Motorola XPRT :: Can't Seem To Sync With Gmail Anymore

Nov 15, 2011

I can't seem to get my Xprt to synch with gmail anymore. It did it when I initially started the account on the phone; but not since. I do see on the phone that it's updating.

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Motorola XPRT :: Can't Reply To Emails Anymore After 4.1.22 Update (ActiveSync)

Jun 18, 2011

Got the 4.1.22 update last night and it fixed my vibrate problem but I can't reply to emails anymore. When I open an email, click reply, the device opens a reply email (like it's supposed to), but then the screen flashes, and reverts back to the original email, and also puts a blank draft email in the draft folder. This is happening with my Activesynch account. My Gmail account works fine.

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Motorola XPRT :: Gmail App Versus Email App?

Oct 13, 2011

I don't get the choice of the gmail app versus the email app.

If I use gmail, I get notifications but I can't use the Messages Widget and the Universal Inbox (or I can't seem to set it up).

If I use email, I get notifications and I can use the Messages Widget and access to the Universal Inbox The manual appears to favor email over gmail, but its not entirely clear. The example the manual gives of sending an email is using the universal inbox.

I did set up the same account using gmail and email, and it seemed redundant. While the message app and the universal inbox worked, I would get double icon notifications. So, is there any clear choice here, on the gmail app versus the email app?

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Motorola Photon 4G :: It Does Not Sync Calendar, Contact, Gmail With Company Gmail Account

Oct 28, 2011

My Photon 4 G does not sync calendar, contact, Gmail with my company Gmail account. I believe that it just stopped syncing last week and I believe that it was following a Motorola update, but cannot say for sure. Under Data Delivery, both Background Data and Data enabled are checked green. However, this is interesting because Email and corporate sync is grayed out on that screen. When I go to Account, checking the sync options is not possible, but I can do a manual sync. Please note, at one time, these options to sync Contacts, Gmail and Calendar were available. I've pulled the batter. I really do not want to reset to factory default. Suggestions? (Please note this is a company Gmail account, not just regular Gmail.)

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Motorola XPRT :: Get Calendar Sync With Facebook?

Sep 21, 2011

I am trying to get my calendar on the phone to show birthdays in my facebook contacts and other contacts on my phone. All info is on phone in contacts but will not show on calendar. When I open calendar it tells me that I need to sync calendar

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Motorola XPRT :: How To Image Sync With Facebook

Jul 26, 2011

Can any tell me how I can link my contacts to facebook so there picture show up in their avatars?

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Motorola XPRT :: How To Make Calendar To Sync Automatically

Mar 17, 2012

I have to continually force my phone to synch with my Google calendar; how to make this automatically sync?

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Motorola XPRT :: How To Sync Again Lost Facebook Contacts

Oct 26, 2012

How to sync or rather resync facebook contacts back to your XPRT's contact list if lost. My son deleted my contacts and when I restored them from online back ups I noticed my facebooks were not there. Trying to remove the account to resync would not work. I received an error with each attempt. Like many users I use the Facebook app from Google's market. Even when I would force close the app it would still not remove my face book account. You cannot resync unless you remove the account. Open the facebook app and simply sign out of the app. do not close it but sign out by hitting the menu icon to the left of your home button on the touch scene. This will allow you to remove the Facebook account. It will warn you on sign out that all your Facebook data on your phone will be lost if you sign out. That is okay as soon as you log in and resync and reopen the app it will all come back.

Once you have logged out remove your account by going to My Accounts in the app drawer or from your phones settings through the menu button. Resettling your phone is not necessary but can be done at this point if you wish. Either way after this point you must add your facebook account back by going back to My Accounts. Once you add the email and password and it goes back to your accounts screen you will see two (2) facebook accounts. Click one and if it pulls up a blue and white screen to log into the facebook app stop. Hit the back button and click the other facebook account. The one you want will have a black Motorola XPRT system windows that says "sync contacts" just hit that sync button and it should as long as facebook and your MOTOBLUR app on facebook are both working resync you contacts adding them to your phones contacts.

