I bought an E72 a few weeks have simply love it.However this morning I decided to transfer some photo's to my computer. I turned off the phone removed the memory card and later on I put the memory card back and tried to switch the phone on.
The phone now just won't switch on, I have tried removing the battery and leaving it for an hour but with no luck.
I'm having some trouble with the backlight of my N82. I've had the handset for just about 2yrs now and less than a month ago upgraded the software to V 35.0.002. After leaving the phone to charge overnight I woke up to my the sound of the alarm going off (as per usual). However, after disarming the alarm, the backlight started flashing. Not flashing at a set frequency, but an erratic flash. I restarted the phone and even removed the battery for a few minutes, but the problem persists. I thought it may be a hardware problem, but the flashing stops while there is an active window open (e.g. while having the "deleting messages" pop-up or "refreshing the music library"). Also once the power-saver feature kicks in the backlight obviously goes off so the flashing stops.
My phone keeps regularly crashing/freezing- and keeps requiring me to pull out the battery and put it back in and restart! Its annoying and i believe that in the long run this might be damaging my phone. This happens/has to happen often, and also, even within the same day few times! e.g. - if I am texting people, suddenly it may freeze and requires battery pulling out! I do have a few applications, and about 4mb free on the phone on average (currently 7mb). I am on latest firmware.
My N900touch scrren is playing up,the pictures there and everything but it just wont respond to touch at all,Ive tried taking battery out/sliding lock key/turning on and off and I cant resolve it...any1 got any tips?I cant even touch on settings to restore back to factory settingsand as its the touch screen that isnt working I cant update/reset through PC suite as I cant select that mode on the phone
My battrery has been running low quickly . For instance, I charged it yesterday and when it was done charging I made a phone call. I was on the phone for about 11/2 minutes. After I got off I looked at my battery and it was down 1/2 a brick. I've tried removing the battery for awhile, but it doesn't seem to help. I talk on it a lot through the day so I can understand it needing charged at night, but 1 minute off the charger and it's already losing power? I don't use the internet that much, but I do play games. The phone is about a month old. Any advice?
I recently upgraded to v5.0.0.411 and have had almost no problems so far. One problem I have had though is whenever I do a battery pull my battery instantly says it's drained upon starting back up. Today it went from 50% to 15% after one pull. I know it is a false reading because recently it went from around 50% to 3%(the yellow low battery light was flashing when I turned it back on as well), however, I was able to use the phone for hours after this and it remained at 3%. From what I've read I'm thinking this might be a problem with the battery or battery contacts? But it's strange that it started happening as soon as I upgraded my OS to 5.0. Any suggestions or info?
Whenever I do a battery pull my battery indication after reinsertion reads 0% and shows the battery as red. My battery indicator before the battery pull will read anywhere from 80% to 50% but after the battery pull the indicator changes to read zero and is shown in red. If I don't charge the phone it will die even though prior to the battery pull the charge was fine at 80% or so...
I'm pulling the battery because of memory shortages. I HAVE replaced the battery and I still get the same problem. Pulling the battery after this happens changes nothing. I've pulled the battery numerous times afterwards and I never get the battery indicator to read what it did before the battery pull. I don't dare pull the battery if I'm not near my charger as the phone will die in a matter of minutes...
Since this morning i experience the problem that when i switch my phone on i cannot use the touchscreen. No input is accepted. When i switch the phone off and remove the battery and then switch it on the problem dissapears...
I've been reading a lot about people that have problems and in alot of these case a battery pull is a possible recommended fix.My 9700 runs fine.
The question I have is should I still pull it once in a while (i.e. once a month or so) even though I don't have any problems? Can I go months or years without pulling it if I have no problems?
Is pulling like rebooting your computer and it should be done once in a while whether needed or not?Are there those who pull it regularily just ot keep these BB in shape so to speak?
I bought an Otterbox which means a battery pull for my Tour (Verizon) is a pain in the you know what. I had Quickpull until it got lost with a RIM 5.0 update. I go back to appworld and everybody is complaining about Quickpull. Are there other alternatives? Someone suggested bbhybrid in another thread. Do they help? What do they do? Do I 86 RIM software on my BB in order to use hybrid software?
I was scared today. So I wanted to charge up my phone in my charge station and found out that there was no charge going into the phone. I then tried to plug it into my computer and still no charge to the phone...So Now im scared!!!!
I then turn my phone off and power it back on to find out it say invalid sim card, and it still does not take any charge....Then I pull out the battery and restart the phone and the sim card is properly found, and it is now charging just fine. In the end everything turned out fine! What leads me to the question WHAT CANT A BATTERY PULL DO???When in doubt pull it out!( Not to be misinterpreted)
Sure both restarts the OS, but are they the same in terms of ability to fix problems or mode of operation. Perhaps a battery pull is a 'full shutdown' so to speak but alt-caps-del is not? Or is there really no difference at all?
