Motorola Atrix 4G :: Get In-call Audio To Play On Car Speakers?

Feb 28, 2012

How do I get in-call audio to play on my car speakers? If I plug in Car AUX to the headphone jack, in-call audio and music both play over the speakers... however if my Atrix is in the craddle, music plays over the speakers, but calls are in speaker-phone mode through the phone speakers.

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BB Torch :: 9800 Music Won't Play Through Car Speakers Via Audio Cable

May 21, 2011

Torch 9800 / V6.0.0.526
276.1 Free Space / 16 apps installed

I am using an audio cable to connect my torch to my car's Aux jack. Once connected, music won't play through my car's speakers. It only plays through phones speakers.

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Motorola Atrix 2 :: Play Ringtone Sometimes When Making Call

Aug 12, 2012

When you make a call sometimes it just plays your ringtone? I have had this issue on and off since I bought my Atrix 2 in February but it seems to be getting worse. When I click on the person I want to call it brings it up like it is going to call them but instead of ringing them it just plays the ringtone. It even plays the special ringtone if I have assigned the person one on my phone but it never actually calls them. The only way I can make calls again once it starts is to power off the phone and power it back on.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Audio Doesn't Always Use Bluetooth Speakers?

Sep 27, 2011

I hav noticed that when I pair my device with a bluetooth speaker, that sometimes audio will still come out of the Bionics speakers instead of the bluetooth speakers.For example, the alarm clock alarms.

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Motorola Webtop Docks :: Use Lapdock Speakers For Phone Calls And Skype Audio?

Feb 20, 2012

Is there any way to use Lapdock speakers for phone calls and Skype audio? Does Lapdock also have a microphone and could it be used instead of phone microphone for calls? I am using Lapdock 500 + Razr.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Sound Not Playing Through Speakers?

Jan 19, 2012

I don't know what happened but suddenly my sound stopped working, the Alarms still work and so does the Ringer, but everything else stopped. If I plug in a headset it works, but while cooking in my kitchen at wired headset can lead to drops and damage. This issue only started a few days ago.

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Xperia PLAY :: In Call Audio - Sound Muffled?

Dec 5, 2011

The past few days I've a problem where people can't really hear me during a call. The sound is muffled to them. Works fine using headset so expect a hardware problem.

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Motorola Bravo :: Add External Speakers To Play Music?

Oct 14, 2011

I use my Motorola Bravo with headphones to play music when I walk. However, I'd also like to be able to play the music through speakers in order to pump the volume. However, when I plug in external speakers to my phone, the music sounds like it does through headphones. When I remove the speakers from the phone, the music plays louder than when I have speakers plugged in.

How can I use my phone to play music through speakers properly? Is there a sound setting that I'm missing to switch back and forth? I want something like when you put an iPhone into a docking station and you can hear the music clearly on the other side of the room.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Call Audio - Crackling Noise When Placing Call?

Dec 9, 2011

Has anyone else noticed a crackling noise (like bad reception / interference) when placing calls? I want to say what I notice is when I'm getting the ring back while waiting for someone to pick up is the "only" time I hear it. The audio in calls seems to be ok. It's sounds like a weak signal or interference. As far as I know (though I use my phone more for data than voice).I haven't noticed anything horrible as far as reception/call audio in calls, aside from when calling my mom, but I think that's her (she's famous for leaning on the mic or mumbling and trailing off). I start to think I must be old (I'm not) and losing my hearing (I'm not) but then I just realize it's herI don't know if it's because usually when I make a call I just unlock the screen and make the call and it was trying to re-start any data sleeping modes and such or if it's something else...

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Xperia Z2 :: Music Audio To Bluetooth Speakers?

Aug 8, 2014

I'm trying to throw music audio to bluetooth speakers with the Z2 and it doesn't work. The weird part is phone calls work perfectly through the bluetooth speakers, but throw doesn't work when playing music. The device also seems confused - the throw icon is highlighted in cyan, and the device under the menu is also highlighted, but the audio continues to play through the phone's speakers.
It has the same behavior with my UE BOOM speaker and with my car's system (mObridge MOST). My phone's software build number is 17.1.1.A.0.402.

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IPhone :: 4 - Unable To Get Any Sustained Audio Out Of The Speakers?

Jun 4, 2012

Since upgrading to iOS 5.1.1 I have not been able to get any sustained audio out of the phones speakers. By sustained, I mean that I will occasionaly get "blips" of sound, but they only last for a few seconds and then stop.

Phone info:
Network - AT&T
iPhone Model - MC319LL
IOS version - 5.1.1 (9B208)

1) This problem first occured while using the "WhiteNoise" app, it started to play the audio, cut off, and it audio has been intermitten ever since.

