Motorola Droid Razr :: Duplicate Text Message-speech To Text?
Jun 12, 2012
Droid Razr 16, google speech app - when using speech app to dictate text mesage, and more than one sent to same person in short period of time (5-10 minutes), the first text message is resent rather than the second text message which has been dictated and appears in the confirmation/edit window. Verizon Wireless tech support was stumped, and no help in the online motorola tech support either.
Is there a way to turn the text-to-speech options on only for caller ID and text messaging? I don't want the phone to tell me every button I push or screen menu that I'm on. I want it only to read me texts and say who the call is from before ringing.
Why is there no way to look at your phone and tell how many text messages you have with out having to go into you text message? I had a samsung charge that had this feature and it was great option. When you are getting emails all day and calendar appointments notification showing up. It is easy to miss text messages notification.
When connecting a Droid Razr Maxx to our Mercedes via bluetooth, we get a text message import error every time whether or not we have any text messages on the phone. Any ideas? The dealer worked on this today and found that all the other phones which were owned by employees worked without this message.
Does anyone know a way to get your own picture to show up in your text conversations with another person? I've tried adding myself to my contacts and that didn't work. When I click on the icon, all I get is "contact doesn't exist". I used to be able to do this with my old phone.
haven't seen this issue brought up yet but it is being talked about on the verizon community website. have you guys noticed that the droid razr does not recieve or send all text messages. it is very random and does not always happen with the same person or service carrier.
When someone sends me a text message that is also sent to other people there is only a "Send To All" button and when I reply it goes to everyone else in the thread. I never had this issue on my iPhone. Is there any way to disable this feature? I dislike it a great deal! So much so it will curtail my text messaging significantly
The motospeak speech ro text app on bionic for tbe most part works great and a lot of features including it reads the incoming text to you bluetooth or speaker pbone it is completely hands free. The huge downfall it is a massive data consumer and with all tbe carriers increasing data charges you almost have to freeze it when not in use because permissions granted give it full access.
just reporting an issue I have noticed with ICS on my Droid RAZR. If I have a text message conversation open and receive a new message from the same contact, the notification icon pops up, I'm properly notified, but then it won't clear without backing out of the conversation to the higher level text messaging section. I have had success a few times with tapping on the new message to clear the notification icon, but not all the time. This was not an issue I noticed with the previous version of Android.
Ever since the 905 update, my phone keeps trying to activate "text-to-speech"whenever I receive a text message while the messaging application is open. Is this happening to anyone else? How can I disable this feature as I don't want to use it and it's very disruptive at times? I've looked in the phone's main settings and in the messaging app's settings, and I can't find anything!
EXAMPLE: I have an existing text message thread with a specific recipient that I want to keep undisturbed. I then want to send a brand new unrelated text message to the same recipient using the + (New message) icon at the upper right corner of the screen.he new text message invariably is appended to the bottom of the old thread, unrelated to the subject matter of the new text message that I want to send.
I just got the DX2 and have had it freeze on me when I'm typing on the keyboard. Initially, with the default keyboard settings, it would freeze on me whenever I put a space in between words after like the 3rd word typed. THEN, after removing the auto-correct function from the keyboard settings I solved that problem. Now, whenever I type a string of "!!!" or "..." it freezes the keyboard on me. The only way to get the phone back up is a reboot.
Secondly, I have received numerous duplicate text messages (as many as 7) of incoming texts from multiple different users in different areas of the country. I was in 3G coverage areas with excellent bars at the time so I'm not sure why this would happen. I also checked on this with my verizon bill and I'm being billed for these duplicate messages! NOT COOL.
My current text messages are being combined with old text messages, creating messages that don't reflect what I sent. The recipients of my texts are very am I when I get there response.
I just completed a system upgrade on my Mototola Droid Razr. It now vibrates on any text input (Text or internet input). Phone dialer is ok, just all other word input. I have unchecked or checked everything that was normal under the old Android version. Currently using 4.1.2 android version.
I have an iPhone 5s and my husband has an iPhone 4. We have the same iOS (7.1.1) and use the built in Messages app to send text messages. When I add an emoticon such as the smiling face with heart shaped eyes, my husband gets only an empty speech bubble. Â
I am choosing emoticons from the little world shaped icon beside my microphone, and if I choose the first emoticon - the regular smiling face, he gets that, but most of the others result in the empty speech balloon. Â
He can send me emoticons such as the smiling face with heart shaped eyes, and I receive the text just fine. Why his phone will not receive those texts?Â
My wife sent a text message to her office in the latter part of January 2012.It is not shown now in her "sent" folder and there was never a response.Our provider, AT&T, says it is not saved anywhere in their domain.Is there any way to retrieved it? Very important.
I seem to have a problem with duplicate contacts appearing ONLY on my text message screen when I go into the recipient menu. The duplicate contacts DO NOT appear in my contacts screen.
I have:- Disabled contacts from phone. Disabled contacts from Google Enabled contacts from slim card only.
When I go to text message > add a recipient. I get a list of duplicated contacts?
I am using Droid Razr ICS for some reason today none of my text messages will delete. I am using the Razrs text messaging app when I try to delete I get all the correct prompts to delete any message. When I select the last prompt to delete, you go back to the message list. The actual message appears to be deleted but you still see all the people or group you sent to or received from, which makes no sense to me. I have tried deleting and rebooting the device no change.
I recently upgraded to the Razr MAXX HD from a HTC Droid Incredible. On the HTC Dinc, when reading an article or something on the phone, if you pinched to zoom making the text larger, it would automatically reformat to fit the width of the phone, so you didn't have to scroll right/left to read the entire line. The MAXX HD doesn't seem to do this. If I pinch and zoom in on text, it just makes the text bigger but doesn't reformat it to fit the width of the phone, so I have to scroll left/right to read the entire line.
A .jpg picture was sent in a text message. I cannot figure out how to save the photo. There is no menu command that lets you save it. And I can't find the photo anywhere in my files on the phone. I connected the phone to my computer, and I still can't find the photo anywhere.
I was just wondering how can I get the Voice to text Mic on the keyboard to input words or type with out touching the screen, so far I can only use the feature via pressing the search Icon on the bottom right of the phone.
I have the Razr Maxx thru Verizon.I have a husband and wife setup as separate contacts but same last names.If I use voice and say "Linda" it brings up her contact. If I select it so her name shows it the contact field then send a text message, it ends up under her husbands conversation. It appears to have been sent to her husband.But I don't get replies.
The day I purchased this phone it registered 6 Text Messages. I checked them and there were no text messages to be viewed. Then for some unknown reason the number would dissapear. Then again reapear, and disapear, and reapear, I think you get the picture. Needless to say this is becoming frustrating. It has been two months and I just can't seem to get this number to be accurate.
What is the size limitation for these attachments? I recorded a 23 second clip in MMS mode which totaled 368KB. It won't go. I had one rep. tell me the limit was 15 seconds regardless of size. I thought I had read on VZ site it was 500K but may have dreamed that.
Or is it neither size or length but something else? And finally is it the same for GMail?
My sweet daughter thought my phone needed to take a flight and threw is down some stairs on some nice hard tile. Needless to say, my screen broke and I have a new phone arriving today. But I had a few text that I had protected because they were important to me (one a picture of my baby and the second her first text she ever sent) and wondering if there is a way to access the phone through my computer and retrieve the text messages? I can open up the phone folders on my computer, but not sure if there is anything I can do from there.