Motorola Atrix 4G :: Motoblur Social Networking Stops Updating
Jun 29, 2011my atrix does teh same thing... already tried all the common suggestions short of factory reset (which i think is a LAME EXCUSE for trouble-shooting)
View 2 Repliesmy atrix does teh same thing... already tried all the common suggestions short of factory reset (which i think is a LAME EXCUSE for trouble-shooting)
View 2 RepliesI've had my DEFY for about three weeks now. Overall I've been very happy with the phone.The Social Networking app just stops updating at random. Rebooting the phone will get everything to update. But then a few hours later it will stop and I'll have to reboot the phone again.I understand that rebooting the phone every so often is a good thing to do. But, I don't want to reboot it several times a day just to update this app.
View 2 Replies View Relatedso since about the 26 or 28th of June, the Motoblur Social networkng has not been working on my phone. I have called AT&T & they are replacing my phone under warranty, but not sure I even want to keep it if the same thing is going to happen with the next phone...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a relatively new Atrix 2 and the pre installed Social Networking widget stopped updating. I have deleted the widget and reinstalled it from the app, I have deleted my accounts and then added them back. These seem to work for a day or two and then it stops working again. Like this app. Worked well for about a month then stopped.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI Just received a brand new Atrix 2 today and everything has been lovely so far, but the social networking app refuses to cooporate or get off the ground at all. I will open up the app to see this after I have entered all my account info:
after clicking on the only available button (add a social network) and clicking on any given social networking icon that I have already entered info for, I get this:
Finally, If I try to edit my account info the account menu, I see the following two fields, which I cannot edit, which is followed by this message after hitting ok:
I have re-entered the information several times, restarted the device several times, and all my data delivery options have been clicked or unclicked during several trials. The apps accompanying widgets only option is to "add a social network" not unlike the first screencap.
Since 16:37 GMT my social networking app is not pulling in my Twitter feed. Is this the same for others? Facebook is still.coming at the moment but this feels very similar to last weeks "server side issue?
View 1 Replies View Relatedcouple of weeks ago i started having issues with the social networking (and perhaps messaging) widgets. I see there is a new message on the widget and when I click it all the panels are Loading with blank info, when I go back and it says there are no recent unseen updates and I click on it and see all updates I can see all of them however any pictures will not load as well.everything is else is working good. I tried factory reset and few other suggestions from around this forum with no luck. the only thing I didn't try yet is a new blur account.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI used to be one of the $UCKER$ loyal customers who upgraded my phone acocunt to a BackFlip last July 2010. I hated it, and now they do not even stock it. Well, I lost the phone so they sent me a replacement since my BackFlip was something I was paying for the Warranty on. So like, I got myself a brand new FLIPSIDE in the mail to replace my lost phone! I wasn't sure what to think, since everyone in the AT&T store told me to ask for something comparable, but NOT ANOTHER MOTOROLA (although the Atrix looked sort of neat, being a 4G phone and all,Anyway, I got the phone and logged on with one of two MotoBlur accounts I have. I forget if it is the newer one or the older one, but either way, it seems that so far, this phone is much better than the BackFlip.
However, so far, each time I go into ACCOUNTS and try to add either my Facebook or my Twitter account, it fails every time, after sitting there saying "Adding Your Facebook Account..." for a very long time, the bar slightly moving. But then it fails. Epic Fail.So I can download the Apps off of Market and run Facebook and Twitter that way, and get my updates like that, but my AT&T Social Networking App is useless (off of Market), or the Updates app or the Happenings app that both come with the phone. Both are useless. All three are useless. I don't know why on Market if you go to ATT's site, they have a new Social Networking app, but I can't use it without adding the Facebook or Twitter accounts in the Account section of the phone, which it still fails to let me do.I have the phone set up and running nicely, and there have been no issues so far, except that it keeps running out of space on the tiny little MICRO SD card that came with the phone 2 GB. I assume that is the same with the BackFlip? But I NEVER ran out of space on the BackFlip. maybe I upgraded my SD card or something and just blanked on it, but I doubt it. But anyway, I have gotten all the major issues I had with the BackFlip solved with this phone, even though it certainly is not a great phone. I am thinking maybe I should just factory reset the phone and start over wtih a brand new MotoBlur account and see if that fixes it.... but I don't want to lose all my phone numbers. So I guess I need to know:
