Motorola XPRT :: Get Calendar Sync With Facebook?

Sep 21, 2011

I am trying to get my calendar on the phone to show birthdays in my facebook contacts and other contacts on my phone. All info is on phone in contacts but will not show on calendar. When I open calendar it tells me that I need to sync calendar

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Motorola XPRT :: How To Image Sync With Facebook

Jul 26, 2011

Can any tell me how I can link my contacts to facebook so there picture show up in their avatars?

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Motorola XPRT :: How To Sync Again Lost Facebook Contacts

Oct 26, 2012

How to sync or rather resync facebook contacts back to your XPRT's contact list if lost. My son deleted my contacts and when I restored them from online back ups I noticed my facebooks were not there. Trying to remove the account to resync would not work. I received an error with each attempt. Like many users I use the Facebook app from Google's market. Even when I would force close the app it would still not remove my face book account. You cannot resync unless you remove the account. Open the facebook app and simply sign out of the app. do not close it but sign out by hitting the menu icon to the left of your home button on the touch scene. This will allow you to remove the Facebook account. It will warn you on sign out that all your Facebook data on your phone will be lost if you sign out. That is okay as soon as you log in and resync and reopen the app it will all come back.

Once you have logged out remove your account by going to My Accounts in the app drawer or from your phones settings through the menu button. Resettling your phone is not necessary but can be done at this point if you wish. Either way after this point you must add your facebook account back by going back to My Accounts. Once you add the email and password and it goes back to your accounts screen you will see two (2) facebook accounts. Click one and if it pulls up a blue and white screen to log into the facebook app stop. Hit the back button and click the other facebook account. The one you want will have a black Motorola XPRT system windows that says "sync contacts" just hit that sync button and it should as long as facebook and your MOTOBLUR app on facebook are both working resync you contacts adding them to your phones contacts.

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Motorola XPRT :: How To Make Calendar To Sync Automatically

Mar 17, 2012

I have to continually force my phone to synch with my Google calendar; how to make this automatically sync?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Facebook Calendar Sync With It?

Sep 29, 2011

Facebook Calender sync with Bionic?Is there a way to do this? My Samsung Charge (POS!) did this, and was wondering if there was something I needed to change in the Bionic to do this..I'd also like to add that this phone fricking Rocks. I had the Samsung Charge for 3 weeks and I think I got a minor ulcer from it - muted calls, reseting, freezeing on reset. The screen was beautiful, bout all I have to say nice about the phone.I will say - it chews up the battery, but that's ok. I expected that from the begining. I'm just really impressed with it. Only problem or complaint I have is the blue tooth dialing.. It's locked up and reset the phone three times.. it's very differnt from the way it worked on my droid. Seems to be a diffrent program all together.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Sync Facebook Events To Your Calendar?

Mar 6, 2012

For some reason, I'm currently unable to sync my facebook events to my phone calendar. In the Settings>Accounts, my facebook account is listed. When i tap on my account and enter my username/password, I'm brought back to the list of accounts, and I can't sync either my contacts or my calendar with my phone.

I used to be able to do this on my Galaxy S and could do it for a minute on the Razr. Does anyone know what happened, and if I can re-establish the sync? I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling facebook, but it didn't do anything.

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Motorola XPRT :: Facebook Links Don't Work

Jul 24, 2011

I have checked the box to include facebook contacts on my phone so they appear in my contact list. Now one would think that when I tap on the link to their facebook page that's where I would go. However, I am always taken to my own profile, rather than the profile of the person I am clicking on.

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Motorola XPRT :: Facebook Account Name Appears Instead Of Contact Name?

Jul 14, 2011

I have my own contact list that I have linked with Facebook. Facebook allows users to call themselves whatever they want and unfortunately that is name that appears in my contact list instead of their proper name that I have put into contacts.For example, John Doe calls himself SuperJohn on Facebook and SuperJohn appears in my contact list, when that person calls or when I look them up to send a text message. Even after going into contacts and confirming their fname and lname is John Doe the phone insist on calling them SuperJohn. It wouldn't be so bad, but a Facebook name can be changed on a whim AND it makes voicedial impossible.

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Motorola XPRT :: Facebook Places Duplicate Posts?

Dec 3, 2011

checking in on Facebook with a photo? I've done 3 check-ins with a photo, 2 of which were two separate stories on my feed. Has anyone else encountered this, and is there a workaround or something I should do different?

