RIM :: Blackberry Management Center Versus BB Enterprise?

Aug 20, 2012

I see that BB released Management Center. From the video, it seems to do what enterprise does.What's the differences between this and Enterprise Server? Other then being free and upto 100 users?

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BB Torch :: Which To Get 9810 Versus 9860 Versus 9380

Dec 18, 2011

My daughter wants to upgrade from her current 9300 and wants a bigger screen and touch screen/and or keys.These are the choice (I'm in UK) 9860, 9810 or 9380. She's keep going between the full touch, to the touch with keys 9810.Can someone help with the choice who had a similar situation. I tell her that he 9810 looks bulky with the slide, the 9860 and 9380 to me are the same apart from the size of the touchscreen, 3.7" to 3.2" Does this matter much? Is typing still easy on the smaller 3.2" touchscreen?

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BlackBerry :: How To Activate Enterprise

Jan 9, 2012

my bb8830 requires enterprise activation,a.how can i activate it

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BlackBerry :: Set Up Email On 7100g Without Enterprise Server Activation?

May 12, 2011

Can I set up email on the 7100g without the enterprise server activation?

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BB Curve :: Get An Enterprise Activation Password From Enterprise Server To Setup Email?

Apr 24, 2012

where or how do I get an Enterprise Activation Password from Blackberry Enterprise Server to set up my email?

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IPhone 5 :: Can't Pull Up Task Center On Phone / Pull Down Notification Center From Bottom

Jun 28, 2014

so on my iphone 5 at the bottoms of the screen I can usually pull up a thing I think is called the task center and at the top when you pull it down I think it's called the notification center . I'm dot sure what I did but I accidently pushed something and I don't know what it was but I can't pull those things up anymore.

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IPhone :: Game Center Compatible Games Not Showing Up In Game Center

Sep 8, 2010

I have 2 games that are compatible with the game center as of right now:

Farmville and Flight Control

Flight control works great, but Farmville isn't even showing up in the game center. Is anyone else having this problem? I deleted farmville and it said it was in the game center so I deleted that setting as well and when I re-downloaded it, it still didn't show up.

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Cseries :: SIM Card Management

Jan 4, 2011

Hi folks,I'm new to this forum and also to my C6. Apologies if this question is 'basic' but how can I delete contacts (and also emails) from the SIM card? I copied my contacts from my phone to the SIM but for the life of me I can't find any reference about how to remove / delete them from the SIM. BTW, I do not have an active email account but inadvertently synch'ed a number of my emails via PC Suite.

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IPhone :: IPod / Touch Management

Jul 22, 2010

Not sure if this has been addressed before or what exactly to call it, but why is it with my ipod touch I can manage, copy & play music & movies from any of my 3 home & work Macs via itunes & with the iphone I can only do it from "home" computer?Is there a 3rd party app that allows this on an iphone? I see all kinds of apps that let you copy files/media from your iphone to your mac been none that work the other way.

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BB Bold :: Cannot Log Into Email Account Management

Mar 2, 2012

I cannot log into the Email Account Management of my new Bold 9900. After entering my BB user ID and BB ID password the deivces has a good old think and then tells me: Unable to log in to your BlackBerry ID account. and thats that.

To be clear: Its not the wrong id or pw - I have tried 20 times and the counter that lets you have 10 wrong tries before resetting is not going up. Also I can log in via website using the ID and pw without issue. I have tried taking out the battery (both with device on AND off) and replacing it after 5 minutes.

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Xperia Z5 :: Fingerprint Management Closing

Jan 15, 2016

Before I update the firmware to 152, my Z5 was trying to read the fingerprint as soon i touch the button, and it reads 5 times in a row in just 0.5sec and block it self and was required to use the pin to unlock. (Cleanning the button didnt solve the problem).
So I decided to enter in the Fingerprint Management to remove all the 5 print screen, but the software didnt accept even 1 command to remove, just to rename the fingers.
So I update to .152, and when I enter in the fingerprint Management, it asks the pin to start the process, but as soon I hit the button so the cell phone start asking for the fingerprint, it spears the screen saying to put the finger on the right place, but it closes very quicky and I con configure nothing.

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LG :: ENV2 Filesystem Management Undelete?

Feb 6, 2010

One of my kids accidentally erased a ton o'data from my LG LX-9100.I use Bitpim and I understand the filesystem, but I do not know how it manages deleted files - is it similar to a Windows/DOS filesystem where deleted files don't actually get removed but have index/pointer access changes, leaving the file hidden on the 'drive'? My backup is too old (yep - yay for me ) so I'm looking for any advice on how the data source is managed. I'd love to get some pics back and some old texts.

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BB Bold 9700 :: How To Improve Memory Management?