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Motorola XPRT :: Corporate Mail Only Will Sync 14-days

Jul 15, 2011

I recently switched form the BB Tour to the XPTR as it was the only other World phone option.The claim is Droid does business but I'm not sold on this yet.Spite the menu the push feature has a mind of its own.Is it really possible that this is the only Droid phone which limited exchange mail to 14-days.Please comment if you have the same issue or know of an external mail app that has better functionality with Exchange 2007/2010.

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Motorola XPRT :: Add To Auto-correct Dictionary For Physical Keyboard Of XPRT?

Jul 5, 2011

Is there a way to adjust/add to the auto-correct dictionary for the physical keyboard of the XPRT? On my SOLD BB9650, this was done the first time I picked up the phone. Now, I can't. This phone (while waiting for Gingerbread), would be THE BEST, if it could fix this little problem...

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Motorola XPRT :: What Are Plans For Future Software Updates For XPRT

Aug 9, 2012

What are the plans for future software updates for XPRT?Is Gingerbread going to be the last one? Any chance for 4.x?Because, see, as of today XPRT is lagging behind for like a year on Android updates.It was released (June 6, 2011) with outdated FroYo (released May 20, 2010).Now, if stars align, we'll get GB 2.3.5 update (released July 25, 2011) hopefully in August '12.And that also means that phone that's been out only for a year is already 2 major Android versions behind current one.

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Motorola Cliq 2 :: Cannot Get Media Link To Sync Anymore

Aug 2, 2011

I can not get motorola Media link to sync anymore

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Motorola XPRT :: XPRT: Can't Get It To Vibrate

Jun 17, 2011

I can't seem to get my phone to vibrate. I set to "vibrate when in silent mode", then set to silent mode, but no vibration. I have also set vibration to "alwasy" but still nothing.

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Motorola XPRT :: Using The "Corporate Sync" Account With A Mailserver Using ActiveSync?

Jul 25, 2011

Has anyone else setup the XPRT using the "Corporate Sync" account with a mailserver using ActiveSync? We've been trying a number of different phones out to do a company wide phone upgrade and have had numerous issues using the "Corporate Sync" connector within the XPRT. Our mailserver isn't Exchange but is Kerio Connect which has the ActiveSync connection. I've had no problems using the ActiveSync connection with other Android 2.2 and 2.3 phones and tablets along with iPads/iPhones but the XPRT has been troublesome to say the least. The latest problem we're having is I'm able to send a 1mb attachment but not a 2mb attachment from the "Corporate Sync" account. I get "message not sent" in the notification bar. I've tried different file types jpg and pdf and have tried it on two different phones/accounts and have had the same results. If I send the attachments out the Gmail it works fine and if I swap any other brand of Android phone to the same number/e-mail account it works fine. Looking at the Droid Pro and messaging forums this looks to always have been a problem caused by MotoBlur. I've got hours into this and Sprint connected me to Motorola Tier-2 who wants me to talk with Tier-3 which is callback only so I'm waiting.

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BB (RIM) :: Gmail Not Reconciling Anymore BIS OS

Jun 4, 2010

I have several email addresses going to my BB 9700, only my gmail doesn't reconcile anymore. When I delete on the handheld it remains on The annoying thing is, it used to work and randomly stopped about 2 weeks ago. The 2nd annoying thing is, my email that goes to my owned domain is hosted by google, and has a gmail interface... which DOES reconcile.I've tried with service books and checking handheld settings to no avail.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Calendar Sync For Gmail Not Working?

Jul 25, 2011

I installed the update which i got it today and looks like my calendar is not able to Sync.It was working fine till i installed this update.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Gmail And Calendar Won't Auto-sync?

Aug 26, 2011

I set up my gmail and calendar and they synced properly, but after that I had to go in to profiles and the goggle profile and push a sync to get them to update. I can't find a place in the menu to change the auto-sync settings.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Gmail Auto Sync Keeps Turning Off

Feb 26, 2015

For some reason my Gmail auto sync keeps turning off.

