Samsung Galaxy S II :: Unlocked Phone's Data Packet Not Working
Dec 9, 2011
I have problems connecting my Samsung Galaxy SII LTE to the Internet using Data Packet.I have gone through my carrier's instructions for APN and I am sure I have done everything right.
I have recently enabled 3G in mom's Galaxy S2. Now in order to make 3G or GPRS work, the user has to enable "Packet Data" in the Settings>Wireless & Network. In mom's case that "Enable Packet Data" check box automatically gets unchecked after few minutes.
1) Does it got something to do with the power saving settings? 2) Or does the anti-virus software or battery defender automatically unchecks it? 3) Or is it a virus / bug?
i have bought this unlocked phone for about 550$, but internet is stuck on edge(not even 2g) which is incredibly slow.Please help me solve this i have searched internet but just a few ppl has the same problem with unlocked samsung galaxy S2 and tmobile.That made me think that there might be a solution like changing the Tmobile sim card(i dont know if there is only one type of sim card), entering an unlock code provided by tmobile, or going to a samsung maintenance service and let them fix it or anyother? I have updated to the new firmware but did no effect.I cant understand how such a big company like samsungs' cutting edge new phone comes out of the factory with unsupporting the USAs one(Tmobile) of the 2(Tmobile,ATT) GSM networks data frequency.
I have a Nokia N8 and the 3G cofiguration is correct, browsing always works. However, applications like Whatsapp, Shazam, Nokia Store, and many more can not connect to the internet, though they work perfectly on Wifi.
I have a problem with packet data but with fring and communities only, its working with browsing.Note that fring and communities are working very well with the WLAN.
I have a Samsung flight. I unlocked. I want to use it on the Tmobile network. But I can't seem to get the internet working on it. It there maybe a flash I could do to remove the Att trademarks from it and also getting working on my Tmobile network.
I have the nokia 6700 slide. The other day I tried to send a picture to a friends phone but it could not be sent. Now for the last week I have Packet data could not send text to the person and I can't see how to delete this problem.Then of course nearly every time I go to use phone it flashes up. It's really annoying . Does this mean I have ruined my phone and if I can fix it myself please explain in step by step instructions.
Yesterday i used the the mobile data connection just as normal. I downloaded from the store and everything. Then i was back in wlan. I tried Fring. I wanted to try Fring also on 3G or Edge or HDSPA or whatever comes out from my handy and goes into the air ^^ I don't know anymore.So I turned off my wlan and was down. No internet anymore and even there was no icon in the toolbar.
I turned my phone on and off, unistalled every app i installed since the last time it worked, which was just an hour before that. The things i installed were: A brightness widget (appears under volume controll if you press the volume buttons. I forgot the name.) and "Quicksettings", which leeded to uninstalling the first mentioned unit.After that didn't help either, i changed the card in my phone with another from the same provider. It didn't work. In the same move i put my card to another smartphone and got a connection.Conclusion: Either my phone is misconfigured (which i hope for) or it's broken (which would suck but i have warrenty left).
I even tried to let my provider send me the right connection data and saved them. Nothing...I know there is the way of getting back to factory settings, but i only want to try that if i'm running out of possibilities. And of course i don't want to lose my app data. my phone is not rooted now and i know i have to, to save my app data and apps (which sucks. 1-0 for the iPhone). I you have only ideas that could be done by rooting my phone i would do so, but i would rather avoid that because of the 'maybe warranty loose'.
Am I right in thinking that the Data Network Mode access your data plan usage? Ie 500mb?When I activate this, it doesn't seem to allow me to connect to the net?Also is there a widget that allows me toggle this off and on?Doesn't it seem weird that Samsung hasn't give us a indicator like the wifi that this data network mode is ON? I could leave it on running without even knowing? Is there a good app which lets me see how much data I am using?
I have a tmo samsung gravity 2 that i unlocked and use with att. I have all the correct mms settings but the phone wants to ok the data usage every time i send a pic. I know i am not roaming so is there a fix for it?
I have an HTC Windows mobile and I now have the Samsung S5. I would like to transfer all my contacts to my new phone including photos etc. Is there a straight forward way to transfer all my data?
My quite new (3 weeks) S6 did a factory data reset on its own. It happened while I was driving for 2hrs on a highway, with the phone resting on the empty passenger seat, not touching the phone. Lost all data, all apps, all pics. Very frustrating. After 3 days of research (visiting Verizon store, calling Verizon, calling Samsung, internet research), the possible cause may the following:
About 2-3 hours before driving, the phone did a scheduled automatic update, which took more than 30 min to complete. This all happened in a signal-weak area. Tech support said, although the update completed, it may have had some flaws, and when the phone detects that, it may resort to a factory data reset to avoid greater functionality problems.
Unfortunately, the end result included functionality problems, most notably that the phone calendar only synched partially (!!) with my desktop Outlook calendar, and promptly I missed two important appointments.
When a scheduled update comes your way, make sure you backup all contacts, photos, data etc, before allowing an update to perform.
