Lumia 950 :: Emails Not Sending Error (Gmail / Exchange)

Jan 19, 2016

Got a new Lumia 950 about 10 days ago. Set up my 2 email accounts (Gmail, Exchange) and, initially, they both worked correctly. I was receiving messages and could reply.

Starting two days ago, out of the blue, I can no longer send messages. I am still receiving messages on both accounts. But, attempts to reply (or send a new message) result in a red "x" showing up in my inbox (next to my sent message). When I click on the message that did not send, it says "There was an error sending your message."

I just tried deleting both email accounts and reconnecting them. No luck.

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BB Torch :: Can't Add Gmail Or Exchange Emails

Jun 21, 2012

I have just got new BB torch.I have tried to add my work email account however when I go into settings > email accounts.I can only add BES account. The company I work for does not have a BES server. though other people have successfully added their outlook accounts.Some said this maybe a restriction on the sim card. should I ring.The phone was not bought on contract. Just went in to a shop and bought it.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Why Aren't Exchange Emails With Larger Attachments Sending

Jun 9, 2015

As the title says, I have a Droid Turbo that will not send emails with a few photos coming to about 15 MB. Same thing happens with our Razr M and Droid Minis, but my iPhone 6 doesn't seem to have an issue. Thought I could do something similar as the iPhone and choose what size I want the photos to be when I send (to at least make the email smaller), but I can't seem to find anything like that either. We are running Exchange 2010 and do not have any email size requirements set for incoming/outgoing mail or for the ActiveSync policy. They just sit in the Outbox until I delete them.

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BB Storm2 9550/9520 :: Sending Gmail Emails From Bb Sends Giberish

Jul 31, 2010

I recieve emails fine and some of the emails I send from my handheld work but 50% of the time my emails that I send come out in giberish. Like if I send an email from my handheld and they open it on a computer all they get is this.

bGVzcyBCbGFja0JlcnJ5DQoNCi0tLS0tT3JpZ2luYWwgTWVzc2 FnZS0tLS0tDQpGcm9tOiBsb2xh
ZXZpbiBSb3NhPGtldnJvc2FAZ21haWwuY29tPg0KUmVwbHktVG 86IGxvbGExMTgzQGhvdG1haWwu
Y29tDQpTdWJqZWN0OiBSZToNCg0KT2ggb2suLiB3ZWxsIEknbG wgYyB3aGF0IEkgY2FuIGZpbmQg
b3V0ICYgZ2V0IGJhY2sgdG8gdSEgU28gdSBkaWRuJ3QgYW5zd2 VyIGFueSBvZiBteSBxdWVzdGlv
bnMgZnJvbSBteSBwcmV2aW91cyBlbWFpbC4uIEhvdyByIHRoaW 5ncyB3b3JrL2hvbWUgZXRjLi4u
DQpTZW50IHZpYSBCbGFja0JlcnJ5riBmcm9tIFZvZGFmb25lDQ oNCi0tLS0tT3JpZ2luYWwgTWVz
c2FnZS0tLS0tDQpGcm9tOiBLZXZpbiByb3phIDxrZXZyb3NhQG dtYWlsLmNvbT4NCkRhdGU6IFdl
dG1haWwuY29tPg0KU3ViamVjdDogUmU6DQoNCmhtbSB1IG1pZ2 h0IGhhdmUgYW4gb2xkZXIgdmVy
c2lvbi4gbm90IHN1cmUuIGNhdXNlIGFsbCBiYm0gaGF2ZSBhIH Bpbg0KY29kZS4uLi4NCg0KT24g
b3RtYWlsLmNvbT53cm90ZToNCg0KPiBIaSwgeWVhaCBJJ20gdX NpbmcgYmJtIChCbGFja2JlcnJ5
IE1lc3NlbmdlcikgYnV0IEkgZG9uJ3Qga25vdyB3aGF0IG15IH Bpbg0KPiBpcy4gSSBjbGlja2Vk
IG9uIG15IG5hbWUgYnV0IG5vdGhpbmcgY2FtZSB1cCEgSSdsbC BnbyBpbnRvIG15IHNlcnZpY2UN
Cj4gcHJvdmlkZXIgbmV4dCB0aW1lIEknbSBjbG9zZSBieSAmIH NlZSBpZiB0aGV5IGNhbiB3b3Jr