Jan 7, 2010

I have the Bold 9700 coming from many years of using Palm OS devices.I am running OS I am an Anesthesiologist and use my device for communication but also to keep track of my scheduling and billable activiities. have very few extra app's loaded but consistently run free memory in the 5- 10 MB range. I do notice things slowing down as the free memory drops but no lockups as a rule. My only third party apps are Pocket Informant for scheduling, Epocrates for Pharmaceutical info and HanDBase for BB to keep track of my Billings and professional activities (This works but MUCH slower & is relatively crippled compared to HanDBase on my old Treo 680 but that is another story)I deleted all the games and any unnecessary apps but still have pretty marginal memory. I have also loaded Memory Booster which does not affect these values but may improve performance.I would love to delete all those PNG images loaded with the device but have not been able to find any reliable info on how to do this under OS5.Do I have some sort of memory leaks? Are there any other ways that I could find out which apps are eating up the memory?Any other suggestions that would improve this situation?It baffles me to read of people complaining about not enough apps for the BB when I can barely run what I currently have loaded. (Interestingly, I was able to run all these apps on my old Palm Treo with it's massive 32MB RAM - I know it didn't have to run all that Java wizardry & it was not nearly as good a phone but it is ironic that BB's latest & greatest should be so marginal in its performance)Any suggestions or advice gratefully received.

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IPhone :: IP 4 Or IPad In Management / Or Corporate Business?

Aug 1, 2010

I got an interesting topic in my school to write about. I have to compare and use either an iPad or iPhone 4 in management and/or corporation. So this is what I learned (the question I'm asking is in the bottom of the post ).

http://www.uxmag.com/technology/ipad...perience-study you can use the iPad as a better cashier than iPhone

http://appadvice.com/applists/show/i...he-businessman - there are some great apps for using on an iPad (iPhone has them too I think)

http://thecomputerboss.com/2010/05/5...-for-business/ - also some ways that you can use the iPad for business...

Now the question I'm asking is do you know of any article, personal experience and/or forum talk that would give me information which one to choose if I was a business-man from a small Telecommunication, Dance or performance company? Or even better for a bigger corporation?

The things I would need have both (the calendar, email browser and internet browser, music player, movie player, connectivity (both can use wlan and 3G) - but I think here iPhone 4 wins).

I would use it in meetings (http://appadvice.com/app/354098826 -great app beside iCal), reading some books (getting information from literature), showing some videos that were made by myself, it would be nice to take videos, connect to email and internet, have as much an all in one device as possible, have personal information written in it, complete connectivity with windows, linux and mac systems (such as working on different floors in a company without any problems), price is bellow 650 EUR (or around it) - live in Europe, and a strong battery (at least for a few days of moderate work).

So any help would be much appreciated. Oh and one last question.when does the iPhone fewer stop in Europe so I a person could normaly buy one?

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BB Bold :: Can't Access Email Account Management

Jun 22, 2011

I can't access email account management options it gives me an error: "Unable to open email set-up application. Contact your wireless service provider.".The same problem happens when I try to go to Setup Email Accounts - Internet Mail Account the phone freezes or it returns to previous menu "Setup".Blackberry Bold 9780 Sim Free
Software Version: 6.0 Bundle 2534 (v6.0.0.570.Platform - Last Version on Blackberry SiteThis is terrible I don't even can setup another email account or change settings from my default email account.

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Sony Ericsson :: W995 - Device Management

Sep 3, 2010

What does this work for and how can we get the server settings?

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Xperia Z2 :: Power Management - Battery Drain

Nov 28, 2011

I bought z2 few days ago, everything seems right until yesterday, in power management it says battery could live about 2 days and smth with 100% but yesterday my phone was on 40% and power management says 4 hours more life of battery, i charged it and now with 100% its 7 hours ...

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BB Curve :: Cannot Access Email Account Management

Jun 1, 2012

BB curve 9300 6.0 I want to change my e-mail accounts. I've tried going into email account management. A screen requesting user name and password comes up to access e-mail settings. I don't know my user name or password. I've tried various times and sometimes it comes up saying that my password is being sent to my device but I can't find where/how. In the midst of this I've had a crash and then I updated but it is still the same except my e-mail accounts are no longer sending or receiving. I can see them but they don't work so I now need to access the e-mail set up even more.?

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Nokia :: Memory Management - Moving Media Files

Mar 18, 2010

I've just recently installed a 4GB MSD/HC card with a view to freeing up some memory on the phone itself. I was hoping to move all my music, videos and images to the memory card.

The images moved across fine with only a little bit of trouble from "Desktop Photo Applet", but once I redirected it to the card things are now OK there.

I'd also like to do the same with all the music tracks and videos that are stored in phone memory, but as soon as I moved most of the music tracks, media player started going mammaries skyward, complaining it couldn't find tracks. needless to say I moved them back and didn't bother trying to move the videos.

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IPhone :: 3G IPod Touch Improved Memory Management

Jan 14, 2010

I was just wondering if anyone has tried this hack? http://lightsandshapes.com/iphone-3g...ory-management
I have an iPhone 3G and I have tried deleting unused language packs and deleting launch daemons. However my phone is still so slow and sbsettings shows i have little to no memory free. I was thinking about trying it...is it safe?

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BB Bold :: Lost Back Management Menu On BBM Version

Jun 1, 2012

I've just upgrade may BBM to the version a couple days ago. And it was work.

