Motorola Droid Bionic :: GPS Signal Lost - No Signal?
Oct 2, 2011
I've had this twice now where I couldn't get a GPS signal. This never happened on my Droid 1, but has happened twice in less than 30 days (two different phones - since I replaced the first one when this happened). This has been in 2 completely different locations.
In the last month or so I have noticed less bars of 4G when I am at my office.I know Verizon has been tinkering with their network.So what would be a good dBm signal strength within a fairly close proximity to one of their towers?
Has anyone notice that 4g has a weak signal sometimes. When I'm on 4g my dbm will be -42 to -89 and it will only show 2 or3 bars of signal and if I switch to 3g it stays full bars it wont drop a bar with the same dbm. Like right now I have -75dbm of 4g and it fluctuates from 2 bars to full signal but it wont stay full long but if I switch to 3g with the same dbm sitting in the same spot it shows full 3g all the time and don't drop a bar. Is 4g just a weaker signal than 3g. I believe I'm on the same tower cause the dbm stays the same. It does this everywhere.
Well for the past 24 hours and counting I cannot access any data unless i have a 4g signal, which doesnt stay on for more than 5 min before that drops. I spent another hour with tech support with no fix so they finally offered a Rezound which i painfully opted for. It is really a dissapointment that with all the months of delay that they could not get this beautiful phone to work for many of us. I hope the Rezound does not have issues like this phone does. Also hope Moto can get back on top next year and I may come back...
Bought the phone on the day the phone was released. Everything was perfect until today. Endless reboot. The signal indicator is crossed out (red crossed out circle). Makes me think the radio is somehow fried. Tried factory reset.. Same thing. Endless reboot.
What do these Icons represent or mean, and the meaning when they change Colors from White to Blue (Status Icons). There was a GB 2.3.4 User Manual Posted on Moto's site, Unfortunately no information was included about these Items. What does it mean when all three are blue, Including the H+ icon having arrows beneath it at the same time? Is it also Possible to have the Intro Video Posted or embedded to this thread as well please.
I was wondering if anyone knows what algorithm is used for the signal bars on the Photon 4G. I have found that there seems to be no correlation between the signal strength (in dBm / asu) in Settings -> About phone -> Status and the signal bars that are shown. Often the signal bars will shoot from 1 to 5 or 6 even with really low signal ( ~97 to > 100 dBm) that doesn't fluctuate.
On a run today I went down a spiral ramp under a bridge and lost my gps signal several times. I was wearing a footpod. I noticed my pace measurement slowed down from a 6 min mile to about 18 min/mi.
1st question...since I had a paired footpod shouldn't it have taken over to make the pace measurement more accurate in situations exactly like this?
2nd question... assuming the footpod was taking over, how accurate is it since there seems to be no way to calibrate the actual footpod. Is the data from the footpod constantly being taken into account and then integrated back into my final workout stats?
Phone was sitting on my desk plugged in to power cord with 4G turned off.I have a very strong 3G signal at my office, I can see the tower out my window.The phone dropped the data connection and it took about 5 minutes for the 3G data connection to come back.I was getting used to this happening with 4G but now 3G too?
By changing the Singal strength indicator from stock android: When connected to Google services: Bright green for signal, grey for not to When connected to Google services:
Somewhat brighter blue for signal, Somehwat darker blue for no signal
it is impossible to tell if I have a zero bar signal or full bar signal (all in between are kind of visible)....
Ironically the indicator for not connected to Google services is very easy to read - but in most cases only lasts a few seconds...
Suggestion for the next patch: Turn up the level of blue for signal and go to grey for no signal to make the indicator visible.
almost since day one, i have not really had the pleasure of enjoying what 4g signal is really like. i'm in chicago, and when ever i'm either downloading music or streaming video (netflix, Internet) or downloading anything that requires data, the phone completely loses the 4g connection and takes at times up to 5 minutes for the signal to come back. if i keep the phone on 3g only it does not happen, but that defeats the whole purpose of having a 4g device. the "data saver" in settings is off.
I've seen this before but just got back from a trip to the UK and I noticed battery life was really bad compared to back in the US. Not sure if this is GSM vs CDMA or just I was in a weaker signal area so that the phone was "trying" harder. It's harder to tell because of another issue, the signal indicator!
This time, I made several perfectly fine calls with the indicator showing no bars, only when the phone showed "No Service" did things not work. I probably should have downloaded an app to show the signal strenght, but didn't....
I use my D3 to listen to music. I have the mp3s stored on a memory card in my phone. I have music version v4.1.513. Before the update the music played fine. After the update the music will skip/click when ever my cell or data signal changes. I work in a very low / no cell signal lab so the phone is continuously losing signal and getting it back. This cause the music to skip/click every time. Not related to the update my phone still does not like to play music over bluetooth and do navigation at the same time. I have the phone linked to my car radio for navigation and I listen to music from the phone. It will reboot after about 15 minutes of use.