Is adding Social Networking accounts to the Accounts menu in the phone an issue with this phone? And if I had to waste all the time I put into this phone to do such a stupid thing, how would I backup all these phones and apps I do like? I love how the Live Wallpapers works on this phone over the BackFlip. But I also hate how the AT&T store I saw this phone at to report the phone lost or stolen (and was told I couldn't order a replacement there at the store, but call them on another phone.... I don't own another phone, not even a land line this IS my lifeline so I had my parents do it, wheeeee anyway, I have once lost the phone and had it replaced by going to the big new store in San Francisco, so this is a refurbished replacement phone, and I noticed even with another Motoblur account, it DID NOT FIX THE ACCOUNTS ISSUE -- so both my MotoBlur accounts have this issue) - the AT&T store doesn't STOCK this phone even anymore! That's how fast this stupid line of phones seems to have gone down the drain in about a year. Wow. And I started the "ADD ACCOUNT" for FACEBOOK in my ACCOUNTS section of the phone when I began typing up this forum message.Still shows the bar SLOWLY moving to the right but I am sure it will fail when it eventually gets tired. It does this every time. I just UNINSTALLED the FACEBOOK and TWITTER APPS that I got off of MARKET..Wow I got to format this entire message and it STILL IS TRYING TO ADD MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT TO THE ACCOUNTS SECTION OF MY PHONE!! I am on WI-FI AS I DO THIS TOO. Oh yeah I guess that is IMPORTANT, TOO. I am using Wi-Fi as I do this, so I am not having any connectivity issues. Everything else works fine connective-wise. So how could my Apps work for the social networking but not the social networking accounts that are supposed to be built in features to this line of social connectivity phones??
I've had my Photon for a few weeks now and the Social Networking App has never worked for me. I've setup all my accounts (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), but when I open the app, the only thing that comes up is the option "Add a social network". I've ended up installing TweetDeck so I can get all my social media updates in one app.
View 15 Replies View RelatedAnyone else using the social networking widget notice that after viewing a bunch of items (typically tweets or facebook updates) they frequently show up again the next time I look for new entries? Most of the time it works as expected - items show up until I view them once, then no longer. Too often though I have to scroll through a bunch of updates multiple times
View 1 Replies View RelatedWell I have a similar probelm that, I cant sync my facebook contacts on my phone
1.I went to accounts
2. Clicked Add Account ( and nothing happens, I click and the facebook icon gets highlighted but thats it, no screen change and no contacts added)
The following is especially for the Moto Development TeamFacebook has significantly changed their screen presentation in the last month, with things like large pictures and trending articles, for example.For me and my Droid 4, I am seeing very few to no facebook News Feed updates in the Social Networking App or Widget. I see all of them in the facebook for android app. Twitter, with its simple design, is the mostly the only thing I see updates from in Social Networking.I dug into the software on the phone and found the probable cause.The App Social Networking uses a process called com.motorola.blur.friendfeed.After tracing the path to the resource files for this process, I find this process uses 2 resource files, both located in /system/app/ called FriendFeed.odex and FriendFeed.apk. These files and the other files related them (friendfeed.xml file that crossreferences process com.motorola.blur.friendfeed to friendfeed.jar) all have a date/timestamp of 3-8 16:25 - basically, about when the Droid 4 first came out.
View 2 Replies View RelatedEven though I use Tweetdeck and HootSuite, I prefer the Pre-installed Social Networking and Social Status Widgets.
Is there a way to incorporate FourSquare?
Is there a way to make the Widget more visually appealing by changing the colors, or shape?
I just bought an Electrify, and i have been unable to add any accounts to the social networking widget. I go to add an account to it, and i select facebook, and i enter my email and pass, and then it loads for a little bit, then i come to another screen where my password is already entered, but the email box is greyed out, and it wont let me go any further until i enter an email, but since the box is greyed out i cant do anything.
View 8 Replies View RelatedSocial Networking Widget no longer working. When trying to update the Facebook service for the widget it says the password is incorrect. I delete the password, reenter it, it says: Updating Facebook service. The progress bar loads halfway and then says Internal server error occurred. Please try again. I then removed the account and readded it. I rentered my email address and password. The progress bar loads 1/3 of the way and it says: Adding your Facebook account. After that, it says Internal server error occurred. Please try again. I've tried turning the phone of and then turning it back on. I've also taken the battery out and done it that way. Still same result.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI had to restore my factory settings to change my default google account on my moto xprt, but after that I couldn't get updates from news (rss feed) and social networking, as well as facebook mails (in universal inbox) and fb contacts. no news, no mail, no contacts! I have tried the following:
- Turn device on/off, remove the battery
- Erase facebook account and reenter it
- Remove motoblur app from my fb account, then reenter the fb account
- Turn sync social networking via WiFi only on/off
- Leave the phone on battery maximum performance to sync through the night
- Clear data from social networking and news app (in app manager)
- Restore factory settings again
- Tried updating it via gsm data only
Nothing seems to work, but it worked fine before the factory reset. I couldn't find motoblur registration option. is that common for android phones? When I factory reset I don't get that motoblur registration window!
