Samsung Galaxy S II :: Cannot Send Contacts To Paired Motorola Bluetooth?
Oct 21, 2011
I am trying to pair my SII to a motorola T325 speakerphone. It pairs fine but when it goes to download my phonebook it does not work. "Phonebook access request" shows up at the top of the phone screen but then nothing happens. I then attempted to put the speakerphone into manual mode and send the vCards over from the SII but when I attempt that it says ContactName.vcf not sent. I have reset the speakerphone to factory already. I have also tried deleting all pairings on the SII and re-pairing the speakerphone, nothing works. Speakerphone downloads phonebook from other phones fine. I need the contacts in this speakerphone so I know who I'm getting calls from at work.
I am a newbie to a smartphone and am trying to connect to my old Samsung E2550 (which I will continue to use) to my Widlfire in order to transfer my contacts. I have managed to pair them but on the Wildfire it states paired but not connected.
When I go into "Bluetooth Settings" I cannot set the device to "discover-able".All of them say "paired but not connected" but none will connected to the device with which it is paired. And one more thing: when I scan for devices, it scans and scans but will not detect/find any device.
I am trying to send my contacts from my old phone to my new Atrix 4G via Bluetooth. But Atrix keeps showing my old phone as paired but not connected. I even tried to connect it with my husband's iphone, but it still shows the same status.
i have issues trying to connect my sg 11 to my parrot bluetooth in my van,ive had many phones which have connected no probs and synced my contacts to straight away,even my iphone worked hassle free,i've just upgraded to a nice shiney galaxy 2,which is excellent i must say,just 1 gripe,it will connect to my parrot,but i cant sync my contacts,so no phone book access
My Razr is able to send each file to my other phone (Samsung S2) with bluetooth but it isn't able to receive any files: infact, the device results "paired but no connected" and refuses each kind of file. I turned off both devices and I turned on again, I paired again both phones but the problem persists: Razr sends files but doesn't receive them.No problem with my bluetooth headset.
I've just got a new SGS2. I've paired it with a VW Passat from 2011. Everything is working fine except transferring the contact list, only around half of the contacts get transferred -- 125 of 205. I can't find out why some contacts get transferred and others don't. Before I had a Palm Pre 2 and it worked just fine... all contacts would transfer perfectly.
I've unpair the connection several times in the Bluetooth settings, delete the connection in the car and pair again but didn't solve the problem. I've also update some of the key contacts that don't get synced, forced a reload of the contact list in the car menu but nothing works.
I tried to send an image to my laptop. I was able to pair my laptop and my Moto Milestone XT720.On the first pic that I've sent through Bluetooth it went on smoothly. But then when I tried to send again, it didn't went through.The error says "Connection failure". When I checked the bluetooth settings the the laptop is paired but not connected.I tried to unpair and then paired again but still it won't connect.I turned the bluetooth on and off and still not connected.I even restarted both my laptop and my phone and still not connecting.
I have had my Droid for over 2 years and it has worked very well with my Acura HandsFree Link. Suddenly, it told me it was paired and could not connect. My husband's I-Phone (AT&T was worked with this car as long as my Droid has. But the HandsFree has no trouble connecting to his IPhone. My Droid also cannot find my husband's Plantronics hands-free earphone. The OS appears to be the latest version as I checked and no updates are available.
The bluetooth handsfree connects and pairs with my samsung s6 however it won't import the contacts, it keeps saying no contacts found but they are all on the device. The car dealer says it's an issue with the samsung security so I went to where I got the phone from and they can't see an issue and say it's an issue with the handsfree!
When I am trying to transfer my phone contacts to my car, the icon that allows this (the three dots and connecting lines) is not on the phone screen. How do I find/activate the icon?
I am trying to get my Jabra Freeway to operate correctly with my SGSII.Although in my list of contacts on my phone I have configured the settings to only show one set of contacts, (the ones I sync with google) my Jabra Freeway sees the other two sets of contacts. The ones on my sim card and the ones (I think) on my phone).How can I get rid of the sim and phone contacts but just keep the ones synced with Google so that when I try and make a voice operated call via my Jabra Freeway, I am not told I have 3 contacts with the name I want to call.
My Samsung Galaxy S5 has an issue with the interaction with Blue Tooth paired with my Ford Escape Hybrid, the Goggle MAPs turn by Turn voice does not function until I disable the Bluetooth on the phone.
Might SII be waiting for passcode? But no opportunity to enter. Motorola btooth keyboard (part of same brand new boxed set as mouse) works fine. Mouse works fine with other devices.
I recently updated my GS2 i9100 from GB to ICS (4.03) as provided by my carrier (Bell). I am able to pair the phone and media audio with my car stereo (Hyundai Sonata) however I get the message "Unfortunately bluetooth share has stopped" every time it tries to download my contacts to the car. This appears after a minute or so. This was not an issue with GB as it downloaded seamlessly and I was able to use the built in voice calling feature of my car with no problems.The first time the download was tried, the phone rebooted. Since then I have removed the pairing from the phone and car and started over, as well as removed all synced accounts from my contacts except those actually on the phone. Still no luck.
I have C7 with Anna SW in it (022.014). What I noticed was that when other devices are trying to pair with the C7 it automatically fails. BT is visible to all and the are now block connections. The other devices can find my C7 but somehow C7 rejects the the other devices immediately and won't even prompt the safety word (or security code?).