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Motorola XPRT :: Facebook Contacts Aren't Synced To The Phone?

Jul 27, 2011

So I tried what was suggested to me as far as adding my facebook account to the social networking app in my xprt and still the contacts have not linked. Nor did it give me a sync option when adding my facebook account. When I first purchased the xprt and added fb the contacts synced,I had to remove it and add it again do to being hacked. Could this be the reason? I know this is pretty ocd for something so small,I just really want my google contacts to sync with fb

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Motorola XPRT :: Can't Seem To Sync With Gmail Anymore

Nov 15, 2011

I can't seem to get my Xprt to synch with gmail anymore. It did it when I initially started the account on the phone; but not since. I do see on the phone that it's updating.

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Motorola XPRT :: Corporate Mail Only Will Sync 14-days

Jul 15, 2011

I recently switched form the BB Tour to the XPTR as it was the only other World phone option.The claim is Droid does business but I'm not sold on this yet.Spite the menu the push feature has a mind of its own.Is it really possible that this is the only Droid phone which limited exchange mail to 14-days.Please comment if you have the same issue or know of an external mail app that has better functionality with Exchange 2007/2010.

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BB Torch :: Calendar Does Not Sync With Facebook

Nov 10, 2010

M using a torch 9800 Version 6.0 bundle695. One day my bb was just restarting in a loop so I had to wipe the phone using a desktop after that im not able to sync my facebook with the bb calendar but I'm not able do that, I'm not able to see any birthdays or any upcoming events. I'm not getting any error messages as well.

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HTC One M7 :: Facebook Events And Calendar Sync

Feb 27, 2014

I have an HTC One. I have Facebook sync for Events and Contacts set up on my phone. I noticed something peculiar today: my Facebook friends' birthdays are syncing on my phone, but my Facebook events are not. I don't know if this is a recent problem or if it's always been there (never really paid attention). I removed my FB account on my phone, uninstalled the app, reinstalled the app, added my account again, set up the sync and I was still having the issue. I've tried searching extensively on this forum and throughout the web, but no luck so far.

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IPhone :: Sync My Facebook Calendar With 4S?

Mar 30, 2012

I recently purchased an I-Phone 4S -How do I link my facebook phone to my I-Phone? On my calenar list- Facebook is checked, but still nothing.

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BB Curve :: Calendar Sync With Facebook?

Apr 9, 2011

i have the facebook app on my phne but the calendar is not syncronising even though the calendar option on the fb app is enabled. how can i sync my facebook calendar with my blackberry calendar?

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Xperia Z2 :: Facebook Event Not Sync With Calendar

Jul 14, 2014

Since getting upgrade from Samsung SIII to Z2, I am unable to sync facebook event into the calendar, it does show birthdays but no events at all. I have tried removing facebook account and xperia facebook as well and re-add with no solution.
Initially I thought it might be facebook's issue but it has been like this for months so I am starting to suspect it is Z2 issue.
ActiveSync with my work calendar work fine on the phone, but not the facebook events.

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Galaxy S6 :: How To Sync Facebook Account With Calendar

May 12, 2015

How do I sync my Facebook account with my calendar? I don't even have the option to add the Facebook account.

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Xperia Pro/Neo/V/L :: Unable To Sync Calendar In Facebook

Aug 30, 2012

I have a Xperia Pro with the last update, I remember that my facebook events get synced with my phone's calendar before, but now I can't find the way to do this. Inside config-> sync and accounts -> Sony facebook integration I only see the "album sync" and no other option.

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BB Curve :: Calendar Sync To Facebook / Entries Wiped Out

Oct 9, 2012

I have one calendar that was installed on the Blackberry when purchased. I uploaded an update of the Facebook App, now all of my entries are gone in the calendar that were in sync with my gmail address. I have the 8350 model and prior to this all calendar entries were saved to my email for gmail- this gmail option has disappeared in the CICAL drop down the only option available is Facebook. I tried to uninstall the Facebook App however that leaves no option for Default Service for the calendar, so the option for default service for my calendar is completely removed.How can I go back to the original settings for my calendar and is it possible to retrieve prior/future entries from the now blank calendar?

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Xperia Z3 :: Facebook Calendar Sync - Missing Entries

Jun 29, 2012

I´m a bit confused about the missing entries from facebook calendar in xperia stock calendar.
On my Z3, no events, birthdays etc is listed in stock xperia calendar app - xperia with facebook is correctly installed an calendar is checked.

