IPhone :: Severe Battery Drainage With 4s And 4 Since Recent Update To 5.1?
Mar 19, 2012
Most recently having severe battery drainage on my 4s and also my partners 4, is this possible due to recent 5.1 update or could it be associated with an app update ? Which there have been several since 5.1 was released, I,m not sure also but my new iPad possibly maybe showing similar effects. As mentioned this all has happened over the last few days. Could there be a conflict with an App and iOS 5.1 ? This has become so frustrating as my battery only now lasts a few hours before re-charging. Can Apple please look into this issue, as I,m sure there must be other users with same issue. Please find a fix for this problem.
I left my iPhone 4s (iOS 5.1, no jailbreak or anything, purchased early January) charging overnight last night for about 10 hours. This morning, when I unplugged it at 8:30 AM, it was at 100% battery life. I used it lightly for the next four hours, playing music on it for about three of them and doing a few web searches/responding to a couple of emails on 3g (WiFi and Bluetooth were disabled). By about 12:20, the battery was down to 40%. At 12:28, and 37% battery, it shut down and gave me the "dead battery" screen when I tried to turn it back on. Needless to say this was a pretty big inconvenience, since I expect it to last me the whole day. When I got home this evening, I plugged it back in, and as soon as it turned on it showed 37% battery. What's going on? I'm charging it up fully right now, but I really need it to work and I'm hoping the same thing doesn't happen tomorrow (although at least I'll bring my charger with me just in case).
I just purchased an iPhone 3Gs from the Apple store on Wednesday (May 23rd)On Thursday my battery drained so fast I had to charge it by 7pm that night. I started my day at 9am with it fully charged. Why is it doing this and how can I change it? Replace it?
Is anyone else experiencing the life being sucked out of their battery after the recent version 5.1.1 iphone software update? Last update to 5.0 did the same thing, but there was a patch released a few weeks afterwards. Any info on when a patch for this most recent version update will be released? Thanks!!
I charged my 3GS iphone last night, unplugged it at 98% and went to bed.woke up less than 3 hours later, found it to be at 53% and was radiating heat. I plugged it back into the charger, which helped it cool down, but this has been a recurring problem.this is happening and whether Apple can replace the battery or any other part?
I updated to iOS5.1 and am noticing high battery drainage. Battery 100% charged can not last the entire day.Previously it was not so. No change in usage habits!! Is it some reported bug in iOS5.1. I updated to it directly while on iOS 5.0
I recently installed the new update, My battery is draining twice as fast as usual with nearly no uses (40% in 8 hours whilst at work) even with all the network features turned off and in standby.
I purchased a brand new E52 at amazon.de.The device is super, I've got all things running without any problems. The programs running in background on the device were:
- Push Exchange sync over WLAN (if available) or UMTS;
- VoIP Client, always registered.
The device worked about 16 hours; after wards was the battery empty. Well, I had two GSM/UMTS conversations - 5 minutes each - and I tested the OVI maps - maybe 15 minutes navigation with A-GPS.There is one more thing: the device gets pretty warm.The phone was RMAd back to amazon.de. I've got a new one: it was pretty the same.My question: am I unlucky or is the E52 generally so? Should I try once more, I mean, a new delivery?My old E51, which is unfortunately already Ebay'ed, did work with the same load at least 3 days. And, don't forget, it has a smaller battery than the E52.
I have had my Torch 9810 for many months and have consistently gotten up to two days on one charge - until the last few weeks. I have tried to locate any apps that might be running in the background that mysteriously got turned on. Is ther any status option that lets you know what's running? And why does the new mesage status icon (red *) not go away when I clear the messages?
I noticed after using the phone in the car dock, battery strats draining nearly twice as fast compared to before docking it and it is sinsibly warmer just sitting in standby with screen off. It goes back to normal battery use if I reboot the phone.
I recently did the ICS RUU update from the HTC Dev site, all good generally but phone now suffers from severe lag at times, mostly during intensive 3D games but often during typing (I use SlideIt). Same games, same SlideIt, same phone, performance fine on Android 3, but I'm thinking of downgrading unless there is a fix for this. Games often pause themselves when the going gets tough, and sometimes bomb out to the home page.
If a Particular App or a widget is draining the Battery which I dont know as yet as in who is the culprit, how can I identify which App is causing the problem. Is it Pure Guess Work?
So far so good since the update but the only problem now that i noticed is the battery. Since the update, my phone now consumes more power and i have to charge it at least once every day. Before the update i was charging it every 3 days.
