Motorola Droid Bionic :: Anti-Virus Programs That Not Slows Down Device

Nov 15, 2011

Are antivirus programs needed with Android? I ran one for a while on WM but it seemed to slow everything way down on the system.I thought I had read that android was fairly protected but it could pass from your phone to your pc when plugged in via usb.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Phones Need Anti-virus Software?

May 5, 2012

Do Android phones need anti-virus software?

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IPhone :: Anti Virus Software For 4?

May 10, 2012

am hoping someone can let me know if you need an anti virus software on your iPhone 4? I have been asked by my work to ensure that I have one but I don't think that one exists or is needed.looking for firm confirmation of this so I can show something official to work to assure them that it is all covered.

iPhone 4

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Nokia :: N900 - Needs A Anti-Virus To Be Installed On It?

May 14, 2010

Does one need to install a Anti-Virus in N900 ? Or can he just keep using it as it is without having to worry that a Virus will infect it.

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Xperia X10 :: Install Anti-virus Software On It?

Aug 17, 2010

Is it necessary to install anti-virus software on the X10? if so, does Sony recommend any particular application?

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Nokia :: 5530 - Free Anti Virus Software

Jan 11, 2010

Does anyone know where you can download free anti virus software for the 5530? i've tried a few sites (even trend micro) but none of the software i've downloaded is compatible with my phone.

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Asha 30/40 Series :: Best Mobile Anti-virus For My Nokia 56?

Apr 2, 2012

I want free mobile anti-virus so I will not waste my money and if possible, can you put the link for the anti-virus?

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Nokia Lumia :: Best Anti-virus For PC And Mobile Phone?

Mar 22, 2012

i was looking for the best anti-virus for my PC and for my mobile phone, i really don't want to purchase any anti virus that would not fully protect my pc, I don't mind how much it gonna cost me I just want a full protection

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Sony Ericsson :: W995 - Anti-virus Scans

Oct 26, 2010

I recently opened an SMS which contained a virus (wiped out my apps, games, texts & handset memory... ) but luckily it didnt affect my memory card. I can now use my phone again tho in a limited capacity, but i'm worried that the virus may still be lurking somewhere. I contacted '3' who sent me a link for a free virus scan via F-Secure, but when I followed the link it said my W995 phone was not supported (only a handful of SE sets are on its list). After a web search I found 'Matt Java antivirus free download' - but I don't know if this is safe or effective.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Device Is Not Recognized When Plugged In USB

Sep 13, 2012

Recently when I plugged my Bionic into the USB port to download some photos, I received a device not recognized popup. From day one I have been able to plug this in, and Windows 7 would automatically assign a drive letter and I had access to my SD card. I have downloaded the Motorola Device Manager. From what I can tell, it should appear in the system tray. It does not. I have uninstalled, then reinstalled this program to no avail. Opening the case to remove the SD card to stick it into the card reader on my computer is a major pain.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Mount Usb Device As A Drive?

Jul 16, 2012

Is there a way to mount a usb thumb drive or an sdcard via usb card reader on the Droid Bionic?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Device Does Not Automatically Reconnect

Sep 21, 2011

My Droid Bionic works great except it will not auto-reconnect with my bluetooth earpiece. This is what occured - When I first got the phone, I made it discoverable and it was able to verify my plantronics 245 earpiece; the devices were then paired as expected. However, every subsequent time I activate the bluetooth on my phone and I turn on my earpiece, the device does not automatically reconnect. Oddly enough, when I go to the Bionic bluetooth settings page I see that my earpiece is listed as one of the bluetooth devices but it is showing as "paired but not connected".

The only way I can connect the two devices is by going into the bluetooth settings page and manually selecting the earpiece, and even then, it will still have trouble connecting unless I toggle the earpiece off then on.Is anyone else having this difficulty? And/or does anyone know if Motorola knows about the problem and will be sending out a software update for this issue?

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Motorola Droid :: Hotspot Slows RAZR HD Down Badly

Oct 20, 2012

Whenever I run my RAZR HD as a hotspot and connect my XOOM the RAZR slows down considerably, even answering incoming calls or opening apps lags badly.

