Xperia X10 :: Activate Japanese Keyboard Input For 2.3.3?
Sep 22, 2011
I have been trying to work this out all morning but I cannot work out how to turn on Japanese Keyboard.the is language and keyboards in setting but this does not turn on the keyboard input when you are typing.
I have a Xperia pro (MK16a) So when you're entering text, if you hold down on the screen, you have the option to choose Japanese input and Chinese input. And when you choose Japanese input, you can also open up the setting menu, and inside the menu there are options for physical keyboard, and vitural keyboard. Although Chinese input does not have those settings, but surprisingly I CAN use Chinese input with my physical slide out keybaord. BUT, it is NOT the case with Japanese input. Please give me some guidence on how this works, is it a BUG or something? Because clearly it SUPPOSE to have the option to use my slideout keyboard for Japanese input.
I upgraded from my Bold 9000 to the Bold 9700 and now Japanese Input is not working anymore. I installed several eastAsia packages from different providers and its possible to read Japanese but when I am trying to choose Japanese as input language on my 9700 its switching back to the language before. korean and thai are working without any problem.
It seems to be that this problem only occures on Blackberry's with a QWERTZ keyboard. We tested it from several carrier (O2 Germany, O2 Szech and T-Mobile Germany [all have QWERTZ keyboard]).
Currently installed OS: v5.0.0.593 (Bundle 1022, Platform
I started to text earlier and I noticed my keyboard had changed and now its the Japanese one. Ive gone into setting and keyboard but I cant seem to change it back to standard.
I managed, finally, to get some input support for Chinese, and font support for Chinese & Japanese, however I would still need support for Japanese input.
know a way of getting my BB 9900 to accept Japanese as an input language? I have a list on the phone already but not Japanese. I have previously managed to download something on an old BB 8900 - that worked fine - but not managed with the BB 9900.
I am trying to change the input language on my Blackberry Bold 9790 from English to Japanese i have used so many versions of blackberry desktop manager and i just can not seem to get it to work.
I mean, installing agingerbread keyboard from play store, the voice input icon appears in the keyboard...However, I'd prefer to use the stock one.This is for the xperia active, compilation 4.0.2.A.0.62 (android 2.3.4) and at the moment I don't plan to upgrade to ics.
I'd been sending text messages during the evening, then I went to reply to a text as normal and the keyboard had changed without me doing anything? It changed from the normal "qwerty" keyboard to the old style keyboard, with the abc on button "a", def on button "b", ghi on button "c" if that makes sense, like on old phones?It was like that all night. Switched my phone off at night as normal, switched it back on again in the morning and it was back to the "qwerty" keyboard again. Does anyone know what caused this to happen, it was really strange!!And I quite liked that old style keyboard, I dont know what the technical term for it is, but it was much quicker and less mistakes typing a message than the qwerty keyboard?
This time i wanted to get my mobile host network to work but i didint know how to activate it. i took the phone to them but sadly they dont sell BB's and they dont know how to input the network options. i have all the connetion info but i cant find were to input them. i tried though the desktop manager but i wont connect. now i use Wi-fi to go to the internet but i olny can use it in home.
I have an unlocked blackberry storm 9350 and i want to know if i could do changes on the following:
-the pop-up Select sms contact
-the input bar that is on top of the keyboard when i try to send a text
Is there anyway i could hide the bar or change the select sms contact pop-up so that it doesnt pop-up anymore, so it would look like this ?The following are pictures of my phone.Bar on top of keyboard?pop-up select sms contact?
How to get voice input on the LG G3 keyboard? I have added it in the menu and activated everything but the handwriting pencil appears instead. Even after a long press on the "wheel", no voice key appears...
I updated to 5.1.1 on my Verizon iPhone 4 32MB when the notification popped up. Since then I have had difficulties with the keyboard. It does not pop up reliably when I touch a text entry field. When it does not, the Paste command appears instead. When I turn the phone off, and then back on, it appears to work correctly.
I've successfully paired an Apple Bluetooth keyboard with a Blackberry 8520, but cannot use it for input. How can I get it to work or am I wasting my time trying?
I sometimes have difficulty using the keyboard. It pops up as expected, but instead of pushing a form or webpage to display above the keyboard, so I can see what's being typed in, it covers it up.
I want to change the keyboard on my wife's HTC Desire and have followed the instructions here: How to install a new keyboard on the HTC Desire - Know Your Cell. The trouble is when I go to Settings/Language and Keyboard, it doesn't have the Input Method option.
Without me doing anything, my (new) HTC ONE M9 started requiring me to SPEAK the necessary text (e.g. passwords) instead of presenting the keyboard where one would normally type the text.
Started with VIBER OUT (when I tried to purchase credit) but now it is pervasive - AY text input is expected through voice.
A small window at the bottom of the screen pops-up (with a mic button and the google logo on it) - I can't get rid of it ...
A brief history if it matters to trouble shooting this. I initially had to hard reset my X2 because the data encryption feature caused some unwanted effects, i.e. the data encryption feature did not work properly. Since that hard reset, I left the default keyboard input method as multi-touch. Just today I thought I woud like to try Swype. However once I bring up the keyboard input options and select the radio button by Swype, it stays greyed out. Are there some possibly 'lock out' options I might have selected that doesn't allow me to select Swype? I know Swype works because I had it before the hard reset.
I don't like the native, default keyboard on the Electrify, so I downloaded MultiLing keyboard from the Android Market. I like the MultiLing keyboard, but I've had one issue that has come up in only the last couple weeks. I'll select the MultiLing keyboard as my input choice, but a short time later, the keyboard has changed back to the standard keyboard.
I can't change my Xperia X8 phone language to Japanese. I`ve try, to go to SETTING --> LANGUAGE & KEYBOARD --> SELECT LOCALE but i can't find option for Japanese,
I noticed today that notifications for incoming whatsapp messages in a whatsapp-group with emojis in its groupname (heart-emoji) show some japanese symbols instead of the heart.
I am planning on buying x10 mini pro.i am clueless if this is the case for x10 mini.cause on my W995 the Japanese characters are displayed. If it is supported, i wonder is there anyone with the Euro. vers. of x10 mini able to write and send sms in Japanese or Korean??