But today, when I go to the options menu (at BBM), I can't find the Back Up Management Menu. how can I back up my BBM contact remotely?

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BB Bold :: Not Getting Call Management Option Under Main->Options

Jan 28, 2012

im not getting call management options like call forwarding , call waiting under main menu -> Options?im running OS 6 bundle 3084.

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Galaxy S5 :: Sound / Notification Management With Lollipop Upgrade

Mar 3, 2015

I'm super confused regarding the new way sounds, vibration, muting, and notifications are handled in Lollipop.

For instance, I just found out that to get LED notifications, I have to have vibration or sound turned on. No LED notifications on mute/silent? Are they serious? There seems to be no way to get a notification now without having my phone vibrating or making noise on my desk at work, which means I'm either annoying my coworkers or not getting notifications. It seemed that if I want to disable vibration and still get LED alerts, I need to go into every app and disable it there, which is totally counterintuitive—I used to be able to control this by pressing the volume button on the side of the phone.

Not only that, but I currently have vibration turned on so that I can get LED alerts, and I unchecked vibration in Hangouts for both Hangouts messages and SMS messages, and it's still vibrating.Is there any way at all to get LED notifications without vibration?

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Samsung :: U490 Data Management Software Compatible

Feb 4, 2010

My wife just got a Samsung Trance 490 from VZW and she's looking to put her own ringtones on it, but the U490 isn't supported by Bitpim. Are there any other apps out there that will work with this phone?

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IPhone :: Syncing 2 Phones To ITunes And Application Management

Jun 9, 2010

My wife and I are upgrading to the iPhone 4 on launch. My wife is new to iPhone, I'm not. Anyone here have experience syncing 2 iPhones to iTunes and application management?

I have apps that I paid for can they be added to her iPhone since it will be using the same Apple iTunes Store ID? What about Apps like Facebook and TweetDeck. Since the main file is the same, will it have problems keeping the data different between the 2 phones? If I sync her phone and then sync mine will my Facebook be logged in as her?

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BB Curve :: Can't Find The Battery Management Option In Settings

Jul 14, 2012

I security wiped my bb due to sum software prblms, nw I can't find the battery management option in settings

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Stuck After Device Management Update?

Dec 24, 2011

Last night, my carrier pushed the Device management update to my SII. I accepted to install and since then the handset is stuck on a white background screen with "Software Update", a 0% status bar and "loading..." and thats all. This is been there since 4-5 hours now. It eventually drained the entire battery. When I charged it and powered it on, it still comes back to the "Software Update" screen.I tried to do a hard reset with both the volume button and the power button. It still comes back to the white screen.

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IPhone :: ATT Versus Apple Order

Jun 15, 2010

I got an confirmation email from ATT website.Does this GUARANTEE that I get my phone shipped to my house on the 24th? I mean doesn't Apple Store get priority over ATT and therefore customers who preordered via ATT would be left out until all Apple Store preorders are fulfilled?

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Xperia Pro/Neo/V/L :: Internal Memory RAM Versus ROM

Apr 26, 2012

Internal1 GB (320 MB user available), 512 MB RAM [URL] But when i go to Setting->App->Manage Applcations -> Tap All Internal Storage is 420 MB (example: 269 MB used + 151 MB free) & And, when i tap Running, it shows RAM is 302 MB (201 MB used + 101 MB free)Why there is a huge difference on RAM. i don't care about internal memory much but RAM should be 512 MB in total.This is not what i paid for. How can i fix this?

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BB Bold :: OS5 Versus OS6 Media Player?

May 15, 2012

I recently updated OS 5 to OS 6 on my Bold 9700 and I was not impressed. OS 6 though smother has cluttered main screen with solid blue highlights - OS 5 is way better in that respect. But my main beef is Media Player. On OS 5 I can copy and paste videos from my computer to media card (without desktop manager) and they all play flawlessly; slider works and I can pick up movie at the point I have left it off. Files are coded for 480x320 resolution for .wmv, .mp4 and .avi. And card was properly formatted. In OS 6 however only .wmv are playing properly. Rest of them are always playing form the beginning and when slider is used video becomes scrambled. .mp4 flies are coded through Nero and are not recognized by BB desktop software. Can anybody shed some light on this issue and have a workaround.I have downgraded back to OS 5.

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Xperia Mini/pro :: (SK17i) Random Crashes Due To Memory Management?

Jan 16, 2012

I got my Xperia mini pro (SK17i, Android 2.3.4, firmware 4.0.2.A.0.58 after update) a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, trying to activate my Google account during the setup procedure crashed/rebooted the phone twice in a row before I managed to complete the setup. Afterwards I have immediately updated to firmware 4.0.2.A.0.58 but still have experienced the occasional crash about 2-3 times a day.

Usually it happens when doing stuff with the phone. I have read that there is a new firmware update coming our way (4.0.2.A.0.6x) which is supposed to fix some memory management issues. Indeed, the last couple of times I have experienced crashes, the "crash log" in /proc/last_kmsg has shown Unable to handle kernel paging request (+ a nice trace) just before the kernel panicked and rebooted the phone.

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