Motorola Droid X :: White Spot On Screen 1/4" Circle
Sep 15, 2011
I have had a white spot on my screen that is about a 1/4" in diameter for a few weeks now. It is about an inch above the Z in the Verizon logo at the bottom of the screen. It only really shows up on white/light backgrounds such as webpages. I was living with it fine until a few days ago it appears that there is a huge amount of light bleed coming from the whole bottom of the screen now. It almost appears as if the LCD is separating from the screen and allowing light through.
If you take the battery cover off the phone and press on the battery where the spot is in the screen it causes a ripple/wave effect in the screeen, just like if you press on an LCD monitor. I assume that with use overtime the battery has heated/cooled and expanded into the LCD components of the phone, so when you press on it, it is probably directly touching the LCD components. I use my phones for music/movies/games and it is not uncommon for the back of the phone to get fairly warm under my usage.
I've had my phone about 11 months, I went by a VZW corporate store and they are sending me a refurb from what I gathered. But I'm guessing this is a battery/design issue and my new/refurb isn't going to make it much longer than 11 months or so.
This is kind of a question/fyi for people since a lot of DX users are probably nearing the 12 month mark of owning a DX.
Motorola Droid Turbo (v. 1) Ballistic - I have a dead spot on the upper left hand corner of the screen, annoyingly right where a menu or "back" navigation button usually is in an app. I have confirmed this one spot is dead to the touch with a screen tester. When I turn my phone off and back on, it reactivates the spot for a time, then eventually it goes dead again. This phone is less than 2 weeks old...I just got my settings just the way I like them.
i dont know how the problem occoured but it is happening from few days back.whenever and wherever i touch my phone it shows small white circle for a while and it goes within 1 sec. i tried resetting the setting but is doesnt work. do i have to do factory reset?? or is there any setting for this
I recently bought BlackBerry Curve 8520, and today I noticed a dark spot on its screen it is only visible on white background, and the text reads just fine. The intensity of the spot changes it depends at which angle I am reading the text, etc. (well, this is rather obvious, I guess). I tried to reboot the device by removing the battery, it didn't help.
I have the Iphone 4. There is a white circle on screen. When I tap on it, Gestures,favoties, device home pop up. How can I get it off my screen completely?
I was wanting to know if anyone had an issue with the home screen stopping. I have over 800 apps on my phone and wondered if maybe it was that with the app draw trying to refresh and it taking too long. When I did a search people were having this problem with only having 20 or less added apps to their phone. Some even had this problem after having their phone refreshed. I can run the phone for days and use it with no problem and nothing and then out of the blue there it goes. I click the app drawer and the searching circle goes around and round and then the home screen will close and go to the last app or web page I was on and it could be one from a few days ago. I erase all the previous history and when the home screen closes it just refreshes the home screen. The only thing I can do is reboot and wait about 10 or so minutes and its all good till the next time. The question I am wondering is what is causing this. I had someone comment on links or widgets on the homescreen might be causing it. I removed some and it does not happen as much
My Ifone 4 was not behaving properly. I pressed "Reset all settings" now it has been more than 1 hour my ifone is still working in background and white circle is moving in the center of the screen. None of the button including Power works may you press it for any time
This happens when I'm using apps that have a large percentage of white screen space (Google Books, browser between page loads, etc), or at least that's the only time I've noticed it.The whites on the screen are usually a cool white, but sometimes the entire white area of the screen will abruptly shift to a pinker hue and then back after several seconds. The first few times this happened I wondered if it was some kind of response to ambient light, like the auto dimming feature. However, I can't force it to happen, even by tilting/moving the phone or covering the light sensor right after it happens.
Does it sounds like an indication of a malfunctioning screen and something I should talk to Verizon about replacing? It's not a problem, just puzzling, but I just purchased the phone about two weeks ago so if this is a sign of a defect I want to fix it before it does cause problems.
Has anyone else seen some white distortion across the screen right above where you swipe? Its really noticeable on bright backgrounds. I thought my screen was just getting old but when they replaced my phone because of the restart issue(didn't know it was on OS bug) it was still there! I am also having an issue where my volume buttons stop working about every three days, I have to restart the phone to fix it. This has happened with my old one and the replacement.Adroid version 2.3.3System version 4.5.596.mb870.verizon.en.usmeid a00000227b76bf
I have a white shadow/blotch in the bottom center of my screen. It is most visible when viewing something with a white background, like most web pages. My phone is lesst than 1 year old and has not suffered any blunt force trauma to the screen.
