Motorola Xoom :: (wifi Model) - Random Rebooting With ICS?
Feb 2, 2012
I just got a Xoom and have been getting constant random reboots. I can't repeat exactly what is causing it; it seems to be mostly random - e.g. web browsing, reading a PDF, browsing the market, etc. I've tried to do a factory hard reset twice already, but still get the random rebooting. Sometimes it will do a full reboot where I see the Motorola logo and other times it will sort of do a half-reboot and I only see the boot animation video and not the Motorola logo.
Seems to be a subset of individuals having problems with their WIFI Xoom going to sleep and not waking up or rebooting while sleeping. Its been discussed in other threads but thought it would be helpful to have people post the problem in a new thread to get more visibility and gather more information for Motorola so maybe they can help get it fixed for everyone who is having the problem.General Assumption on common Symptom:Xoom is going to sleep if left idle and is not waking up. Additionally if left idle is also observed to be rebooting on its own. Often takes the 3 finger salute (vol up + vol Down + power) to get device to come back on. Battery life seems to be lower than normal due to problem.
Is Xoom refusing to wake up when attached to power when it goes to sleep? Is Xoom refusing to wake up when not attached to charger when it goes to sleep? How long does it take after device is sleeping for problem to occur? Is there any difference with device "freezing" or not waking up from when let it go to sleep on its own, or when you hit power button to put it to sleep? Have you done a factory reset on your device? If you have done a factory reset did you test the device for problem before adding your applications back?When trying to wake up device how many times did you push power button?Is device appearing to reboot itself and when is it doing so? While you are trying to get it out of sleep mode? (when power button is pushed)Spontaneously without any user interaction with the tablet? Other? Does your battery seem to be draining much faster than normal?Does problem occur if Xoom is connected via USB to the PC?Does is always come out of sleep? Does it randomly reboot?
Today..6...6 random reboots out of no where.I bought device when it first came out and battery life has been issue..but recently, just this week, with ZERO additional apps downloaded, its rebooted on me as listed.
Still seems to require the phone fields even though I don't have a Moto phone (just a Wifi Xoom). Also, the serial number selection is not clear since 3G users seem to use the MEID, but I've been asked for my Wifi MAC address before. This time I tried to simply enter my "serial number" as stated in the Xoom status screen. But I can't get past #1 issue above, it is trying to require me to enter a Moto phone as well.
All i see in the router status under attached devices is:140:FC:89:21:1A:73the 1st -- is supposedly the device name, the second -- is supposedly the IP....neither ever show up and the xoom constantly loses data connection even though it says its connected.fortunately for me, i'm only stuck with this pile of junk 2 more days but it seems like a major issue to me, probably in netgears firmware.
My 3 day xoom 2 10.1 keeps on rebooting itself.This is really really frustrating.I tried below all things from some motorola xoom forum but it reboots randomly.
This was mentioned in other posts but I can't find it anymore but since the upgrade to 3.1 I am getting random long press pop ups. I initially thought it was better after changing the long press from short to long but it really doesn't seem to have any direct affect on the random ones that are occuring.
This problem only started for me after I installed the 3.1 update, so I don't know what else to blame it on. Every other day, or sometimes immediately after I do app updates I get unclearable app notifications in my bar. They look like notes with a gear on it. If you check it, it shows only the icon for the app it comes from & will open, but no info. if you click on it, all it does is open the app. But then it won't clear like it should. At first I thought it was just a problem with my GTD apps, because I know some like Astrid allow you take make 'hard' notifications, kinda like sticky notes. But even after I uninstalled those, others would have the same problem. Finally, and to make it worse, shutting down & resetting used to clear them, now even that is not working.
I recently purchased a XFE and have been having multiple issues with apps and the browser randomly shutting down. There doesn't seem to be any reason for this. The battery is not low, I'm not doing the same thing each time, I don't have multiple tabs open (although I have heard this tablet is wonderful at multi tasking). Also at random times I will have an app open and it will pop up with a message about force closing. This has happened way to often for me to continue to tolerate this.
Did I get a bad tablet perhaps? I want to keep this tablet? The rep was at best buy when I was looking at these and convinced me it was the lastest and greatest, however other tablets do not seem to have this issue .
Decided to head off to a little vacation in Mexico City last week for Memorial Day. Nice place, more like NYC than Tijuana, will be going back soon, I'm sure.
Turns out that VZ has coverage (no doubt thru a CDMA Roaming Partner there) in Metro Mexico City. I knew it was expensive as hell ($5.20/MB!) so I had no expectation of really ever using it, but just for grits and shins I turned on 3G to see how well it worked. It was fairly fast, and I ran up a MB just messing around for 10 mins. I guess it would have been OK in an emergency situation, but it's appalling how much the carriers can screw you- I find it hard to believe that VZ is being charged ANYWHERE near $5/MB- and as with many things, the reason they do is "Because They Can".
