I discover a really annoying bug when using flash and manual focus. So to reproduce it with no doubt, use a white subject, like a written paper, or something white to capture at a very close distance, let's say 20 cm (or 7 inches). Then:
- Open Nokia Camera. - First thing, select manual focus. - Be sure Flash is on. - Now take the picture.
What you now (should) have is an unusual burned picture. If you take the same picture, with totally the same settings, and using autofocus, instead, the light is normal and the paper correct.
I discover a "workaround" with pressing the autofucus button, let it try to focus something, first, and then using Manual Focus (it seems like a first procedure in autofocusing resets some parameters).
After this and taken the picture, flash and light seem correct, but comparing the autofocus picture taken first, with the Manual Focus one taken later, the manual one results again a bit brighter (in my example the color changed and the more brightness is barely noticeable, but I assure you, depending on colors and distance, it gets just more).
I already tried on 3 1020s.
1 - mine 2 - a friend of mine's 3 - one in a NStore shop directly from the shelf (the employer was embarassed for not knowing that issue).
For some reason today when i opened up my camera to take a few shots it had problem auto focusing on items close to me, as you know when you tap the screen to focus on a point in the screen you get the circle and a small beep to let you know it's focusing ok, it seemed to have problems getting to this point and there was an audible high pitched buzzing or clicking sound coming from the lens itself and the screen image would not come into focus
the phone has not been dropped or roughly handled so i am 100% sure it's not an issue caused by being knocked, i have tried a reset and a reboot but the issue still remains, also i have done no recent updates and there are none showing so that's not the issue either
I have a Nokia Lumia 1020. When I plug in my phone to charge it turns on my camera. And the camera button which is the last button on the left doesn't turn on my camera. What's wrong or how to fix it...
My new 1020 doesn't seem to focus on (especially) close-up objects ! Everytimes i tap on the subjects to focus (close-up / macro), the camera unable to lock the focus ! Is it normal for 1020 or manufacturing defect ?
My 1020 photos are appalling at the moment. They are just unfocused. Took photos of my daughter seeing Santa yesterday, no time to fiddle with settings. Ended up with awful out of focus shots, friends Iphone pics were fab. So fed up, I nearly missed the pics altogether because of the loading screen.
Sometimes when the camera starts focusing to make a picture, it makes a really high pitched sound. It continues when the camera has focused until the picture is made. The sound certainly doesn't come from the speakers and isn't triggered by the phone itself but purely by the camera on the back, so it has to be something hardware related.
It isn't that big of a problem, the camera certainly isn't malfunctioning, but I was with a friend today who asked me what that sound was and I'm wondering as well, since it isn't supposed to produce sounds like that.
I just realize my camera won't autofocus, it's only focused on the objects that is quiet far it doesn't work with the nearest objects. Any idea what's going on with it? is it because of some photography apps? cuz i have lots of photography apps.
got my new 1020 yesterday and update it all the way to the Denim update. I'm not sure if it caused by that, but now I can't make Voice messages on WhatsApp or facebook massager or voice search..
I dropped my phone from my car and now the macro setting doesn't work. and it doesn't autofocus. :( I have warranty except I did the gdr3 update. lol...
Is it possible to save settings on the 1020 Nokia Camera App so that it starts with these settings? I'm assuming it would mean altering the way the app is coded, or possibly using and add-on type of extension for it. I'd like it to start in 'Sports' mode as this is the one I use most often, and in my haste often forget to change.
I already installed Camera Extras app on my Lumia 800, but when I try to use one of its features the camera format switch automatically to 4:3 format.Is anybody who knows about this bug ?
I am having trouble picking up audio while taking a video on my 1020. The speaker will play other audio (music, videos, internet videos), just not when I record. Also nothing comes out of my speaker phone when I switch it on. My phone updated to a newer version and that's when it stopped working.
How to use manual mode for pictures and video? Obviously I don't know much about photography. Also, how to take good pictures when the subject is in motion? Auto mode definitely isn't working for that...