Any suggestions? I recieve and send messages under my "messages" icon on my phone

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Nokia Lumia :: How To Add An Exchange Account To The Emails

Nov 26, 2012

i want to add my company's email account. I select "Outlook" as the account Type.It then asks me for my email address and password. I enter them.The only option after that is to click "sign in". It does not ask me where the server is!

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Motorola Triumph :: Sending Email Via Gmail Or Hotmail - Connection Error?

Sep 9, 2011

Lately when I try and send an e-mail via gmail or hotmail I get connection error.

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Sony Ericsson :: Error Getting Or Sending Emails On SE W395

Oct 23, 2010

In this phone is under menu- messages - e-mail option, but when i want to sent a mail than the phone said:

setup required, for info, contact your operator of

But i cant find some thing that would help me, i already have a software update/download done from this site but it doesn't work, but my internet setting are good because i can go to a lots of sites but not get email directly on my some body knows how to get and sent a mail from my SE w395?

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IPhone :: Outgoing Emails Not Sending, Error Server Does Not Allow Relaying

Apr 6, 2012

This IPhone 4 is new, I have made sure that all the credentials are correct and the outgoing settings are set up but still the emails won't send. I just sold my Blackberry which sends emails better then any other phone, I need this e-mail for work, please help?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1

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BB Bold 9700 :: Emails - Gmail Doesn't Forward To BB Emails Sent To Own

Jan 6, 2010

I'm running .400 and I cannot figure out why my Gmail doesn't forward to my BB emails sent to myself. If I'm on my PC and I compose a message to the same email address I'm writing from, which is connected with my BIS, the email doesn't appear on my BB ever.In Gmail, I have forwarding disabled but POP enabled.

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IPhone :: New Way Of Adding Gmail Via Exchange

Jun 21, 2010

Adding 2 Exchange accounts after upgrading to 4.0.Get through the process of adding Gmail as exchange, no errors.Go to fetch mail / send mail etc. and it hangs saying "cannot connect to server".Is there some new way of adding gmail via exchange on 4.0?

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IPhone :: Cannot Get Mail With Gmail Exchange?

Mar 15, 2012

I upgraded to iOS 5.1, and shortly after, my connection to the gmail Exchange server stopped working, saying: Cannog Get Mail The connection to the server failed. I've tried deleting and re-adding the account, changing my password, and completly restoring my phone, but I still get that message when I try to check my mail. I can, however, set it up as a regular gmail account, and that works just fine. Furthermore, my calendar works when I set up the Exchange account, it's only the mail that doesn't. I can also see all of my gmail labels if I look in my mailboxes, but I can't receive data. What might be preventing my Exchange account from checking my mail?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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Galaxy S6 :: GMail App - No Exchange Option

Dec 7, 2015

I've just purchased an S6 G920F from Kogan. I'm coming from a GPE HTC One M8. I'm currently trying to get it setup (just on wifi, no SIM inserted yet). I really want to use GMail app for mail because don't like the built-in one, and like how GMail syncs calendars and contacts from and Exchange servers - and I've been using it no problem for a while now.

Problem is - on the S6 when I go to add an account, I don't actually have an option for Exchange - just POP and IMAP. It seems that GMail was baked in to the ROM as I'm unable to remove it.

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IPhone :: Exchange Gmail Message Deleting

Apr 15, 2010

I decided to try Gmail set up as an exchange account (it was really buggy before) seems to be working fine now. But I have one question; When I delete messages do they get archived or do they get sent to trash? there's no option to specify this in settings as there is with the IMAP setup.

