BB Bold 9000 :: How To Set WAP Proxy And HTTP Proxy?
Sep 11, 2010
i have Unlocked Bold 9000 with firmware..i dont have any BIS/BES data plan here i can only use EDGE or network provider just gave me these info
APN : mtnirancell
Home Page :
WAP Proxy :
Port : 9201
HTTP Proxy:
PORT : 8080
so in the Option > advance setting > TCP/ip i set my APN to mtnirancell but still i cant get and send or recive over EDGE.i have to setup Wap Proxy and how can i setup these stuff in my BB? the Service provider cant help me cuz they dont even know Blackberry.
how i can use internet that requires proxy with bold 9700 tip: in my university i can't enter the internet by wirless (with my phone, just with laptop)
I am trying to st up y BBM, but keep getting the error message: BBM clas missing net.rim.device.apps.internal.qm.bbm.api BlackberryMessenger Proxy?How can I correct this.
I have nokia x3-02 in my college there is a proxy setting on the WLAN I can't access to the internet without putting the setting on my phone so how I can put proxy setting in nokia x3-02 ?
I am unable to set proxy for Wi-Fi. I donno why SE doesn't included this option for Neo. Where as in Samsung, this option is available for very basic model of Galaxy.
Hey can anyone help me with setting proxy settings on applications? At university we have a wlan using a proxy server, i set up my access point with proxy settings and port number. Web browsing works fine: when i start web browsing, i am asked to enter my user name and password. But the problem starts when i want to use applications like Vyke Mobile, Chat, E-mail. Somehow there is no connection. I searched the settings of these applications in order to see if there is some place i could enter a proxy/port number, but nothing worked. Any suggestions please, it's driving me crazy !!!!
My Internet over Wlan works through Proxy setting but i am unable to configure it and i am unable to find any option regarding configuration of Proxy of Wlan..
how to successfully browse the internet, use Market app, etc, with my X8 when connected to a Wi-Fi WITH PROXY AUTHENTICATION.So far, no go!Is Sony Ericsson planning to release a fix for that? Or is SE just going to leave it as is?This is my first SE phone and because of this limitation, it is going to be the last!Moreover, I was planning to give a SE phone to my mom at Mother's day and, guess what, I bought her another brand!
Is there any way to change or disable the proxy on opera mobile 10? I was doing some speed tests, and one said opera runs thru a proxy and slows it down. Sure enough i tried bolt, and it is WAAAAY faster. But i hate the ui in bolt. Hard to save pics, and navigate. Here are my speed test results, and both are thru 3G telus web: Opera: Bolt:
I'm so confused on here to add the proxy to my Rant. The model number is SPH-M540 I believe. All the guides that I see on how to get the free WAP internet online all say enter Username. When I go into ##3282# Under user name then edit and I enter my MSL code I get User NAI, MN-AAA Secret, MN-HA Secret, SPI MN-HA, SPI MN-AAA, Rev Tun Pref, Home Address, Primary HA IP and Second HA IP. None of those have anything with entering my user name or password that is need to be entered to connect to the proxy. I tried putting the Username in User NAI but that requires an e-mail not just a username. Please help. I have the phone currently on a sprint plan and I really doubt anyone there could or would tell me how to do this.
About six weeks ago I suddenly could no longer access the internet using Firefox or the default Browser on my LG 3. I just kept getting a message which said "The proxy server is refusing connections". I went to my local Sprint store and after two hours of their playing around with my phone, I was told that I could use Chrome - for some reason you did not get the message with Chrome - or I could reset my phone to factory conditions. Not wanting to reset, I have been using Chrome. I last used it on 11-24 and it worked. As of today I cannot get to the internet with anything. Chrome issues the same message now. I am unable to find any Proxy settings. I am running Android 5.0.1, Kernal Version 3.4.0, Build # LRX21Y, Software Version LS990ZVC.
I have been attempting to gain internet access through the wi-fi at work with no avail.Im able to connect to the appropriate wireless network with proper authentication but however am unable to find a way to authenticate through the proxy as my HTC's proxy settings have no Authentication option.
