I have a Storm 9550 on the verizon network. My phone will lock up a couple times a day and the only way to get it to work is to pull the battery. If someone calls the phone when locked up it rings to the caller as if the phone is on but I hear nothing.
Ever since I upgraded to OS, after a battery pull, it takes forever to do anything. Battery Pull OS Reboots to locked Enter password Get to Home Screen Everything lags for about 4 minutes If I try to do too much I start getting errors in LIB's and have to power cycle again.And it doesn't matter how long I wait to unluck to phone either. If I pull battery out, got o bed, wake up, unlock phone, same problem.
Somtimes when reading a text or using camera my Storm will re-boot and when it comes back up it will say the battery is dead. This happens after its been on the charger all night. The only way to fix it is to use quickpull. Which i have set to re-boot everyday at 5am.. Could my battery be going bad or what?
I was scared today. So I wanted to charge up my phone in my charge station and found out that there was no charge going into the phone. I then tried to plug it into my computer and still no charge to the phone...So Now im scared!!!!
I then turn my phone off and power it back on to find out it say invalid sim card, and it still does not take any charge....Then I pull out the battery and restart the phone and the sim card is properly found, and it is now charging just fine. In the end everything turned out fine! What leads me to the question WHAT CANT A BATTERY PULL DO???When in doubt pull it out!( Not to be misinterpreted)
I had to take my phone up to verizon store to check it out and I watched the tech go to the Options menu, bring up the keyboard, type somthing in, and the phone reset like it does with Quickpull or a battery pull....
Everytime charging the storm 2, the screen can't be used it, it is not sensitive when I try to touch it, it is happen even the phone is finished charging, I need to take battery off and on to reset everytime to have phone to become normal. How can I fix it?
*9530 - error in subject Enter unlock code into the phone and pulled battery as instructed and to insert a different sim.Phone would not turn on and the red light now flashes, 1 pause 4 fast with a blank screen I read up and assume its the code 47 error: 101111-Flash Write Failure (*Tip: try replacing flash) The storm will suddenly not show up via usb on any computer. I've tried it on Windows 7, Vista and Windows XP.I've gone through the nukes bb reload post "blackberry-101-lecture-12-how-reload-operating-system-nuked-blackberry" and cant get it to show "USB-PIN:UNKNOWN" on any of the operating systems.i've tried JLCMDER and BBSAK - none of them connect. The battery had a full charge when it first started flashing and continued with the battery in. The battery is now dead regardless of the device being plugged into the usb or wall charger. So the phone isn't taking a charge but still has the red flashing when plugged in.Has anyone found out why this happens? Is there a fix? Was the phone hardware damaged from a simple battery pull?Would someone will technical knowledge of blackberry hardware please explain how a batt pull stops the phone from charging and being detected
So all of the sudden my SMS messages are just coming up as phone numbers instead of contacts names, when yesterday they were displaying the names. I check to make the sure the numbers match under the contacts and they still do. I tried doing a battery pull and when the phone rebooted all of my contacts had disappeared. I checked the filters and none of them are checked, and as the other threads for this topic state, I tried to disable content control but I cant. I cant even find the general options section under security options. Is it different on the storm then it is on other BB's? Really confused right now. Also, there are no contacts saved to the SIM card.
Sunday night I went to bed with a battery that was at least 80% charged. I had my alarm set to wake me up the next morning. I have no idea if that has anything to do with the battery possibly getting drained. As far as I know, I didn't have any apps running either. Anyway, Monday morning I woke up to a completely dead Storm. I tried plugging it in, but all I got was a red light for about 10 secs, the screen went black & then a white screen with a battery in the middle appeared with a red slash through the battery. I've tried everything from a battery pull to even taking a risk & dropping it on the floor & still nothing. I even went & bought a new battery but that's not the issue either. No matter what I do, I still get the same result. It's not the chargers cause I've tried both my wall charger & USB charger.
I have two email accounts on my storm, both Gmail. On account A, I can click on the symbol on the homescreen and open up the inbox and check my messages. Everything works normally.