2) I believe the issue is software related because the audio controls are missing (see screen shots)

Photo 1 = Audio Controls with the headphones plugged in

Photo 2 = Audio Controls without the headphones plugged in (not the missing volume bar)

Photo 3 = Pressing the volume buttons (+,-) without the headphones plugged in (No volume "boxes")

Photo 4 = Pressing the volume buttons (+,-) with the headphones plugged in

3) When selecting the "ring tone" from the Settings menu the selected tone will play with out issue through the speakers

4) Occasionaly UIAlert Messages play audio tones without issue (ESPN's sports scores app for example) Steps I have taken to resolve the issue:

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Xperia Ray :: Forcing Audio Output Through Speakers?

Jan 21, 2012

Is it possible to force the audio output to be played through the speakers of the Xperia Ray, even when headphones are plugged in ? I know it is possible to do that when you listen to FM radio, but can you also do it when you listen to something else ? (... and particularly when you listen to your own music ?)

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Motorola Droid X :: Play Html Audio Over It?

May 6, 2011

I would like to be able to play these archived radio shows [url]...

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Bluetooth Speakers Disconnect When Bluetooth Mouse Is Moved?

Sep 19, 2011

Can bluetooth speakers and a bluetooth mouse not be used simultaneously? If I have music streaming to the bluetooth speakers, once I move the mouse the music stops until I'm finished moving the mouse and then starts playing again.

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Motorola Atrix 2 :: Audio Output Quality Sub-par?

Oct 25, 2011

I just got my Atrix 2 yesterday in hopes of it replacing my iPod touch as a music and phone device.I loaded up my stuff and went to my car to test it out (obviously through the headphone jack) and I was dramatically disappointed. I went straight to Amazon to look at the price of the latest iPod model! Sounds like a muffled tape deck.There are just plain out frequencies that are muffled or missing on the Atrix 2. Does not take a good ear to hear it either. I wish I could sit down with every person who looks at this or a Motorola engineer to show them.

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Xperia Z5 :: Playing Audio Through Speakers With Headset Plugged In

Oct 22, 2015

My Sony Z5 has a problem where if headphones (or an official headset - I've tried both) are plugged in, the audio plays through the accessory BUT continues to play through the phones speakers AS WELL. 

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Motorola Atrix :: Skype Audio - Can't Hear Other Person

Oct 24, 2011

When I make a normal skype to skype call I can't hear the other persons voice. Yesterday, I could hear on switching on the speaker but after doing a factory reset I can't hear any sound. Mic is working fine as the person on the other end can hear me properly. Is this a handset fault or normal with motorola ATRIX.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Bluetooth Media Audio - 3 Second Delay?

Jul 25, 2011

I have a 2010 Mazda Speed 3 and I hear this is a common problem. Phone calls are fine but media playback has a 3 second delay with Bluetooth in the car. I don't have this problem with other Bluetooth speakers or ear pieces.Is this delay a common problem for vehicles or is it just MY vehicle?

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Muffled Audio When Recording A Video?

May 8, 2011

I'm trying to record video. I'm getting some nice image quality, but almost no sound. The audio is extremely muffled. I have my playback volume as high as it will go, and still can just barely hear anything. I can use Tango and make phone calls just fine, so it seems that my mic is working. The only time I've noticed the problem is when I'm trying to record a video. Even if the person I'm recording is standing right in front of my and speaking in a loud, clear voice, I can't hear much in the recorded video.

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Motorola Atrix 2 :: Video Is Jerky When Combined With Audio?

Oct 17, 2011

Well the good news is I demuxed the files that were choppy and the video plays 100% fine with NO audio. So its an audio issue.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Glitch Audio Since Gingerbread Update

Aug 5, 2011

One thing my phone used to do flawlessly before the Gingerbread update was play music. I use Pandora, Google Music, Amazon music, etc and they all worked perfectly before the update.

Since the update listening to music has become a painful experience. Audio has become extremely glitchy to the point where its unlistenable (sputtering, skipping, etc if you are familiar with an Xrun that is how I would describe it). Usually this happens when I'm listing to music while working in other apps (ie, scrolling through a feed in tweetdeck) but it sometimes happens when playing music is the only thing I'm doing with the phone.

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Motorola Atrix HD :: Audio Stutter With Podcasts And Music?

Jul 24, 2012

It isn't 100% consistent, it's about 50% consistent, but, if I plug my Atrix HD into a computer with the USB cable (which I have to do quite often since the battery isn't long-lasting), playing audio stutters about every 15 to 30 seconds. Sometimes the pause/stutter can be for 2 or 3 seconds. However, mostly it's probably only 1/2 second. Regardless, it's disconcerting to listen to music or a podcast and have it pause every few seconds.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Bluetooth Audio Matrix / Routing Clumsy

May 25, 2011

The bluetooth handling on the Atrix is clumsy! It seems to make some silly assumptions. Assumptions like, if there is a Bluetooth (bt) earpiece connected, the bt earpiece must be in the person's ear -- it couldn't possibly be in a pocket, or sitting on the desk. Also it assumes that if there are multiple bt devices around You must only want to be able to use one at a time. I have three bt earpieces, and a moto roadster handsfree. I hope in the car with my earpiece in my pocket and expect to be able to press the button on the roadster to connect it/use it... Atrix assumes I should only be connected to the bt in my pocket. I have never had a more hands-free experience on any other phone ever.