I own a Droid Razr MAXX that I purchased in the June timeframe, so it is still essentially new. My phone was updated to ICS when Verizon pushed the update out to everyone a few weeks back. Initially, I was excited to be getting the update to help improve phone performance and functionality. Unfortunately, this has not been my experience.
Over the past few weeks, I have noticed that my phone signal strength has diminished. Since I work a desk job, I sit in pretty much the same exact location each day and it is easy to notice signal strength. Before ICS, I usually had a 4G connection with 3-4 bars. Now, my phone fluctuates between struggling to connect to 4G and eventually connecting to 3G with 1-2, maybe 3 bars. In fact, the signal icon frequently changes from blue bars to white (I'm not sure what it means, but it probably isn't good). The phone seems to run slower and my apps frequently crash a few times per day. In addition, my phone seems to be using more battery now too. Before ICS, I could work a full day and still have 70% battery remaining. Now, I'm lucky to have 40-50%.
I haven't added any new apps, but have a few more .MP3 songs saved to my SD card. In addition, I don't believe there are local issues with a cell tower going down, etc.
Recently, I began to have this problem where the phone is showing full signal but the phone is actually not receiving any signal. So calls will not come in at all.
I live in a poor reception area on the Rogers network. I've noticed that when I go into the basement the phone drops a signal pretty quickly. I am okay with this and is expected. My issue is when I get back on to the main floor, the phone does not pick up a signal again for a long time. Sometimes even toggling airplane mode doesn't work. My wife's iPhone does the same thing.
I've noticed for the last couple of months anytime I check my "Network type and strength" in the About phone/status menu the 4G varies depending on where I am, but no matter what, the 1x always shows -120dBm.
I updated my Razr Maxx on Monday. Tried doing it sooner, but was getting the bug where it wouldn't validate the update. Ever since my signal strenght has been much worse than before. I no longer get signal in some places that I go for work that I had no issues with before. In those I still get signal I have issues connecting to data where I never did before. Even at home my signal is much worse.I realize that ICS displays the strength differently, but the way it displays should have nothing to do with actual usability. Can hardly use my phone at all anymore while working whereas I had no issues before update.
When I connect to my Home network using wifi, the signal is very weak unless I am within 5 feet of my router. I am using a valet router with up to date software. Other people in my house have other droid models and no problem with their signal strength. I have tried other routers and I get the same result so I know it isn't just my router.
Well so far I have had one interesting issue.. The signal strength, 3g, wifi and bluetooth will go from Blue to white randomly.. any ideas what could be going on there?usually when it happens it's all of them at once then sometimes it randomizes which ones go white.when it happens I lose connectivity.
I have a new Droid Razr and it cannot locate the wifi signal in the DOE laboratory that I work in. My 4 year old HP computer has no problem. Verizon 4G signal is fine as well as signal from Verizon based wifi hotspot. I know the signal exists, the phone simply cannot find it.
Anyone else experience this? I did th sotware upgrade and a few hours later this happened. I tried manually connecting to the network and it wont. T-mobile asked me to send the phone back but there is a major scratch on the screen so they told me my return warranty was void now.So far I have a $400 paper weight. Anyone fix this issue?
My WiFi signal has been significantly improved since android L. I used to frequently drop wifi while on my back patio. It hasnt happened once since lollipop.
Why can't I send a video? I've trimmed it it down to a couple mb and still won't go. I'm on Verizon with full strength signal. I've tried sending with gosms, text and, to no avail.
When I connect to my Home network using wifi, the signal is very weak unless I am within 5 feet of my router. I am using a valet router with up to date software.
While connected to my wireless for data, voice signal strength hovers at 1 bar. I can't find the signal strngth meter in settings to double check this as I write... when I am connected to 3g I typically see 3-4 bars...
The first indication of something wrong was the issue where my Droid 3 began connecting to my network extender only with 1x. But, the problem was worse than that, because it would then connect to a distant, weak tower for 3G. It would lose signal, then switch back to the network extender, where it would lose 3G once again and fall back to 1x. (How do I know it was swapping to a distant tower?the network extender team diagnosed it while I was on a phone call with them and told me they were seeing it do it live on their screens).
They "did something" (I don't know know what that something was), and it seemed to clear up for a while.Then, it came back. Another call to their network extender group, and they "upped the power" of the extender and the problem went away... for two weeks.Today, it started again. Only this time, it was doing the same behavior between two *actual* cell towers at work! The network extender wasn't in the mix, this time.My original Droid, Droid 2 Global, my son's Droid X and my wife's iPhone 4 all have NO problem with the extender (nor any other aspect of the service). This Droid 3 has failed in this manner three times, now.What's up, Moto? Can anything else fail with this phone? Camera blows, keys repeat, social networking is flaky, and apparently it has issues maintaining 3G in some situations. What a miserable experience.