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IPhone :: Gmail Push / Exchange Option

Aug 26, 2010

To setup Gmail to do push, when I go to add mail account, do I choose exchange or the Gmail option?

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IPhone :: Exchange Password Incorrect Gmail?

Mar 13, 2012

My exchange for gmail was working fine. Email, contacts and calendar. Then I was asked for the password because a pop up said it was incorrect. No matter how many times I enter the correct password, it stills says incorrect. I have tried the following

1. Delete and reinstall all email accounts several times. When I re-create the gmail exchange everything verifies and a minute later, I gt the pop up.

2. Delete iCloud account

3. Change password and try again

4. Add gmail account under gmail and that works fine but I'm still not getting my contacts.

5. Unlock captcha. When I follow the link I get a screen saying my identity needs to be verified and them I click okay and the screen says I have 10 minutes to use password on device. I never get he option to enter the scrambled code on my PC or phone Tried google double verification. None of these have worked despite multiple attempts. I have recently switched to google chrome and am using it under my PC laptop and iMac.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Exchange And Gmail, Whats The Password They Ask For

May 10, 2012

I have been trying for the last 48 hours to try to set up the exchange and gmail setup on my Iphone 4s , i have upgraded to the latest software, I have followed many sites and videos, everything goes well except for that password

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1, My Cell

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Maxx Not Sending Exchange Email With Attachments?

Apr 21, 2012

I have a Droid razr maxx and an exchange server with it configured phone However now Im having trouble sending any email with my razr maxx on the exchange account if I try and add any sort of attachment to the email it refuses to send just sits in my outbox?

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IPhone :: Gmail As Exchange Account: Advantages / Disadvantages?

Aug 24, 2010

Can someone explain to me the advantages of setting up Gmail as an Exchange account on the iPhone 4?I've been searching all over and all I've found is that this setup will allow push emails. Are there any other advantages/disadvantages?I currently have Gmail setup through the default iPhone Gmail setup and my work email as Exchange.

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IPhone :: My 4s Wont Send Gmail But Exchange Works

May 15, 2012

I have an iPhone 4 and I have three email accounts setup.Corporate ExchangeCloudGmail

The top two work with no problem but when I try to send an email with my gmail account, I receive the following:

"The connection to the outgoing server "" failed. Additional outgoing mail servers can be configured in settings > mail, contacts, calendars.

I have checked and rechecked and the settings are correct. I have deleted the account and set it up with the "other" option using Google's instructions. I have checked the SSL port numbers, they are correct and I have imap and POP enabled in my gmail account, and it still will not work. This did work at one time, and now it's not. Any thoughts?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Change Outgoing Name In Gmail When Using Microsoft Exchange?

May 20, 2012

I am using Microsoft Exchange for the PUSH notification because Gmail Account only fetches data. I want to use PUSH because I want to receive real time email messages. I also want to add my middle name in the outgoing name.

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Gmail Exchange Account Always Sends Mail Using Full Name

Jul 7, 2010

I have my Gmail account set up on my iPhone as Exchange, to get push email. The issue I am having:In my Gmail account settings, I have it set to send mail using only my initials, so that when I send a message to someone they will only see (A J) for example. When sending emails from my browser in gmail, this works fine. If I go to my iPhone, and send a response to an email thread, it will send from my full name. Any emails that I send from my iPhone automatically show my full name. Is there some type of account setting for this? I don't want it to use my full name when I send email from the phone. I have looked everywhere and don't see any setting for this. I have also called Apple support and they have no idea.