On account B, I try to click on the inbox in the homescreen and my BB freezes. After I touch/click on the inbox and try to open it, the whole screen freezes and it won't respond to my touch, even if I hit the escape or BB buttons. If I hit the End (red) button, everything starts back normally. Also, if I hit the send (green) button, the phone app pops up and everything works again.Anybody have any ideas? I tried a battery pull and that didn't seem to work, neither did resetting the host routing table or service log.
Edit: Carrier: Verizon Model: Storm 9530 OS: 5 Apps: Facebook, google maps, quickpull, BB app world
My Storm 2 started doing something strange last couple of days.I have had it since the day Verizon made the Storm 2 available. When going to bed, the battery is almost fully charged. About 8 hours later it beeps and when checked the battery is dead.Phone is in standby, i.e. display off, and no apps running.I took it into Verizon and they had no clue.
I have searched with no results. Maybe its how I'm trying the search. Is there a way to pull up the event log on the 9550 like I can on my 8900 by holding the "alt" then pressing "LGLG"?
My battrery has been running low quickly . For instance, I charged it yesterday and when it was done charging I made a phone call. I was on the phone for about 11/2 minutes. After I got off I looked at my battery and it was down 1/2 a brick. I've tried removing the battery for awhile, but it doesn't seem to help. I talk on it a lot through the day so I can understand it needing charged at night, but 1 minute off the charger and it's already losing power? I don't use the internet that much, but I do play games. The phone is about a month old. Any advice?
I want to use my Storm as a clock in the cradle. Right now it does not go to bedside mode when you put it in the cradle and even when you manually put it in it locks and does not show clock. I am on an enterprise server and our company requires a password lock. Any suggestions on how to work around this?
I recently upgraded to v5.0.0.411 and have had almost no problems so far. One problem I have had though is whenever I do a battery pull my battery instantly says it's drained upon starting back up. Today it went from 50% to 15% after one pull. I know it is a false reading because recently it went from around 50% to 3%(the yellow low battery light was flashing when I turned it back on as well), however, I was able to use the phone for hours after this and it remained at 3%. From what I've read I'm thinking this might be a problem with the battery or battery contacts? But it's strange that it started happening as soon as I upgraded my OS to 5.0. Any suggestions or info?
Whenever I do a battery pull my battery indication after reinsertion reads 0% and shows the battery as red. My battery indicator before the battery pull will read anywhere from 80% to 50% but after the battery pull the indicator changes to read zero and is shown in red. If I don't charge the phone it will die even though prior to the battery pull the charge was fine at 80% or so...
I'm pulling the battery because of memory shortages. I HAVE replaced the battery and I still get the same problem. Pulling the battery after this happens changes nothing. I've pulled the battery numerous times afterwards and I never get the battery indicator to read what it did before the battery pull. I don't dare pull the battery if I'm not near my charger as the phone will die in a matter of minutes...
My storm 9550 is currently running .320 which is not the newest release. Everytime I download the OS onto my computer (.517 and .607) I do the whole downloading process delete the vendor, go to application loader, it says new updates available for your phone, it does the whole downloading process but my phone still ends up with .320 --no changes. Am I missing a step, am I not supposed to delete the vendor.xml file or something.
I have Verizon 9550 Storm 2. Before the unlocking the 3G and WiFi both have worked fine ! After the unlocking the Internet on my phone did stop work ! The WiFi connection pass fine but when I start the browser and try to open some site there is appear the message:
I have a bold 9700 right now and my dad is looking for a phone and he wants a bold 9700. before i get him one im wondering if i should get a different phone and give him my bold. I love the bold but the couple things that have been really bothering me are the dropped calls and over crappy service.
Hows the 9550 on telus? and would u guys suggest switching to one? Hows the keyboard for someone thats used to a physical keyboard? the only two phones i have had are the tour and bold 9700 and i really like the keyboard, but im willing to get something thats not as good for a bigger screen. I just dont want anything thats glitchy. Im pretty picky about my electronics and especially for my phone i just want it to work.