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Motorola Droid X :: Gmail Doesn't Auto-sync After Gingerbread

Jul 8, 2011

My University of Kansas email account will still automatically sync, but the only way Gmail will check for new emails is if I check the Gmail folder of the messaging app. It started after the Gingerbread update.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: HD Lost Sync With Both My Gmail And Yahoo

Dec 21, 2012

My Droid Razr HD lost sync with both my gmail and yahoo email today. It came up as a sync error.I then enter my passwords for both accounts and they then restore only to immediately give me a sync error. Tried deleting the email app cache and data,no avail. Deleted and added the accounts and got the same thing. I then logged into the verizonwireless website and deleted and added them on there. Same issue.An error pops up asking me to select one of the accounts below to re-validate my account.The account name is based on an existing email address which is associated with your verizon account. It also pops up sometimes that username and password are incorrect which they aren't.

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Motorola Droid :: Gmail Won't Sync On Wifi With No Telephone Network Connection

Aug 12, 2011

These days I use my d1 as a wifi only clock radio/bedroom internet device. For some reason gmail no longer syncs on its own. I have to manually sync to get emails.. anything I can do? Screen is always on so I don't know why it doesn't sync

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Combine Linked Contacts, Sync With Gmail And Backup Contacts?

Jun 28, 2011

Right now I have multipule contacts on my atrix that are "linked." Is there anyway to permanently consolidate all the linked contacts into one and export all my contacts as a csv file for outlook and gmail?

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BB Curve :: Won't Sync With Computer Anymore?

Jul 7, 2012

My BB Curve won't synch with my computer anymore. Seems like it happened when I downloaded the new version of BB Desktop software a few weeks ago

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BB Curve :: 8330 - Won't Sync Anymore

Mar 15, 2012

My Blackberry Curve 8330 - won't sync anymore, keeps coming up with error I cannot figure out why this has happened. It used to work very well for me.

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IPhone :: 3G Does Not Sync With Computer Anymore

May 24, 2012

Why doesn't my iphone sync with my computer it use to in the past.

iPhone 3G, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: It Will Not Sync To ITunes Anymore

Jun 17, 2012

I installed the latest version of iTunes yesterday and now it won't recognize my iPhone. I'm using Windows XP. At some point during the download a window popped up that said Windows didn't recognize the iTunes logo or something like that and proceeding might cause connection issues in the future. I paid no atention to it and proceeded since I've never had this issue before. I've tried all of the troubleshooting steps (except for uninstalling/reinstalling iTunes).

Info:iPhone 4, Windows XP

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IPhone :: Ringtones Will Not Sync Anymore With IOS 5.1.1 On 4S

Jun 23, 2012

I used to have a complete set of ringtones on my Itunes and on my iPhone 4S. Recently I've upgraded (?) to IOS 5.1.1 and I lost my specific ringtones! they do appear in itunes but when looking at the tone folder on the device, they have an exclamation mark.

PC 64 bit, Windows 7

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BB Torch :: Calendar Won't Sync To Computer Anymore?

May 4, 2011

My calendar won't sync from my blackberry torch to my computer anymore?

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BB Torch :: Can't Sync It To Desktop Software Anymore

Oct 5, 2012

For some reason my 9800 Torch will no longer Sync with my Desktop Software. I deleted the program and reinstalled on my computer but got the same messages. What am I doing wrong?

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BB (RIM) :: Can't Sync Address Book With Outlook Anymore

Aug 28, 2010

I can't sync my address book with Outlook anymore. It gets to "Reading from Microsoft Outlook Address Book - Record 13 of 111 Records" and then stalls out with an error code - 0x80043ac9. Its the same thing EVERY time, but I think it has to be something in the berry, cause I've tried on 2 computers and no go (exactly the same errors). Any idea's what might be wrong, or what I might be able to do to fix this?

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BB Desktop Software :: Cant Sync Calender With Outlook Anymore?

Feb 5, 2010

Can anyone help me, my Bold 9000 has stopped syncing with Outlook, email and address book is fine? I have BB Desktop V5?

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