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Nokia PC/Mac Software :: Can't Download & Install Anti-virus Software

Aug 3, 2011

I can`t download & install the anti virus & access the some internet sites

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Why Won't The Music Sync Programs Work

Jan 22, 2012

I have not been able to synchronize music to my new Droid X2. When I connect the phone to my PC (Windows 7 x64), I get a computer pop-up that says "Drivers are being installed." This installation always fails. When I open Windows Media Player and hit the "Sync" tab, no device is listed.

According to the Motorola website, Motorola Media Link "allows you to easily transfer, sync, manage, back up and share your phone's content." Sure. The link to the program itself redirects to MotoCast USB, a separate (and apparently new) program which wirelessly syncs my music with my phone. The webpage says it does not physically sync my music. This program does not run when I click on its icon. When I found the .exe file in MS Explorer, I got a BSoD.

I just want a simple way to connect my phone to my computer to transfer my music. I would also appreciate it if Motorola was consistent on its own website about exactly what programs are available for users and what they do.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic Car Dock = Phone Through Speakers By Default?

Feb 6, 2012

My only "complaint" is that whenever a call comes in or when I make a call, it always has it on the phonespeaker and not over the car dock audio connected to the radio. I have to press the speaker button to turn it off each time.way to have it default to the speaker being off?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Transfer Files To And From Bionic To A Windows 7 PC?

Nov 28, 2011

Does anyone know of any surefire way to transfer files to and from the Bionic to a windows 7 PC?

I have been using Zumocast, but that's only a one way deal. You can stream and download files from PC onto the Bionic, but not vice versa.Also, I tried to download a 1.4 gig mp4 file but it doesn't fully download, and makes my notification area on my Bionic force close and the whole phone just wigs out and requires a reboot. So Zumocast needs to do some updates in order to support large file transfer.

Anyway, I am looking for a way to transfer files from my phone to my computer(s) wirelessly. I don't always have my USB cable around.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic Apps Cannot Get Data Connection

Nov 17, 2011

Im having the same issue as a lot of other people (so i read). Mine has progressively gotten worse. My data connection shows active (sometimes it doesnt) but I cannot transfer data. After multiple restarts/battery pulls, i have data connection but NO app will transfer data except the web browser and dolphin. Even Gmail will not sync. So i can surf the web, but cant check my gmail app, pageonce, etc, etc. Wifi/bluetooth work fine. MOST of the time I can still text / make calls but not always.

I am hesitant to do a factory reset as the last time i did this, it did not change the problem and i was stuck with nothing because i had no data connection to connect to my google account with (nor wifi, i was on vacation).

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: How To Put Bionic Into Field Test Mode

Nov 15, 2011

I can get a 4G signal rarely in home. At work and mobile I am usually 4G.I expect to be on 4G for a few years (5G anytime soon?) and was thinking of spending $$$ on a Wilson repeater to pick up 4G with a directional antenna and amplifier for home: url...I am a licensed Amateur Radio operator and the principals involved seemed sound to me.Also, does anyone know how to put the Bionic into Field Test Mode?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Zumocast On Bionic Playing Different Codecs

Nov 15, 2011

Has anyone had a lot of luck with Zumocast on the Bionic playing differenct CODECS? I seems to work awesome but has some CODEC limitations, is there any way to use another video player other then the default Android one (which it appears to be utilizing)?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic And FIOS Remote App?

Oct 2, 2011

Any one have any luck getting the FIOS Remote app working on their Bionic? I got it downloaded and followed all the directions but it wouldn't sync up. Home net is a std Verizon issued router (only thing custom is the net name, channel, and crypto key) and the Bionic is able to get on the wifi no problem.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: How To Unthread Gmail On Bionic

Nov 6, 2011

Gmail is my email. I long ago disabled the "conversation" (threaded) view of messages in Gmail iitself on the web, and in settings on any device. However, I can't find a way to do this on the Bionic. There's no option in accounts > Gmail. I HATE having the emails strung together like they were text messages. One of the major issues is losing attachments (ex: photos) in earlier emails once additional ones have been added to the "thread."