My Social Networking widget hasn't pulled any updates since January 29th. I've deleted the widget and reinstalled, changed all settings, even logged into FB and changed/updated the App settings there. Is there a MOTOBLUR outage? I'm also wondering if there is an incompatablity with Timeline, as ever since I can't see comments or likes on my status via my Social Status widget.
View 13 Replies View RelatedSo it seems after the froyo 2.2 upgrade, i'm no longer able to use the "social networking" stuff on the Flipside. I've got address books and contacts, and the Facebook app itself works, but the social networking app doesn't.
I was fond of using the "update status" app to send status updates to both Twitter and Facebook. It no longer works. At first, it just failed to send, but now it gives me an error "Data services are unavailable".
I've tried a number of things to reset stuff, but nothing seems to work.
how do i reinstall social networking
View 1 Replies View RelatedUpon buying the Nokia E6-00, I was told that I was able to use a app on the phone to connect with my social networking sites such as Facebook. After taking the phone home and learning how to use it, I decided on connecting my social networking sites to my mobile. Unfortunately, when opening the the app (using the path Menu > Applications > Social) it began to load and then suddenly, the app shut down back to the Applications screen. I then restarted my phone and had the same problem no matter how many time I tried to access it. I have also searched for software updates and completed the update that appeared on the 28th August 2011 and this did not fix my to fix this as I am unable to find something to resolve this problem on other websites and in the other forums on the Nokia site.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I saw facebook app in andriod it was Wow n then i looked at my n8 ((( i closed the app.Nokia people cant u see the difference..�do something in apps.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhave recently purchased a Sony Ericsson Hazel and in spite of a software update the widgets and the social networking applications in the phone do not work at all. I can use the same application by using the phone browser but the inbuilt ones keep giving me errors like 'Login failed' or 'Service unavailable'. Especially Face book and Twitter.
View 2 Replies View Relatedjust today i did a factory restore to my phone running the 2.3.4 software and after reboot, where i had to give my motoblur data, i first set up wifi, than put in my account and password and did log in, it took unusually long ont eh progress bar and once it came al msot to the end it said there are issues signing into motoblur and i should retry, tried that twice to no avail, the only option i had was to turn off the phone, once i turned it on it already skipped to the location consent, with allegedly being logged into my account, but it wont load my settings from motoblur (ie the launcher setup or the speed dials in the dialer). I havent tried with a different account, since i wanted to get my settings back?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got a Motorola Atrix 4G from the states. I brought the phone to the middle east and tryed to set up the phone. But when i try to link up my moto blur account i get a message that says that "moto blur service is not available right now try latter" and i think that its due to my ip address.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAccording to the Atrix support page, to delete a Motoblur account I must contact my provider. My provider is AT&T and they told me they have no access to my Blur account and are therefore unable to delete it. So:
Did the CSR I reached have the wrong answer and should AT&T be able to delete my account, and if so to whom should I direct my inquiry?If not, how DO I delete the account? I already have been given the "create a new account" advice, which is obvious, but I don't care for having accounts of any kind lying around dormant. If Moto is forcing me to have an account to use this phone they should provide a way to delete it - after all it contains stuff like my e-mail information, ...
I tried logging into my Moto Blur account it will not accept my password and said call customer Service to retrieve password
View 9 Replies View RelatedI just purchased the Atrix 4G, I can't create motoblur acct, the phone said there's something wrong with phone internal clock.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just bought Motorola Atrix 4G, actually I bought it without any service or data plan. I paid regular price for it, but I can't create MotoBlur account, device error messages says that there is a problem with the internal device clock. I'm using normal AT&T pay as you go cards with 3G coverage.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan you add the MotoBlur application to the Atrix 2? I switched from a Backflip to the Atrix 2 and can't find the MotoBlur app.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf I swap two Atrix phones, I assume that swapping the SIM cards won't change the MotoBlur account that each phone is configured for. So, how do I change which MotoBlur account an Atrix is linking to?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI did a factory reset on my atrix today and could not log onto my blur account, both on my phone and online. On my phone, I get the error message, "An error has occurred. Please try again." Logging in online, I get the message, "There was an internal error. Please try again later." I have search on the fourms and found no definitive answers. Live chat was no help either. I would rather not have to create a new motoblur account.
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