I've just started getting a problem where a certain area of the touchscreen doesn't register the input. For instance, I cannot get the letter "d". As I move my finger very slightly I will get either "s" or "f", but not "d" inbetween. However if I hold down and slide across, the d will register, at least sometimes. Surprisingly I have problems with the same letter in either portrait or landscape mode, which is a different place on the keyboard.
When using the Droid Razr as a hot spot for my Zoom I cannot access and a few other sites. When connecting using a conventional wireless hot spot there is no problems. Also tested using an HTC 4gLTE and there was no problems. The issue is specific to the Verizon/Motorola Razr Hot Spot. There seem so be an MTU issue with many sites when only using a Droid Razr as a hot spot, The Razr connects directly to all the sites but the Hot Spot function will not allow certain sites. After repeated calls and Google Searches I found a tech that amited that Verizon / Motorola Droid Razr has an issue with accessing certain sites only in the Hot Spot App. They plan to correct in the next update hopefully in Feb 2012. They suggested the the fix is in Beta. Some of the sites that don't connect are and Yahoo.mail some Apple sites. There are more but I didn't have pen at the time.
So I started to notice this in my picture gallery. When I open it to look at a photo and then close the app, re-opening the app brings me right back to the last photo I was looking at. On my Razr M if you closed the gallery and open it again you are back on the folders screen. Now with the turbo I have to hit back a few times to get where I want to be. The same goes with my emails and text messages. If I text someone and close, instead of getting the whole list when I re-open messaging it starts off on the last person I was talking to.
Clock will randomly flip from digital to analog and tapping on new SMS notification will bring me to the write a new message screen, not the message the widget is notifying me about.It is not a problem on my RAZR M which is perplexing.
I notice that Circle Battery Widget no longer breaks down what is using the battery. I know the battery portion of "settings" shows you...but I never used the settings part after Circle Battery came on the scene
What does the black circle with the white arrow in it mean? I thought it was software updates but my software is already updated. This icon showed up AFTER I completed my update.
a symbol showed up on my phone for the first time today. Its a Red circle with a white exclamation point on the top left of my blackberry curve cell phone. Earlier today it had a 1 next to it but my phone just vibrated and now there is a 2 next to it. I've been looking at online forums for hours and havnt found anybody talking about it.
I've had this white message icon with a black circle in the middle and a red circle on the side for like a week now I don't know what it is or how to get rid of it, when I click on it nothing shows up.
I have a Blackberry Curve with OS 6 installed. I have a yellow envelope that has a white circle (and blue or green figures on the circle) on the lower left corner that shows where the message waiting indicators show up. I'm guessing it is an unread message indicator but I can't find any messages that haven't been opened. They don't show on the list of unopened messages either.
A spot on the bottom right side of the screen doesnt respond to my touch (the exact spot is the right " : " on the screen selecter pop-up). It doesnt matter what oriantation the phone is in or screen is being displayed.
Ive done a battery reset and Factory reset, short of a return
This is my third atrix phone and I have notice a gray circle in the middle of the screen that is visible on light screens. For example googles front page I have taken it back for the reason.
My Blackberry 8520 curve suddenly hangs giving a white screen and when i restart it - the screen remains white. After i put it into charge - then only a successful start is done. So the only solution as of now i have - is whenever my blackberry hangs - i need to remove the battery - insert it again - and immediately put it into charging via USB/Electric-Power. Even if i re-insert the battery - the white screen comes - unless and until i put it into charging Earlier i was guessing - my battery was weak.
i have a blank spot on my screen which stops me bing able to use some of my apps or text with the virtual on screen keyboard. I cannot use my slide out keyboard as when i press letters they randomly enter other letters then send automatically.
I have an icon that looks like a gray envelope with a red circle and a number inside the circle. I can't find out anywhere what this indiciates. It's not my email/sms indicator either. I've had the phone for 2 years now and have never seen this icon before. I've also not installed anything recently.
Can some please explain the difference between the blue and white 3G/1X icons and signal meter? Mine is always white unless I have background data enabled then it turns to blue. Regardless if it is blue or white I can still make and receive calls, text, email surf the web etc.
I cannot get my droid to shut off black and white function. Never set it to this to begin with. Just one day black and white shots began to show up. I've tried everything, handbook, chat etc.