IPhone :: See Original Login Apple 4g?
May 9, 2012how to see orignal log in apple 4 g ?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
how to see orignal log in apple 4 g ?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
can anyone tell me ,hw to get iphone4 oem display from apple? i've no reseller or any apple
iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1
How do I activate my iPhone5 when I forgot my original Apple ID
iPhone 5,iOS 7
iphone 4 stopped accepting the apple's original chargers ios after I upgraded to 5.1.1.have tried usb/pc too but fail again , T_T i live in Brazil and didnt have genious bar here . what i can do?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1, charger
i cant loggin my apple id and cant reset password
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have Iphone 4on iOS 5.1.1 when it was on iOS 5.1 everithing was fine but now what ever I do Apple ID popup. exp. open You tube - some games - if someone is caling me ... etc.
I have updated to iOS 5.1.1by phone not by PC. What should I do restore my iphone or?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
I just realized that when I made an account on Game Center, I typed in the wrong e-mail address and apple ID. Now when I go to try and change it, it says my Apple ID is already in use by another. I do not see how that is possible as my ID is unique to me (e-mail address) and I use it on Apple.com, iTunes, ect. and it works just fine. I changed my Apple ID when I got my iPhone. I also have an iPod touch, but the Game Center on my iPod was under a different email and old ID that I forgot about. I never used game center on my iPod except for a select few times.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
ICLOUD, I cannot log on using my apple ID
iPhone 5, Windows7
how to intorduce an appstore icon into my iphone4s?
Info: iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
When I open my music app ( the apple music app) on my phone, it keeps asking me to enter in my Apple ID password. It's not an incorrect password. And it happens every time I open it. I opened my setting for iTunes and it has my Apple ID username and password logged in mad home sharing is On. It did not do this until I had to switch to a new phone due to itouch issues.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI can't log into imessage. When I restart my iphone 3GS it asks me to enter my imessage account password, as far as i know I haven't got one, unless it is the same as my itunes account which I thought it would be. what I can do to get it to work?
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1
The story so far: I bought an accessory in Nov 2011 at an Apple Retail Store. (Philips dual-dock speaker) It started malfunctioning in Mar 2012. (Dock not charging anymore) I brought it to an Apple Store (closer to my place), they were happy to replace it on the spot, except that there was none in stock. So I was advised to go to an other Store (the original one), where they had stock. So far, so good for service. I went to the other store, but there I was told that they could not replace it because I had bought it more than 14 days before, so I had to contact the manufacturer directly! So my questions are:
- What is, if any, the actual policy on non-Apple product repair & replacement?
- Why don't all store follow the same policy?
- Should I just try my luck again with another person, until I strike gold and get it replaced?
Philips DCS390
apple id won't let me change my credit card info it keeps saying to contact apple support
iPhone 4S
I made a purchase for a black bumper and paid $31.60 but when I go to the Apple.com website to check the status of my refund its shows "There is no record of a refund for the receipt number you entered." I tried entering my receipt number plus last 4 of card and I also tried just entering the full CC number as well and get that response for both.
Just wanting to know if anyone has possibly experienced before, wanted to to see if any Macforum members have had this issue and what was the resolution to your issue? Should I just call Apple? Are they giving refunds in store if you take in your receipt?
We are going to set up numerous iPod Touches through apple Configurator and would NOT like it to include the default apple apps when preparing.
iPod touch
when i try to update my apps on my Iphone my sons apple id appears and i can't change it to my apple id
iPhone 3GS
My company surprised me with one so I don't need the one I purchased.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy primary apple ID is my yahoo account how do I change it to [URL]?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), iOS 5.0.1
Apple keeps disabling my apple i.d. and telling me my password is wrong. What do I do?
iPhone 3GS
i've reset my apple id password 3 times but it stills says my apple id has been disabled. although i never entered it incorrectly to begin with.
iPhone 4S
I changed my apple ID as per instructions,but when I go to update apps the old apple ID comes up, how do I remedy this?
iPhone 4
How do I change my apple id for my iphone so it matches the separate apple id for my ipod?
iPhone 4S
If they do.I am not sure what I might do!
I just want white ones.
clicking on restore asks me to update to the newest version as well. I want to put 3.1.2 on there so the next owner can unlock if they want to. I cannot seem to find the correct ipsw for the 3gs 3.1.2 original. Sorry if this question has been posted before I couldn't find it recently.
View 11 Replies View Related3months ago I updated my iphone 3Gs IOS to IOS 5.01, and it had issues on battery life.Without any usage, sometimes the battery empty in 4 hours - 8 hours.Yesterday I updated my iPhone 3Gs IOS to the newest IOS 5.10.But it still didn't solve the battery issue, in fact it's getting worse.Without any usage, the battery empty in 20 minutes.Now I want to have my original IOS back
Can u tell me how to restore iphone 3Gs IOS to its original IOS?
Info:iPhone 3GS, iOS 5
i have iphone 4 from swedan i want to know how its open without original activation sim card
iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1
how do i get my phone activated without original sim
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1
is their any way to know what carrier has locked my phone, i have been submit the unlocking request to AT&T but they return it twice, now how to know which operator unlock it?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
How to check wether the iphone 4s is original or fake..?
Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1
Hi apple,
Last week my iphone 4s was stolen, yesterday i got it back thanks to jesus.
The problem is that i got it with a jailbrake O.S, i just want to know how can i restore it to original state.
iPhone 4S
reset an original 2g before it goes to a new owner, but I cant remember the password and it wont open with my itunes acct
iphone 2g