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Motorola XPRT :: Add To Auto-correct Dictionary For Physical Keyboard Of XPRT?

Jul 5, 2011

Is there a way to adjust/add to the auto-correct dictionary for the physical keyboard of the XPRT? On my SOLD BB9650, this was done the first time I picked up the phone. Now, I can't. This phone (while waiting for Gingerbread), would be THE BEST, if it could fix this little problem...

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Motorola XPRT :: What Are Plans For Future Software Updates For XPRT

Aug 9, 2012

What are the plans for future software updates for XPRT?Is Gingerbread going to be the last one? Any chance for 4.x?Because, see, as of today XPRT is lagging behind for like a year on Android updates.It was released (June 6, 2011) with outdated FroYo (released May 20, 2010).Now, if stars align, we'll get GB 2.3.5 update (released July 25, 2011) hopefully in August '12.And that also means that phone that's been out only for a year is already 2 major Android versions behind current one.

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Pro/Neo/V/L :: Unable To See Sync Calendar Option In Facebook Inside Xperia

Jun 2, 2012

I have upgraded my Neo V to ICS, and after upgradation, I am not able to sync my FB events and birthdays with in-built calendar. In fact, I am not getting the option "sync calendar" in facebook inside xperia application. PS I do not want procedure to sync contacts with FB.

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Motorola XPRT :: Make Default Calendar Event Setting "public"?

Aug 26, 2011

My calendar is synced via corporate sync to an outlook calendar at work. When I add an event to the calendar I am constantly having to press "settings" to bring up "show more options" so I can see the "privacy" settings and change the event to "public."

Is there a way to make the default calendar event setting "public?"

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Motorola XPRT :: XPRT: Can't Get It To Vibrate

Jun 17, 2011

I can't seem to get my phone to vibrate. I set to "vibrate when in silent mode", then set to silent mode, but no vibration. I have also set vibration to "alwasy" but still nothing.

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Motorola XPRT :: Using The "Corporate Sync" Account With A Mailserver Using ActiveSync?

Jul 25, 2011

Has anyone else setup the XPRT using the "Corporate Sync" account with a mailserver using ActiveSync? We've been trying a number of different phones out to do a company wide phone upgrade and have had numerous issues using the "Corporate Sync" connector within the XPRT. Our mailserver isn't Exchange but is Kerio Connect which has the ActiveSync connection. I've had no problems using the ActiveSync connection with other Android 2.2 and 2.3 phones and tablets along with iPads/iPhones but the XPRT has been troublesome to say the least. The latest problem we're having is I'm able to send a 1mb attachment but not a 2mb attachment from the "Corporate Sync" account. I get "message not sent" in the notification bar. I've tried different file types jpg and pdf and have tried it on two different phones/accounts and have had the same results. If I send the attachments out the Gmail it works fine and if I swap any other brand of Android phone to the same number/e-mail account it works fine. Looking at the Droid Pro and messaging forums this looks to always have been a problem caused by MotoBlur. I've got hours into this and Sprint connected me to Motorola Tier-2 who wants me to talk with Tier-3 which is callback only so I'm waiting.

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Motorola Defy :: I Can't Sync Facebook

Jun 6, 2011

im running 2.2 froyo on my defy "outside the states so its not motoblur" and i cant seem to be able to sink facebook in my accounts,its there but everytime i click it or hold a press on it,nothing happens, all other accounts are sync'd and working properly but the facebook,although the facebook widget and app are working normally,i just cant seem to sync the contacts and calender and all the good stuff i'd expect from a facebook app and everyone gets. if anyone faced this same issue please let me know. i thought maybe coz my facebook is already sync'd with my other device which is a blackberry, but that still doesnt make sense for it just not to respond completely whenever i click on it in the accounts menu!!!

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Turn Off Facebook Sync

Jun 21, 2011

Is there a way to link Facebook with Motoblur but Not sync contacts? On my Samsung Captivate you could turn off Facebook Sync.

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Motorola Defy :: Can't Sync My Contacts With Facebook

May 10, 2011

I just upgraded to Android version 2.2.1 and I can't sync my contacts with facebook

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Facebook Not Sync Contacts

Jul 8, 2011

I changed my FB email so I had to delete/add my Blur FB account. It added, but I am not seeing any contacts. When I go into the Facebook group, it tells me "You do not have any contacts".

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