- I brought my Roku (network-content streaming) Box along, even though I had a feeling the services I use (Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Instant Videos) would be blocked when coming from non-US networks, as indeed they were. But using my Xoom, I was still able to at least watch my Slingbox one night- by hooking up the Hotel's TV to my Xoom via the HDMI connection, then using my Logitech DiNovo Mini combo mouse/keyboard to navigate. I was able to catch some shows on my DVR in Los Angeles, 1700 miles away
So more odd behavior from this possibly defective xoom i got yesterday. After a night of charging, i woke up to find my home screen filled with widgets that I didnt put there.
Experiencing random screen refreshes on a XOOM WiFi? Recently my XOOM has started to blink, the screen will go black for 1/2 second then come back. This happens when doing anything, games, browsing, or just sitting at a home screen. The XOOM is up to date with 4.1.2. I have not done a factory reset yet and would like to avoid it.
I bought the device few days ago and on very same day updated to Android ver. 3.2. I use internet over my home Wifi and have a Netgear - WGR614 router. The browsing speed is very very slow and most sites dont open.The signal strength shown in xoom is - (-105 dBm 3 asu).Is this a issue with Android 3.2 update or my home wifi is weak? Would i be able to reset the tab to the original version?
Has anyone had any success with using Wifi that required user certificates? I'm trying to get my Xoom to connect to the corporate network (EAP-TLS) and followed the instructions for the IPad and imported my certificated into Android correctly. But when I connect, it hangs at the connecting state for minutes, before finally giving up.
I recently bought a new Sony Xperia Z3. The problems I am experiencing are that all sony default apps crashing and some other apps aswell. Apps that have crashed are; the contacts app, the messenger app (not facebook), the homescreen app, the album app, the walkman and the movies app.
When they crash I get a message saying Unfortunately "app name", has stopped. The only way to make the app working again is to reset the phone. This happens quite often which is surprising since the phone is new and its a flagship device.  The second problem I am experiencing is the phone randomly resetting itself, this happens about once per day. I believe the reason for the random resets are the crashing apps. I think that because when I was using my phone all apps suddently crashen, then the phone just reset itself twice before it was usable again.
My C702 just won't start up. It just keeps rebooting. When I turn it on, the logo appears on the screen, the keypad lights up, then it goes off again, then after 2 seconds, it reboots again, and so forth. Earlier when I first got it, it did reboot randomly maybe twice a week, but worked ok after that. But now, it just keeps re-booting without going into the phone menu.
The other funny thing is, at the moment, when I connect it via USB to my PC, I can browse the files/pictures/data in the phone via my PC. I tried doing an Software Update service via PC, and it says the phone has the latest software update. I want to break out of this constant re-booting cycle, and get into my phone again.
i purchased new sony experia Neo L just few days back.Initially i saw in settings Wi Fi connection.But now whenever i go to settings and wireless networks there is no tab of wifi settings. How come this be possible? i am upset.I cant see available wifi networks.
Is there a fix for the Chinese iphones without wifi or will(can) apple release a fix for these phones in the future? example if no fix is available, can one simply replace the no wifi (China) board with a functioning one?
from the Motorola Australia page:"We have an update for all of our Xoom fans. We have now submitted our final round of software to our carrier partners for testing. It will take two weeks for them to test. Provided there are no issues found during the testing, we expect to upgrade Motorola Xoom to Ice Cream Sandwich for both WiFi and 3G users on June 21st.About time they gave us a date. Now to see if they will meet this date.
Connected to WIFI at home, disconnect from WIFI to go to work and Xoom never get connected to 4G/3G/1X. I power off and power back on then it connects to 4G/LTE.
This happening consistently now.
It looks like LTE maybe weak in my area as I see one or two bars but it should have switch to 3G.
I'm from Canada and I have the Xoom with Wifi only. I was able to connect to my home wifi network without problem and my signal strengh is like 75% so pretty good but when playing with the device (going on web, searching apps in the market, check weather, etc....anything that need to use my wifi to get to Internet, it happen often that even if I'm still connected, that it can't get to Internet anymore. At the begenning I was using the reboot option to fix this and then I saw that I can use the airplaone mode on and then off to drop connection and recreate it and then I just have to refresh the web page I am and it's working again. It can happen at ± 5 mins of Internet use.
I bring my xoom to my job and tested it and signal strengh is up the roof (router at my desk!), Internet is 10meg fiber and I get the same issue. I was gessing someone already reported this issue but I don't see it. Is it something known, what can I do to resolve this and is there a fix comming for that?
My xoom is stuck on 3.0.1, and will not update at all. It tells me update is available, but when I do it, it fails every time. This is a wifi only model, and I'm in Texas.