On my Sony Erisson (se) phone, it seemed to very intelligently handle Becky Tripp switching/routing/preference. E.g. a phone call comes in on the se, and all I have to do is press the answer button on any of the nearby devices, and the audio is automatically router to the device I pressed the button on.... Moto? No way! You have to play the "dig around in the menus game" - ridiculous. Again, do the people who write this code, actually use it? Or are they only interested in making it "just good enough to satisfy the board members"? Stop trying to play "keep up with everyone else after the fact", and start putting effort into getting ahead of the game.

Also, on the SE, when a call comes in, there's a menu that puts every possible audio routing option on screen -- it puts the selection instantly and intelligently within reach... it asks, "Sound: Phone, Speaker, Jabra 8040, Moto Roadster, Jabra SP200, BlueAnt S4 ?" I've missed calls numerous times, because the methodology, the paradigm behind achieving user preference is so cumbersome. I cannot silence the ringer by pressing a volume key? The lack of hardware buttons needs to be addressed...

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Audio Output In Car Dock Stuck At 100% After 2.3 Update?

Sep 1, 2011

I've noticed that the volume does not change at all when output is the car dock. E.g. lowering the volume does not actually decrease the volume until you get down to muting the device (which does still work). There are no problems when listening through the headphone out, but I don't wish to negate the functionality of the rather expensive Motorola Cardock.This is a major inconvenience as it generally causes an ugly distortion and could damage my car speakers.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Playing Music/audio Through Bluetooth Times Out?

Aug 17, 2011

Very happy with my Atrix 4G (running 2.3.4) and I've invested in 3 docks: desk, car, and laptop.

I've recently started having problems when using the phone (on battery) playing audio through a bluetooth speaker. This happens with music on the phone with the default Android music player, with Audible's player (for books), and the Pandora music app. Since that's a mix of local and remote (WiFi) content it can't be a WiFi problem.

The problem does not occur when the phone is powered (via the car or laptop dock).

I've searched high and low for an auto app shutdown setting, but can't find it. BTW, Battery Mode is Performance.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Access Audio Player When Phone Is Locked?

May 1, 2011

I'm new to smartphones and since getting my ARTIX have been using it instead of an iPod for listening to music, audio books, podcasts, etc.One problem however is that when the phone locks the audio player is no longer accessible beyond the volume control that's on the side of the phone.As a result whenever I want to pause, rewind or forward what I am listening to I have to unlock the phone to access the player.I asked my kids about this and they showed me how on their iPhones they could access the audio player without unlocking the phone. So far I have been unable to figure out how to do this on my ATRIX.After searching the settings on the ATRIX I found "Settings>Location & Security Setings>Security Lock Timer (when display is off)" but noticed that Security Lock Timer switch is "Gray" and unavailable on my ATRIX.

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Motorola Atrix HD :: Audio Distortion While Playing Large Movie Files

Jul 20, 2012

With large movie files (greater than 500MB), there is audio distortion while playing during action sequences or loud volume dialog (does not occur with audio files or as far as I can tell smaller video files).

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Google Nexus 5 :: Bluetooth Is Showing Connected And Audio Plays Through Phone Speakers?

Jan 2, 2015

I have several bluetooth speakers. I'll pair a speaker (UE boom in this case), connect the phone to the speaker and start to play some music. The audio comes out of the phone speakers. I had the phone "forget" the bluetooth speaker and then re-paired, no dice, audio still comes through the phone speakers. The same thing happens with my car sometimes. I've tried everything.

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IPhone :: Why Won't Speakers Play Out Loud

May 14, 2012

I have an iPhone 4s and I use it occasionally with an ihome. Now, when I try to play music out of the regular speakers, no sound comes out and it says that I have 2 options: iPhone, or iPhone speaker. I then tried both settings, none of which that worked. I tried it again on my ihome, with both settings and it still didn't work. I unplugged it and tried it again, and 1 second of my song played and then stopped.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: It Won't Play Music Through Speakers

May 26, 2012

My iPhone won't play any music thought the speakers but will work with headphones or auxiliary cords but ringtones still work.

Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Music Won't Play Through Speakers

May 26, 2012

Music Wong play through the phone speakers. It doesn't show a volume bar at all. But it will play with headphones.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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