I have PhoneShare on my Series 9 laptop and installed the app on my SGS2. Fantastic tool! then I upgraded to ice cream sandwich and now I can't connect either by scanningthe QR or using the previous successful connection.The PC version generates the barcode, the phone reads it successfully and reads "preparing phoneshare", I get a connection PC reads "connecting to smartphone" then "retrieving data from address book" appears on PC app, finally "poneshare ready" on the PC. The connection is not established though and the icons on the PC remained greyed out. The message on the phone app remains "preparing phoneshare" and after 10-20 minutes hangs.I have reinstalled the PC and phone apps to no avail. Is anyone else getting this? Is it a known/unrecognised bug on ICS?
I have upgraded my SGS2 to 2.3.6 last month, but noticed this issue in the last couple of weeks or so.When I press the phone lock key (which is on the right side) the phone is going to idle mode (screen goes black) but when I press the home key or lock key again, I can see that my phone is not locked.
I used my phone at 2pm today and when I left it it had good battery life left. Two hours later when I checked it there was no life at all and I cant get it to switch on. I've tried charging, taking the battery and sim card out but nothing. theres no lights of sound or anything - no life at all !!!!
Hey guys i have a unlocked bb storm 9530. i am currently using it with tmobile but i cant seem to get the captal EDGE and all the apps that require data are not working such as facebook, ebay etc. is there any OS' that u guys are using that can fix this problem?
I recently brought a Nokia 5230 and I have a contract that allows picture messaging. The problem I have is if I try to send a picture message I keep getting the same message:'Packet Data: - Packet Data connection not available'.It's the same for connecting to the internet, has anybody else experienced this or can tell me how to resolve the problem please.
I recently bought the Nokia 7230 unlocked in Germany because it really appealed to me in terms of features and the right price. When I returned home to the US and dropped in my AT&T SIM card, everything works okay except for any packet data or internet connection. Whenever I try to access any sort of data connection, it shows "Subscribe to Packet data". I have an unlimited Data plan with AT&T which allows internet access.Now, I wasn't expecting a perfectly smooth transition bringing a Europe-market phone to the US where the 7230 isn't even sold. After a 3-way phone call with AT&T and Nokia USA, they felt that because I could not edit or add Access point settings and AT&T doesn't sell the 7230, there was no way to make the packet data connection work.Does that conclusion sound right? It's not a huge setback to lose internet but I was looking forward to the upgrade in internet capabilities from my previous 6350.
After I updated my Samsung edge to lollipop 5.1.1 , it seems that the parallax effect or the 3D effect has stopped working. I know that if I hold on the home screen and click the wallpaper settings, I get a little toggle which switches the motion effect on/off. But what ever I do it still makes no difference to the home screen. it still stays the same. Is there something that I am missing or can I downgrade to lollipop 5.0?
I have set my e-mail account on my E72.Up until yesterday, the packet data connection was always on (the "3G" arrows logo was always on the upper-left corner), and new messages/updates were syncing on "real-time".Yesterday suddenly, the connection stopped, and now in order to retrieve new messages, I need to connect manually - and yet, after the sync process ends, it disconnect automatically.How can I set back the permanent connection?
On a fairly regular basis, once an hour approx, my N86 beeps and a message appears on the screen stating that a " data packet connection received". This also happens when I'm on a call and beeps in my ear.This is only a minor annoyance but an annoyance nevertheless. Any idea what this is and what I can do about it?
I have a Nokia N97 and carrier service through AT&T. I subscribe to a monthly packet data plan which I have been using with my N97 for several months without issue. Several days ago my phone was no longer able to connect to the internet using my packet data connection. I was only unable to use the data connection with certain applications. The data connection would not work with the Ovi Store shortcut, Nokia Maps, the Nokia Web application, or the AP News widget. However, I was able to receive emails on Nokia Messaging through my data connection, and I was able to run my Fring application on it as well. I performed a hard reset which did not fix the problem.
I tried to adjust my network mode under the connectivity setting from Dual Mode to GSM, but that also did not have any effect. I then tried to run the setting wizard through phone setup to have it define my operator settings for internet, ect. After the wizard updated my settings I am now able to access the internet through the Nokia web application using my data connection. But maps and the ovi store still cannot connect using this connection.I have tried changing the connection settings under the maps application, but this has made no difference. Any help or advice would be very appreciated.
Is there any way to disable data packet? Because I want to disable it to prevent me from data cost, but allow me to use MMS. In manual, it didn't had any instruction to disable it. If there is no way to disable it, how do I delete data profiles? Because it has 3 profile, MMS, WAP and internet.
i have a Nokia C6-00 which keeps on connecting to mys service provider's packet data. So many times i have disconnected it in its Connection Manager Menu but it keeps on connecting automatically. It is really annoying since ts consume so much power that makes me to recharge the phone everyday,. I have checked for the Apps I have to find the culprit for the problem, but I I still don't know what application is responsible for that.Is it possible that I just delete my Internet configurations with my service provider?
I have E63 which I bought & used in Australia (vodafone) for calls and internet is unlocked and have been using it in holland (telfort) for calls for the last 6 months.subsrcibed internet last week through provider. had several contacts with customerservice and put in all the right settings. now internet works on other phone,but on my Nokia E63 it says "Packet data: packet data connection not available"