IPhone :: Update Original Software On 4 To IOS 5?
Jul 4, 2012Is it possible to update my iPhone 4 via wifi the general settings has no "update" option...
iPhone 4
Is it possible to update my iPhone 4 via wifi the general settings has no "update" option...
iPhone 4
I need to know how to continue to update iphone but the screen is still on the original update I cant even turn my phone off to start the update again.
iPhone 4
I am trying to restore my iphone 3G back to original settings after failed update and always receiving error 1015.
iPhone 3G
Yesterday I updated my X2-00's software but I didn't have time to backup the stuff on it so I went straight to the install. I regret doing this because the tone I use for SMS messages (beep once) has changed and I do not like the new one!! It is too quiet and doesn't sound as notifying as the original Beep Once tone. As this is a tone not accessible through any of the folders in the gallery, people have had trouble trying to obtain this tone! Or would a rollback of my software work?
View 1 Replies View Relatedclicking on restore asks me to update to the newest version as well. I want to put 3.1.2 on there so the next owner can unlock if they want to. I cannot seem to find the correct ipsw for the 3gs 3.1.2 original. Sorry if this question has been posted before I couldn't find it recently.
View 11 Replies View Related3months ago I updated my iphone 3Gs IOS to IOS 5.01, and it had issues on battery life.Without any usage, sometimes the battery empty in 4 hours - 8 hours.Yesterday I updated my iPhone 3Gs IOS to the newest IOS 5.10.But it still didn't solve the battery issue, in fact it's getting worse.Without any usage, the battery empty in 20 minutes.Now I want to have my original IOS back
Can u tell me how to restore iphone 3Gs IOS to its original IOS?
Info:iPhone 3GS, iOS 5
i have iphone 4 from swedan i want to know how its open without original activation sim card
iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1
how do i get my phone activated without original sim
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1
is their any way to know what carrier has locked my phone, i have been submit the unlocking request to AT&T but they return it twice, now how to know which operator unlock it?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
How to check wether the iphone 4s is original or fake..?
Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1
Hi apple,
Last week my iphone 4s was stolen, yesterday i got it back thanks to jesus.
The problem is that i got it with a jailbrake O.S, i just want to know how can i restore it to original state.
iPhone 4S
reset an original 2g before it goes to a new owner, but I cant remember the password and it wont open with my itunes acct
iphone 2g
I cropped a picture on my phone in my picture reel and the original isnt there anymore. can anyone explain why or how i can get it back?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
how to see orignal log in apple 4 g ?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
I'm trying to restore my iphone to original settings because it is jailbroke and keeps giving me a hard time. It begins to download and midway I receive an error code and then I get disconnected from my sync. How can I update and restore my phone?
iPhone 4, iOS 4.3.3
I bought my iphone online, but it's simlocked. Apparently only the original provider can remove the simlock, but I dont know who it is. Is there a way to discover this provider (through IMEI or other data from the phone)? I am searching for a legal way (which probably involves paying for the unlocking), but it would really suck if I bought an iphone which I can't even use ...
iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1
I bought my iPhone 4 from UK with an Orang contact. now i live in Belgium Unfortunetly i lost my original sim and i restore my iphone now i can not active my iphone without original sim card.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
how do check my original carrier name?i m from pakistan and i want my iphone factory unlock through internet bcz i m using iphone 4 turbo sim card
iPhone 3G, Windows 7
What is my original restrictions passcode? My phone is locked.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
I got an iphone 4S as a gift from China. How to find out whether it's a fake or an original iphone?
iPhone 4S
Need to update iPhone; have backed up but that will not protect apps etc. cant sync with own original computer; how do I keep Apps or am I simply being shafted into losing it all.
iPhone 4
I took a picture with my iPhone 4S. I used the auto-correct tool to fix the red eye and pressed "Save." Afterwards I realized it blacked out or "corrected" part of the picture that was not a red eye. Anyway I can revert to the original picture?
iPhone 4S
I had been using this iphone for itunes and decided to get all the pics off so did a restore. Now it won't let me do anything to it because there is no SIM card in it before. I could always hook it up and sync before but this time I did a restore and it won't do anything now that its erased.Â
iPhone 3G, I can't tell a thing right now
I have a iphone 3gs 3.1.2 MC model that was jailbroken via tethered blackra1n. The problem is now when i try to restore to original firmware the phone resets and gets to that itunes connect screen (which is probably caused by blackra1n tethered jailbreak). The only way i can get out of that screen is to rejailbreak by blackrain because itunes will only allow me the option of restoring and updating to 3.1.3 which will screw me over for a unlock .How can i restore my firmware to a clean 3.1.2 without dealing with the connect to itunes freeze and not upgrading to 3.1.3?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow can i retrieve back original applications to iphone 4s?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAfter 3 dayes from buying my new i phone 4S it's fall and broken the front glass only, the touch and the LED work totaly normal.
what i want is the original one of the front screen for the i phone 4S and how i cant recognized it from any other simulated manufacture.
I am using a new sim in the 3Gs but the registered phone number on the device details remains the same so when you use imessaging it displays the old phone number. How do I change this?
iPhone 3GS (8GB), iOS 5.1
can anyone tell me ,hw to get iphone4 oem display from apple? i've no reseller or any apple
iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1
my ipone was recently disabled due to some "friend" trying to break into it, but i dont have the computer i originally synced it with, only a computer that i have never synced it with. is there a way to undisable it, even if it means losing all my data?
iPhone 4S
It seems that I have an iPhone that had the password changed and then forgot so ended up locking the phone. Once locked I was advised to go to the Apple store where they said to connect to the original PC, but that machine is no longer available (hard drive crash and wipe). There is no back-up available, so how can I reset the password to access the phone? And then sync (or transfer) the iPhone to a new computer? Any special needs to complete a backup at this time?
iPhone 4, crash
I have one computer in the family and 3 devices - an iPod Touch 4G, and 2 iPhone 4S'. I never sync the iPhones to the computer, only the iPod Touch, and I have 3 separate iTunes libraries for each. So today I tried connecting one of the iPhones to the computer, but a message popped up saying that the device was already synced to another library, and I would have to Erase and Sync. I tried looking for the library I made specifically for that device, but when I opened it, the library was exactly the same as the one I use for my iPod! How do I find the original iTunes library I made for the iPhone?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1