Motorola Photon 4G :: Add Contacts With/without Saving Them To Email Acct?

Apr 25, 2012

is there any way to add a new contact in my phone without having to save them in an email account? I am only given the option to save them in either my gmail or yahoo account and I don't want them saved in either.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: New Contacts Requires Gmail Acct?

Nov 21, 2011

I do not want my contacts stored ANYWHERE except on my phone and on my laptop (Outlook; not using exchange server).However, when I try to create a new contact, the phone asks me to select a gmail account.It does not offer any option to select something other than a gmail account.I have accessed all menu settings and have limited my gmail accounts to only syncing gmail.There must be an option to create a new contact without linking it to a gmail account.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Saving Texts / Music Files To SD Card

Sep 27, 2011

I know that in the camera there is a setting to save your pictures and videos to either the internal memory or the SD card, how can you save other things to the card instead of the phone or is there even a way to do so? like pictures you save from texts, Zedge, and music files etc...

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Recent Photos Not Saving / Missing On SD Card

Oct 24, 2011

all the recent photos that I have taken apparently do not show up when trying to view them on my PC. I am using a PNY MicroSDHC Class 10 SD Card. I only noticed this just now when trying to transfer some of my recent photo images to my pc - unfortunately, they are only in thumbnail size.I can view the DCIM.thumbnails but they (large 8mp size jpg) are missing in the DCIMCamera folder. > this is examined when plugging into PC (USB Mass Storage)I tried searching the entire photon for the JPG's by date but the full size ones are not there. Only the thumbnails of the recent and old and old large size photos are there.

I took a few shots right now and the same thing is happening. I have set the camera to save on SD card.All my past images/videos and files/documents are still viewable in full size on the SD card via windows explorer. I tried to power down and remove-reinsert SD card but the recent images in full size are not there.I did a search via windows explorer for all JPEGs on the entire drive but it seems all of the recent photos I took are not there, only the thumbnail files.Also, I had purchased this card "as is" new and never did any formating - it seemed to have worked okay up until now.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Saving Contacts On Phone Memory?

Nov 27, 2012

how can i save contacts on my phone rather than in a google account. Every time i create a new contact, it comes up at the top as Google Contact and when i create the contact it gets saved to google account.If i delete the google contact, all the contacts gets deleted too. I just want to save my contacts to my phone memory and not on google.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Saving Ringtones For Specific Contacts?

Dec 4, 2011

So far I have been able to assign a ringtone to only 1 contact. For all the others I have tried thus far, I select the ringtone that I want, hit OK and it goes back to the default ringtone. This is strictly the Phone Contact list. I am not using any social networking apps at this time. I do use the Verizon Backup Assistant for my contacts, but that has never been an issue on any of my previous phones. This is the same contact list that was restored from my old phone to this one and the contacts have not changed.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Can't See Contacts?

Jan 2, 2012

never really noticed this as a problem until this past week. When I purchased the phone, I imported my contact list, and that worked out perfectly. Since that time I have not really had the need to save many numbers, but the ones I HAVE saved, I cannot find in my contact list at all...., when I dial their number, the name I typed comes up and they show up in the recent calls list. For example.. I saved the woman who cuts my hair as "Hair Kelly" I can't find it in my contact list, but when I dial her number, it shows up as "Hair Kelly"

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Contacts With Organization Name Only?

Apr 2, 2012

I just purchased my phone. I can't view any of my contacts that have only an organization name. I can't view contacts that do not have a first name either. Do I not have a setting correct? Even if I create a new contact I still can't view it.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Get Contacts In To Gmail?

Oct 19, 2011

I am trying to get contacts from my MoPho contacts list in to gmail contacts. I have not installed any apps for syncing to my PC, but would be willing to add apps if necessary.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Birthdays Cannot Show Up In Contacts On It

Jan 10, 2012

I sync with Google contacts and my Mac Addressbook contacts which have birthdays input for most people. On my Photon Contacts List, no birthday field exists.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Searching Contacts With Only An Organization?

Sep 2, 2011

I have several entry's in my phone contacts (set up as google contacts) where they have no first or last name and only and organization name (i.e. ABC Plumbing Supply). The name shows up in my contact list on my phone, however, when I search for these contacts, either with the search function in the contacts app, or the search glass in the bottom right corner, I do not get these contacts in my search query.I saw another thread where someone had to do a hard reset which seemed to fix this. I really would like to avoid that if possible...Another thread said to clear the contact storage cache - mine currently has 0 kb and is not selectable.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Outlook Multiplying Contacts?

