Motorola Xoom :: Random Widgets And Programs Running After A Nit Of Charging?

May 1, 2011

So more odd behavior from this possibly defective xoom i got yesterday. After a night of charging, i woke up to find my home screen filled with widgets that I didnt put there.

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Motorola Xoom :: Links To Other Programs Not Working?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a Verizon Xoom running 3.2, and since the update it appers as though I cannot open a link to a web page, or a document from a file browser (File Manager HD and ES File Explorer) or a link from Newsr feed reader. when I click on a link, the screen darkens a bit as if transitioning, but then nothing happens.

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Motorola Xoom :: Stopping Startup Programs?

Apr 23, 2011

In Windows they have programs that are in a startup folder and automatically run when you boot up. You can prevent them from running easily.In the Xoom I see some programs doing the same thing. Like Maps. I have no need for the Maps app to be running normally. I doubt if I would ever use it. I have GPS for the vehicles and mostly go to known locations now anyway.I don't want to remove the app particularly. You never know when you might decide it would be good to run it

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Running Built-in Widgets On Other Home Replacements?

Sep 13, 2011

I kinda like the built in contacts widget, but also really like LauncherPro.

I noticed that when I use Launcher Pro as my Home replacement, that the default widgets that are included (probably motoblur) do not work.

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Motorola Xoom 2 :: Play Swedish TV Programs Via The Android App?

Jan 17, 2012

I have a 22" TV monitor which by e.g. a USB memory stick loaded with e.g. avi files, can show a film. On my Xoom I can (re)play Swedish TV programs via the Android app SVT Play ( Is it possible to transfer what I see on my Xoom to my 22" TV monitor. If yes, howto?

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Motorola Xoom :: Contact Widgets Show In Messages?

May 21, 2011

are the contact widgets suppose to show messages like its advertised so.

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IPhone :: How To Stop Running Programs

Jun 19, 2012

How do I tell what is running? And how do I stop them to save my battery life?

iPhone 4S

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BB Torch :: Programs Running In The Background Cannot Close?

Jan 16, 2012

I have a program running in the background that I cannot close. When I try to go to the program to close it, it locks my phone up.

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Nokia :: 5530 Cant Open Camera / Programs Not Running

Feb 8, 2010

I bought xpress music 5530 just a month ago. It's almost perfect except camera and some other little problems.
First its my biggest problem I can not open camera !!! when I press the camera nothing happens.when I check the running programs its seems its working but its not this is annoying.I reset my factory settings it worked for a few days and its gone again.I formatted the phone it worked for a few days and gone again..And my other problem I can't create my own profile.I think its a software problem and I bagging you to fix it.I can't take this anymore I bought 5320 before it failed at everything I gave it back.If this problem will not solve I promise I'll not use nokia anymore.

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BB Bold 9000 :: 0.0kb Application Memory And No Programs Running?

Aug 27, 2010

My blackberry is going at a snail's, make that an injured snail's pace! I am at a loss as to why. I have very few downloaded apps: one or two games and a couple of random apps. My actual harddrive space is fine (859MB total/846MB free), but it tells me I have 0.0kb of available application memory. However, I do not have ANYTHING running besides what always runs like "home screen" and "phone" and "browser" know, the stuff you can't remove from the Switch Application menu. And it will seem fine but when I do open a program, I get the hourglass every time I click something or scroll.

To give you an idea of how irritating this is, it took me over 20 seconds to unlock the keypad, and another 20-30 seconds before the hourglass went away and I could move my cursor (slowly) to the app I wanted to run. And heaven forbid I run 2 apps at once. Then I've had to wait over 5 minutes for hourglasses to go away. It wasn't always like this. I used to leave all my apps running. I never worried about whether I pressed the EndCall button or closed it from the menu. Could this be caused by one of my apps? If so, how do I find out which one? Ugh I'm so frustrated! If I needed to call 911, I would be dead before I got my keypad unlocked. I'm not exaggerating.

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Motorola Xoom :: Getting Random Long Press Pop-ups

May 18, 2011

This was mentioned in other posts but I can't find it anymore but since the upgrade to 3.1 I am getting random long press pop ups. I initially thought it was better after changing the long press from short to long but it really doesn't seem to have any direct affect on the random ones that are occuring.

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Motorola Xoom :: Random Un-clearable Blank App Notifications

May 31, 2011

This problem only started for me after I installed the 3.1 update, so I don't know what else to blame it on. Every other day, or sometimes immediately after I do app updates I get unclearable app notifications in my bar. They look like notes with a gear on it. If you check it, it shows only the icon for the app it comes from & will open, but no info. if you click on it, all it does is open the app. But then it won't clear like it should. At first I thought it was just a problem with my GTD apps, because I know some like Astrid allow you take make 'hard' notifications, kinda like sticky notes. But even after I uninstalled those, others would have the same problem. Finally, and to make it worse, shutting down & resetting used to clear them, now even that is not working.