Well out of the blue I got a JVM error today. Ive tried the battery pull etc but nothing, white screen just wont go away?I am pretty certain ive lost everything...Will I be able to restore it still from Blackberry desktop or is my phone screwed?
I was downloading one of the twitter apps through appworld and my phone froze during the install phase. I let it sit for about 30 mins to see if it'll come back to life but it didn't do anything.
I removed the battery for 5 seconds and reinserted but nothing happend. I took out the SIM card and let it sit for 2 hours and still nothing, pluged the wall charger in the phone and no signs of life, no lights nothing!!
I bought it new from Rogers less then 12 months ago and am pissed that it died this soon!!I am looking for advice on how to fix this or a good deal on a 9700. The 3 larger providers in Canada want $700 for the 9700 but WindMobile is charging $450 and no contract, could I buy a WindMobile 9700 unlock and use it on Rogers?
So, on Sunday my phone wouldn't connect to the network so I tried a battery pull. When the phone came back on, it connected just fine, but all of my saved media (pictures, music, videos) was gone. The media was all saved on the device and we use a BES at my office. Any chance of recovering the lost media? Phone seems to be working just fine--just don't have any pictures or videos left.
I have a Storm 9550 on the verizon network. My phone will lock up a couple times a day and the only way to get it to work is to pull the battery. If someone calls the phone when locked up it rings to the caller as if the phone is on but I hear nothing.
Sometimes my phone does this thing where sometimes it says its charging, but it isn't. That occurred around 45 minuets ago. I pulled the battery, like I always do to fix this problem, while my phone was at 2%. When I went to turn on the phone, the phone was un-responsive and would not turn on. It wont even show the charging icon. Just a black screen.
I will be on vacation for a month in the coming days. I've had my 9700 for 3 months now and was wondering if it would be safe to pull the battery out of the 9700 and leave it in the house. Then re-insert the battery and begin normal usage as soon as I get back from the trip? I'm afraid I might lose BBM contacts/SMS text messages due to the fact my phone will not be turned on/used in my month long absence.
I recently bought a Blackberry 9700 from T Mobile, 5,0,0,351 platform 5,1,0,98 and each time i try to scan a friends bbm barcode nothing happens. I have tried diffrent computer screens and diffrent positions, sometimes the phone just hangs and i have to do a battery pull. I have downloaded OTA the new bbm because my desktop manager woont update it. It is not a big issue but i was wondering why it isnt working.I dont know if its ok to post a diffrent problem but i thought it would be easier to get an answer then to make another post. The 2nd problem i have is with voice dialling, it doesnt load if it has a big number of contacts, i fixed it by deleting most of my contacts. It works fine now, but i waz wondering if there is a way to fix this so i can have more contacts.
My blackberry curve does not turn on after i took out the battery, when i connect it to my computer via USB the red lights blinks one time then three time and it continues like this.
Been trying to connect my device GPS and Google maps for months now but to no avail. I get either GPS is Temporarily unavailable or it says Waiting on GPS.... I've been outside, in the middle of a soccer field still nothing.
The GPS is obviously working because I have geotagging for some of my apps set to use GPS rather the cell tower.
My particulars....8900, with .610, Google Map v4.02 and yes I have done battery pulls. Im in Barbados on Digicel network, I called and asked if they blocked GPS, "Whats GPS"
So my Sprint Blackberry Tour 9630 takes on average 13-15 minutes with a battery pull reset. I love the phone, and have no complaints about it except for this issue. I've had plenty of blackberries and this is taking the longest. I have no clue as to why it takes so long - I dont have any apps really installed, and no pictures/music, etc. loaded.
Anyone have any thoughts or ideas how I can make it run faster?This is the stats of my phone: OS 914.6mb of free space (917.7mb total)
Has anyone not able to open up My World in BlackBerry App World? I did 2 battery pull and I'm still not able to open it. Also I can't get Categories, Top Free, Top Paid or the Search icons to open either.
I did a battery pull last night and monopoly didn't push through to my phone. Is this a bad thing? My kid likes the game so I wanted to check it out. Do you have to be subscribed to something to have it? I am on verizon. I did notice that social beat or something like that did apear recently. Just wondering.
I have two different hotmail account synced with my Blackberry. One of my hotmail accounts is receiving emails just fine to my blackberry. The other is not receiving any! I have tried sending serivice books and a battery pull. What else am I missing? Yesterday they both worked fine and now today only one works.