Sep 20, 2011

I recently synced outlook, google account, facebook, linked-in etc on my phone. In my contacts folder in outlook (on laptop), my contact list shows my google/facebook/phone contacts and multiplys these contacts thousands of times, literally. I'm up to like 170,000 contacts and its the same 80 people. Its as if its syncing over and over on a continuous loop infinitely?

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Contacts Keeps Force Closing?

Mar 16, 2012

Unfortunately i deleted yahoo.contacts 2.3.5 and yahoo.mail.authenticator 2.3.5 like an idiot and now everytime i open my contacts and click to open someones name it force closes everytime it was a very dumb mistake and i seriously need this fixed where i can redownload these two apps cause ive been trying to find them

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Motorola Photon 4G :: No Local Contacts Allowed?

Jan 6, 2012

I just discovered that the Photon doesn't allow adding local (phone) contacts??? The documentation even says an e-mail account has to be set up before you can add a contact to the phone..

So, every contact I've added as been added as a gmail contact. Somehow I have some local contacts on my phone, I think they came over from my Epic.

The problem with this (other than the obvious requirement to have an e-mail account to put someone's phone number my phone!) is that some applications that synch only look at local contacts. For example, I was trying to figure out why another QIK user that is in my address book wouldn't synch and get the QIK user information, yet some of my others did. I found out that all of the ones that did, are local contacts (that were added back on my Epic and moved to this phone). Any contact added via this phone (thus as a Google contact) won't synch with QIK.

Sure, Moto could point fingers at QIK, but this seems like it could happen with others, as they would certainly expect local contacts to be there.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: How To Delete Duplicate Contacts

Aug 22, 2011

I have just returned from the Sprint store where they reset my Photon and synced with my old phone after I couldn't get rid of my duplicate contacts. I looked in the store and my phone had single recordings of the contacts, for a total of around 600. I came home, signed in and synced with GMail which only has 3 contacts and was trying to figure out how to send my phone contacts to Gmail. I'm not sure what I did but I suddenly have 1200 contacts on my phone and onl,y 3 contacts in Gmail.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Deleting GMail Contacts?

Aug 15, 2011

When I started my phone for the first time, it automatically synched my GMail contacts, which I really don't want on the phone. On other Android phones, there was a way to clear the data in Contacts Storage when you went into the app through the app menu. That option is "greyed out" on the Photon, so I can't just erase all the contacts and let my Outlook contacts automatically repopulate.Is there another way to clear Contacts Storage without doing a reset? I"m sure I could get rid of them by starting over, but they I lose all the customization I've already done.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Setting Ringtones To Contacts?

Oct 31, 2011

Anyone know how to set ringtones to individual contacts?

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Contacts: Will Not Remember Default Number?

Aug 31, 2011

I thought I was imagining this for a while but I can confirm for sure that my Photon loses track of the default number for a contact.

I wernt throught the 5 people in my dialer favorites and selected the default number i.e. work/mobile for each one. Now none of them have a default number selected. Is anyone else experiencing this? It drives me nuts. I have not been able to determine if it is my travel outside of the US and switching numbers that causes it or not. Either way I would not expect that to change my default selections.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Duplicate Contacts After Desktop Update?

Oct 18, 2011

My contacts are updated through CompanionLink with my Palm Desktop. There are duplicates of almost all of the contacts after the sync is completed. To remove the duplicates I use Contact Remover. Each duplicate is reviewed with this program and indicates either "Account Motorola" or Account MyGmail Address.

How do I stop this duplication during every update from my desktop?

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Duplicate Contacts In Address Book

Aug 11, 2011

I had an EVO. it synced all my facebook contacts with my phonebook contacts. So i could look at pics and statuses from my phonebook. Im assuming this phonebook doesnt work that way. it added facebook contacts before i got to add my real contact list. so now there are doubles of some ppl . and some of my contacts that dont have their phone #'s on fb, i cant link them to my contacts like the EVO would. Also, some contacts that i had linked to facebook show up now with a NOTE under them with a HTClink:for their facebook. (if you can understand that) Also the contacts that say they do have a facebook. when i click go to their page. its just goes to mine. so the links must be screwed up.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Email Not Going To Last Account?