So once again I am posting becasue I've been having this issue with my storm all day long. It started this morning when I noticed my phone was using data nonstop and it began to drain my battery. My battery died already once and now I am charging the phone with the radio turned off. It keep showing the arrows sending and recieving from the moment I turn the radio on. I realize that .419 had many issues but I went as far as deleting all my apps and one theme and still I get this problem. I also deleted BBM but no matter what I try it continues. Can anyone shed some light on how I can fix this little lemon. I pulled battery about 10 times what can I do?
I updated my iPhone 4 last Sunday and since then, every time I send a text to a non-iMessage user, if the text is over 20 characters, I'm being told that it cuts off the last word and sends it as a second text to my friends. Is anyone else having this trouble? I know it isn't a big issue, but it's annoying to my friends to send two messages and the second only has one word in it. I'm with Sprint, but I can't imagine it being a carrier problem, right?
iphone 4s working fine. Updated to 7.1.1 and text messages / imessages sporadically sent. Notification of unsent message sometime hours late. the same thing happened after the last update. am I doing something wrong? I'm quite old fashioned and simply want my phone to function without digging through lengthy troubleshooting pages. apple products used to simply 'work' now it seems .
I haven't read anything lately regarding the problem jailbroken phones have when runinng the last Skype update, in regards to multitasking and background support.
Are there any news? Is it due to mobile substrate? I'm just curious since I haven't seen any talk about this.
I recently (Aug 2014) updated my iphone 4 and now I am unable to stream any radio from apps on my phone.For example "Tune in " app.Phone wont even start to buffer ! Have tried turning phone right off and on again but this made no difference.
So I've had my tour now since August. It's my first BB and have learned a lot about BB's and how to use them. For a while my battery life was pretty bad. i finally learned how to manage my battery life and for the past few months I have been able to go a whole day and still have 40-60% battery left. The past two days though by 10pm my phone has been dead. Does anyone know what could be causing my battery life to be so bad over the past two day?
my time/date suddenly looks huge to me. Kind of jarring I think. I'm not sure if it's changed somehow, or if I've just never noticed before. Does this look like the standard size? Is there any way it may have changed??
I've used my Bold 9700 every day since I got it back in November. I typically charge it every 2nd or 3rd night with the wall charger while I sleep and have been very happy with the battery life. Two days ago while in my office, I noticed the battery was very low, so I used the USB cable to charge it. It seemed to work well, but the charge didn't seem to last as it needed to be charged the very next day. I chalked it up to the possibility that it didn't fully charge from the USB connection, so I plugged it in to the wall charger last night as I typically do. This morning it was fully charged, although I did notice it was a little warmer than it usually is. Now, 6 hours later, with almost no use, the device is completely dead! At first I thought it had shut off, but I just plugged it in to to find the device boot up once power was supplied. I checked the device status and it says it has 2% power. Does anyone know what may have happened or have any advice for things I can check?
Has anyone noticed a bad battery drain on Sprint running .484 over the last 2 or 3 days or so? I don't know what the deal is, but I have been charging my phone over night, and within 2 hours, and barely any use at all, it drains to about 80%.I don't know why. I am not doing or running anything different than I normally do. Was just wondering if anyone else has been experiencing the same thing?The only thing I can think of is maybe they are doing something with the towers where I live, NJ, and that is causing my phone to search for a signal more, thus causing a drain.
My T-Mobile 8220 (which was replaced in April because the Bluetooth quit) worked fine for several months (under light use) and then the battery, which was previously long lasting, started to drain rapidly. It began draining 20-30 percent in 24 hours even when the phone was turned off. I thought it was because the battery was over a year old, so I bought an apparently new one, a RIM-branded C-M2 (from EMTC, Inc., for $9.95 including shipping). The new battery performed the same as the original (which was about 14 months old). I've kept everything turned off when the phone is on except the minimum (e.g., no wireless, GPS or Bluetooth service running), reset the phone and updated the software to v.; no change.
I then talked to T-Mobile customer service, who considering what I had already tried, had no further suggestions. The CS tech felt there is most likely a problem in the phone's hardware. (The phone is now out of warranty.)As a last step before updating the software to v. .308, recommended in this forum, I drained the battery 100 percent a couple of times, which in each case took about 2.5 days. Still no improvement. In fact, upon completing charging immediately after those two cycles, the battery completely drained essentially overnight.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is the phone on the way out or have I more likely been dealing with two bad batteries?
So every time I delete an installed theme on the device it goes through an extreme lag session. I check the cpu and see that it does some heavy load for a while like several hours. I have to restart the phone to have it operate normally, but I dont know why that happens all the time every time I delete or erase a theme. It was like this from the start since I bought the phone and I hope I'm no the only one experiencing this because I can't find any data on Google too.