Motorola Droid Razr M :: 6 Text Messages Registering All Of The Time?
Dec 11, 2012
The day I purchased this phone it registered 6 Text Messages. I checked them and there were no text messages to be viewed. Then for some unknown reason the number would dissapear. Then again reapear, and disapear, and reapear, I think you get the picture. Needless to say this is becoming frustrating. It has been two months and I just can't seem to get this number to be accurate.
My current text messages are being combined with old text messages, creating messages that don't reflect what I sent. The recipients of my texts are very am I when I get there response.
At first I thought this site was only for people looking for their $100 but reading the text carefully, you select your device and you will recieve either an e-mail letting you know when to expect JellyBean or information about getting your $100 credit.The Droid RAZR M is listed, so go ahead and sign up.
I have a Droid Razr XT912. All of a sudden, I'm not receiving any text messages!! Messaging worked fine when I first got the phone (a few weeks ago), then a couple of days ago, there was a huge delay in getting texts (of a few hours to an entire day), and now, no text messages whatsoever (I know for sure that three separate people have texted me a few times and I've gotten nothing!). I dont' think it's a service issue, as I move around quite a lot and the messages haven't ever arrived (plus, I called my provider and they said everything was fine on their end, but I suppose that's what they always say).
Not sure what the problem is. I haven't made any big changes to the phone since when I received text messages without any problem. Calls/e-mails/updates/apps/etc.still working fine, but curiously, my weather widget stopped updating about a week ago, and still refuses to work, even though my coverage is allegedly fine.Ideas? I'm desperate as most of my communication is done through text.or what it's worth, I live in China and my service provider is China Telecom. The phone has been unlocked and rooted
I have been having problems receiving/sending text messages since I got my Droid Razr in January 2012. I ramdonly don't receive all of my text messages or the ones that I sent out....I never had this problem with any of my previous DROID phones. I got my phone replaced twice, sim card, factory reset, etc....still having the same issue. My data connectivity keeps dropping as well. Has anyone else experience this same issue with this particular phone.
The first time I used my Droid Razr with the Verizon Car Dock and got a text message it popped up the option to listen, and read me my message. The 2nd time (same day) I hit cancel after I heard the message and since then it will not pop up and read me the message anymore. The only topics I can find on this are how to turn this feature off, I like this feature and want to know how to turn it back ON.
Is there a way to get the Widget selection to read correctly (the text appears to be white on a white background)? I know there is a way to do this using methods not supported by these forums but I would like to avoid that if could.
Droid Razr 16, google speech app - when using speech app to dictate text mesage, and more than one sent to same person in short period of time (5-10 minutes), the first text message is resent rather than the second text message which has been dictated and appears in the confirmation/edit window. Verizon Wireless tech support was stumped, and no help in the online motorola tech support either.
There is a setting to enable the RAZR to automatically keep its time correct by syncing with a time server somewhere on the internet. When I checked the time on my RAZR against my PC, where I have a service that sets the time from an atomic clock, I found that the RAZR was off by more than 14 seconds. I disabled the option and instead installed an app called "ClockSync" that sets the correct time. Unfortunately, the automatic time update setting is required by Verizon in order to login to My Verizon Mobile, so I either give up checking my data and call usage or I give up accurate time. This is very annoying. Can we get Verizon to use a reliable time server instead of whatever they are using now?
The browser just closes and when I reopen it all browser windows have closed.While this isn't really that big a deal in of itself, I just received the phone two days ago so I am worried that it signifies something bigger!Otherwise this phone is awesome and I don't want to return it if this is just a bug that can be fixed...but if this is the start of a crazy amount of problems like I had with the Motorola Droid X I want to bail early! Before I had the Motorola Droid X I had the Motorola Droid and it was always nice and stable!!It never did this with my Motorola Droid X and it doesn't do it with any other websites I have found. (yet)t also does it occasionally when my daughter plays Smurf Village but that is harder to reproduce; I don't what she does exactly before it kicks out.
Since the upgrade, my maxx keeps downloading e-mails 18-25 at a time. These are old e-mail, and we are now clear back to Feb. 2012. I'll delete all and about 10 minutes later, I see it downloading again. This is a pop-server account. New e-mails seem to find there way in fine.
No matter whether the clock is set by the network; or it is set manually; the time is 14-15 seconds ahead; and no. setting it manually will not fix the problem.
I can't see any way to view text messages that I've sent. I'd really like to be able to quote from some things I've written, check spelling and also verify that the message has gone out. How do I set up Text to show this?
I am using Droid Razr ICS for some reason today none of my text messages will delete. I am using the Razrs text messaging app when I try to delete I get all the correct prompts to delete any message. When I select the last prompt to delete, you go back to the message list. The actual message appears to be deleted but you still see all the people or group you sent to or received from, which makes no sense to me. I have tried deleting and rebooting the device no change.
I recently upgraded to the Razr MAXX HD from a HTC Droid Incredible. On the HTC Dinc, when reading an article or something on the phone, if you pinched to zoom making the text larger, it would automatically reformat to fit the width of the phone, so you didn't have to scroll right/left to read the entire line. The MAXX HD doesn't seem to do this. If I pinch and zoom in on text, it just makes the text bigger but doesn't reformat it to fit the width of the phone, so I have to scroll left/right to read the entire line.
A .jpg picture was sent in a text message. I cannot figure out how to save the photo. There is no menu command that lets you save it. And I can't find the photo anywhere in my files on the phone. I connected the phone to my computer, and I still can't find the photo anywhere.
I was just wondering how can I get the Voice to text Mic on the keyboard to input words or type with out touching the screen, so far I can only use the feature via pressing the search Icon on the bottom right of the phone.