's iOS 7.1.2 update on my iphone 4. I agreed to the install and now on the apple screen it is stuck with the install progress line half way. Has been like this for an hour.
Do I reboot my phone somehow, connect to my computer?
I'm not sure whether this is a 9700 problem or a problem with Orange (UK) but it seems that every time I restart my BlackBerry, be it a battery pull or a restart from removing an app, my phone loses the ability to connect to UMA ("ISP or wireless network error"). The first time this happened I rang Orange and got them to reset my service and this seemed to do the trick since shortly after my UMA connected again.After installing and then removing App World and restarting my BlackBerry, it's gone again. Obviously I can't ring Orange support at all hours of the day and every time this happens.
Has anyone else had this problem? I'm totally stumped on this one..My Bold is running OS (The latest version on Orange)I've tried numerous battery pulls, resetting the router, wiped my handset, re-sent service books, all the usual stuff.The wifi icon is white and NOT greyed out. All other wifi features are working except UMA.
I just got a bold 9900. Problem is that the device reboots when using GPS. So I turned turned location services to off. I tried to upgrade the OS to v7.1.0.714. Still no chance in using the GPS without the device rebooting. I wiped the device and again same problem.
People most often send the phone back to the mobile carrier but I was wondering if any other solution exist?
My phone was in a reboot loop. So I asked the Provider for support. Theceommended to Reinstall Software.So I did. After this the system kept on. As soon I aktivated Mobile Network Option. Device was in reboot loop again. it does not matter if I have SIM card in device or not.