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Motorola Xoom :: Random App Shut Down And Forced Closures?

Dec 7, 2011

I recently purchased a XFE and have been having multiple issues with apps and the browser randomly shutting down. There doesn't seem to be any reason for this. The battery is not low, I'm not doing the same thing each time, I don't have multiple tabs open (although I have heard this tablet is wonderful at multi tasking). Also at random times I will have an app open and it will pop up with a message about force closing. This has happened way to often for me to continue to tolerate this.

Did I get a bad tablet perhaps? I want to keep this tablet? The rep was at best buy when I was looking at these and convinced me it was the lastest and greatest, however other tablets do not seem to have this issue .

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Motorola Xoom :: (wifi Model) - Random Rebooting With ICS?

Feb 2, 2012

I just got a Xoom and have been getting constant random reboots. I can't repeat exactly what is causing it; it seems to be mostly random - e.g. web browsing, reading a PDF, browsing the market, etc. I've tried to do a factory hard reset twice already, but still get the random rebooting. Sometimes it will do a full reboot where I see the Motorola logo and other times it will sort of do a half-reboot and I only see the boot animation video and not the Motorola logo.

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Motorola Xoom :: Random Notes After Taking My 3G X To Mexico

Jun 3, 2011

Decided to head off to a little vacation in Mexico City last week for Memorial Day. Nice place, more like NYC than Tijuana, will be going back soon, I'm sure.

Turns out that VZ has coverage (no doubt thru a CDMA Roaming Partner there) in Metro Mexico City. I knew it was expensive as hell ($5.20/MB!) so I had no expectation of really ever using it, but just for grits and shins I turned on 3G to see how well it worked. It was fairly fast, and I ran up a MB just messing around for 10 mins. I guess it would have been OK in an emergency situation, but it's appalling how much the carriers can screw you- I find it hard to believe that VZ is being charged ANYWHERE near $5/MB- and as with many things, the reason they do is "Because They Can".

- I brought my Roku (network-content streaming) Box along, even though I had a feeling the services I use (Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Instant Videos) would be blocked when coming from non-US networks, as indeed they were. But using my Xoom, I was still able to at least watch my Slingbox one night- by hooking up the Hotel's TV to my Xoom via the HDMI connection, then using my Logitech DiNovo Mini combo mouse/keyboard to navigate. I was able to catch some shows on my DVR in Los Angeles, 1700 miles away

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Motorola Xoom :: Random Screen Refreshes - Go Black And Then Come Back

Nov 26, 2012

Experiencing random screen refreshes on a XOOM WiFi? Recently my XOOM has started to blink, the screen will go black for 1/2 second then come back. This happens when doing anything, games, browsing, or just sitting at a home screen. The XOOM is up to date with 4.1.2. I have not done a factory reset yet and would like to avoid it.

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Motorola Xoom :: 3.2.1 Not Running - Won't Boot And Locks Up

Sep 22, 2011

So I turned on my xoom this morning, saw an update, updated. Now my wifi xoom will boot go to the home screen for approx 1 minute then go back to the honeycomb loading screen for a while before it locks up.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Random Reboots And Magically Self Charging Battery

Jul 28, 2011

My phone decides it want to reboot itself. I mean, I certainly don't know how my phone is feeling, so it can take the initiative and give itself a good rebooting when it needs it. Also, I don't know what motorola is making their batteries out of, but when I turn my phone off (or it decides to) I suddenly have more battery than I did previously. This kind of technology should be used more often so we never run out of juice on batteries of any kind.

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Motorola Xoom :: Screen Timeout Shuts Down When Apps Running?

Oct 19, 2011

i have the timeout for my screen set for two minutes. this is normally good as my major use is checking e-mail or surfing the web. if i am watching a Internet video longer than 2 minutes or using navigation the xoom shuts off and i have to press the power button and then play (if i was watching a video) to continue for another two minutes until it shuts off again. here's my question.. am i missing something in settings or do i just have to adjust the screen timeout time every time i want to use an app that doesn't require me touching the screen for 2 minutes?

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Motorola :: No USB Charging On Xoom 2

Dec 15, 2011

Am i right in thisnking that USB charging does not work on the xoom 2 even though theres no separate power charger?

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Motorola :: Xoom Not Charging Completely

Aug 8, 2011

For some reason my xoom doesnt want to charge fully, I thought it was the generic charger I got when I bought it, so I got a motorola charger.... but no change.

