Nokia Accessories :: N82 Battery Model BP-6MT Expanded?
Jan 15, 2011
I used my Nokia N82 since i bought this in Macau way back 14 aug. 2009 & like this phone very much. but now, im afraid to use because the battery model "BP-6MT" were expanded & its hard to close the back cover, the battery still working & the phone w/ out the back cover. I searching replacement or other model for N82 model but not available.
Battery in my bb expanded by charging and two buttons on side popped off. I got the phone by contract from T-mobile. They want me to pay for the repairing even though the phone is still in the guaranty time. There is no Blackberry or RIM agent in Czech republic, what should I do now?
It has been the last 2-3 days that I noticed My Phone's Battery Is Running Out Very Quickly.o make battery life longer?Nokia X7-00Product Code: 059J8D5Symbian Belle Refresh 111.040.1511IMEI: 35860904*******
I got BH-109 BLUETOOTH black colour from SpiceHotSpot, New Delhi. India. I faced a problem of battery backup. I got it replaced from retailer after 10days but I found the same probem in the second piece which belongs to the same lot i.e, April'2011. Either the lot is effective or the product is effective??
like in the topic: I have a problem with rSAP usage in Skoda nav-system Columbus: it stays ON searching for the car nav-system & eats battery level (just being standby): within 24 hrs completely empty. With bluetooth turned on, without previously connecting to my Skoda nav-system, the phone can run for about 10 days standby.Only if I turn off manually the bluetooth subsystem (not just the nav-system connection, but completely turn off bluetooth), then the phone doesn't eat through my battery-level. I dont want that, because it's not neccessary (I have to turn it back on again later & forget to do that), sometimes I forget and find out people can't reach me coz my phone is battery-empty.
Monday afternoon - ACTV fully charged, left on, BT connected to my ATRIX.
Tuesday morning - ACTV down 10%, went for 4 hour 30 minute outdoor cycle with music, speed/cadence, and HRM (GPS too). Left on when workout was finished
Wednesday morning - Battery at 20%, went for 1 hour outdoor cycle, same features used as Tuesday morning. When I pulled into the house, the 10% battery warning appeared on the screen.
So, I got about 33.5 hours of standby with BT active plus almost 6 hours of workouts on a single charge (never even connected it to my computer).
I bought an N5 a month ago. At first the notifications were expanded by default ,but now i have to drag them down from the left corner to expand. How do i enable expanded notifications again?
I have a Blackberry pearl cell phone that was purchased 5 years ago. The C-M2 battery died and I replaced with a new one. However, after I replaced the new battery, the cell phone is not working. Do I need to configure the battery? If so, how and what do I need to do?
When we broght the Unit from Dealer, Though it was packed we found Battery was missing from the unit. When we took this case with the dealer he said as the Box was packed he cannot do anything and we will have to take this case with RIM.Later as we wanted to used the unit urgency we procurred another battery from Blackberry Store, But we found that the battery backup is not at all great. As a customer we deserve a Battery to be part of the Whole unit.
Is it possible to over-charge a lithium-ion battery? I've heard multiple things about the causes of a bubbling battery or one that will not charge, does leaving a phone plugged in over night actually negatively affect battery life?
I would just like to ask if its possible to convert my E72-1 Model to E72-2? Its just that im not able to connect to 850 band of my operator. Though from screen it display 3.5G i was just able to camp at instead 2100 band only.
my phone cannot send message..but my phone can received message...outgoing and incoming call also no problem...i've try to switch my SIM card to other seems to be ok...but..when i switch back to 5320..the same problem occur....
I updated my BlackBerry software to the latest version 5.0.0 last week, and ever since then I have to charge my battery 2-3 times a day - if I don't use my phone/text/etc. If I use my phone, I've had to charge it as many as 5 times a day. I do not have Bluetooth enabled (only turn it on when I need it - have not used it since software update) and I have not added any additional applications since the software update. My File Free is showing 95329645 Bytes, and pulling the battery does not solve the problem.
I delete my text messages throughout the day, and also delete my emails that come in. I've looked through the knowledgebase and have tried various methods to supposedly help battery life - nothing has helped so far.
I have all of my applications and versions listed in my Biography (wasn't reallyy sure where to put all the info) and have my privacy set to all.
what I can do to stop the battery draining, I depend heavily on my BlackBerry and right now, it's not helping me at all.
I am using Windows 7, fully updated with as far as I can tell a fully updated version of the N86. Recently got new firmware, but can't say for sure if this is when the problems started.
The problem I have is I am unable to connect the phone to the PC and get it to work with either Ovi of PC Suite. I have tried re-installing the drivers, but every time I plug it in, all I get is a Windows message installing drivers, and then a message saying S60 handset is installed, and a Windows screen giving me options such as file transfer etc.
If I try and connect in either Ovi or PC Suite, it can see the phone but says it is not in PC suite mode, even though I have selected this option on the phone. I have a feeling that Windows is installing a generic S60 driver, rather than a model specific one, and this is what is causing the problem, but I can't find a model specific driver anywhere.
This phone has been working on this PC before, and I seem to remember it installing 3 or 4 drivers when first connected, but now it only installs an "MTP USB Device" driver. Any help would be appreciated, because at the moment all I can do is transfer files. No backups, no syncs, nothing with either Ovi or PC Suite, the only access I have is through Microsofts own explorer.
My 5800 is completely original. It responds to all the Nokia commands, PC suite and Ovi Suite identifies it, I was able to update its firmware to the latest every time its available, it does everything a 5800 is supposed to be, works like a charm every time. Now the thing is, the product code on the back is 0565881, which the Nokia can-i-update site says belongs to a version of the 6210 Navigator. If you find my post helpful please click the green star on the left under the avatar.
I have become the proud owner of an old (estimate 6 years) Nokia prepaid phone. How do I find its model number? Looking at the pictures of phones on the Nokia website, nothing jumps out at me. Was owned by a family member who recently passed away. No paperwork, not even how many minutes/time left on the prepaid card.
I installed the beta software updater on OSX Lion and install went fine. The info states explicitly that my version E52-1 is supported. But when I connect and try to run the update it says the model is NOT supported. I am getting so tired of nothing ever working easily or as claimed with Nokia anymore. I am a lifelong user but they have major issues with ease of use.
I have a usb car charger with a cable that has a usb plug on one end, and on the other end there is a nokia 2.0mm charger plug. like this one: [URL] But the problem is that it's not fully charge my Nokia 5800, only about 85%-90%. Could this charger can fully charge a nokia 5800? on the charger itself it's written "DC 5V +- 5% Max= 1000mA"