Motorola Atrix :: Connecting To Internet / Social Media Applications?
Jun 26, 2011
my phone automatically did the update a few days ago and rebooted and ever since then I have been unable to access my FB account and connect to the internet on my phone. I've got the buttons unchecked that say to connect only when wifi available, so I don't know what's going on.
when I go into Music and try to search for podcasts or internet radio it doesn't connect. This has been an issue since I've had the phone. I'm connecting via the WiFi when I'm doing this.
I got a Nokia C1-01, I can navigate with the default browser trough the Internet, but I can't get the applications to connect to Internet, they always send me a connection error
My blackberry applications can't connect to the internet.I have a blackberry 9700 and a data plan. My browser works.i have tryed reloading os, battery pulls, registering to network, resending service books.i also called t-mobile and they sent me a new phone because none of their people could help me. I am still having the same problems with new phone
-Blackberry Bold 9700 -T-mobile -data plan I am able to connect to the internet through the browser but none of the applications that i have installed are able to connect. These applications include Blackberry app world, goolge talk, facebook application, and i tryed to get google maps but it wouldn't finish loading up. I also don't have a blackberry maps application?
Things that i have already tried:
-Battery pulls -Application loader to reload software -registering to network and resending service books -Called t-mobile and they couldn't help so they sent me another phone but still having the same problems
Last night I bought two CDs on line. i downloaded them to my computer and plugged in my phone to download to the phone. Media link started up and downloaded every CD on the computer before I could stop it. (I had selected only the new CD's in media link) I had to go into my music and delete everything that was duplicated. Then I discovered that my playlists were all empty. I had gone though all of my music and put all songs in playlists. Now I had to do it again!! I thought I was all fixed up and discovered this morning that all 1,290 photos from my computer were loaded onto my phone as well. DO NOT leave media link on your computer. I'm removing it when I get home and I'll start doing the old copy/paste routine. Motorola should send warnings about Media Link to all customers.
I have a relatively new Atrix 2 and the pre installed Social Networking widget stopped updating. I have deleted the widget and reinstalled it from the app, I have deleted my accounts and then added them back. These seem to work for a day or two and then it stops working again. Like this app. Worked well for about a month then stopped.
I Just received a brand new Atrix 2 today and everything has been lovely so far, but the social networking app refuses to cooporate or get off the ground at all. I will open up the app to see this after I have entered all my account info:
after clicking on the only available button (add a social network) and clicking on any given social networking icon that I have already entered info for, I get this:
Finally, If I try to edit my account info the account menu, I see the following two fields, which I cannot edit, which is followed by this message after hitting ok:
I have re-entered the information several times, restarted the device several times, and all my data delivery options have been clicked or unclicked during several trials. The apps accompanying widgets only option is to "add a social network" not unlike the first screencap.
so since about the 26 or 28th of June, the Motoblur Social networkng has not been working on my phone. I have called AT&T & they are replacing my phone under warranty, but not sure I even want to keep it if the same thing is going to happen with the next phone...
Since 16:37 GMT my social networking app is not pulling in my Twitter feed. Is this the same for others? Facebook is still.coming at the moment but this feels very similar to last weeks "server side issue?
My phone recently decided that it was going to label the social widget in french but nothing else. It doesn't changed anything else into french though, and as far as I can tell doesn't cause any other issues, it's mostly just annoying. I have already tried rebooting the phone and nothing changed.
couple of weeks ago i started having issues with the social networking (and perhaps messaging) widgets. I see there is a new message on the widget and when I click it all the panels are Loading with blank info, when I go back and it says there are no recent unseen updates and I click on it and see all updates I can see all of them however any pictures will not load as well.everything is else is working good. I tried factory reset and few other suggestions from around this forum with no luck. the only thing I didn't try yet is a new blur account.
I have the Social network widget on one of my home pages (post 2.3.4 upgrade). At first, it worked fine, but as of this morning, it force closes evertime I open it and attempt to scroll the messages. The "Messages" Widget continues to work fine.
I've tried removing and re-installing accounts, removing and re-installing the widget, and changing widget settings. I even tried to go to Settings>applications>manage applications to try and clear the data and cache, but thos buttone are not enables for the Social networing app.
