Motorola Atrix 4G :: Any Way To Disable Language Button In Swype?
Jul 25, 2011
Is there a way to disable the language button in swype? I have my only enabled language set to US English but the button is still there, robbing space that I used to use for the space bar. It makes adding a space when I end my finger on the left-hand side of the keyboard a little harder.
Has anyone else noticed swype switching to all caps a lot (using system version4.5.91.MB869.ATT.en.US, Android Version 2.3.4)? Happens to me when the popup appears to let me select between different word choices. About 50% of the time, when I click on one of those words, then swype switches to ALL CAPS. This is driving me crazy!
i noticed recently an call for betatesting fo rthe latest SWYPE.since the new featureset seems as though it would aleviate some of my frustrations with swype, i wanted to try it.apparently the beta test is not open to people who's phones come preequipped with swype (why??)Anyway, when they release the new swype, will Atrix owners be able to update? how does one completely DISABLE the hinst that always pop up.i am SO tired of the "hidden word" hint that always pops up.
We need Indic Language support on Atrix. Its a great phone, but neither Android nor Motoblur has added support for Indian language fonts (like Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, Tamil, Telgu, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali, etc.). Its about time Motorola take it upon themselves to resolve this issue. This is one key issue that will stop millions of Indians in the US and all over the world from getting this phone.
how to get Arabic/Farsi fonts and language support.
Getting the input/keyboard for these languages is not an issue as there are many apps available on the market, however the fonts for Farsi/Arabic are not rendered properly and they are all disjointed.
good app that you know will allow proper rendering of these fonts on emails, sms, webpages and apps (like facebook)?
I'm having a problem with my multi-touch keyboard it wont change language when i chose English and Other language it only display English languge when i slide the space bar to another language it still English letters Swipe keyboard working good tho , I didnt have this problem when i first got my Atrix whats wrong
I like to read at night with my phone (using Moon+ Reader), unfortunately, the softkey backlights stay on all of the time. I have looked for apps to disable these lights, but nothing works so far.
I love my Atrix HD but one key feature that is missing is the ability to enable and disable LTE mode. By that I do not mean just turning on and off data services. Many other Android phones have the ability to select the radio band that you wish to use. It gives the owner of the product the ability to move down to 3G or Edge service if he or she wishes. As it is now we are all forced into LTE mode.
But now I can't disable vibration when I unlock the screen. The phone produces short tremors either when sliding the unlock slider or after successful fingerprint authentication.
Now, there is an option in Settings -> Location & Security -> Use tactile feedback. It only works partially. It enabled fingerprint authentication produces one short and one long vibration. When disable it is down to one short vibration. I am curious is this a bug or a feature?
I send messages thru Skype and Test Message apps, in foreign language that is not listed as supported and autocomplete forces the words from English in my messages. Is there a way to disable that?
Anybody know of an app or method to disable the screen lock when a bluetooth connection is established? It would be great if it would re-enable when the connection is dropped. I would find this particularly helpful when using my Atrix as a music player or when in the car so that I don't have to unlock with a pin or fingerprint (which can be difficult when in a dock).Perhaps, I have to disable the lock completely.
I want to disable the voice commands when the off hook button on my headset is pressed.I use an audio book player and pressing the headset button is supposed to pause / play the book. Instead the voice command stuff comes on. How can I turn it off?
Any way to have it turn on without pushing the little button at the top? My old Crackberry would come alive as soon as I removed it from the pouch. Are there apps available or settings that will do something similar for the Atrix?
Home button does not bring me back to home screen... Double tap does not bring me to the intended screen... when at the desktop, if at any other desktopn than the center desktop, pressing home button does not bring me to the center desktop... Long tap/hold on home button, or search does nothing...
When I use my bluetooth headset and press the main button it brings up Motorola's voice commands. I would prefer Google's Voice Controls as the default choice when using the bluetooth headset
When I receive a new SMS message it shows up in the universal inbox widget. But when I tap on the arrow to reply to this message, I can type a reply but there is no send button. If I go to the actual message thread I can reply and send, no problem. But how can I get the send button to appear when replying to messages via the universal inbox?
Ever since the last update my swype is now messing up. It freezes up and then continues. I was also really hoping for a fix for the wifi problems some of us have. I cannot connect anywhere. It worked very briefly after a reset but is now back to the same. It only works in airplane mode. I also used to be able to start it up in airplane mode and then turn airplane mode off but I now lose the signal when I do that.
Every time i want to write SMS a language field appears and i have to klick it to scroll it out of the screen get to the send button behind it.How do i disable it so it does'nt appear every time?
It's great that Swype was included with the X2 so I didn't have to downlaod it, but the fact that it's a system application means it can't be altered and therefore we're stuck with an outdated version. I can understand that the included version was probably current when the Froyo firmware was written for the phone, but to not update Swype to the current version when you rolled out Gingerbread or remove it so we can update it ourselves doesn't make any sense. If I want to have the current version, which is improved, I have to root my phone to remove Swype so I can put it back on. Any plans to change this so we can actually control what's on our phones and keep the apps up-to-date? BTW, Swype's already got another version on the way. [URL]
A brief history if it matters to trouble shooting this. I initially had to hard reset my X2 because the data encryption feature caused some unwanted effects, i.e. the data encryption feature did not work properly. Since that hard reset, I left the default keyboard input method as multi-touch. Just today I thought I woud like to try Swype. However once I bring up the keyboard input options and select the radio button by Swype, it stays greyed out. Are there some possibly 'lock out' options I might have selected that doesn't allow me to select Swype? I know Swype works because I had it before the hard reset.
Is there anyway to remove or change the language button when you bring up the keypad? i find it very annoying and unnecessary being there !! always bumping it and changing the language.
During a call, my cheek will frequently hit the Add Participant button and I will end up dialing random people while I am on a call. How do I disable that button or move it so I don't continue to do that?