i'm french and when i write some sms with special accent like "ë", the caracter takes many space in the 160 caracters limit.
btw thirds apps like GosmsPro or Handcent SMS can handle with it but not the native sms application....
considering that i've seen these support videos on Internet, it is silly that they don't work in the support app. should be a trivial thing for se to fix.
When new contact is created there is option either to create it as local (no sync) or as synced on account.Once there are local contacts created there is no option to sync it with an account.I have quite a few and do not like to retype all.
I am experiencing problems connecting usb drive to the xperia z3. The phone charges ok via usb. It also connects to pc via usb. So i don't know what the problem is with usb mass storage connection!
I did usb host diagnosis and found api support with question marks and also kernel had question marks. Does this mean it has software related isssues then? Probably a bug and will go with the next update..
I have updated my Xperia Neo V to ICS 4.0.4 but I am unable to connect my phone to PCC through WiFi as it says your phone software doesn't support this feature. I used this feature before when my phone was brought with GB onboard.
My z3 camera stopped working neither any of programs support the camera now.I tried restoring the factory version and also tried updating to latest version butyl the result is same camera still doesn't work.
Whether the X10 supports FM radio firmware or software? I am quite get use to listening to the AM/FM radio with my previous phone, but I don't know whether this handset supports any FM Radio firmware or software?
My question is, what kind of video file does this phone supports? as I converted some MKV files to AVI and then MP4 and change the screen size to 854 x 480, and uploaded it to phone but the phone displays " Sorry this video can't be played" How it is possible?
I no longer have the option to connect my phone to my PC wirelessly.before I had the option via the menu Sony Erricon (now xperia) but here is something missing?
Does neo V using ICS 4.0.4 support wifi hotspot? Using connectify software I created an adhoc wifi network on my XP machine but neo V does not find it while my colleague's Samsung connects to it effortlessly.
I am not sure whether you all encounter there is no Dual Sim capability in Go SMS Pro when I upgrade my Z3 Dual to Lollipop? I have no issue with the default SMS client though.
my LCD screen has broken. The phone was in my pocket while i was changing a flat tire, after that it was broken. The phone still works, however inside the LCD display has some strange black lines and a piece of the display remains black. I sent several emails through the SE website. The first reaction was that i had sent an email to the wrong support, and that they have forwarded my message to the appropriate support dept. From that request i haven't heard anything yet ( 1 week ago). Since i bought my phone online, the phone originated from Hong Kong. So i sent an email to Hong Kong support. They replied to update the software using the SEUS. I sent them a reply that updating the software didn't help, but i have not received another reply since. I also sent another support request to what i believe is the right support for my location (Aruba, Caribbean), but i didn't get a reply, not even a confirmation of my support request.
All arab users have a huge problem represented by the lack of arabic language in the phone and the SE help center advises us to use Third-Party application that supports arabic language.Is there any intention to support arabic language in the xperia x10 in the coming update or any time in the near or far future?
Does the Xperia X10 mini pro support caller ID & Name display? Even thought my account is setup for this feature when someone calls it comes up unknown.
We need support for iptables in the kernel. There are several programs that allow a very flexible configuration of the traffic between 3G and WiFi and save money.
I have purchased a couple of games from the android market, says purchase complete but then wont install, also when I turn phone on keep getting a message about sony application user support has stopped and it needs to be forced close?
As far as I can see by defaul Xperia Z5 use microphone from connected wired headset to record audio for video stream. In this case i have some questions:
will it use mic from connected bluetooth headset?what kind of stereo microphones are supported?i should by only sony external microphone or can use any stereo mic with 3.5 jack?
I have full HD videos on my SD card that i am trying to play but the Xperia video player does not support this. The videos are in .mp4 format. Also i have some videos in other different format like .flv, mp4AT but it does not support it either. I have tried different other video players from Android market and they really ***** in performance as compared to built in video player. good performance free video player which can play multiple formats of videos, HD or Full HD without lagging.
My BIS is with Rogers and now that I'm in Hong Kong, I turned off my network. If i use local wifi and connect to BIS that way, will there be data charges? Cause once I connected with wifi, i can receive emails and BBM. Just wondering if I will get charged while connected with wifi.
My N97 mini is used as a mobile phone and as a navigation aid. Thus I do not need the icons on the start screen that uses internet, etc. I would very much like to fill the startscreen with icons like calendar and contacts, etc instead. However it seems like 3 of the areas on the screen where icons can be placed are reserved for internet type icons. Is there a a way to put local icons in these areas?
I bought a Lumia 920 in France and after changing all the regional settings to my liking the Local Scout app stopped working. It reported that was not available in my Country/Region.It turns out that even though France is defined as the Country/region, Local scout will only startup if France is also defined as the Browser language setting.I do believe that it is a bug as the prefered language for the browser should not be used to determined the location.