I am on my second Atrix in two days. The phone takes 10-15 minutes to connect to the ATT edge network. Motorola and ATT tech support have no answers. My razr gave me 5 bars and the ATT tower is in line of sight. I am ready to get a Samsung..
I just bought an ATRIX 2 at end of October and have spent days trying to make WIFI connection work.I could get to internet via cellular 3/4 G but although the phone would show the WIFI network and know it was there it wouldn't connect.It would try and then say "Disconnected".Finally, through reading tons of blog entries on different sites, I pieced together a solution I wanted to pass on to others.I have an Airport Extreme router.It was necessary to enter the MAC Address from my phone into Airports setup using Airport Utility. Then I also had to explicitly choose a Radio Mode that did NOT include the "N" option. Most options are hidden (for some bizarre unkown reason) so when clicking on the Radio Mode field in Airport Utility Wireless Section, hold down the "Option" key (at least on MacBook...maybe Control on Windows, but then you prob don't have an Airport router).This brings up a bunch of Radio options not shown by default.Choose one with no "N". Then be sure the Enable Auto IP" is checked "ON" under the Wireless Settings/Advanced section.Once this was done, have full strength connection and blazing fast.
Im wondering why MML doesn't have an option to turn it off. I don't use it much and short of installing it I see no option for it not starting up every time I turn on my computer.
Just bought an Atrix (I had been given an Apple 4 and was talked out of using in favor of the Atrix)
I was able to install Media Link on my Dell Vostro PC running Windows 7, but keep getting the error message during installation on my Dell desktop running VIsta Home Premium that Media Link cannot find MotoHelper Driver 5.0 (I have removed some of the underlines, etc. for brevity's sake). I have installed that MotoHelper Driver about 300 times, but still get this error message.
What is the trick to getting Media LInk to install?
I can no longer view any media capture by this phone. It all says error displaying media. It only effects new media. Not media previously saved on ed confidence in this is phones picture taking capabilities.
I'm using the MML 1.5 and the latest drivers from the Motorola site for the Atrix.Running XP SP3,I was able to sync with my Atrix a few time, but MML doesn't work consistantly at all. Any advise in order for this to work properly. I've tried removing and reinstalling with no avail.I've also put my phone in each of the USB modes without luck..
I have a 2010 Mazda Speed 3 and I hear this is a common problem. Phone calls are fine but media playback has a 3 second delay with Bluetooth in the car. I don't have this problem with other Bluetooth speakers or ear pieces.Is this delay a common problem for vehicles or is it just MY vehicle?
I profess to being a newbie to smart phones.. but this is strange... I can see all of my songs on the default media player on my atrix... but when I try and upload the files through the Motorola portal (from phone to pc) not all of the songs are there... There are none on the internal storage drive.. Where are they or why are the files not read on the sd card?
After i took at pic and save it in my gallery then i set the phone down . two minute i look at my phone to surpise igot a a blue n purple salt n peper screen i try to turn off my phone . which i could not until ipull out the battery. Then it start working fine. idecide ibetter hook up my phone[usb] to my laptop. To tranfer the pics n files over to the lap top it said that media link was not working so i try to repair it threw my control panel> program/freature> motorola Media Link Repair which it didnt work. so i unstalll it. rebooted my visa. restall it and it still not working now . It say that the Motorola helper is updated . it work for me3week ago.
I have a Atrix and I have tried syncing through Media Link and it duplicates most of the music files so I have two copies of every album in two different places on SD card. It puts them under mobile/music but also under a music. I never set up the file system on my SD card but I did switch it out of my old phone. Why does it do this and what do I need to do make it stop? Should I delete one of these file folders completely? I have already deleted all of the music files on my phone and then synced it again.
why Apple put a hardware silence switch on the iphone. Turning this thing on / off, or even launching apps (especially games) is impossible to do in any scenario when you can't make any noise since there's no way to be sure it's not going to start making noise.For example're sitting in a meeting, you need to turn on your phone (or reboot or whatever) so you cleverly do so without anyone noticing, but the Atrix rewards you with a power-beep plus notification tones for the internal and SD storage.
WiFi dont work with social media apps i have a samsung s5 worked fine a week ago now mine nor my husband work at home all other computers and tablets work just fine???
I received notification for updating 9 applications and finished with 3 of them. I closed the list of applications to check my settings. How do I get back to the list of applications that need to be updated?