Every time I choose a scene mode and go back to manual mode the settings gets reset. (i.e. focus mode, ISO, metering mode.) It is annoying to set it everytime. Why can't the app remember my settings.
When I start any camera app on my Lumia 1020 the picture is blurry if I'm pointing the camera at anything over 6 inches away or so. When I push the camera button in it attempts to focus. Sometimes it will focus on distant objects the way it should, but most of the time it does not and everything stays blurry. This happened after receiving the latest update(not sure what update version). I've tried reinstalling Nokia Cam but it does not fix the problem. I haven't tried resetting to factory setting yet because I do not wish to have to redo everything on the phone.
My phone is a Nokia 1020. I installed the Windows 10 preview. I found that the camera didn't work properly so I used the recovery tool to revert back to Windows 8.1. Now my phone thinks it is a Nokia 909 instead of a 1020.
I have a problem since last month. My camera doesn't work. When I open any of the apps that use the camera it just get black. Bought a new camera and still the same problem. Updated to 8.1 and still the same problem.
When I use manual mode in camera, tripod icon and macro icon doesn't show when i use tripod or shoot a macro object. But the icons show when i use superior auto mode. Did all you have the same behaviour ? or it's just my phone ? My device is Z5 Premium Dual ....
My 1020 seems to have a problem when set to infinity focus...the pictures end up a bit blurry. The strange thing is that on autofocus the picture is perfectly sharp...which makes me think this is a software issue rather than hardware.
I uploaded 2 pictures to show you the issue. Both were taken on a tripod and 2 seconds self timer to avoid handshake. ISO was set at 100 and everything else left on auto except for focus mode.
So I got my nokia lumia 920 yesterday and it was working fine, however after a few hours my camera just died, I can't launch it with the button or the camera app and none of the other apps like the panorama works either. I'm really disappointed because I really liked the lumia 920.
After using the phone for playing a game or some other cpu intensive app the phone gets hot. I noticed the camera will not work until the phone has cooled off. Everything else works except the camera in this situation.
I'm positive this has been brought up before, the camera button is only able to load up in auto superior mode which is great for basic quick camera needs but for users who want to use the camera to its full potential (20.7 MP) you need to shoot in manual mode. It seems like a simple addition to the camera which would allow everyone to use the camera app how they prefer. Is there a fix coming for this, is there a setting I'm missing? Seems silly to put a good camera in a phone and have it so inaccessible.
I keep having issues with my camera button. I'm not sure if it's a hardware or software issue, but whenever I press the button to take a picture, I end up with a short 2-3 second video instead. The setting for "hold camera button" is disabled, not det to photo bursts or video. The camera icon on screen works fine, but having a dedicated camera button was a huge game changer for me.
A couple of days ago, my I tried to open my camera and it just get black. I tried opening every app that use the camera but all of then just get black. 2 hours later the camera came back to normally. It have happened 3 times this week.
According to the Android Documentation, Camera.Parameters, the FOCUS_MODE_FIXED should usually set the camera focus to a hyperfocal mode, which should cover most of the focusable area. Testing with it however reveals that on my Xperia Neo, it is equal to FOCUS_MODE_INFINITE, which means that not a lot besides the sky and far-far away buildings are in focusable area.
Testing with a simple scene with different distances, it seems that in infinite setting, even stuff at some 30 meters (haven't measured exactly, but it's far away under cealing) is unfocused.
Sample pictures taken rapidly after each other (auto and fixed even at the same second): [URL]
Is there still a way to get it into proper hyperfocal setting?
The reason I'm asking this is to be able to put the camera into car and have it stay at a fixed focus, since vibrations of the car distract the continuous autofocus.
I tried to video shoot on lumia 1020. Sitting at same place focusing on same subject the light seems to vary. The subject in focus becomes darker and then lighter. I had used Procam app, the default Nokia camera app seems to be more stable..
I got my iphone less than a month ago, and it worked fine untill i opened the camera app testerday. i want it to auto focus to the letters in a book, and it won't auto focus, and i tried tapping it it still doesn't work. everything close up is blurry. i tried everything that i can, turning it off, restart camera app, clean the camera.