So basically my real question is is it worth it to switch to the storm? and are there any issues with the phone that someone thats a bit finicky would be pissed off at? (im not obsessed about little issues but keyboard is a huge deal to me)
Edit* and is the storm 9520 out? and does it run on hspa bands? id like to stick to gsm and not switch back to cdma :/. and any other suggestions for phones if you dont think the s2 fits?
Edit 2* and whats all this about a 9550 gsm? is the 9550 a "world" phone? and if its gsm im assuming its the international gsm bands and i cant get gsm on telus?
Anyone know how to move saved messages from the Storm to Storm 2?I recently dropped my Storm in the pool, got the new Storm 2 got all my contacts back but can't figure out how to transfer these messages.
I'm running the Storm2 on 580. For weeks I haven't had a single option, and all of a sudden multiple times in 2 days I have this issue:While my phone is in my pocket, I pull it out, and unlock the screen. The screen is hard, but not unclickable. So when I click on messages or anything else it opens it and closes it, because it double clicks. Usually the bottom keys click but don't function. I have to lock the screen and turn it back on after a few seconds or a minute later for it to function. The double clicking and it closes the app is really annoying. It only happens when it's in my pants.
I think what happens is that since the screen is TOWARDS my leg, and my leg may hit the bottom buttons, it presses it or something like that. And after a few times of that happening unexpectedly the screen does something. I don't know. Any ideas? Could this be an OS issue? I doubt it's a hardware since it ONLY happens with my jeans and in my pocket.
I have just bought a Storm 2 9550 that is from Verizon USA. The device is GSM unlocked, and I am using it from Hungary on a local carrier. I am in the middle of a carrier change that has Blackberry services, however I currently have 3G web access on my actual carrier. However, the integrated browser that came with the phone, does not allow me to use the 3g network, only WIFI service. I cannot even set it to 3G on the browser options tab, as it only offers "hotspot browser".
Is there any way I can find a http browser that supports the 3g network, so I could surf the web on this carrier until I complete the carrier change? Is there any on Blackberry App world? I didnt manage to find one.
Also, I would like to have a POP3 client on my device that can communicate through 3G with a pop3 mail server, as the integrated email messaging software that Blackberry device software 5 offers is only capable of having a mail account through a BB service provider.I am very staisfied with the device itself, great for managing calls, and multimedia - did not face any crashes at all (maybe once when I wnated to take a picture and it frozen when the flash lit up).
Have the Storm 2 and have it set with a password lock. Since sometime in mid-April, I have intermittently had an issue with it locking me out and requesting "to unlock, enter ""blackberry"" to continue." I have entered the "blackberry" password but the phone does not respond to it. I have tried turning it off and also a battery pull.... only thing that clears it is hooking it to my laptop and opening the Blackberry software program. This is rather annoying and inconvenient.... don't want to carry around my laptop in case my phone doesn't work. I have not been successful in resolving this....
I've been reading a lot about people that have problems and in alot of these case a battery pull is a possible recommended fix.My 9700 runs fine.
The question I have is should I still pull it once in a while (i.e. once a month or so) even though I don't have any problems? Can I go months or years without pulling it if I have no problems?
Is pulling like rebooting your computer and it should be done once in a while whether needed or not?Are there those who pull it regularily just ot keep these BB in shape so to speak?
I bought an E72 a few weeks have simply love it.However this morning I decided to transfer some photo's to my computer. I turned off the phone removed the memory card and later on I put the memory card back and tried to switch the phone on.
The phone now just won't switch on, I have tried removing the battery and leaving it for an hour but with no luck.
I bought an Otterbox which means a battery pull for my Tour (Verizon) is a pain in the you know what. I had Quickpull until it got lost with a RIM 5.0 update. I go back to appworld and everybody is complaining about Quickpull. Are there other alternatives? Someone suggested bbhybrid in another thread. Do they help? What do they do? Do I 86 RIM software on my BB in order to use hybrid software?