I gets to around 60% or so, then the charging icon (or light when powered off) blinks about once every three seconds....

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Motorola Xoom :: Motorola Docking Station Not Charging

Apr 22, 2011

Sometimes mine does not start chargeing - and I have made sure the battery is not fully charged. I unplug it, then plug it back in and it works.

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Google Nexus 6 :: Random Shut Downs Running 5.1.1

Sep 2, 2015

I've been having random shutdowns lately. And i just got a warranty exchange same thing happens. I have the t-mobile version. i do have the latest version of 5.1.1 ....

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Motorola Xoom :: Charging Stopped Working After 3.1 Update

May 15, 2011

I got the 3.1 OTA update yesterday afternoon on my WiFi Xoom, but since then, the Xoom won't charge. When plugged in, the charging indicator doesn't light and the battery icon in the notification area doesn't indicate charging. Charging worked fine before the update.What I've tried so far to no avail:

Different outlets
Wiggling the connector
Power off/on
Factory reset

Unfortunately, I don't have another charger to try.Given that a factory reset didn't fix it and others aren't reporting this issue, I'm guessing that it's just a conincidence that charging died after the update and something is broken either in the charger or the Zoom's charging circuitry.

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Motorola Xoom :: Screen Flashes Glow About Every 5 Seconds When Charging

May 11, 2012

I have noticed that when I am charging my wifi Xoom at night that the screen flashes a "glow" about every 5 seconds. What is this, and is it normal. BTW, it can only be seen in a dark room.

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Xperia Z3 :: Running Out Of Power / Charger Not Charging / Not Being Able To Switch Back On

Feb 7, 2011

At the time of writing this im a awaiting yet another problem with power to this unit. I was talked into by a sales rep into buying another Xperia after experiencing the exact same problem with the older version as im now experiencing with my current model. I rely heavily on my phone and this is a massive inconvenience to me. The problem running out of power/charger not charging/ not being able to switch back on. Then the problem resolves itself only to happen again... And again... And again. This is not good enough. Funnily enough both models ive had problems with just after the warranty runs out. Leaving me with using my phone insurance not only making my phone insurance more expensive the following year but having to pay an excess charge.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Screen Messed Up After Charging - Saturated With A Random Pattern Of Colored Lines

Jun 29, 2010

I have a BlackBerry Tour 9630, virtually brand new. I recieved my current phone barely two weeks ago from an insurance claim as my previous phone was stolen.

I was just headed to bed, I checked my phone a final time and had no issued. I always charge my phone on my nightstand next to my bed while I sleep. The instant I plugged the USB end of the power chord into the phone the screen went haywire. The screen is now saturated with a random pattern of colored lines. I cannot see or do anything. I tried battery out restarts and it did nothing. My phone has never been wet, never fallen or had any impacts, and is always in a silicone case. Again, this phone is basically brand new and the problem started the instant I began charging it tonight!What the heck happened and how the heck do I fix it!?

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Motorola Electrify :: How To Get Programs To Use Ext Sd Card

Sep 24, 2011

I have looked in other arias but still do not see how to get programs to use the ext sd card. The biggest on for me is Tape Machine. I need to be able to save my recordings to the ext sd card as some of my recordings go almost 2 hrs in wav so that they are easy to play anyware.On a different note this phones is great. The signal reception for data and wifi is unreal it beats any phone I have ever owned.

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Why Won't The Music Sync Programs Work

Jan 22, 2012

I have not been able to synchronize music to my new Droid X2. When I connect the phone to my PC (Windows 7 x64), I get a computer pop-up that says "Drivers are being installed." This installation always fails. When I open Windows Media Player and hit the "Sync" tab, no device is listed.

According to the Motorola website, Motorola Media Link "allows you to easily transfer, sync, manage, back up and share your phone's content." Sure. The link to the program itself redirects to MotoCast USB, a separate (and apparently new) program which wirelessly syncs my music with my phone. The webpage says it does not physically sync my music. This program does not run when I click on its icon. When I found the .exe file in MS Explorer, I got a BSoD.

I just want a simple way to connect my phone to my computer to transfer my music. I would also appreciate it if Motorola was consistent on its own website about exactly what programs are available for users and what they do.

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Motorola W/WX Series :: Get Programs/ringtones Into Received Folder

Jul 24, 2011

Figured out how to get programs/ringtones into my received folder.

how to install/load them as I see no option under options. Simply clicking on them doesn't do it.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Anti-Virus Programs That Not Slows Down Device

Nov 15, 2011

Are antivirus programs needed with Android? I ran one for a while on WM but it seemed to slow everything way down on the system.I thought I had read that android was fairly protected but it could pass from your phone to your pc when plugged in via usb.

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