Motorola Motoactv :: Include Slope/elevation In Calories Calculation?
Nov 9, 2011
I ran the same route uphill and downhill in the same time. In both cases, I got the same number of burned calories.I am very disappointed that MotoACTV has this poor level of calculations/algorithms for such an expensive device.BTW, the built-in GPS shows elevation changes, so it is possible to include slope/elevation in calories calculation.
I just did a run and, looking at it on the portal, the map location displayed when inspecting a particular section of the run is incorrect.
Motoactv is at 1.7.2 N16, normal sampling rate.
The pause in the run at 10min30 should be at the intersection of kerney and filbert which is the highest point of the run. The map displays it at Filbert and Medau Pl
The elevation data/graph does not show on the portal. It seems that the Y axis is showing the elevation in KM. This is obviously not an appropriate scale...
is anyone else unable to view their elevation data since moving to the new MA portal? I am experiencing this issue even when viewing older workout data.
I recieved the Motoactv for Christmas. I was just getting into using it for daily routine baselines when the calorie and steps stopped displaying on the time screen. I noticed this occurence in the morning and thought it was a daily reset issue and it might clear it self. However, 2 days later the steps and calories are still not displaying. I was thinking I could have accidently changes a setting. I have played around through the settings and can't find a selection to turn those on or off.
Since there is no way to bypass a sensor for indoor spin class, I had to set my MA to stairstepper. I chose SS over Eliptical because I assume that the MA device would look for foot movement (to calculate calories) instead of arm movement (because the notes specifically say not to grip the stationary handles on the eliptical). Anyhow, I completed a 60+ minute spin class at vigorous effort for at least half and had an average heart rate around 75% and it said I only burned 300 calories. I know that 1 hr of spin burns close to 600 calories..does the MA device take into consideration the type of exercise chosen (e.g. stair stepper) and uses that activity blended with HR and motion to calculate the calories burned? If that is the case, then MOTO needs to do two things: 1) allow users to bypass sensors for exercise so they can still capture the proper exercise and not a "general" one and 2) create a "general" one for quick start options if someone doesn't care to record the activity type. It all depends on how calories burned are calculated.In the meantime, which activity should I use for Spin class....if the hands don't move, I would think that eliptical is not a good choice. What about running or walking...does that use arm movement also? Overall, would love a little more info on how the measurements are calculated.
Problem Description: My device did a sw update last night. This morning when I went to put on the device, Steps Count was at Zero (As Expected) and Calorie Count was at 3500. I would tyically see a count of 500 - 600 in the morning. When I took off the device last night it was at 3100. So i am assuming that the unit did not reset the calorie counter at midnight.Any Thought MOT Guys?HW: MOTOACTV 8GBSW: MA 1.6.13 N8
I ran the same route uphill and downhill in the same time. In both cases, I got the same number of burned calories.I am very disappointed that MotoACTV has this poor level of calculations/algorithms for such an expensive device.
Does the calories burned counter on the home page (where the timepiece is located) include the calories you burned during your workouts? I thought it did, but when I check my calories burned before I work out, then after, the math doesn't compute.
I must be busy this mroning. My Actv is reading 31343 calories burned and 2887 steps. Anyone else having funkiness like this? Just sync'd and it really messes up my Wellness charts.
I can't imagine this hasn't been asked before, but my search-fu isn't doing too well on these forums. How does someone reset their calories burned and steps taken on their motoactv? Mine says something to the affect of 1200+ steps and 2000+ calories burned... but I imagine that's because it was in my car when I went to and from work. I never used it beyond that and testing at home.
I'd imagine the factory reset will do it, but I don't want to have to start all over again. You would think there would be a simple button to reset those stats.
how to add on golf courses ... I'm not referring to the courses that is in the MOTOACTV database.I'm trying to add courses which are not in MOTOACTV data base.
I had a great workout this morning, but when I was done, the calorie count was at 111. I worked out for 50 minutes and was expecting this to be at least 600.
When I uploaded the data, the calorie count stopped at about 10 minutes into the workout and the distance also stopped incrementing. I had heart rate information, but it was much lower than what I expected (I was working out much harder than the heart rate information shows.).
The image shows the results of the data. what could have caused this malfunction of the device?
My MotoActv shows the correct elevation on the unit during a workout but when that information is sync'd the elevation is corrupted and shows about 10,000' too high. And, the "elevation" metric does not show up on the chart even though I've selected it. Speed, distance, calories burned, etc. all show up - but not elevation.On my last workout the maximum elevation shows 15,123' and the low elevation shows 13,382'.I live in Moab, Utah at an elevation of about 4,600'. I did about 600' of climbing on the workout. We don't even have any peaks around here that are over 15,000
I am wondering whether this function is built in Xoom or does it inly appear after installing Skype:When I click on 'add account' in settings>Accounts&sync I get a list which includes Skype but when I click on 'Skype' nothing happens.
Does Motorola's product roadmap for the Xoom Family Edition include plans to Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or will it primarily be focused on Android 3.1+?Are there current near term plans for an upgrade to 3.2?
Just want to mention that, allthough it is free (which is great), the route calculation in Ovi Maps is pretty bad in the Netherlands. It often leads me to a destination in a totally inefficient way.I've compared those routes with solutions like Sygic and Google Maps and they DO direct me much more efficiently so there is a lot to improve there I guess.(Not to mention those times when Ovi Maps tells me to turn around on the speedway when I drive a little bit too the right or left.
Routing still needs improvement. It is taking me through wrong routes again. I thought this version will be like the routes of but nothing changed. Still calculating wrong routes. Only gives good routes, otherwise navigating using Nokia Maps is useless, Nokia is behind all its competitors of GPS devices. this is why I have Tomtom.
Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition Firmware: 31.2.101 RM-428 TomTom Go 720 Ohio, USA.
I'm using the .8106.11500 update on My Lumia 800, installed with Zune. Everithing's fine, my phone lasts for 1.5 day with one charge. The only disappointing thing is, when I open the diagnostic tool and it reads the Battery stats, the read "Total capacity" is not constant, its moving between 1250 mAh-1350 mAh randomly. Shouldn't It be 1450 mAh constantly?
I have a C6-01 and I noticed that when Nokia Maps 3.09 is online, route calculating is irritating slow. Why is that? I cannot think of any reason for that, since Nokia Maps is set to ignore traffic infoI also have Garmin Mobile XT on my phone, and as Nokia Maps 3.09, it only has the map data for the South Brazil region. Both maps have similar size. If Nokia Maps is set to go online, it is way slower on route calculation than Garmin Mobile XT is. don't understand why Nokia Maps 3.09, being a state of art nav system, developed specifically for Nokia Belle, is so beaten by the humble Garmin Mobile XT, which is an outdated system, developed for Linux in the first place !lso, I learned from my experience with Nokia Maps 3.09 that route calculating time is dependent on the amount of maps loaded on the phone. The less maps loaded, the faster is route calculating.
I've owned the MotoActv for two month, I got the mysterious "moisture issues" that everyone seems to be getting even though I've never used it in the rain. But the thing that is driving me nuts is the music. When I hit random shuffle of all my songs, I hear songs I don't want to hear... song that I do not own on my computer. Where are these songs coming from? Today I heard "Boot Scoot Boogie!" I abhore country music as does my wife. Doing a computer wide search shows no evidence that the song exists on my computer. Yet there it is playing in mile four. Other mystery songs have showed up too. The performance music playlist seems to be filled with songs I never heard of, yet evidently I perform well to them.
Let the developers know what new innovations you would like to see in Motoactive. Let them know what Apps, websites, hardware features that are out there that you love and would like to see incorporated into Motoactv.