Aug 17, 2011

whenever I open my email app. I want it to go back the the same account i was using not the default one

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Exchange Contact Photos Do Not Show Up In Contacts?

Oct 27, 2011

I have a Photon with the latest software update. I haven't bothered reporting this problem before but it has existed since I got the phone.My contacts are stored on an exchange server. For many of friends, family, and coworkers I have added a contact photo. These contact photos work on:

Epic 4g Touch

but they do not work on the Photon. By not work, I simply mean that the photos exist on the server, and when I txt or call anyone whose contact has a photo stored, the photo does not show up for almost all of my contacts that have photos in them. Curiously, there are two contacts that display photos, but I don't know why. I would like the photos to be displayed for all contacts like all of my other devices do. i did move my applications from another phone to this phone using a MyBackupPro.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Transferring Contacts From ITunes Backup File?

Sep 30, 2011

This may be beyond the scope of this forum, but is there a relatively painless way to get the contacts out of iTunes into my Photon? The iPhone died and without it, I can't figure out how to get the contacts to sync. Is it possible to plug in an ipod to get it to work? I've tried different methods that I found online but have been largely unsuccessful.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Long Pause While Unlocking And Searching Contacts

Sep 3, 2011

I just got my photon about a week ago and I have been having some problems. First, when I slide open the phone I more than frequently get a long freeze. It will take sometimes up to 15-20 seconds for the phone to open. I thought it this was fixed from the update, but it started to happen again. Then, when searching for a name in my contacts, it takes upto 20-30 seconds to find the contact if it finds it at all. I know these bugs seem minute, but they are definitely annoying. I am also getting the random restart on my phone.

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Motorola Photon :: Phone Freezes Everytime I Open Contacts

Aug 9, 2011

Everytime I open my contacts my phone freezes and prompts me to force close or wait. When I try to set up a group the point where you add contacts the screen is black and when you press the option button on the phone sends me to the keyboard but doesnt do anything and lags.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Option To Only Show Phone Contacts And Not Have All Them Showing?

Aug 17, 2011

the option to only show phone contacts and not have all them showing. like htc uses and not force other apps into the contact list

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Only 30 Days' Email Sync?

Dec 22, 2011

I just activated a Photon and I think I made a huge mistake. The email client only syncs 30 days' worth of email? There's no way to sync older messages? I don't keep much in my inbox but I do keep messages older than 30 days and I need to go back to them from time to time.I suppose the obvious workaround is to use a 3rd party mail program, but please let me know if there is a workaround. I was stunned to see this limitation.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: No Longer Retrieving Email?

Aug 14, 2012

Have Photon for 10 months. Did firmware update (45.4.13.MB855.Sprint.en.US) a few weeks ago, no change in operation. A few days ago, phone stopped retrieving mail from Android mail app and from Yahoo Mail app. I've always had "Battery & data manager" > Battery Mode > (set to) Maximum battery saver. Always retrieved mail as appropriate for mode.

Tried nighttime saver and performance mode. Pulled battery. Still no mail retrieval. If I open mail apps, they will retrieve mail, but not automatically as before.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Getting IMAP Protocol For AOL Email?

Aug 10, 2011

I've had the Photon for about two weeks now and tried time and again to configure my AOL e-mail as IMAP, not POP, which I don't like.I have been able to get it to work as POP mail, but not IMAP. Why is that? I don't think it's an Android thing, because I had AOL e-mail configured as IMAP delivery on my last phone, the HTC to make AOL work on the Photon with IMAP protocol?

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Motorola Photon Q 4G :: Turning Off Vibrate For SMS / Email?

Sep 22, 2012

How do you turn off the vibrating touchscreen keys when typing sms, emails, in browser, etc.? I've turned off "vibrate on touch" in Settings/ Sound but still get vibration in these other apps.

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Motorola Photon Q 4G :: ICS Email Won't Set Up A GoDaddy Hosted Account?

Nov 2, 2012

I've set up several non-gmail POP email accounts using the MoPho Q's ICS built-in email app just like I had done on my MoPho 4G, but one on a GoDaddy hosted domain won't work. I enter the email info (, my password, the GoDaddy mail host name (, port 110, security type NONE, and tap "Next." It thinks for a few seconds,with "Checking incoming server settings..." then comes back with "Couldn't finish:Username or password incorrect." (Server name, port, and security type are per GoDaddy directions.)

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