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic Overriding SD Storage?

Oct 2, 2011

Have experienced this with a couple of applications (Freecaddie Pro and My Tracks) the program is suppose to store to SD card and it saves to internal memory. Spoke to the developer of Freecaddie and he checked and it is suppose to save courses to SD but Bionic saves to Internal Memory. With My Tracks even when I pick "Save to SD card" is saves it to Internal Memory. What is up with that and is there a way to correct it?I know my SD card is working because I have moved pics and music to it without a problem.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Non-Motorola Cables Don't Work With Bionic

Sep 30, 2011

I had noticed this problem before with the USB not working with non Motorola cables (INCLUDING ones purchased from VZW before the release of the bionic)5. Issue: USB Cables:The XT875 can only be used with Motorola USB cables.Action: No work around required.Resolution: No resolution required, working as designed and approved by Verizon Wireless.

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Motorola Droid X :: Phone Is NOT Running Any Type Of Automatic / Interval Task Killer / Virus Scanner

Oct 25, 2011

Have a Droid X which will randomly drain its battery in an hour or two due to the com. motorola.blur.service.main consuming 100% of the CPU.I am unable to determine any trigger for this event.On most occasions my only warning of this occurring is that the phone will become very hot due to the CPU load.This event will typically occur every day or every other day.This behavior has occurred with all versions of Gingerbread.It behaved properly on Froyo and Eclair.The first occurrence of this behavior coincided with the original Gingerbread update.Phone is and always has been running a complete stock OS (not rooted).The phone is in perfect condition with no physical damage of any kind.

The process in question and coincidental rapid loss of battery capacity has been verified via SystemPanel.This phone is NOT running any type of automatic/interval task killer, virus scanner, or any other snake-oil type battery improvement software.(SystemPanel is not an automatic task killer, it is simply recording per-process CPU consumption/battery drain at 15 minute intervals).The phone is used almost exclusively for business-related tasks, i.e., as a phone, for email, calendaring, and occasional web browsing.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: ICS Leak For Bionic

Jul 7, 2012

Has anyone installed any of the ICS leaks for the Bionic? If so, did you have any problems? How's it working?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic "My Accounts" Not Opening Correctly

Oct 11, 2012

When I go to "My Accounts" on my Droid Bionic, and then click on "Add account", I get the error message "Sorry! The application My Accounts (process com.motorola.setup) has stopped unexpectedly."

I wiped out my Bionic and then re-set everything up, and it was working fine until I added my FB account, and then removed the account. Now I can't add any new accounts at all.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Only Some Of Gallery Pics Transferred From Droid 1?

Sep 16, 2011

I used Google's https: to transfer all my apps from my Droid 1 to my Bionic. By and large it was seemless and quick. However, less than half of my Gallery pictures made it over. Because the Gallery is a stock app and not in the marketplace it is not on the the above market transfer desktop application.I also have astro and estrong on my device.

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BB Device Software :: Messenger Chain Message Virus?

Apr 8, 2010

I've just recieved a message off a couple of contacts via BBM claiming to be a message from RIM saying that the BBM servers are full and if users do not send the message to all of their contacts on BBM then RIM will assume they are inactive users their BlackBerry Internet Service will be deactivated.
The text of the message was in blue, and had a link at the end '' which doesn't exist.

Surley this is a virus? I have deleted the message and haven't sent it on.Anyone else had this message? Is it a virus or is it genuine?

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BB Storm2 9550/9520 :: Battery Pull Programs For Device?

Jan 31, 2010

Any recommendations on programs for the storm2?

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Galaxy S5 :: Device Start Opening All Of Programs And Apps When Restart It?

Jun 16, 2015

On restarts s5 starts opening all of the programs/apps on the phone one after another.

Not sure if it's all of them, or just the recently opened ones before the restart.

It scrolls through them so fast that i can't really make note of all of them.

I tried uninstalling some apps,cleaning cache, etc but nothing seems to work.

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