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Eseries / Communicators :: E7 Active Exchange Email (for Gmail) No Longer Working

Feb 26, 2012

I had setup and Active Exchange account for my Gmail (this way I could also sync my mail, calendar, and todo lists easily). Everything was working smoothly, until I installed the Mircrosoft Apps update yesterday. Now I can no longer get this to work. It says my Inbox is empty and never finds any mail. It did work yesterday after I deleted the mail account re setup the active exchange account. But then last night I turned my phone off and this morning when I had turned it on, the account email inbox was all blank/empty. The Calendar was still synced though.Now I am trying to re setup the account, and its not working at all.(Nokia E7 Belle phone)

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IPhone :: Does It Backup 3rd Party (Exchange, Gmail, Etc) Mail Settings And Passwords

Apr 20, 2012

iPhone Backup - Does it back up 3rd party(Exchange, gMail, etc) mail settings and Passwords?So when I go to transfer/restore my backup to a new phone, will the exchange account settings, like server, user name and password be restored to the new iPhone?

iPhone 3GS (8GB), iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Using Exchange To Sync Gmail, Calendar And Contacts Doesn't Work?

Apr 26, 2012

I have iphone with 5.1 and latest version of itunes and use a gmail account. I was using gmail directly to sync mail and calendar but this didn't (or at least I could find a way to) sync my gmail contacts to my phone contacts so i decided to use Exchange. I deleted my gmail account from my phone and added the Exchange account, following all the instructions on many websites like this one [url]. I selected 'ON' for mail, contacts and calendars. When I refresh contacts and calendar on iphone nothing happens. When I go in mail and refresh that it comes up with 'Cannot Get Mail. The connection to the server failed.'. I deleted the account and reset up in case i messed anything up but it's still not working.

iPhone 4, Windows 7

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BB Software :: Gmail IMAP Not Receiving, Only Sending?

Aug 30, 2010

I have been using gmail as my personal email and it's been syncing wonderfully via IMAP with my blackberry. My company just migrated over to a hosted gmail and I've added the email address to my BB and have configured the setting to IMAP enabled. I added the additional Lab to make sure the "show in imap" is checked off. However, I'm not receiving any emails. The ironic thing is that I'm able to send emails via my bb but when I reply from the outside address (reply via online), the reply message arrives in my actual inbox but not on my bb.

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Xperia X10 :: Sending Mail From Gmail Application?

Dec 4, 2010

Have been using X10 for around 5 month, have faced one issue that while sending mail from Gmail App, mail always show "sending" status.But mail gets delivered to destined person.I dont know whether this problem is with my phone only or a software glitch with X10.First i thought that this is software problem, so i have upgraded to Android 2.1 but still the problem persists

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IPhone 5s :: Won't Download Emails From Exchange

Jun 24, 2014

My iPhone 5s won't download emails from an exchange. It verifies correct but then asks for the password over and over

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BB Curve :: BIS Stopped Working With Exchange Emails

Oct 26, 2011

I have a user who, around the time of the big RIM outage, lost the ability to receive emails from her work email. At the time I just left it alone since I thought it had to do with the outage. However, she still isn't receiving emails. I've tried to troubleshoot this by re-creating her account but I keep getting authentication failures that get delivered to the users mailbox. She contacted her provider and they were no help. I've also tried setting this up on another phone and run into the same issue. As far as the server itself, there hasn't been any changes at all.

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BB Torch :: Cannot Send Emails From Phone Only On The Exchange

Nov 1, 2011

I can send emails from my AOL acount with no problem. I am connected to my work Enterprise Exchange Server. I can receive emails to my phone from the server, but I cannot get any emails to send from my phone. They are not leaving my phone at all. I have pulled the battery, I have tried resetting to factory settings, is there something else I need to try?

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BB Torch :: Unopened Emails On An Exchange Server

Apr 2, 2012

I am functioning on an exchange server. I am finding that e-mails opened on my bb are open in Microsoft Outlook on my desktop. However, e-mails opened on my desktop are remaining unopened on my BB. The two will not reconcile, my handheld is taking precedence over any changes made on the desktop in outlook

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Motorola Xoom :: Not Able To Reply To Emails Exchange

May 14, 2011

i can create and send exchange emails, i can receive emails. however if i reply to an email it never sends. i have removed my account and readded same issue. i can send from my android 2.2 mobile.

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