But when I initialize the pairing from the C7 everything goes fine. The security number is prompt and pairing is finalized.
I have not tested this whit other phone (5800) and PC BT software.
It is a problem because Nokia Suite (3.2.100) needs to do the BT pairing. And it won't accept even if the C7 and PC has already paired.
I just got a new blackberry bold an dwould like to know I can transfer all my contacts from the old blackberry to the new one? I cant seem to get the bluetooth paired?
I have a Blackberry Curve 8900, Windows XP SP2, Desktop Manager 4.7 and a 3com PCMIA Bluetooth Card. Using the card I have successfully paired my computer with my Blackberry. All the services on the blackberry are enabled and the Bluetooth software shows that the serial port service is available using COM4. When I open Desktop Manager and open Connection Options, the 'use bluetooth' option is grayed out, so I cannot connect my Blackberry. Does anyone know what to do?
Whenever I try to get the files from my other phone I just cant use bluetooth. It just say paired but not connected and when I try to connect it will not work..
I have an E71 and I am having bluetooth issues. This happened firstly using my Navman handsfree and now my handsfree through my Sony car stereo. It all connects up fine works great and then after about two weeks stops connecting when I get in the car. I can't get it to connect at all tried deleting the devices on everything and re pairing but it will no longer pair. I have paired another phone to the car stereo so it must be the phone. Is there anything i can do settings wise or does. It sound like a repair is needed to the phone.
I have just got a Bold 9700 and am really starting to like this phone. But I cannot get the bluetooth to work properly. It will pair with my devices but will not connect to them. It says connection failed or connection not supported. It will not connect to my cars built in bluetooth either, I have a new 2010 galaxy and it accepts the cars passkey but will not connect. I Really need my phone to connect to my car. When I go to my paired device list and click on a device I do not get a connect option, which I have been told to use. I am on vodafone in the UK and have contacted them to see if they can help but they tell me they do not help with Blackberry's (funny that when they take my money for it) so I am unsure where to contact now for help.
I am trying to connect to my Landrover handsfree I have use this before with other hansets without problem Just sometimes it connects automatically, but 90% of the time it fails, even when I try to connect manually I can not get a connection?
I cannot get my iPhone 4S to bluetooth connect with my iPad2. At one time they were successfully paired, but then they would not link. So, in an effort to 'start over' I used the 'Forget' option on both devices. This didn't work, so I :- a). Reset both devices using the Home button & Power button option. (to no effect), then b). Reset the Network settings on both devices , again to no effect.
Just downloaded the lastest update for iPhone 4s (5.1) and now none of my bluetooth devices will work even after paired and connected; reset everything - still having same problem; accessories work with other devices so it's the iPhone.
I'm trying to set up bluetooth synchronization for my 8900 now that I am no longer on a BES.I picked up an Asus USB BT-21 bluetooth adapter for my PC, which is apparently based on Broadcom hardware. I'm running Win7 64 bit and installed the Broadcom drivers for the adapter. I followed the instructions here: /btsc/ cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=KB04132&sliceId=1&docTy.Everything works fine up until the point where I go back into Desktop Manager and try to find my 8900. Desktop manager manages to find every other blackberry in my building except for mine. At the bottom of the instructions, it says that a conflicting IT policy might be the cause of this problem. So, I reset to factory defaults to remove any lingering IT policies as per the instructions here: Tried to connect again but still no joy in mudsville.
When using the E5 with the Toyota bluetooth carkit, it fails to deblock itself. Answering calls is not a problem as the E5 auto-deblocks upon receiving a call, but dailing via the carkit does not lift the block. As a result, I must first deblock it manually by entering the deblocking code which only solves the problem for a few minutes. Disabling auto-deblocking is not an option, as it would make the data on the phone vulnerable in case the phone would be lost/stolen. (This is about the code-block and not about the unprotected keypad block.) I have succesfully used HTC's and older Nokia's on the same carkit without this problem arising and my E5 software is up to date. Does anyone know how to arrange an auto-deblock when a bluetooth-paired device is being used like a carkit?
My cousin (she has a Samsung Gravity) was saying we can share files through bluetooth? I remember doing it on my Sidekick, but now I can only receive files, not send?
Love the phone - just got a really irritating problem. I've synced my phone with my gmail account - the My Contacts list has my key contact email addresses. Then I have multiple groups within gmail account relating to work emails etc, nearly 500 odd.
On the phone, when I click my 'Contacts' button, initially it showed all my phone number contacts, as well all google email contacts mixed with them. I corrected this by going to 'display options' to select 'display only contacts with phone numbers', so that I didn't have to trawl through random email addresses mixed with my proper phone contacts. Great, sorted.
But, when I go to compose a text message - if it is to one or two specific contacts it is fine...I just type their name and it comes up. If I want to scroll through all my phone contacts to send the same message to multiple contacts, big problem - I press that envelope button in the top right corner next to 'enter recipient', and it takes me to the Contacts list, but here it still shows ALL 600 odd contacts with phone contacts still mixed with google email contacts, which is impossible to scroll through and select multiple people to send a text message to....Does anyone know how to sort this out?!??!