My iPhone 5S is about five months old and the network constantly disappears into "Searching...". I've done everything from restarting my device, to a hard reset, to a network settings reset, and even replaced my SIM card but I'm still plagued with the problem. It's not got to do with the network, because that seems to be working fine for everyone else in the country.
i have tried turning it off and back on, also tried resetting network settings but the bluetooth icon on my iphone is still grey and cant find any bluetooth device?
iphone 6 plus keeps searching singal, I have tried on/off airplane mode, reset network setting, take out sim card, even reset all, but it still doesn't work. It's been 1 more weeks.
I have had my iPhone 4 for nearly a year now and previously i have had no problems with the phone but over the past few weeks since i have done the ios:5 update.. It's been driving me insane. I lose signal when i need signal the most & it's also been cutting out all of my phone calls.
I have an android wear, but every time I go into Bluetooth settings its constantly searching. I stop it then go back into it and it's goes back to searching.
after updating to ios 5.1.1 i constantly lose the signal on my phone. as well as not being able to browse on the 3g signal for more than ten minutes before it locks up and has to be rebooted..... anyone else finding issues with signal and 3G connectivity??
I have had the Icon since the 20th. I have had to re-enter my account info for every account on the Phone (Live, Gmail, and Facebook) every day multiple times a day. It is draining my battery and data by constantly searching or trying to sync. I have done "soft" resets and a full blown reset to factory settings.
I'm at the end of my tether! My iPhone4 drops calls for absolutely no reason at all, at least 50% of the time.It doesn't matter how strong my signal is, or whether the call is outgoing or incoming. The person on the other end doesn't sound like they are breaking up either - it just goes suddenly silent.Then, when I press 'end call'the phone freezes on 'call ending' - the only way out of this is then to reboot the phone.I've been back to the Apple Store in Glasgow twice, and to their credit they have replaced my handset twice within the last year;
however despite my THIRD handset doing exactly the same, they have told me that no more replacements will be given.I have tried doing a master reset and setting up again as a new phone to eliminate the possibility that something within my back-up is corrupt, but the end result is the same.I have five different Apple devices at home and am a huge fan, but I'm afraid this is making me envious of my friends who have Android phones (sorry, didn't mean to swear
I wanted to use a new sports app today but it wouldn't work correctly because the phone won't find a GPS signal. The usual icon isn't appearing and phone just remains in searching mode. I'm sure I opted to not notify people of my location through latitude but I've used the Google sat-nav since. When I go to locations services GPS satellites is unticked, I tick it and exit but everytime I go back it is unticked?
My Blackberry appears to be constantly transmiting a signal thereby causing interference on a talevsion. How can I turn it off and does this mean that my device is constantly sending data thence increasing my phone bill
My S5 constantly drops calls. I have done a search and I do not have HD voice. My mobile network is set to Global. The signal strength will fluctuate wildly from 4 bars to 0 and drop. happening at least 50% of time. Many iphones in the house no dropped calls.
My iPhone 3Gs is constantly flipping between "searching" and "no service". I had the SIM card replaced at AT&T today, but that hasn't helped. I've done multiple forced restarts. Any other ideas? I don't want to replace my trusty 3Gs yet...
I live in a poor reception area on the Rogers network. I've noticed that when I go into the basement the phone drops a signal pretty quickly. I am okay with this and is expected. My issue is when I get back on to the main floor, the phone does not pick up a signal again for a long time. Sometimes even toggling airplane mode doesn't work. My wife's iPhone does the same thing.
Recently, I began to have this problem where the phone is showing full signal but the phone is actually not receiving any signal. So calls will not come in at all.
What do these Icons represent or mean, and the meaning when they change Colors from White to Blue (Status Icons). There was a GB 2.3.4 User Manual Posted on Moto's site, Unfortunately no information was included about these Items. What does it mean when all three are blue, Including the H+ icon having arrows beneath it at the same time? Is it also Possible to have the Intro Video Posted or embedded to this thread as well please.
Anyone else experience this? I did th sotware upgrade and a few hours later this happened. I tried manually connecting to the network and it wont. T-mobile asked me to send the phone back but there is a major scratch on the screen so they told me my return warranty was void now.So far I have a $400 paper weight. Anyone fix this issue?
I've had this twice now where I couldn't get a GPS signal. This never happened on my Droid 1, but has happened twice in less than 30 days (two different phones - since I replaced the first one when this happened). This has been in 2 completely different locations.
I was wondering if anyone knows what algorithm is used for the signal bars on the Photon 4G. I have found that there seems to be no correlation between the signal strength (in dBm / asu) in Settings -> About phone -> Status and the signal bars that are shown. Often the signal bars will shoot from 1 to 5 or 6 even with really low signal ( ~97 to > 100 dBm) that doesn't fluctuate.
my i phone 3g wont let me take call or recieve text messages it keeps saying searching or no service just started about a week ago my wife has a iphone also and hers is fine i tried reseting my network but that didnt help any thoughts i also replaced the sim card