I want to use our company wi-fi to connect to net on x10.I have configured basic wi-fy setting and i can see all computers on LAN.We are using proxy for Internet browsing but there is no provision to enter proxy IP details for Wi-Fi.Earlier I was using SE P990i and it had provision to configure proxy which I could not find in X
He wants to view BBC iPlayer but can't connect directly because he doesn't have a UK IP address. He can use a proxy server but this has it's hazards and dangers.I would like to turn my phone into a proxy so he can connect to my phone over the internet and I can connect to iPlayer on his behalf so he can stream content to his PC.
I want to surf the web on my X10i using my company's Wi-Fi.I was able to connect to the netowork fine, but I could not enter the Proxy settings to allow me through. Any ideas how to do this? and please don't tell me it is not available because I might as well reutrn this phone because I just bought it few days ago.
I can see there is no space for proxy setting in xperia phones. i mananged to put proxy in opera browser and now any surfing through opera is working fine in my office WAP/WPA2 enterprise Wifi wih proxy. is there any setting where we can enable other applications to use the same proxy setting as of the browser?
Our College We Have Wifi Network.But We Have To Use Proxy Address To Access.In My Mini Pro I Find The Network.But It Says Limited Access. How Can I Configure Proxy Settings In Mini Pro.
In my village there is a wifi installed that runs under a proxy with autentication: every user has his router at home and connects to the "general" wifi through a proxy with an username and password. I configure the wifi as follows: Wi-Fi --> Select the wifi --> I select Manual Proxy HTTP --> I type the server and port, enable authentication and type the username and password. Now, when I open Safari, I can navigate without problem. However, Safari is the only application that works: I cannot read my mail through the generic Mail application, nor enter in Facebook application, Twitter, Skype and so on. However, I can enter, for example, into Facebook through Safari.
I guess that not all the applications of the device run using the proxy enabled in the Wi-Fi options but the should, shouldn't them?
When I start or reply to a thread on my fantasy football league's message board using my Blackberry Bold 9650, I get a kinds of proxy setting and IP Addresses in the message part of the email. The sender of the message is mail, not even my name or email address. I contacted Verizon, they said it was a CBS website problem. I contacted CBS, they said it was BB problem.
I'm using an xperia x10 mini-pro handset, bought seperately in Australia. I then used it in NZ with no issues but when I returned to Australia and put a Virgin sim card in it I've had sooo many issues with my internet. According to Virgin, the network settings are correct and an update should have fixed this latest problem. I can access facebook but when I try to load a page using the browser it asks me to sign in with username and password, under access point names it has the same proxy number as the error mesage is coming up with.The guy at Virgin said other prople have had this issue and an update has fixed it but according to PC companion my phone is up to date. I did the repair/update process anyway and at least now I can sync and access the net with all my other apps as far as I can see.
I can't get this device to work behind a proxy server. When I connect the device to my computer (at work) it says it can't connect but there is a "proxy settings" button. I click it, I fill out the appropriate information, it doesn't work. I try several variations, it doesn't work. How to be able to successfully connect the device behind a proxy server?
I was in a client site and neither my Droid4 nor Xoom would connect out to the Internet. It showed network connected (IP address given). My Lenovo laptop did not connect either until another techy said look at LAN settings. I checked automatically detect settings on the laptop and was connected through to the Internet.I do not see a similar function on the phone and droid. Since I was in Europe at the time, WiFi was better than network data usage ($$$).Is there a setting in the Droid & Xoom?
When I start or reply to a thread on my fantasy football league's message board using my Blackberry Bold 9650, I get a kinds of proxy setting and IP Addresses in the message part of the email.The sender of the message is mail, not even my name or email address.I contacted Verizon, they said it was a CBS website problem.I contacted CBS, they said it was BB problem.How do I resolve this issue?
So when connecting to my office Wifi, I have to insert proxy server and Port. But it is a restricted internet access. So naturally it must be given username, password. But i can't seem to find the place where to put it. In the wifi setting I can only put proxy server and port number but no Username and password.
I'm having an issue trying to connect using WIFI in my browser. I cannot find anyplace to put in the username and password for my proxy server at work.I went into the advanced settings for WIFI and put the details for the proxy server in there, but when i browse i get a 'Proxy Authentication required' error in the browser but no prompt to fill in details.
i've noticed that OVI Player deos not allow to download music when I am inside the firewall or under a corporate proxy. ANy idea if this is a restriction from Nokia Player or is it specific to my connection?